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what enb is this?? what sweet FX? what palette? what grass mod? what water meshes?


Its this awesome thing called photoshop.




What's shopped about it? That's not even that impressive a shot. You could get a similar look with RealVision, watermesh maybe Skyrim HD 2k, no SweetFX required, palette pretty neutral. Don't know about grass mod.


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what enb is this?? what sweet FX? what palette? what grass mod? what water meshes?


Its this awesome thing called photoshop.



What's shopped about it? That's not even that impressive a shot. You could get a similar look with RealVision, watermesh maybe Skyrim HD 2k, no SweetFX required, palette pretty neutral. Don't know about grass mod.






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Heya Guys !
Anyone knows where can I find the armor set Shocky has equipped to Arielle in these screenies ?
Is it a full set ? if not , do u know the parts he used ? Also wanna know if it supports TBBP/BBP..


Thanks in advance
and all credits to Shocky for his awesome character and Sevenbase conversions xhappy.png.pagespeed.ic.mxnmYOJ48K.png

P.S:  I am also pretty sure it is not the Lethal Majesty set ( I have that already ^^  )

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i don't know about the ENB, looks kind of like Realvision or ProjectENB maybe, because it's quite colorful.. Buutt


Here is her tattoo. : http://m0ckin9bird.tumblr.com/post/65899083634/lilith-tattoo-from-bordelands

I think the goggles are indeed the Dwemer goggles.

She has scoped bows, which you can find on Nexus of course.

Her face and ears im thinking was made with either ECE [which is much more popular sadly] Or the newer versions of Racemenu.

Her eyes, look kind of like a set from the Eyes of Beauty - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722/?

Her armor im thinking is this. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4868/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D4868%26preview%3D&pUp=1

But with different gloves and boots/legings.

The tail is killing me i can't find it anywhere, at first i thought it was a succubus tail, but found that lead to be disappointing. So i couldn't find the tail :/

As for her body mod, looks a little like UNP skinny or Petite. Oh and her skin looks like SG Renewal.


Hope this helps!

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At one point in time I had a set of mods that allowed me to see NPC stats above the console when viewing the console and clicking on an NPC. I don't know what mod it was, but it was valuable for figuring out why your ally is stuck in an eternal collapsing loop despite using dispelallspells and restoring their health. Does anybody know what mod added that?

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At one point in time I had a set of mods that allowed me to see NPC stats above the console when viewing the console and clicking on an NPC. I don't know what mod it was, but it was valuable for figuring out why your ally is stuck in an eternal collapsing loop despite using dispelallspells and restoring their health. Does anybody know what mod added that?




although if you have SL Framework installed, you shouldve have that alrdy though (_ _")


correct me if im wrong ? C:

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