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On 8/15/2021 at 2:46 PM, NicholasJMoore said:

I was reading through the comments from the last couple pages. I think forcing them to drink skooma (or possibly something else...) as a punishment would be interesting. You have the drink X dialog, so adding an additional option and branching the code at that point that might be possible.


I'm not sure how it would play into what you're trying to accomplish though. Just thinking out loud.


New version 1.6.4, now allows you to get your slaves drunk. Make sure they have alcoholic beverages in their inventory. Tell them to loosen up "Come her, slave" -> "You need to loosen up, have a drink!!" and wait 1 hour game time for maximum effect. If they are tough and wilful they might even be able to swallow a whole bottle of rum. Beware, too mush alcohol in their blood and they might pass out... Alcohol effect should disappear after 4 hours game time. Drunk slaves will be more lively, less smart and bold, more anxious and might loose their willpower and be less tough, depending on their drunk level. They will not think as much about escaping as others, but if they see their friends escaping they have a higher chance to follow them... and trip ?.


There are no animations for idles while drunk, but I am open for suggestions.


Slave dialogue "Come here slave" has been split in two "Come here, slave" now holds orders (including drinks) and "Listen to me, slave" holds most talking (praising, threatening, promising, ...). Promise are not working yet, but you can still make them ? you get the spirit ?.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Not a bad idea, but I have no idea how to implement it. Is there any follower mod with this feature, we could get inspiration from?


There is the skyrim default run away and cower when NPC's can't beat you/stand a chance which might work although this does sound like an ideal time for a slave to try and escape if there stats are low which i suppose could be the disadvantage of letting them out of your sight to keep them safe in combat

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15 hours ago, pinky6225 said:


There is the skyrim default run away and cower when NPC's can't beat you/stand a chance which might work although this does sound like an ideal time for a slave to try and escape if there stats are low which i suppose could be the disadvantage of letting them out of your sight to keep them safe in combat

I will look into the Vilja follower mod. I think they have something like that in it.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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8 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

I will look into the Vilja follower mod. I think they have something like that in it. By the way it's a wonderful mod.




Might also be worth a look, it makes NPC's run to a building when a dragon/vampire attack is under way so similar for a slave when PC goes into combat might work

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2 hours ago, pinky6225 said:


There is the skyrim default run away and cower when NPC's can't beat you/stand a chance which might work although this does sound like an ideal time for a slave to try and escape if there stats are low which i suppose could be the disadvantage of letting them out of your sight to keep them safe in combat

I agree. It's a risk but definitely immersive. If the player did a good job with the slaves resignation then it wouldn't be a worry but if they didn't well... lol


And I think if an npcs aggression is low or one of the settings I can't remember they will always run from combat when it commences. 

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One other thing


- Deceive: promise to free slave in exchange of favor, then later don't,


For a low stat slave can see that being bad but for a high stat/in love slave can imagine then reacting rather negatively to the "your free now, piss off" aspect of letting them go so having some sort dialogue to reflect that or even a spurned in love slave coming after you at a later date might be interesting

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On 8/14/2021 at 3:15 AM, Unknown DragonX said:

Thank you for the great mod. But I was wondering if  there any problems with having miaslair in the same load order with this mod? Because according to fnis there a duplicate problem and right now my playthrough is having random ctds and looking at the net log it shows that it animation problem and I don't see any other problems that could be reasoning for these random ctds for animation.

I don't know if you still have the same issue but I would not advice using pahe alongside miaslair miaslair outside of duplicition issues can destroy slaves permanently making them unresponsive uninteractible and will break there name and tracking that's something miaslair is notorious for causing 

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Hihi, Ver. 1.64, FNIS means : Warnung: Inkonsistentes Mod DiaryOfMine. Zahl der Animations differiert zwischen FNIS List (41) und zugehöriger behavior Datei (43)

google-translate: Warning: Inconsistent Mod DiaryOfMine. The number of animations differs between the FNIS list (41) and the associated behavior file (43)


Have a nice day


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On 8/15/2021 at 4:21 PM, TrollAutokill said:

I will look into it, but I thought that was already in pahe. I will see with   @CliftonJD@ there should be a flag for cuffed slaves and the flag should forbid them from idling.

by default its handled by the do nothing packages they're added to when restrained, but it seems they're not added to those packages when tied in furniture so i'll look into that for next update

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Really enjoy the mod, although i found a few bugs i'd like to report

The slaves can still run away and trip during sex animations, making it rather...odd

Talking to a slave that was trying to run away, the dialogues will sometimes trigger twice (first the full lines and then the 3 dots)

dunno if that was mentionned before

thakn you for your hard work

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8 hours ago, Helmut290456 said:

Hihi, Ver. 1.64, FNIS means : Warnung: Inkonsistentes Mod DiaryOfMine. Zahl der Animations differiert zwischen FNIS List (41) und zugehöriger behavior Datei (43)

google-translate: Warning: Inconsistent Mod DiaryOfMine. The number of animations differs between the FNIS list (41) and the associated behavior file (43)


Have a nice day


This is just a warning. The FNIS contains a few animation I am testing. This is a developer list, nothing to worry about.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, NicholasJMoore said:

Something I noticed a while back but didn't say anything. Your description says "I condemn physical and psychological violence of any form" instead of "I do not condemn physical and psychological violence of any form"


Was that intended?

Condemn as in "completely disapprove". I did not say "condone", as in "deliberately ignore". Those two words are so close, it's like they are made to be mixed up.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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12 hours ago, pinky6225 said:

One other thing


- Deceive: promise to free slave in exchange of favor, then later don't,


For a low stat slave can see that being bad but for a high stat/in love slave can imagine then reacting rather negatively to the "your free now, piss off" aspect of letting them go so having some sort dialogue to reflect that or even a spurned in love slave coming after you at a later date might be interesting

Who said letting them go was an option? So far the deceive/promise option is just a dialogue with the slave remembering the promise. Nothing else.


But yes I get your point, not all slaves will react the same way to a promise/deception, some might even enjoy the teasing.


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6 hours ago, Bystander01 said:

Really enjoy the mod, although i found a few bugs i'd like to report

The slaves can still run away and trip during sex animations, making it rather...odd

Talking to a slave that was trying to run away, the dialogues will sometimes trigger twice (first the full lines and then the 3 dots)

dunno if that was mentionned before

thakn you for your hard work

Should be fixed in 1.6.5

Edited by TrollAutokill
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On 8/22/2021 at 8:23 PM, Villianize said:

Side Question: Any chance there could be a function for Master's to tell the slaves to Hide during combat? similar to the flee from combat effect. Im not sure of other players, but Im confident that a sizeable amount of folks have slaves with them that they don't want to participate in combat. Be it theyre too weak, theyre just there for sex, or the more common reason I find in my experience being, if a slave is toggled not to fight, they'll constantly sneak up to you while your trying to fight, and you end up beating the hell out of your slave thus making the training process a bit trickier [You end up punishing your slave since your fighting a group of bandits swinging a greatsword, and have to constantly worry about where they are amidst a battle]

I mean I guess it could be something of an affectionate command like "I want you to stay safe if there's a battle" thus increasing the slaves love for the player. What are your thoughts on that?

Try 1.6.5, not a dialogue option, but non-combat slaves should be more cautious now. Even more if they are already scared by the master.

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1 hour ago, Gracker said:

Using the newest version of the mod on a fresh game, all npcs now have a dialog option, "Come here slave." Is this intended?


Shouldn't only slaves have this dialog option?

I might have forgotten a condition there. It's just cosmetic though. I will put it in update 1.7.0. Update is pending because of many changes in the code to make it faster.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

I might have forgotten a condition there. It's just cosmetic though. I will put it in update 1.7.0. Update is pending because of many changes in the code to make it faster.

That's great! When are you planning to release 1.7? 

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On 8/23/2021 at 8:06 AM, TrollAutokill said:

Not a bad idea, but I have no idea how to implement it. Is there any follower mod with this feature, we could get inspiration from?


i think i can help this.. not exactly a fallower mod ,but do this with npcs. called run for your lives!

here is a nexus link:



in nutshell:

non combat nőpc flee from dragons,vempires nearest interior or inn. this may give inspiration to you.

this mod not effect fallowers :(


Other thing:


i dont know when i finish my PAHE+DOM guide. IRL stuff hit in. i plan within a month update latest DOM version and re organize chapters and add a quick dirty start turoial chapter. then realise next beta version.  my miss spelling and other type mistakes proably going to fixed faar future.


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15 hours ago, Bystander01 said:

Talking to a slave that was trying to run away, the dialogues will sometimes trigger twice (first the full lines and then the 3 dots)

if the slave appears to be running away still after using the dialogues and gives the same runaway slave dialogs over again, you're getting a script delay. usually comes from other mods slowing down the papyrus engine



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1 hour ago, CliftonJD said:

if the slave appears to be running away still after using the dialogues and gives the same runaway slave dialogs over again, you're getting a script delay. usually comes from other mods slowing down the papyrus engine



Would make sense considering my load order... Thakns for the info

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