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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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Can someone confirm that the FNIS for users tool beta 4.2 still says it is beta 4.1:?

Generate FNIS Behavior files for Users V4.0 Beta 4.1


I getting it too also getting this went I run it


Reading ZaZAnimationPack ...ERROR(2011): OLD FNIS version? Wrong line in Animation List, line  262 (..\..\meshes\actors\character\animations\ZaZAnimationPack\FNIS_ZaZAnimationPack_List.txt):  fu ZazWoodenHorse01 ZazAPCAO024.hkx ZazAPCAO024.hkx ZazFurnitureExit.hkx


You need to remove the zaz animations mod. it is not compatible with the latest FNIS

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@ azmodan22


"Can someone confirm that the FNIS for users tool beta 4.2 still says it is beta 4.1:?

Generate FNIS Behavior files for Users V4.0 Beta 4.1"


yes. I was wondering about that myself.


and you don't have the problem with NPCs sitting on the air and the ragdoll bug?

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I've got a clean save, but for some reason, animation settings, player hotkeys & rebuild & clean section are all empty, what happened? I already updated FNIS & also waited for 2 in game days & nothing changes at all. Anybody had an idea?


Try to quicksave (F5) and quickload (F9)



I wish that helped, but it didn't... I just don't know what to do anymore...





did you try this:?

open the console and enter the following: setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 



Can someone confirm that the FNIS for users tool beta 4.2 still says it is beta 4.1:?

Generate FNIS Behavior files for Users V4.0 Beta 4.1



It keep saying "stage 1 not found" what did  I forgot to download? I've got the FNIS covered. For some reason, it's been a pain just to load up this current save because the game will just CTD like 10 times before it works.


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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of use need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.

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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of us need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.

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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of use need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.


The save I mentioned never involve in SL at all. I always make any LL related mods on a separate save, the save I launch from never got any LL mods on them so why it fails just makes me really confused & frustrated to the point of furious whenever these kind of things happen. I don't even think anything supposed to go wrong, so what actually go wrong? I just have no idea.


I'm trying to calm myself down right now...

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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of use need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.


The save I mentioned never involve in SL at all. I always make any LL related mods on a separate save, the save I launch from never got any LL mods on them so why it fails just makes me really confused & frustrated to the point of furious whenever these kind of things happen. I don't even think anything supposed to go wrong, so what actually go wrong? I just have no idea.


I'm trying to calm myself down right now...



The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?

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gettiing the end looping, sometimes the stripping looping afterwards too. Not to mention that during they seem to fight with sandbox or sex event animations. Even after using the hotkeys to reset the scene placement and etc.. The PC works well and ragdolls fine, just the NPC's seem to not know when to sandbox or went to get busy, then gets stuck in the animations, LOL had a guard sliding around falkreath on his back while patrolling then on a later reload he was in the stripping animation as he slid around patrolling.


I updated to 1.2 pre-hotfix .. used the hotfix ... downloaded the 4_2 beta and used it (even though the app still says 4.1)

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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of use need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.


The save I mentioned never involve in SL at all. I always make any LL related mods on a separate save, the save I launch from never got any LL mods on them so why it fails just makes me really confused & frustrated to the point of furious whenever these kind of things happen. I don't even think anything supposed to go wrong, so what actually go wrong? I just have no idea.


I'm trying to calm myself down right now...



The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



Don't you worry, I'm not a raging type. I just don't get it how come almost everybody manages to get things working fine excepts me. To quote a fellow LL member once said to me in an exact quotation, I "seems that you're mostly running into bad luck and bugs" and "the dice were just against you" The thing is, it happens to me pretty much all the time and I just don't know why.

So, I'll just going to reinstall the older versions& play it  until the modders or someone could figure it out, if lucky, if someone can actually help me, which is pretty rare because it seems bad weird things or a 1 of a kind weird situation just really really loves to happen to me.



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only problem that I am having at this time after doing the latest SLframework 1.20 with hotfix is FNIS Behavior V4.0 Beta 4.1   9/29/2013 which should be 4.2. is that when I cast matchmaker on a couple of npc's they will strip down and get in what ever position they are going to do then slide away going in the direction that they were moving in the first place or keep doing what ever action that they were doing previously. was having ctd soon as I loaded up my save but after doing dual sheath redux patch and running fnis I was able to get it down to doing this. I do have the SexLab Vanilla Voices 1.8 installed too. did notice that the voices will change from what I had selected to back to random.

