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8 hours ago, Kalysto said:

@TrollAutokill Nice that you are back!


@CliftonJD Since you are looking into the enslavement process. What are you looking to improve about it? Will it be more immersive and more engaged ???


The slave sex refusal is like the cherry on top for DoM.

Yes, I agree it should be there. With an option to persuade/scare or force/struggle (that could depend on the slave level) or tie up.

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On 7/9/2021 at 4:39 AM, NicholasJMoore said:

Thanks for the great mod.




An option to set hot key bindings to menu commands would be nice.   For example, when doing quests, being able to praise a slave for good combat without having to go through the menus would be pretty slick.  If you do add them, I'd leave them set to nothing (not bound), and let the player decide if they want to use them and how. 



Try version 1.5.7 with 5 new hotkeys to set for you: NPC traits, & feelings, Slave status & praise & scold.


If you have any other idea for hotkeys I will add them. Make sure to not overuse them or you will loose immersion.


EDIT: I left both 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 as LL gave strange errors while uploading. Let's hope it went well.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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On 7/14/2021 at 10:04 AM, TrollAutokill said:

The hotkeys for quick praise and scold, as well maybe as slave status (telling which punishment comes next) is a good idea. I put it in my todo list.

Normally the relationship rank evolves according to the mood of the slave, so you should not see this dialogue on a broken/loyal/inlove slave. Or do you?


I'm going to start a completely new game and play with it to see if I can figure it out. Thanks for the info.

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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Try version 1.5.7 with 5 new hotkeys to set for you: NPC traits, & feelings, Slave status & praise & scold.


If you have any other idea for hotkeys I will add them. Make sure to not overuse them or you will loose immersion.


EDIT: I left both 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 as LL gave strange errors while uploading. Let's hope it went well.


That was a quick turn. I'll try it out tonight. Thanks!


I put this into a game with 12 fully trained NPCs, so I think the weirdness I'm seeing is probably coming from data conflicts because of that. I'm going to start a completely new game and go from there. Slaves at 100% subjugation were trying to escape all the time, but eventually stopped after a long of training with DoM, about as much as training them from scratch. 


Aside from that I do have a few questions when I go about messing with this again.


I was thinking about this yesterday, the transition out of some emotional states like sad, afraid, etc. feels like it moves too fast in some scenarios vs others like angry.  I think this is why I was probably asking my other question about picking specific punishment sex type options. 


If they go into a sad state, and I leave them there, would it last for at least a full game day?  Does mood affect possibilities, like trying to escape?


So for example, if I make them sad and want to leave them in that state, but they then try to escape (was having this difficult even at 100% subjugation in an existing save) and I punish them, it will likely move their state to another pretty quick.


Now that I think about it, would turning the responsiveness to training way down make the moods shift slower?   Maybe I could mess with that... 


Another thought, which I think would be kind of nutty and difficult, but interesting, is to be able to tell the slave what they are being punished for, in an RP text dialogue option. You do this a bit on the "how are you enjoying being a slave" menu option by indicating what can happen (thanks for that!), but I think it could go further if one is particularly crazy with a lot of time to sync.  Though I think that is treading the line between the two mods too much.


Edited by NicholasJMoore
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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:
15 hours ago, Nonseen said:

I done some writing to make a new guide for DOM current version, this is lot longer then i expected.

Guide at this form PRE ALFA (or something).

Nice work, it is a great start!

:) :) :) 

4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

The six first traits are described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEXACO_model_of_personality_structure

The six others are my own additions.


They are related to moods and emotions as described in the mod page. You can try to write what you understand from that in the guide. I will comment after.

Thank you for information based on this i update revelant section!

4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

A few more info to add about "moods"


Neutral state mostly happens for slaves with low training and if they are not punished. Neutral mood slaves are unresponsive to sex training

Afraid also means slave will obey even if not trained, increases sensitivity to vaginal sex

Ashamed happens if slave is naked, stripped or forced to touch self, increase sensitivity to all kind of sex (more than sad/afraid/angry)

Angry increases sensitivity to anal sex

Sad increases sensitivity to oral sex

Shocked increases sensitivity to sex (less than sad/afraid/angry). Each time a slave is shocked increases their chance to be broken. Shocked slave will recover after some time has passed and become afraid//sad/neutral or can be broken if punished too much.

Broken slave will mostly follow your orders and not try to run away. Broken slaves do not get afraid/angry/ashamed/sad. They can be shocked if punished too much.

Loyal slaves happens for high training levels. It is the equivalent of broken but the slave mind is now twisted and they believe you are their friend. They can be shocked if punished too much.

