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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Offtopic: Apple, Samsung and Google are the new Microsofts.

The additional Microsofts, yes. The NSA knows that, too... ;-)


I dont like NMM that much eather.

I too do not use NMM. Simply because Wrye Bash gives me more insight especially when it comes to conflicting mods, and showing dependencies. But NMM merely is a tool for casual mod users - at least that's how I see it. It's point and click without having to know what happens behind the scenes. Which is fine. Not everyone is a mod maniac, but carelessly installing and uninstalling mods can lead to serious problems, from ctd at startup to gamesave corruption and ingame crashes piling up.


At the moment NEXUS is again terible, but i have fresh install and im affraid i need to go there for some mods.

I would recommend to avoid the weekends, but lags and downtimes seem to spread to weekdays as well. Anyway, still there are enough occasions on which the site will let you download your mods. And store them on your HDD. Wish you luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...




 Sorry , English isn't my native language , so i don't understand the purpose on this topic , here , on LL !


You known , we are not  only all banned Nexus ex- members , i know there are a fews problems to access some files , sometime when i'm in Oblivion section , i cannot do anything  , that's right , but at the same moment  , there is no one problem in the "Skyrim" section ... and vice-versa .... the problems are not with one specific server , but only with the "dispatching" one  ....


Living in Belgium, it's hard  not only to download but just  to see some "Comments" of a topic  about 01 / 02  AM  especially the week-end. Problems begin about 06~08 PM ( 18- 20 Hours - Madrid-Paris- Bruxelles)  .... to +/- 05 AM 


And , i only use the "manual"  downloader since 2008.


Anyway , the question is : why talking about the Nexus  Servers problems here  and now  ?  I'm actually connected to the Oblivion Nexus too , without particular problem .


Do you think "Administrators/Managers" from Nexus are always keeping an "eye" here just to known the problems their Servers have ?  I don't think so  , may be to localise the futur "banned" members  , but surely not to see their servers problems.


Cheers .



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Again, avoid weekends and holidays if possible.


This potatoes SNAIL site  happens frequently also weeks days



I'll never know why some have problems downloading, but it seems that in my part of the world I could get the files easily on some servers, especially those coming from Salt Lake 4 and have to cross over the Pacific. And this without using NMM as long as I know when to download and when not to -- I mean I keep tabs on the site.


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download with nmm is way  more slow than manual download for me, from 20/40ko/s to 200/350ko/s

Hi there.


20 - 40 Ko with the NMM ?  Wouaw , that's pre-historic ....


I'm living in Belgium , but when i download something from the Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout sections the  "manual" download is from 350ko ( Dallas, Salt Lake) to between 650Ko and 1,2 Mo from London ( 1) or better ( for me ) : Amsterdam .


Well , of course that's not in "Wi-Fi" mode ... only with some trusted VDSL2  (Ethernet) cables ( and hubs) .


Never tried a NMM download , but  20/40 Ko , that's really slow ,  incredible for a Nexus server.

As i said, i never tried since 5 years their NMM system.


And a download works better with Windows7 ( IE 9) then with a  computer under "Xp & IE8" . Even IE8 ( under Windows7 - 64 bits)  works better (run faster)  than under XP .... but that's another story.


Good evening.


PS : ... and i got only one corrupted file in five years ..  the guilty was my  connection under XP and not the file by itself. ( a too small Inernet Tempory cache in one of the "Temp/Tmp" folders ... moved on another drive 's partition).


That's was for a big file ( K7 Heaven - a ColourWhell's compilation) .

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haha i'm in wi-fi mod ;)  (and with one of the first win vista ^^ erffff) in france,  i tryed again 5 min ago: 

nmm: max 30 ko/s

manual: still 250/350 ko/s

with nmm you can't choose the server...so it dl on usa servers or anywhere, but it don't have to be soooo slow



i think it's a "feature" of the nmm :D


edit: good morning :)

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haha i'm in wi-fi mod ;)  (and with one of the first win vista ^^ erffff) in france,  i tryed again 5 min ago: 

nmm: max 30 ko/s

manual: still 250/350 ko/s

with nmm you can't choose the server...so it dl on usa servers or anywhere, but it don't have to be soooo slow



i think it's a "feature" of the nmm :D


edit: good morning :)

Bonjour la France alors .... 02h35 et pas encore couché .... :°)


Pour le Wi-Fi mieux vaut l'éviter , ne serait-ce que pour des raisons de sécurité.

