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SexLab Framework Development

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If new system will have positions set corectly for each race by race size then is there still a need for keys to change positioning?

I would think so in the event the player is playing with a custom scale / size. Unless there is an algorithm / function to set the positions based on the ability to query the sizes of the actors on the fly.

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  • Threads now track how long they've played vaginal, anal, and oral animations and provide a property for modders to access this
  • Changed vaginal, anal, and oral stat tracking - instead of tracking how many times an actor has ended on an animation with one of those tags, it now tracks how many seconds they've played an animation with that tag and feeds that into calculating your proficiency level. Essentially now you can play a blow job at the start, end on a vaginal animation, and still get experience credit for both.
That sounds useful.

How are the functions to get the current thread data? I guess the actor stats are still called by 'GetActorStat()'? Are the actor stats updated during an animation (= live, or online) or are they only updated after the animation has finished?

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I have been using the alpha version since I have not been playing the game much and just have had time to test out mods. So far i have not had any issues with Sexlab, everything seems to be working just fine with it and all the mods I normally use.

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I noticed when pressing ] to change location during an animation, you don't stand up. You stay in the sex position while moving around. Not game breaking, but odd. :)


Ok found the first error with sexlab and it is similar to what I quoted. For me I stand up but if I try to move to a new location it just rubber bands me right back next to the NPC so I can't actually change locations. Other than that I have not found any other bugs yet.

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I'm working on adding Expressions back, which will have a toggle in the MCM for forcing them all off or enabling them, they will be disabled by default. Lip sync on moans is also going to toggleable as well.


I'll release another Alpha once I got all that done.


In the meantime though, I'm working on redoing how a lot of the stat stuff works, since they feed back into expressions as part of the Enjoyment/Pain stuff, which is calculated from an actors purity and proficiencies. 


A major change to Enjoyment/Pain, is that I want it to take in more scenarios to provide a more useful and fun number for modders to make use of. To do this I've done and/or am planning a couple major changes to stats


  • As previously mentioned; Vaginal, Anal, & Oral are now tracked as experince time rather than number of acts
  • Purity is now 2 separate stats, Pure and Perversion instead of a single + or - number it was before
  • If of a high perversion level, give boost to enjoyment during creature animation, if higher pure level give a penalty to it instead.
  • More than just Loving/Dirty tags will be taken into account for Pure/Perversion stat. It now also takes into account the actors you are doing it with by checking their Relationship rank with every other present actor.
    • If their Lover is present in the animation, they will have a higher Enjoyment level, and gain a bonus to the Pure stat
    • If they have a Lover relationship, but none of the actors in the animation are flagged as their lover, they will increase their Perversion stat and receive a penalty to Pure, if their perversion stat is high already, they will also gain a boost to Enjoyment.
    • If the actor in question is an aggressor in an aggressive animation, and one of the victim actors are their friend or higher, penalty to Pure and boost to Perversion, and reduce Enjoyment on the victim more than normal due to it being done by a friend.
  • Take into account actors current sexuality
    • If straight and in a gay pairing, than penalize their Enjoyment.
    • If straight in a straight pairing or gay in a gay pairing, boost their Enjoyment a small amount.


Right now however I am struggling hugely in implementing this.


Partly because I can't decide where best to stick it all in the code that it would have the least impact during animation and still keep the Enjoyment/Pain levels up to date


And Partly because holy fucking christ god damned hell am I bad at math. I haven't the first clue where to start on how best to plug the numbers into some algorithm and weighting system to make it all come out with cleanly scaling numbers.


If any brave soul whose confident in their ability to come up with a good leveling curve algorithm for the stats and a good method of weighting all the different scenarios using those stats to produce a good smooth number that scales well into roughly 0-100 range. You would be a godsend if willing to help me out in this respect.

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I would stick it all after sexlab activates but before any animation has started so that it can track global time spent and the info that animation is sending (type, number of actors, agressive or not) and calculate changes, but then again i dont really know papyrus :D

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Otherwise known as the " Oh sh*t my ( insert random family member here ) just walked into the room unannounced while I'm doing the nasty with a Werewolf " button :D


Because console -> QQQ and the entire game dropping is just too damned obvious and only fast enough if you built a macro for it.


