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Offical Sevennity Body replacer + bbp

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Hey guys are all modified SevenBase going to use the lower specular settings than Sevennity's releases? I noticed even on the Nexus release it seems to be the case. I know a TBBP version is in the works, so just wondering as this bodytype seems to have more variety than any others at a very rapid pace!


Also, still love Demonhunter's the best...sorry, BOOBS are awesome but full body jiggle = WIN :lol:

I hadn't even noticed that this was the case. But as Demon said it is very simple to change with nifskope. Here is a copy of my own variation of the SeveNBase Bombshell with the requested specular settings. Just the mesh files hands are a fixed version of Sunspots  feminine hand tweak for better hands. Weighting is for TBBP but if I'm not mistaken its more subdued than Demon's it should also have a smoother bend around the hip and pelvis area. I have also made a few other changes so be warned this isn't just a reweighted Bombshell body. Older image before the specular change. The file is in the spoiler.






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i would like it Arngrim but i Maxed my likes for the day Xo so. Anyone wanna sell me a couple of likes LOL.

And an update i scraped my old body and am redoing it again. fun fun. So in the next day or 2 i should have the body done .

Until then


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Guest wellbredbitch

what is this talk of tbbp not working? my girl twirls and poses when ever she stands still. and her bangers jiggle perfectly when she's getting fucked hard by a client.


pps had to post these screen grab's i took just after my girl blew the blacksmith in riverwood. his daughter seemed to take an unhealthy interest in the mess her daddy made.








quick change into my hobby attire




now where did his wife go?






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Calyps has just grown up and finally understood that big boobs are bad for humanity because Jesus Christ.




I’m done promoting what I believe to be images that perpetuate destructive  unrealistic ideals.

Hence I recently released a body that looks like a realistic giant potato.

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Removing body mods from Nexus is pretty pointless really. Especially when the meshes are usually readily available from a lot of race mods.


Speaking of which, I would LOVE to include the Bombshell body in the next update of my TCRA mod that anyone can use for custom races. I know Sevennity said do pretty much whatever with it on the webpage, but I still think it's just good form to ask anyway.



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Took it down did he/she, well thats.... dissapointing. it doesnt matter wheather or not you have a body mod up or not, does he really beleive taking it down is going to change the perseption that young wemon can have over the "perfect body" i myself find wemon of all shapes and sizes attractive, this body is a GAME body nothing to strive towards and to some degree yes this is a Boner mod, but who cares. if Caylps wants to really fell good about him self, grab a big peice of cardboard write something on it about the said false body perception and go to a modeling agency a wave the shit out of that sign. 

Well thats my morning rant, bak to the ensuing bullshit on the nexus that is bound to follow this, YAAAY......

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Calyps removed his UNPB body mod....

I have to admit I'm speechless.


Calyps has just grown up and finally understood that big boobs are bad for humanity because Jesus Christ.


I’m done promoting what I believe to be images that perpetuate destructive  unrealistic ideals.

Hence I recently released a body that looks like a realistic giant potato.



Man...  some people have a hard time being laid back. It's a game... for fun and entertainment...


Thank goodness for this mod here!~

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When exactly did s/he change their views? First it was walking around with adult toys in tow, and now its about preaching an attainable/realistic female image? Don't get me wrong, it's perhaps the most mature position you can have on the issue and they're practicing what they're preaching by providing these 'realistic/lore-friendly' mods to do so, but when this drastic turnaround occur? 

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