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There is obviously a problem.

What I did to upgrade from 1,15 to 1.20 was to remove all Sexlab Mods, then do the cleanest save possible of SL 1.15 and then installed SL1.2... and all the plugins

The game loads much faster that it used to and it seems to run much more smoothly. (besides the problems I mentioned above)

I fear that both of use need to do that yet again.. A clean save of all SL plugins and SL.


The save I mentioned never involve in SL at all. I always make any LL related mods on a separate save, the save I launch from never got any LL mods on them so why it fails just makes me really confused & frustrated to the point of furious whenever these kind of things happen. I don't even think anything supposed to go wrong, so what actually go wrong? I just have no idea.


I'm trying to calm myself down right now...



The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



2 things.

1. I know perfectly well how he is feeling. He is pissed of, because he knows that the damn thing works, just not for him!! (or me)

2. Having released a mod myself, (as simple as it can possibly be!!!) I can guarentee you one thing about deadlines. They are Always broken. 



Since this save never had SL before we can rule out the fact of a previos uninstalled version. So there is something else that is causing the problem. one thing that can cause problems with MCM is SkyUi. Make sure you have the latest version. If you do, you can do a trick I usually do in similar cases, especially if you are using NMM. Remove SkyUi and add it again. 

A clean save of SkyUi is obviously out of the question as you would also need to remove all the mods that use it too. No way!

By uninstalling it and reinstalling it, we make sure that if there are any mods that made changes to SkyUi and overwrote any of its files, you roll back to the original ones..



This is NOT reversible. if you HAVE any mods that made changes to Skyui, you will need to remove and reinstall those to, so they will make the overwrite again. I hope I make sence to you, and I hope this works.

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... "seems that you're mostly running into bad luck and bugs" and "the dice were just against you" ...



really.. ?

You should have seen me trying to get sexis to work...I ended up imortall, a ghost, stack with 0 health yet still alive and unable to use crafting stations...



3 times


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There is obviously a problem.




The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



2 things.

1. I know perfectly well how he is feeling. He is pissed of, because he knows that the damn thing works, just not for him!! (or me)

2. Having released a mod myself, (as simple as it can possibly be!!!) I can guarentee you one thing about deadlines. They are Always broken. 



Since this save never had SL before we can rule out the fact of a previos uninstalled version. So there is something else that is causing the problem. one thing that can cause problems with MCM is SkyUi. Make sure you have the latest version. If you do, you can do a trick I usually do in similar cases, especially if you are using NMM. Remove SkyUi and add it again. 

A clean save of SkyUi is obviously out of the question as you would also need to remove all the mods that use it too. No way!

By uninstalling it and reinstalling it, we make sure that if there are any mods that made changes to SkyUi and overwrote any of its files, you roll back to the original ones..



This is NOT reversible. if you HAVE any mods that made changes to Skyui, you will need to remove and reinstall those to, so they will make the overwrite again. I hope I make sence to you, and I hope this works.



Yeah, there's a problem. Too many libraries that too many mods depend upon changed too fast. That's the fundamental issue. So I say again. The most important library we all depend upon is FNIS by fores. Wait for that one to drop in a dependable state, then give the rest of the modders a chance to build against it. 


Edit: Expecting that modders can work around all their library dependency bugs at every turn is anything but reasonable.

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PC and NPC just stand there and do nothing I run FNIS and got 1.20 only running couple mods what is wrong


Active Mod Files:



00 Skyrim.esm
01 Update.esm
02 Dawnguard.esm
03 HearthFires.esm
04 Dragonborn.esm
05 ApachiiHair.esm
06 ApachiiHairFemales.esm
07 BBLuxurySuite.esm
08 SexiS.esm
09 SexLab.esm [Version 1.20]
0A SummerWear.esm
0B AllFemaleGuards.esp
0C SkyUI.esp
0D Gatti14Yumiko.esp
0E StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp
0F BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp
10 BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp
11 BBLSspouse.esp
12 BBLSVisitors.esp
13 BBLuxurySuiteClassier.esp
14 SummerWearBBLS.esp
15 ClassierTempleofMara.esp
16 Oblivious Shadowmere (Clean).esp
17 FA Guard Helmet.esp
18 SC07SexLabRandomAttack.esp
19 SexLabWorkingGirl.esp
1A SexiSCupid.esp
1B MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
1C MF_RadiantProstitution.esp
1D SexLab Dangerously Nude.esp

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There is obviously a problem.