En Belgique, il n'y a guère d'endroit qui ne soit plus connecté par câbles , plus de "trous perdus" en somme . Mais en France j'imagine que dans certains coins des Alpes par exemple il n'y aurait pas d'autres posiibilités que le Wi-Fi ou des liaisons via d'anciennes lignes téléphoniques , ne pouvant fonctionner en ADSL(2) VDSL , bref non reliées en voirie via des canaux optiques. 


Sur que depuis quelques mois le serveur central ( de "dispatching" ... celui qui auparavant délivrait les tous petits fichiers ...) connaît des problèmes , théoriquement résolus d'ailleurs d'après un des derniers commentaires de DarkOne ...


Je ne sais vous, mais moi à partir de 18 heures les connections et le défillements des pages est parfois pénibles , et cela a été le cas en particulier pendants les vacances scolaires de  juillet/aoüt .


Vers 02 - 03 heure du matin, c'est beaucoup mieux , hélàs , il faut se lever en général quelques heures plus tard ...  j'imagine qu'avec un décallage horaire de 6 -10 aux Etats-Unis , cela correspond à l'heure du "souper" , et donc les utilisateurs non "US" sont moins "encombrés" vers 18 /20 heure  , heure des Etats-Unis.


Je suis relativement nouvelle sur LL , et je me demandais pourquoi se plaint-on des problàmes de Nexus ici .... à croire que les gens veulent en "rajouter" histoire d'accroître  encore plus l'animosité ( si réelle animosité il y a ...) entre les deux sites.


Heureuse de pouvoir m'exprimer en français de tant à autres  .... bonne nuit.





"Bing translation"  ( but quickly corrected) ... sorry to use a translator , but i'm too tired tonight to write by myself a translation of what i wrote : 




Hello France then... 02 h 35 and yet... :°)


For the Wi - Fi better is worth to avoid it, not for safety reasons.


In Belgium, there is hardly any place that is more connected by cables,no  more "lost"holes in sum. But in France I imagine that in some corners of the Alps by example there is no other posiibilites that the Wi - Fi or links via old telephone lines, not capable of operating in ADSL (2) VDSL, short not connected by road via optical channels.


On that in recent months the central server ("dispatching"... one who previously delivered all small files...) problems, theoretically resolved elsewhere after one of the last comments of DarkOne...


I don't know for you, but to me from 18 hours connections and the defillements of the pages is sometimes painful, and this has been the case in particular pending the school holidays in July/August.


To 02 - 03 hour of the morning, it is much better, alas, should stand in general a few hours later... I imagine that with a time difference of 6-10 in the United States, this is the time of the "Supper", and therefore users not "US" are less "cluttered" towards 18 20 hour, hour of the United States.


I am relatively new to LL, and I wondered why it complains about problems of Nexus here... to believe that people want to "add" history to increase still more animosity (if real animosity there is ...) between the two sites.


Pleased to speak in French so many others... good night.
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Oui ce serait mieux avec une vraie connexion, mais là j'ai internet gratuitement (via un code wifi qu'on m'a donné ;)) donc pour le moment, ça marche impeccable, je me connecte chez mon voisin et hop...


Mais chut, c'est un secret ^^


L'inconvénient du coup, c'est pas les heures, c'est le hot spot qui est hs parfois =>plus de connexion du tout (c'est rare).


Pour nexus, perso je m'en moque, c'est vrais que parfois ça rame complètement, mais surtout, beaucoup de gens ici ce sont faits bannir des sites nexus, d'ou une certaine rancoeur , alors ils aiment bien taper dessus.


Sur ce, bonne nuit


"Bing translation" too:


Yes it would be better with a real connection, but here I have internet for free (via a wifi code that I was given ;)) so for the moment it works flawless, I connect my neighbour and presto...


But Shh, it's a secret ^^


A drawback of the coup, it is not the hours, is the hot spot that is hs sometimes => no more connection at all (this is rare).


For nexus, personally i don't care, it is true that sometimes it lags completely, but above all, many people here are made this ban nexus sites, where a certain resentment, then they like tap.


On this, good night
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Oui ce serait mieux avec une vraie connexion, mais là j'ai internet gratuitement (via un code wifi qu'on m'a donné ;)) donc pour le moment, ça marche impeccable, je me connecte chez mon voisin et hop...


Mais chut, c'est un secret ^^


L'inconvénient du coup, c'est pas les heures, c'est le hot spot qui est hs parfois =>plus de connexion du tout (c'est rare).