I see a mod possibility here lol. Whack the emergency button and the screen is spammed with ( insert random cuteness here ) until it crashes the game :)


Go go spell of a thousand pink unicorns !!!!!

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Otherwise known as the " Oh sh*t my ( insert random family member here ) just walked into the room unannounced while I'm doing the nasty with a Werewolf " button :D


Because console -> QQQ and the entire game dropping is just too damned obvious and only fast enough if you built a macro for it.


I see a mod possibility here lol. Whack the emergency button and the screen is spammed with ( insert random cuteness here ) until it crashes the game :)


Go go spell of a thousand pink unicorns !!!!!


That would be extremely funny. That reminds me of an old trick/prank that players would do in Maplestory (back in my naviete when I thought it was a good game)

alt+f4 for gold


even my qqq console takes a few seconds to actually take down Skyrim. I think the safest way is just to alt-tab with an innocent looking webpage up like gmail

Only when no one else is home I guess :D

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Made a lot of progress on the stat stuff today. Here's a couple highlights:



Previously I said vaginal/oral/anal stats were changing from being single increases at the end of animation to tracking the number of seconds each is played for the duration of the animation. I've changed my mind a bit on this. The skill use for each is still tracked individually over the duration of the animation, but rather than tracking seconds played they are now tracked as "skill points." The longer you play an animation type the more you build experience towards leveling up the skill. Much like how you level your sneak skill in Skyrim by using sneak.


The formula for determine an actors proficiency level in each skill has also been changed to closer reflect a progression similar to that Vanilla Skyrim, ranging from Unskilled (0 skill points) to Master (100 skill points) and then beyond to Grandmaster (125+). 


Currently it's setup so leveling from unskilled to Grandmaster will take roughly 45 minutes of playing an animation type. Though that's not set in stone, I don't want it to be impossible to level your sex skills for casual players, but don't want it to be so easy to get Grandmaster with barely any playtime either. I have no inclination as to what the balance should be here.


There is also now a foreplay skill as well that levels up as you play animations in the foreplay stage, in addition to tracking separately exactly as vaginal/oral/anal currently do, it also feeds a bonus into an actors Enjoyment level after the foreplay stage ends. 


Lastly, an actors enjoyment level is now no longer based on that actors personal applicable level in vaginal/oral/anal. It's now based off the actors partner in a scene. For example, in a blowjob animation the males enjoyment level is now directly affected by the females skill level in oral, rather than his own skill level in it. After all, leveling your skill in one-handed combat doesn't make you yourself take more/less one-handed weapon damage, it makes the other actor take more.






I imagine this all sounds mostly useless and like I'm spending a lot of time on something rather trivial in the grand scheme, SexLab mods barely use the stat functions as is. I'm hoping to make them interesting enough to change that however, and personally I'm just more interested in the more "game-y" type mods that add something interesting; rather than just mindless random sex, hopefully these type of stat based features will spur modders to come up with such mods.

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Well personally Ashal, I think the harder to level up the more modders and players would want to play with the stat system because when you gain something easy you get bored of it rather quickly and why mod for something that people will ignore, not to mention how many "casual gamers" would still play skyrim and mod it to have sex. 

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Ashal, correct me if I'm wrong, but currently the framework keeps stats for consensual and non-consensual sex, but doesn't recognize prostitution.

Maybe you could had a tag to identify paid sex.
The effect of paid sex on expressions are tricky. Your Pc could be an enthusiastic nymphomaniac who get exited by whoring out to everybody. Or the opposite, could be the innocent farmer girl forced to sell her body for survival. So not really enjoying that much.

The attitude of the Pc could be defined by the user via some other mod... but I think i would be nice if prostitution is identified as a thing on its own, different from consensual and non-consensual.


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Oh my gawd! I'm getting really frustrated with this! I have all of the necessary mods and plugins installed, as well as the Matchmaker, but when I use the Attraction spell, all actors are frozen in place in an idle stance!  :@



For me its seems that after installing SL you forgot to run FNIS !


Try running it and then play...