The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



2 things.

1. I know perfectly well how he is feeling. He is pissed of, because he knows that the damn thing works, just not for him!! (or me)

2. Having released a mod myself, (as simple as it can possibly be!!!) I can guarentee you one thing about deadlines. They are Always broken. 



Since this save never had SL before we can rule out the fact of a previos uninstalled version. So there is something else that is causing the problem. one thing that can cause problems with MCM is SkyUi. Make sure you have the latest version. If you do, you can do a trick I usually do in similar cases, especially if you are using NMM. Remove SkyUi and add it again. 

A clean save of SkyUi is obviously out of the question as you would also need to remove all the mods that use it too. No way!

By uninstalling it and reinstalling it, we make sure that if there are any mods that made changes to SkyUi and overwrote any of its files, you roll back to the original ones..



This is NOT reversible. if you HAVE any mods that made changes to Skyui, you will need to remove and reinstall those to, so they will make the overwrite again. I hope I make sence to you, and I hope this works.



Yeah, there's a problem. Too many libraries that too many mods depend upon changed too fast. That's the fundamental issue. So I say again. The most important library we all depend upon is FNIS by fores. Wait for that one to drop in a dependable state, then give the rest of the modders a chance to build against it. 


Edit: Expecting that modders can work around all their library dependency bugs at every turn is anything but reasonable.





You are correct, but his problem is not FNIS related... yet ;)


So even when FNIS reaches final version chances are he will still have the MCM problem

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There is obviously a problem.




The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



2 things.

1. I know perfectly well how he is feeling. He is pissed of, because he knows that the damn thing works, just not for him!! (or me)

2. Having released a mod myself, (as simple as it can possibly be!!!) I can guarentee you one thing about deadlines. They are Always broken. 



Since this save never had SL before we can rule out the fact of a previos uninstalled version. So there is something else that is causing the problem. one thing that can cause problems with MCM is SkyUi. Make sure you have the latest version. If you do, you can do a trick I usually do in similar cases, especially if you are using NMM. Remove SkyUi and add it again. 

A clean save of SkyUi is obviously out of the question as you would also need to remove all the mods that use it too. No way!

By uninstalling it and reinstalling it, we make sure that if there are any mods that made changes to SkyUi and overwrote any of its files, you roll back to the original ones..



This is NOT reversible. if you HAVE any mods that made changes to Skyui, you will need to remove and reinstall those to, so they will make the overwrite again. I hope I make sence to you, and I hope this works.



Yeah, there's a problem. Too many libraries that too many mods depend upon changed too fast. That's the fundamental issue. So I say again. The most important library we all depend upon is FNIS by fores. Wait for that one to drop in a dependable state, then give the rest of the modders a chance to build against it. 


Edit: Expecting that modders can work around all their library dependency bugs at every turn is anything but reasonable.





You are correct, but his problem is not FNIS related... yet ;)


So even when FNIS reaches final version chances are he will still have the MCM problem


Yeah, and then we can beat the modder about the head with a nerf bat with a clear conscience  :D

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Well so far.. nothing really works.


The creature animations just work damn fine now.. but somehow the normal animations are broken. Characters floating away from the scene, looping the animation after they finished..


I dont know whats causing all this, may its not the fault of 1.20. I do believe its just because mods like Defeat/Submit etc. are just out of date for 1.20 and need to be updated. But as i read this thread i was hoping its just because of my game itself. Hopefully this will get fixed soon. 
And maybe some fine day there will be a big merge of all those mods so there isnt so much dependency like Sanguines Debauchery needs ZaZ and so on.

I know there is little hope for this to happen, but maybe? :)


So far i did everything right.

