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The XBox One / PS4 Discussion Thread

Monsto Brukes

What does the xbox one mean to you?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. What does the xbox one mean to you?

    • So What. (ambivalent.)
    • Where do I pre order? (phenominal!)
    • WTF is wrong with you, MS?! (horrible!)

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The use of DRM and constant internet connection are like being chained to a block while trying to beat off swarms of mosquitoes, so the XBox brand is facing the same fate as the Atari Jaguar. Also, it's a fucking pain in the ass to find that after some months you get the red ring of death.


It makes sense for Sony to come up with unusual schemes to bring back players to the brand, as in recent years they hit rock-low, having lost the lead in consumer electronics as Samsung (their TVs are bought more, along with their popular tablets and mobiles) and Apple (iPod and iPhone killed the Walkman) dominate that area.

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What are the prices for the two consoles going to be?  I also reckon we can assume that this will be a two-horse race, doubt there are going to be any other competitors.  I am actually very glad to see that Sony are making the PS4 so accessible, this is a step backwards, in a good way.  Apparently the PS3 sold 3 million more units than Xbox, can that be true?

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Rayblue, I've merged the two topics together because we already have two topics in this forum in the off topic and gaming section about the Xbox One (when there should really only be one) and there is a huge overlap with the PS4 anyway, so I merged both so we don't have three threads with the same arguments being made.

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Microsoft Disappointing Answers


Nice video, they made some good points but if you really want a disappointing answer by microsoft check their answer to rural people .













I know, me and friend talking about Xbox stupidity at Jack in the box 1am three months ago. Sad see

Micorsoft still treating consumers like crap.

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I'll probably get a PS4 (about 2 or 3 years after the initial launch to give Sony time to work out any bugs there might be, like I did with my 360) since the Xboxone has just managed to disinterest me in every way possible and because I don't tend to go for console exclusives (I have 2 tops not counting the ones that are also for the PC) so it wouldn''t matter in the long run. But yeah the Xboxone being mostly a media center, the DRM and the fact you need to pay to play second hand games is a pretty large hole for Microsoft to dig its way out of.


Also found a good article on the subject: http://www.gamesradar.com/microsoft-dug-its-own-e3-grave-how-it-might-climb-out/

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I've been playing via steam for 10 years now. I spend WAAAY more on video games than I would if I played xbrix or ps games cuz lets face it . . . when the "red faction collection" is on sale for $15, if you have even a passing interest in it, why would you NOT buy it?


You'd be hard pressed to find a used console game that's worth playing for $15.


And while steam drm may not be very nice to gamers, it's a hell of a lot better than any of the shit that you find from sony/ms. Steambox? absolutely.

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Let's all suck some Sony cock shall we?


Yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhh, at least it is clean.



It's still a cock.



How does the saying go.. "in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

Sony may not be great, but compared to Microsoft wearing their pants on their heads and shouting "wibble!" and Nintendo rocking in a corner back and forth, clutching a Mario plushie and gnawing it's ears off, they're positively inspirational.

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