Edit/Ps: I think I replied this a couple of "years" late !! :blink:  

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I think there ought to be a maximum amount of skill points you can get for a single sex act.  Otherwise someone could (though at this point I don't know why they would) just turn off the auto advance and let a single animation run long enough to earn grandmaster status.


It's a great idea to add duration as a developing characteristic but it shouldn't be easy to abuse.

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Previously I said vaginal/oral/anal stats were changing from being single increases at the end of animation to tracking the number of seconds each is played for the duration of the animation. I've changed my mind a bit on this. The skill use for each is still tracked individually over the duration of the animation, but rather than tracking seconds played they are now tracked as "skill points." The longer you play an animation type the more you build experience towards leveling up the skill. Much like how you level your sneak skill in Skyrim by using sneak.



I will never again be capable of watching an online " art film " without visualizing " Vagina + 5 " periodically scrolling above the actors head lol

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Ashal I think it is a great idea and honestly the way sexlab should have always tracked it so I consider this a big plus. Not to mention will open the door for mods to put it to good use, like just how much arousal is lowered. Or random orgasm chance from each animation played based on partners skill.

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Currently it's setup so leveling from unskilled to Grandmaster will take roughly 45 minutes of playing an animation type. Though that's not set in stone, I don't want it to be impossible to level your sex skills for casual players, but don't want it to be so easy to get Grandmaster with barely any playtime either. I have no inclination as to what the balance should be here.

I don't know how informative this will be for you but I made a testing character so I can try different mods before I start my "serious" playthrough and so far I've been playing it with sexlab 1.39, aroused, deviosu devices, xaz prison, APPS and defeat and I set all animation stages in sex acts other than climax to be like 5 for aggressive and foreplay to 10 for consensual seconds longer than default. After 30 hours of playing on this save sexlab diary says I've been having sex for 3 hours and aboutish 30 ninutes, gosh my character should be ashamed, she's such a nympho! ^^


Anyways this is a very testing intensive save so I intentionally lose fights to trigger defeat, go to prison to trigger XPO and so on. I think a normal person playing a serious game would probably have like half that by this point


So I don't know mebe 45 minutes is a little too short. Maybe instead of trying to find a perfect balance you could add difficulty presets or a slider that simply multiplies the time needed to reach the different experience thresholds? Then a player could increase it if she or he wanted more challenge or planned a longer playthrough

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Previously I said vaginal/oral/anal stats were changing from being single increases at the end of animation to tracking the number of seconds each is played for the duration of the animation.

I don't like that it's entirely depending on the absolute time you perform a certain animation now. It will then make a difference if you set the length of an animation to two minutes or 6 seconds, and imo ascetics shouldn't influence gameplay.

E.g. wait until the stageend event, then divide the accumulated number of seconds by how long the stage lasted, and award skill points based on that value.

That way it still depends on how long you perform a certain animation but it consistent for different lengths.


I imagine this all sounds mostly useless and like I'm spending a lot of time on something rather trivial in the grand scheme, SexLab mods barely use the stat functions as is. I'm hoping to make them interesting enough to change that however, and personally I'm just more interested in the more "game-y" type mods that add something interesting; rather than just mindless random sex, hopefully these type of stat based features will spur modders to come up with such mods.

To make them more accessible my first thought was to be able to choose what influences the outcome of Enjoyment/Pain, e.g. 'GetPain(considerSexualOrientation = True, considerPure/Perversion = True, considerRelationship = True)'

Dunno how much use it would be in the end, though.








Also, an (MCM) option to disable the automatic chances to the sexual orientation and a function 'SetSexuality()' would be neat, then you could very easily implement a realistic sexual orientation system that's compatible to every mod that make use of 'GetSexuality()'.

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Using the latest build on march 14. Everything works pretty well :D

Only slight issue ive found is the penis bending with SoS, which is supposedly fixed here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/23944-sos-schlongs-of-skyrim/page-55?do=findComment&comment=706605, but ive never actually tried it out since it is for 1.39.

Another is that the sex stats are all messed up, example i have 99 oral or 23 anal on a fresh new game. reseting stats only changed the numbers, didnt reset them to zero.

Devious device wasnt able to find sexlab it seems, but im guessing thats just a compatibility issue.

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