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LoversTomagoClub 1.04

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@HanPL: Should be normal, yes.

News is merely to tell you if you're pregnant, got miscarriage or normal birth.

Topic is for the female NPC, this plugin let's you ask them their menstrual phase.

Confide (iirc) is to give the child to the father.

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I still have problem with miscarriage. I used "TomagoClub English Project latest esm + Esp + hyoko and generator fixed.rar" along with lovers rev89. I tried replacing hyoko with japanese one, but without starting new game and I still had miscarriage. I also disabled TomagoBreak.esp, but again without restarting. I tried "set a4hc.DeliveryRate to 100", but, again, nothing


Could someone upload Tomago (with all plugins) and hyoko that are tested and 100% working?

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@taro8: Donkey posted some other archive in this thread with some "updated" .esps (which also include the genetics.esp). I'm using those and they're working fine. Didn't even have the need to change the generator to the jap one.


Did you try to carry out the kid of a monster? Because it seems this is not working yet?

If I'm wrong about this please tell me, because I can get kids from humans just fine, but not from monsters.

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Been testing it; not sure I like the fact that once an egg is fertalized you still only have a 20% chance of being pregnant. I ahd to reload 7 times to actually get pregnant. At first I thought the mod wasn't working.


Is that 'set a4hc.DeliveryRate to 100' something that has to be tweaked in the script (i.e. Construction set work) or is it just something you put in the console? I'd prefer the chance to be 100. The fact that you are not fertile for a lot of the time makes this extra difficulty seem like gettign pregnant isn't even really that much of a risk. Especially since I don't go out *trying* to get my character raped. It's a punishment for lax attention or getting into a fight that is too much for her (damn 10% chance means that it can just come down to a fight lasting too long - wish RaperS could be configured via HP remaining like Cursed Armor).


Also on that note; is there any pregnant armor out there? No, not the dresses on Nexus, I mean actual armor incase you want to take the risk and not sit around a town for ingame months. Alternativly - are there any mods that make weeks pass ratehr than just days? While I like to roleplay each day I don't think I could stick with a character confined to walking in cities for so long. It's not an issue yet - but I plan to have my KotN 'Crusader' end up pregnant via Martin shortly before finishing the main questline. I think i'm going to want to 'skip' a few months of her life at that point.


What are the current chances of miscarraige in Tomago? I remember in the old LoversBorn you couldn't fight at all unless you had exceptional gear because if a hit took of a certain percentage of your HP that was it. Is it so dangerous? Plenty of women in history have fought pregnant and even given birth mid-battle and then gone back out to fight.


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Been testing it; not sure I like the fact that once an egg is fertalized you still only have a 20% chance of being pregnant. I ahd to reload 7 times to actually get pregnant. At first I thought the mod wasn't working.


Funny you should say so. When I first checked the settings I was surprised too by the low conception chance. But in the end I had to admit my ignorance on the matter. I've checked some sites concerning menstruation cycle and pregnancy and from what I found the average change of a fertilized egg leading to conception in real life is about 15%! Apart from some obvious speed ups in the menstruation and especially pregnancy phases Tamago is surprisingly realistic.

Depending on your play style it's still relatively high. Since sperm lives 3-4 days inside the womb I never failed to have a fertilized egg at the end of the ovulation phase. After the first pregnancy the second and third did not lead to conception but the next one did. So I'm now in the second trimester again with the first child still only about 30 ingame days old. Probably need to consider contraception soon. ^^;


There are a few things you have to consider if you change the default values:


1. You can raise the conception rate all the way you want' date=' conception only occurs at the end of an ovum's life time (default: 2 days). And then of course a conception can only occur if the womb is in the luteral phase. A woman can't get pregnant while she is on her period, can she?


2. Raising the delivery rate only affects the event handler which Hiyoko registers with Tamago.

This handler is called by Tamago every 3 ingame hours in the third trimester of pregnancy.

So you actually have 8 5% chances per ingame day for giving birth with the default settings. This is usually more than enough. But if you shortened the length of the third trimester you actually have less chances of giving birth before the third trimester ends and Tamago removes the fetus.

Therefore, if you want fast birth, don't change the length of the third trimester. To avoid miscarriages you should actually make it longer.


3. TamagoBreak handles all miscarriages through accidents etc. If you remove the plugin, no miscarriage will happen apart from reaching the end of the third trimester without giving birth.

TamagoBreak's event handler is processed every 10 ingame minutes. It has a high risk check and a low risk check. High risk includes currently having sex, being knocked down and current health being less than 50%. Low risk includes running and currenly suffering from a disease. The default percentage for high risk is 30% and for low risk 2%.

So if any of the conditions are met when the event handler is called a random number is produced and checked against the risk percentage. Only then does a miscarriage occur. It also means that if your health drops below 50% you can still get away with it if you heal before the 10 min interval is over and the next check occurs. Miscarriages are shown by TamagoNews btw.