In love only happens for high trained slaves if you had sex with them at least once. Their mind is twisted to the point they are in love with you. They can be shocked if punished too much.


There are no "rebellious" mood, it is used as a synonym for angry in some dialogue.


I copy this writing to the guide if no problem. :)  (and point out it is from you :) )Thank you for clerification!

4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

I would add a short description of the PAHE training stats.

Nice idea! I add this the do it later list!


i thinking maybe wise add some information about YAGAS-HSH-DOM  collabaration effects. i dont know how to say in english. this 3 mod effect each other many ways. if one use 3 mod with pahe slaver expereince very good, but non know DOM tings how effect this 2 mods. ( at least i have not match expereince in this field becuse most test i done only PAHE-DOM)


I planning to realise my guide pre alfa V2 version within 2 days.

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1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


That was a quick turn. I'll try it out tonight. Thanks!


I put this into a game with 12 fully trained NPCs, so I think the weirdness I'm seeing is probably coming from data conflicts because of that. I'm going to start a completely new game and go from there. Slaves at 100% subjugation were trying to escape all the time, but eventually stopped after a long of training with DoM, about as much as training them from scratch. 

Most NPC will try to escape after your enslave them if you don't tie them. This is how it is meant to be. Sometimes you can find an NPC so easily scared that they won't even try to escape with 1% resignation, but I believe at 0 resignation all NPC do run away.

1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


Aside from that I do have a few questions when I go about messing with this again.


I was thinking about this yesterday, the transition out of some emotional states like sad, afraid, etc. feels like it moves too fast in some scenarios vs others like angry.  I think this is why I was probably asking my other question about picking specific punishment sex type options. 

I completely agree with that. Although the fast transition usually happens when you punish them. Try to stop the punishment after the right mood is reached

1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


If they go into a sad state, and I leave them there, would it last for at least a full game day?  Does mood affect possibilities, like trying to escape?

Slaves will recover from a mood depending on their traits it can be between a few seconds to a few hours. Fox example a tough and calm person will recover faster from sad.

1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


So for example, if I make them sad and want to leave them in that state, but they then try to escape (was having this difficult even at 100% subjugation in an existing save) and I punish them, it will likely move their state to another pretty quick.

The right mood for preventing them to escape is "afraid". Right now you can not control which state from sad/afraid/angry they will enter, it depends on their traits. But I am open to suggestions. For example pain could make them either afraid or angry and threaten make them sad or angry (threaten would need to be implemented, how? just dialogues?).

1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


Now that I think about it, would turning the responsiveness to training way down make the moods shift slower?   Maybe I could mess with that... 

No, the mood shift is controlled by the slave traits. Moods are recalculated every game tick and everytime you hit them with the whip.

1 hour ago, NicholasJMoore said:


Another thought, which I think would be kind of nutty and difficult, but interesting, is to be able to tell the slave what they are being punished for, in an RP text dialogue option. You do this a bit on the "how are you enjoying being a slave" menu option by indicating what can happen (thanks for that!), but I think it could go further if one is particularly crazy with a lot of time to sync.  Though I think that is treading the line between the two mods too much.


I think that's already in there. But linking with the suggestion above, we could implement a "threaten slave" option where you could choose what to threaten the slave not to do. Let's say you threaten a slave not to run away or the punishment will be even harder. Then the slave tries to run away and you get a huge punishment bonus because of the previous threat.


Would that go in the direction you were suggesting?

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7 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

The six first traits are described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEXACO_model_of_personality_structure

The six others are my own additions.


They are related to moods and emotions as described in the mod page. You can try to write what you understand from that in the guide. I will comment after.


Below the line my re written slave personality chepter, i dont sure 100% i understand evrything correct writen in wiki pedia, and DOM mod page. :( 

English is not my first langluage.

Please comment my understandng right or not. I try make this writning player frendly as possible.



DOM use HEXAGO model to model NPC personality. This model used to discribe personalitys. 
more info on this:


I try write it down here as i understand, and simple as i can.
This model use 6 "diemnsion" or factors to discribe personality and traits.
Factors mesured in scores. in DOM case 0-100 scale best of my knowlage.

This alone not enught to discribe a personality so we need traits to discribe more the personality.
Evry factor contain 2 set of traits that used to discribe personality, this traits are:
Facets and adjecents.
In DOM implementation this ones shown as Facets traits.