Pour nexus, perso je m'en moque, c'est vrais que parfois ça rame complètement, mais surtout, beaucoup de gens ici ce sont faits bannir des sites nexus, d'ou une certaine rancoeur , alors ils aiment bien taper dessus.


Sur ce, bonne nuit


"Bing translation" too:


Yes it would be better with a real connection, but here I have internet for free (via a wifi code that I was given ;)) so for the moment it works flawless, I connect my neighbour and presto...


But Shh, it's a secret ^^


A drawback of the coup, it is not the hours, is the hot spot that is hs sometimes => no more connection at all (this is rare).


For nexus, personally i don't care, it is true that sometimes it lags completely, but above all, many people here are made this ban nexus sites, where a certain resentment, then they like tap.


On this, good night


Salut .



Il faut faire comme mon cousin, qui lui aussi utilise lea connections de sa voisine ( la mère de son proprio ) ... avec son accord et en ayant percé un trou afin de permettre le passage d'un câble Ethernet.


Même chez moi, lorsqu'il vient jouer a WoW sur l'une de mes machinnes , on constate directement une nette différence et des lags surtout ( ce qui lors d'un  "download " serait l'équivalent d'une  "déconnection" ou de fichiers "corrompus" )  .... moi, je n'utilise jamais le Wi-Fi surtout  par sécurité .... même mes propres machines ne sont pas connectées en réseaux !


J'ai passé plus de trois ans à aider les gens sur Microsoft TechNet ( Answers et MSDN à la rigueur)  et  chez Kaspersky ( là c'était plus récemment)  et la majorité de leurs problèmes provenait de machines infectées par manques de sécurité ... et surtout par  la négligences à certains moments des utilisateurs sur le Web.


La faille ( ou le probl-me) se situe  souvent entre "la chaise et le clavier" ... ;°)


Sur ce , je vais continuer à me pervertir sur ce site , uhmm... la face cachée de ma personnalité que je viens sans doute de découvrir sur LL .... je plaisante , bien sûr, c'est juste une "'pique" à propos d'un autre topic ici qui n'était pas très aimable envers ce site .


Bye , moi je suis déjà levée ... et non "pas encore couchée" .


A un de ces quatres peut-être ...?  Bonne nuit.



PS : oui j'ai vu que le topic " Banned from Nexus" est très populaire , néanmoins ce n'est pas je crois , la vocation de LL que de servir de  "défoulloir " aux bannis , il y a déjà la scetion citée pour çà .


C'est pas vraiment mon problème , mais c'est dommage , car je pense que pour la communauté des moddeurs ,  ce serait bien mieux qu'il y aie une  entente " pacifique"  entre les deux sites.


Je suis membre chez Nexus depuis cinq environ , et c'est vrai que j'ai hésité de longues années avant que de publier un "Comment" là-bas ... de peur d'être mal-interprêtée et du coup , peut-être bannie.




"Bing" Translation ... ...not  " quickly" corrected this time :





Should be like my cousin, which also uses lea connections of his neighbour (the mother of son proprio)... with his agreement and in having drilled a hole in order to allows the passage of an Ethernet cable.


Even at home, when it comes to play has WoW on one of my machinnes, there is directly a clear difference and the lags especially (who, during a 'download' would be the equivalent of a "disconnect" or "corrupted" files)... me, I never use Wi - Fi especially by security... even my own machines are not connected in networks!


I spent over three years to help people on Microsoft TechNet (Answers and MSDN in a pinch) and at Kaspersky (there was more recently) and the majority of their problems came from machines infected with safety deficiencies... and especially by the negligence at certain times of the users on the Web.


The fault (or suffering - me) is often located between "the Chair and the keyboard"...;°)


On this, I'll keep pervert me on this site, uhmm... the hidden face of my personality that I just probably found out about LL... I'm joking, of course, it's just a "' Spades ' about another topic here which was not very kind to this site.


Bye, me I'm already thrown... and not "not lying".


At one of these four perhaps...? Good night.
PS: yes I saw that the "Banned from Nexus" topic is  very popular , nevertheless it is not I think, the vocation of LL that serve as "defoulloir" for the banished, there is already the scetion cited here.

It is not really my problem, but it's a shame, because I think for the community of modders, it would be much better that it have an agreement "peaceful" between the two sites.
I am member of Nexus since five about, and it's true that I hesitated long years before than to publish a 'how' out there... fear of being interpreted wrong and suddenly, maybe banned


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