The chance of having a miscarriage through sex is rather high and so is knocked down state because of the way Lovers works. I personally removed the check for sex and knocked down state for high risk and IsRunning for low risk. I also lowered the health check to 30%.


Most of these values can be changes with the console.


Also on that note; is there any pregnant armor out there? No, not the dresses on Nexus, I mean actual armor incase you want to take the risk and not sit around a town for ingame months. Alternativly - are there any mods that make weeks pass ratehr than just days? While I like to roleplay each day I don't think I could stick with a character confined to walking in cities for so long. It's not an issue yet - but I plan to have my KotN 'Crusader' end up pregnant via Martin shortly before finishing the main questline. I think i'm going to want to 'skip' a few months of her life at that point.


The only armor I know (apart from the one in Cursed Armor) is from DskRings.

I've closed a couple of Oblivion gates while being pregnant with both LoversBorn and Tamago btw. Just set the miscarriage values to something that still leaves room for some adventuring.

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I have a funny issue.

The mod works just as planned up until the point I give birth, when I name the child nothing happens and when I check my characters stats my name was changed to that of the childs name and all of my stats were reset to lvl 1.

What in the world happened there? Is that normal?

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Hehe, wasn't questioning the realism, since I know a lot of couples really have to work at having kids. It just means that ingame Martin will likely be dead by the time I know if my PC will actualy be pregnant. I suppose there is nothing stopping me re-loading til it actually works. Just from a gameplay perspective 'realism' causes problems if you actively avoid sex.


Still, I appreciate the thought that has obviously gone into it. It feels very organic. Now if only you gave birth to a 'baby' that you carry in your inventory (ala the baby from the Pitt DLC in FO3 - effectivy just an animated item with a gurgle sound effect) and could put it in a crib (buyable from a store or npc) rather than a fully grown child.


Edit: and thanks for posting that link, i'll take a look at it. Hopefully the armor is 'fitting' for my character.


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Would you be so kind as to tell me which scrips I need to edit for that(basically make the same changes you did). I'm in the CS' date=' and I'm not sure which one does what. I'd rather not edit random things



Assuming you know how to edit scripts in the CS, this is my modified script in TamagoBreak.esp:


scn a3tbOnConceptionHandler

long n
array_var argv

ref me
ref r
short i
float f

Begin Function { n argv }
if n == 10
	let me := argv["ConceptionOwner"]
	if me.IsActor
		let f := me.GetAV Health * 100 / me.GetMaxAV Health
		let i := 0
		let r := Call a5cGetFormLoversPkrIdentifier
		if r
			let i := me.GetItemCount r
; Change: Remove knocked state and H中, lower health ratio to 30%
; Original: 			if (me.GetDead || me.GetKnockedState || i || f <= 50) && Rand 0 100 < a3tb.BreakingRate
		if (me.GetDead || f <= 30) && Rand 0 100 < a3tb.BreakingRate
			;èåãã¼ã¯ã³ã®å®æã¤ãã³ããå¼ã°ããæãæ¯ä½ã死亡中ã転å中ããã£ã¡ä¸­ãåã¯Healthã50%以ä¸ã®ç¶æã ã¨ç¢ºçã§æµç£
			DebugPrint "TamagoBreak:%n miscarried." me
			SetFunctionValue -1
; Change: remove check for IsRunning
; Original: 			if me.IsRunning || me.GetDisease
		if me.GetDisease
			if Rand 0 100 < a3tb.LightBreakingRate
				DebugPrint "TamagoBreak:%n miscarried." me
				SetFunctionValue -1
			elseif me == player
; Original: 					MessageEx "RunModeã«ãªã£ã¦ãããçæ°ä¸­ã ã¨æµç£ããæããããã¾ã"
				MessageEx "çæ°ä¸­ã ã¨æµç£ããæããããã¾ã"



I know what you mean. When LoversBorn introduced the miscarriage by rape thing I briefly stopped using it (not knowing how to modify scripts) because it basically meant that my girl (who has been raped several thousand times  ::) ) was infertile the minute I activated the mod.

To get Martin's child stay chaste from menstruation till ovulation, then let him pump your girl full of cum.  ;D

Fertilization rate per sperm is 15% with default settings. As for the settings, set first and second trimester as short as possible and third trimester very long. With conception rate and delivery rate set to 100 Martin should have a heir to the throne before he leaves Cloud Ruler Temple.  :D

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Array_var is a data structure added by OBSE.

You need to load the CS with OBSE to compile the scripts.

Launch obse_loader.exe from the command line with the switch "-editor" or right-click the EXE and create a shortcut with the switch applied.

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I fixed the translated HiyokoNameList.ini.




The download has not been approved, if anyone could do this, I would appreciate it. :) Or maybe it could be added to the Tamagoclub package if it is useful to anyone else? :)


What caused the machine translation to not work, is because the resulting file was saved in Unicode format. It needs to be in ANSI format. This also explains why the translation ini has doubled in filesize. :)


Until the download works, you can easily create your own working ini! Here is how:


1) Open the translated HiyokoNameList.ini in Windows Notepad. It is about 1564 KB in size.