To understand how personaility simulation work in DOM easy way this:
The HEXACO 6 dimension in DOM represented as Peronality traits (tis traits beatwen 0-100 score ind DOM) :


DOM name - HEXAGO equialent - Meaning of this in DOM slaver perspecitve
Unlawful/Honest - Honesty-Humility (H) - High score means slave more slowly get the submisive traning
Anxious/Calm - Emotionality (E) - High score means slave more slowly get affraid, slowly get fear traning
Shy/Lively - Extraversion (X) - High score means slave get faster humiliation traning, reason for this: this slave relay more on outside inputs
Mean/Kind - Agreeableness (A) - High score means slave get slower anger traning more patient others
Lazy/Thorough - Conscientiousness (C) - High score means slave not easy to train slave resignation
Shallow/Open - Openness to Experience (O) - High score means slave not easy to train respect


Facet traits


DOM name  - Effects ( first = weak aginst, secund = strong aginst)
Weak/Wilful - subbmision traning using pain
Delicate/Tough - fear traning
Frigid/Sensual - humilation traning -ashaming slave
Sadistic/Masochistic - anger traning - stress
Needy/Bold - resignation traning - sorrow
Stupid/Smart - respect traning - disicpline ( like bead slave good slave dialoges)


Pick a slave who has willful trait. This one very hard to make submit becuse will full. So more resitatnt to pain.
the slave who willful not need high score in unlawful-honest factor. This means this slave honest.
From modelling perspective: The slave traning in DOM case show how player action formed/changed/effected the original personality of the slave.
Let say pick slave A and B bot recive same ammount pain punishment. but Slave A has Willful trait. This one get very littile subbmision traning compered Slave B who is not.

Important to keep in mind: All traits i mean personality and facets effect slave behavior and reaction the effects that hit the slave. This include how quick or slow a slave get "cooled down", or get angry etc. A high anixios/calm scored slave probably faster recover from fear than low scored one( if to slave has no facet traits that effect this).

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3 hours ago, Nonseen said:


Below the line my re written slave personality chepter, i dont sure 100% i understand evrything correct writen in wiki pedia, and DOM mod page. :( 

English is not my first langluage.

Please comment my understandng right or not. I try make this writning player frendly as possible.



DOM use HEXAGO model to model NPC personality. This model used to discribe personalitys. 
more info on this:


I try write it down here as i understand, and simple as i can.
This model use 6 "diemnsion" or factors to discribe personality and traits.
Factors mesured in scores. in DOM case 0-100 scale best of my knowlage.

This alone not enught to discribe a personality so we need traits to discribe more the personality.
Evry factor contain 2 set of traits that used to discribe personality, this traits are:
Facets and adjecents.
In DOM implementation this ones shown as Facets traits.


To understand how personaility simulation work in DOM easy way this:
The HEXACO 6 dimension in DOM represented as Peronality traits (tis traits beatwen 0-100 score ind DOM) :


DOM name - HEXAGO equialent - Meaning of this in DOM slaver perspecitve
Unlawful/Honest - Honesty-Humility (H) - High score means slave more slowly get the submisive traning
Anxious/Calm - Emotionality (E) - High score means slave more slowly get affraid, slowly get fear traning
Shy/Lively - Extraversion (X) - High score means slave get faster humiliation traning, reason for this: this slave relay more on outside inputs
Mean/Kind - Agreeableness (A) - High score means slave get slower anger traning more patient others
Lazy/Thorough - Conscientiousness (C) - High score means slave not easy to train slave resignation
Shallow/Open - Openness to Experience (O) - High score means slave not easy to train respect


Facet traits


DOM name  - Effects ( first = weak aginst, secund = strong aginst)
Weak/Wilful - subbmision traning using pain
Delicate/Tough - fear traning
Frigid/Sensual - humilation traning -ashaming slave
Sadistic/Masochistic - anger traning - stress
Needy/Bold - resignation traning - sorrow
Stupid/Smart - respect traning - disicpline ( like bead slave good slave dialoges)


Pick a slave who has willful trait. This one very hard to make submit becuse will full. So more resitatnt to pain.
the slave who willful not need high score in unlawful-honest factor. This means this slave honest.
From modelling perspective: The slave traning in DOM case show how player action formed/changed/effected the original personality of the slave.
Let say pick slave A and B bot recive same ammount pain punishment. but Slave A has Willful trait. This one get very littile subbmision traning compered Slave B who is not.

Important to keep in mind: All traits i mean personality and facets effect slave behavior and reaction the effects that hit the slave. This include how quick or slow a slave get "cooled down", or get angry etc. A high anixios/calm scored slave probably faster recover from fear than low scored one( if to slave has no facet traits that effect this).