Updated the new FNIS. Disabled ZaZ and all mods depend on it. Installed the "hotfix" for Sexlab 1.20, but still have this problem with floating characters and etc.


But anyway. Great work so far!



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There is obviously a problem.




The most calming thing you can do on this day, sept 29, is to say 'all right, fores, ashal, gones and all the rest have put their best work up for testing.' When was the last time in Skryim modding history has such a momenutus occasion occurred? (well apollodon's magnus opus on the first of next might qualify, but only barely). 


Fores is saying that Oct 2 is his drop dead release date. Breath until then, ok?



2 things.

1. I know perfectly well how he is feeling. He is pissed of, because he knows that the damn thing works, just not for him!! (or me)

2. Having released a mod myself, (as simple as it can possibly be!!!) I can guarentee you one thing about deadlines. They are Always broken. 



Since this save never had SL before we can rule out the fact of a previos uninstalled version. So there is something else that is causing the problem. one thing that can cause problems with MCM is SkyUi. Make sure you have the latest version. If you do, you can do a trick I usually do in similar cases, especially if you are using NMM. Remove SkyUi and add it again. 

A clean save of SkyUi is obviously out of the question as you would also need to remove all the mods that use it too. No way!

By uninstalling it and reinstalling it, we make sure that if there are any mods that made changes to SkyUi and overwrote any of its files, you roll back to the original ones..



This is NOT reversible. if you HAVE any mods that made changes to Skyui, you will need to remove and reinstall those to, so they will make the overwrite again. I hope I make sence to you, and I hope this works.



Yeah, there's a problem. Too many libraries that too many mods depend upon changed too fast. That's the fundamental issue. So I say again. The most important library we all depend upon is FNIS by fores. Wait for that one to drop in a dependable state, then give the rest of the modders a chance to build against it. 


Edit: Expecting that modders can work around all their library dependency bugs at every turn is anything but reasonable.





You are correct, but his problem is not FNIS related... yet ;)


So even when FNIS reaches final version chances are he will still have the MCM problem


Yeah, and then we can beat the modder about the head with a nerf bat with a clear conscience  :D



I never said anything about beating the modder. The more complicated a mod is the more porblems will come up. IF However the mod works on the modder's install and at least ONE more install, then the issue is not the nessecarily the mod's fault. SL1.20 might not work correctly on my PC or laomaster's but there are some it does. Thus the mod works. SO we need to find what the difference is with my and his install and solve it. maybe make the mod more,..lenient, if you wish. 

But because this is not alway easy, we fist need to see if the problem is our fault, and fix it. Me and Laomaster obviously have a problem. He with the MCM menu and me with the ragdoll. The ragdoll..ok we can wait for FNIS 4, but for the MCM we need to solve it now, so we can see if it is a case that the mod is not "lenient" enough, or if laomaster fucked up the install.

I am not saying any of the two fucked up, but there is an incompatibility issue that needs to be addressed.


To be honest with you I am certain that there are at least 100 more peolple with the same problem that simply dont ever post anything. This mod has thousands of downloads, I seriously doupt there is ony One with the particular issue. Personaly I dont give a fuck about them since they dont ever try to help others by posting anything or be helped by asking, but if a problem is posted in the forum of a mod I am using or I Might be able to help..I Will try to do so, and I will suggest evey wild solution I have used in the past or my imagination can come up with to do so.


The least I expect is a "thanx, worked!" 




:D  :D

Reading your post one more time I did "get the meaning"

After FNIS 4 launches if we still have serious problems we can start sending him private messages with only one sentance...

"I know where you live...."


(I am jocking.. I dont know  :P  :P .. I estimate it is in the U.S. :blush: )

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1.2 seems to work really good, but for me my ' ] ' key doesn't quite work as intended. I press it and my character just stands there and restarts the animation. What am i doing wrong?? (i am not able to move my character to my intended spot)

Anyone able to confirm this problem or is it just me?

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1.2 seems to work really good, but for me my ' ] ' key doesn't quite work as intended. I press it and my character just stands there and restarts the animation. What am i doing wrong?? (i am not able to move my character to my intended spot)

Anyone able to confirm this problem or is it just me?



workes for me..


try to reassing it

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