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{UPDATE - 2014 July 06} Teen Monli Race

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Hello Magui


SoS is something I would like to add in a future update; such as adding a futa Monli in place of the male.


ECE does not have any cosmetic addons, but I figured something can done to add additional features similar to the addons for RaceMenu.  


Maybe, this is something I'll look into and, if successful, include it with a future update.


Wonderful ! I'm looking forward to your next update !


I tried almost all other custom races, and they were cool, but my favorite is yours !


easy to customizing and beautiful !


Thank you again, PsychoMachina !

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I recently played again - after a month of abstinence - and I finished Ustengrav and had a little problem with the "puzzle" where you have to activate the three stones and whirlwind sprint through the opened gates. I tried it over and over again, even using the slow time ability of the monlis. And if I was at the first gate and it was still shown open, it actually wasn't and an invisible wall blocked me from getting any further. 

I ended up replacing the esp for the smaller monli with the 0.98 sized one and made it in the first try. So I assume you are actually slower when you use the small monlis, which makes sense, but if anyone runs into the same or a similar problem: that's a workaround you can try out.

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Another solution, if using the x0.8 scaling, is to find the second word for Whirlwind Sprint.  I can verify that having at least two WS words will help get you get through those gates.


The game changes your speed depending on the actor-base scaling.  Using skeleton-based scaling would not be affected.

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Sounds like an installation error with the body and/or skeleton.  The male files are included with the main race files, but the female body, textures, and skeleton are installed in a separate process.  Try reinstalling the (female) body and skeleton, maybe reinstalling the textures isn't necessary unless she has a purple-ish, white body then that means the textures need to be installed or reinstalled.



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Is there any way to get this race to have some default underwear because im playing in a not-so-safe environment and it would be kinda bad if i would play with naked child races. I would love to get an additional addon that adds some panties to this mod so that i can actually use it.

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Unless you want to have your character run around in her underwear, there would not be any issues over the nude bodies; just go into your inventory and equip the clothes/armors from there.  The new outfit will automatically replace the previous outfit without any moments of nudity.


The problem is, these bodies are not mine (I did not create them) and, afaik, there are no non-nude versions; unless someone is willing to verify if the UNP-x117 has a non-nude version.


I've returned to tinkering with BodySlide 2 and plan on creating new UNP and CBBE bodies for the Monli and Elin 2.  The new bodies will have non-nude versions.



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Okay I think i will just have to be cautious with my mods. It's not like its bothering myself but when using some mods it may happen to give one situations where you have no clothes on.


EDIT: I just hope that if you make the new bodies that there will be non-nude versions with panties only :D

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I would really love to see Bodyslide versions of Little Monli, not to mention a futa! Eeee.


This is still easily my favorite custom race of all time, and I'd love it to be more compatible with all the other toys I'm playing around with. ;)


Edit: I guess maybe not requiring Enhanced Character Edit would be very nice too. I started using Racemenu because of all the cool overlays. It really is a terrible shame that those two mods can't work together properly. I can almost get them to, but always get CTD after creating a character.

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I'm rather burned-out with Skyrim atm, between updates for the Elins, Monli's and personal responsibilities, not to mention work on a Serana replacer, all is starting to wear heavily on me.  I'll continue work on the updates and release them when I can.


In the meantime, I made a testing model of a new CBBE loli body.  It's playable, but I plan on tweaking it some more.  Max weight only and there are foot seams.


If anyone wants to test it then be my guest.  Just extract the files and copy to the mesh folder for the race you want to use them.

Example:  Meshes > Actors > Character > Monli


Loli Body - Nice (CBBE)







@Ashra XIII

I'm working on all new presets for BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio.  The LB - Nice body is an example of what I'm working on.  As for a futa version, I have yet to test it, but you can try SOS.


You can use RaceMenu instead of ECE, just install RaceMenu instead of ECE.

I only recommended ECE, because it's what I use and I edited the slider list to work with the Monli race.


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I'll give the new body a try and see what it looks like! I'm glad you're still working on this with everything else going on, and hope you can get it all working some time. :)


I have tried the SOS patch someone on LL posted that allows futas, and even got it working, but unfortunately it's pretty buggy and crashy. I never even got far enough to try it out on an NPC, as just running around got weird.


I'm glad that the race isn't somehow tied to ECE... I like ECE and wish it would work with Racemenu, but the overlays in Racemenu are too juicy to pass up. Anyhow, I appreciate your work and will give this test body a try!

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So I downloaded the Monli race, the LB_Nice, and the two CBBE texture packs, but I have a bit of a problem with the texture packs... they both seem to have non-standard extensions, and when I try to rename them to open them in WinRAR, it tells me they are both corrupt. Is there some way I'm supposed to combine them? 


Edit: Err.. nevermind, I figured it out. Downloaded 7zip which apparently is able to handle re-combining files like this.

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In the future, I'll upload files larger than 100mb to Mega and 4share.  Maybe I'll try Google Drive.


In case anyone is using the LB-Nice body for Monli, Elin, or any race that uses different mesh and texture folders, the body will appear blue.  I didn't edit the texture paths in the mesh so it's pointing to the default texture folder for vanilla races.



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Hello Chiisan98,


I narrowed the possible cause to mesh normals; the normals in the head mesh not matching those of the body mesh.  The head is not reflecting the same amount of light as the body.

I'm looking into how to fix this, if you can shed some light into the matter, any help would be appreciated.

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Does this go away when going naked? 

Does this happen no matter what texture set is used?

Does this also happen when wearing other outfits?


If it only happens when wearing certain outfits then the cause is the body model that is added to that outfit.

If it happens even when naked, despite of what texture set is used, then maybe fixing the mesh normals will also fix the problem.


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I think I pinpointed the problem with the head being a different shade/tint than the body.


I made some minor edits to the SG Textures Renewal and tested it in my game.




The mismatched shading is gone, but in certain lighting there is a neck seam.  The seam was not noticeable with the original SG Texture Renewal, but if you decide to install the original for the Monli, she will have ugly blotches on her torso.


If anyone would like to test this, let me know if there is a noticeable improvement.

This is for the CBBE Petite body.  Extract and copy/paste to your DATA folder or install with a mod manager.

LiLMonli-SG Textures-TEST.7z

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