I like the way you linked traits with training stats. You might have some wrong direction though, it's usually lower values leading to more training. Lower values means dishonest/stressed/shy/grumpy/lazy/shallow. I will try to correct your description Monday, but I have to check the formulae (most of them are extrapolated from scientific articles actually).

Edited by TrollAutokill
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37 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

You might have some wrong direction though, it's lower values leading to more training. Lower values means dishonest/stressed/calm/shallo

Thank you for correction! here is the fixed version! To make more easy understand i write down the traning prefered direction if high is better i write high.


DOM name - HEXAGO equialent - Meaning of this in DOM slaver perspecitve
Unlawful/Honest - Honesty-Humility (H) - High score means slave more quickly get the submisive traning
Anxious/Calm - Emotionality (E) - High score means slave more quickly get affraid, more fear traning done
Shy/Lively - Extraversion (X) - High score means slave get faster humiliation traning, reason for this: this slave relay more on outside inputs
Mean/Kind - Agreeableness (A) - Low score means slave get faster anger traning more patient others
Lazy/Thorough - Conscientiousness (C) - High score means slave easy to train slave resignation
Shallow/Open - Openness to Experience (O) - High score means easy and quick to train respect

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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:


No, the mood shift is controlled by the slave traits. Moods are recalculated every game tick and everytime you hit them with the whip.

I think that's already in there. But linking with the suggestion above, we could implement a "threaten slave" option where you could choose what to threaten the slave not to do. Let's say you threaten a slave not to run away or the punishment will be even harder. Then the slave tries to run away and you get a huge punishment bonus because of the previous threat.


Would that go in the direction you were suggesting?


So punish harder for certain things. That might work.  Hmm let me think about it. You gave me a lot of information. I'll mess around with it on the fresh game and circle back.


I think the guide that is WIP will really help going forward!

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6 hours ago, NicholasJMoore said:

So punish harder for certain things. That might work.  Hmm let me think about it. You gave me a lot of information. I'll mess around with it on the fresh game and circle back.

i suggest try this:

go to the slave talk to them chose ->"let have sirius chat"->"what kind of slave you are?" dialoge options.

After this slave tell you his/her strong point and weakneses. 

you can ignore thi if you will and simply start punish non stop until slave breaks but not all time most effective method.

( ok i saying this who most times relay destruction flame spell for pain punishemnt... to effective :D )


6 hours ago, NicholasJMoore said:

I think the guide that is WIP will really help going forward!


Good to hear.

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Sorry for buble posting.

This one need separate post!


I realese my Guide PRE ALFA V2 version.



Important news:

-new table of contonent with search option to make more easy what you are loking

-added DOM spells and poitions and how to use them

-improved/corrected Slave minds descriptions some part probably need more fixing by the way!

-Character build guide for slaver character (not yet tested :( , but based on my expereine with skyrim should work fine :) )

-updated slave traning tactics (this part need more update i think)


-all new stuff marked as new things, old deleted parts marked as going deleted.

deletion done next realese.

-all new part put the enf of the documentation agin so if one intrested in new stuf witout contest jost go end of document!


NEXT realese planned come not less than 2 day not more than 8 day



A - Need fead back how useful this format, how easy or hard understand my writings (outside of misspelings/typos)

B - Need more info how others train slaves, what others experience

C - it is possible i miss understand things ofsome inner working regarding DOM. Pls let meknow what i messed up!


Planned things to be done:

- DOM effect to HSH mod, slave traning in HSH

-DOM "mini questline" discription

-PAHE Traning stats better discription, and how things work in pahe

-Suggested mod list for better experience ( more divers npcs, more npcs in general)

-Separate chepter to help understand meanings of the "what kind of slave you are" pop up window discriptions

-owerhaul and improve slave traning tactics section

-separate chapter about slave dioaloge tree what where found what exactly does for more easy understand and find things

-fix that damm gramar errors and prepare alfa realese

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17 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:
19 hours ago, NicholasJMoore said:


Another thought, which I think would be kind of nutty and difficult, but interesting, is to be able to tell the slave what they are being punished for, in an RP text dialogue option. You do this a bit on the "how are you enjoying being a slave" menu option by indicating what can happen (thanks for that!), but I think it could go further if one is particularly crazy with a lot of time to sync.  Though I think that is treading the line between the two mods too much.


I think that's already in there. But linking with the suggestion above, we could implement a "threaten slave" option where you could choose what to threaten the slave not to do. Let's say you threaten a slave not to run away or the punishment will be even harder. Then the slave tries to run away and you get a huge punishment bonus because of the previous threat.