2) Go to File -> Save As

3) Change the dropbox "Text Files" to "All Files" and save it as HiyokoNameList.ini (You may want to make backups of the originals)

4) And here is the important part... All the way at the bottom is another dropbox for the coding, choose "ANSI" here.

5) Now save your file. You will get a warning message from Windows that saving as an ANSI file will result in special Unicode characters getting lost. Ignore this and press the Okay button, as this is exactly what we want.

6) Tadaa! Your new ini now works with Hiyokoclub and has halved in filesize!


EDIT: I personally tested and confirmed that it works. My children are no longer known as "Little Boy" or "Little Girl" and have proper names now! My character had a testing baby after lots of bandit rape, I hope you appreciate her hard work for science! ;)

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I've found out why the pregnancy day count didn't work.

Problem is in TamagoClub.esm, script a4tcfGetWatchStringWomb:


scn a4tcfGetWatchStringWomb

ref me
short flag

long l
float f
string_var s
array_var data

Begin Function { me flag }
if me.GetItemCount a4tcWomb == 0
	let s := sv_Construct "%nには子宮がありません" me
	let l := me.GetItemCount a4tcWombState
	let data := Call a4tcfGetTargetData me
	let f := (a5lib.GameMins - data["Womb"]["Onset"]) / 60 / 24
	let s := sv_Construct "%nの子宮%r%r" me
	if l < 100
		let s += sv_Construct "月経 %2.0f 日目 " f
		if l < 15
			let s += "(卵胞期初期 : 月経期)%r出血しています"
		elseif l < 20
			let s += "(卵胞期後期)"
		elseif l < 30
			let s += "(排卵期)"
			let s += "(黄体期)"
		let s += sv_Construct "妊娠 %2.0f 日目 " me f
		if l < 120
			let s += "(妊娠初期)"
		elseif l < 130
			let s += "(妊娠中期)"
			let s += "(妊娠後期)"
	let s += "%r"
	if flag
		let s += "|[ 強制移植 ]| |[ 閉じる ]"
SetFunctionValue s
sv_Destruct s


In the line

			let s += sv_Construct "妊娠 %2.0f 日目 " me f

remove the "me" and the display string will show the day correctly.

Since it's an ESM you will have to temporarily convert it to an ESP with Wrye Bash so you can edit it in the CS. Alternatively you could create a bugfix ESP with just the corrected script.


After correcting this issue you might be surprised to find that when the womb state switches to first day of pregnancy the menu will show something like "Pregnant 8th day (first trimester)".

Going through the readme again I finally found out why the pregnancy phase seemed to be much shorter than you would assume from the default values (10,15,25).

Here is the conclusion: The values are NOT absolute values! All values (menstruation and pregnancy) start from the beginning of the last menstruation cycle. This explains the "Pregnant 8th day" message: With default values, after the luteal phase ends at day #7 and conception occurred, it goes to day #8 (first day of pregnancy) and the first trimester will continue until day #10, when the second trimester starts. So the first trimester is not 10 but only 3 days long! Same goes for second and third trimester.

This could explain why some people have trouble with miscarriages. If you set the pregnancy phases to low values like 1 or 2 they are actually over before pregnancy even starts! Therefore, make sure you set them to at least one more than the previous phase so the scripts won't get confused. Also remember that conception only occurs in the luteal phase and at the end of an ovum's lifetime (default: 2 days).


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Since my brain just effectivly fried when reading that explination, I don't suppose someone could upload a version of the required ESPs with 'realistic' pregnancy time periods; I.E. 8-9 ingame months?


I'd very much like to play a character that starts pregnant and proceeds to be so through-out the entirety of Oblivions various questlines.

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Not really, it means that I have to play carefully. My characters walk everywere for the most part anyhow, and a caster with a couple of melee companions is in little danger of being the center of attention.


And if i'm not mistaken if you remove the Break plugin you don't miscarriage anymore? Even if this isnt the case it still makes it entertaining and more in line with the old LobersBorn which could be set to almost full length pregnancy.


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Not really' date=' it means that I have to play carefully. My characters walk everywere for the most part anyhow, and a caster with a couple of melee companions is in little danger of being the center of attention.


And if i'm not mistaken if you remove the Break plugin you don't miscarriage anymore? Even if this isnt the case it still makes it entertaining and more in line with the old LobersBorn which could be set to almost full length pregnancy.



Your a more hardcore oblivion player than me if you do that for a 8-9 month deal while still doing everything else. BUT if you really wanted to be awesome about it, you'd do what real women do, stay at home and be careful and walk around the house yelling at various male npcs for having to be pregnant and anything else. Yeah do that for 9 months in game and I'll consider you the oblivion role player of the year.  8)

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