Would that go in the direction you were suggesting?


The dialogue option where you can see what to punish/praise for already shows something you've already punished them for so linking intimidate/threaten to that and then giving a bonus would make sense

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On 7/16/2021 at 1:57 AM, Nonseen said:

I done some writing to make a new guide for DOM current version, this is lot longer then i expected.

Guide at this form PRE ALFA (or something).

One comment about section 1 "capturing slaves"


4-sneak-abduction if a victim not detect you and you activate sneak capture using default 'V' key this lead new slave captured

---> Default key is "none" so you have to go to Diary's MCM menu to set it, only old DoM version was 'V'. Plus you don't even need to sneak for it to work. This method is used for debugging, but will be replaced by something more immersive later.




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On 7/17/2021 at 12:23 PM, pinky6225 said:


The dialogue option where you can see what to punish/praise for already shows something you've already punished them for so linking intimidate/threaten to that and then giving a bonus would make sense

Comment on section 2:


"during this dialoge you can order them what wear this alow option give them collar to wear... i strongly recomend give al lslaves colar to make them break more easy."


Magic collar will forbid slave from running away. It breaks immersion but is easier for beginners.

Normal collar for the moment does nothing in PAHE. @CliftonJD might contradict me. If I am right it could be used to give a bonus for "threatening" as discussed in the posts above.

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40 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

One comment about section 1 "capturing slaves"


4-sneak-abduction if a victim not detect you and you activate sneak capture using default 'V' key this lead new slave captured

---> Default key is "none" so you have to go to Diary's MCM menu to set it, only old DoM version was 'V'. Plus you don't even need to sneak for it to work. This method is used for debugging, but will be replaced by something more immersive later.

Thank you for clerification!

In this case may i ask what is the planned method? user press a key when sneaking and this way capture the target?


38 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Magic collar will forbid slave from running away. It breaks immersion but is easier for beginners.

Thank you for suggestion!  Imentioned later in this chapter usage of leash collar, i edited this section a bit to more clear.


Hmmm i plan add a separate section about slave escape preverention, and how this things work. Expecting begginers find this information very usefull.


48 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Normal collar for the moment does nothing in PAHE.

based on messages i belive in DOM collar has effect on slaves, in PAHE i dont know how effect or not.


Hmmm becuse lot of similaritys beatwen PAHE and DOM i start feel mmight wise to create my guide for not only DOM... Might better create for PAHE and DOM users.

But in this case i need a at least a separate section that mentions PAHE slave mind inner workings, explaning at least lakeview and fellglow slave camp things.


I know this is not going to be easy work :) 



Other things in my mind:

I dont know how fast DOM get updated in the next say months. How many new things get added and how many things get cahnge.

Rason i asking this if DOM get changed a lot, i need change a lot the guide in writing.


If lots of cahnge coming let say 2 weaks from now, i better wait changes come live, test it out then implement them into the guide.

i plan to create alfa version for DOM 1.5.6 and PAHE 7.8 versions. Reason is i have a current new game runing thins version to execute tests, inluding YAGAS and HSH.

To wirte up how HSH-YAGAS work with DOM i need experience it, and test it.

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49 minutes ago, Nonseen said:

Thank you for clerification!

In this case may i ask what is the planned method? user press a key when sneaking and this way capture the target?


Thank you for suggestion!  Imentioned later in this chapter usage of leash collar, i edited this section a bit to more clear.


Hmmm i plan add a separate section about slave escape preverention, and how this things work. Expecting begginers find this information very usefull.


based on messages i belive in DOM collar has effect on slaves, in PAHE i dont know how effect or not.


Hmmm becuse lot of similaritys beatwen PAHE and DOM i start feel mmight wise to create my guide for not only DOM... Might better create for PAHE and DOM users.

But in this case i need a at least a separate section that mentions PAHE slave mind inner workings, explaning at least lakeview and fellglow slave camp things.


I know this is not going to be easy work :) 



Other things in my mind:

I dont know how fast DOM get updated in the next say months. How many new things get added and how many things get cahnge.

Rason i asking this if DOM get changed a lot, i need change a lot the guide in writing.


If lots of cahnge coming let say 2 weaks from now, i better wait changes come live, test it out then implement them into the guide.

i plan to create alfa version for DOM 1.5.6 and PAHE 7.8 versions. Reason is i have a current new game runing thins version to execute tests, inluding YAGAS and HSH.

To wirte up how HSH-YAGAS work with DOM i need experience it, and test it.

 Sorry for the bad reply to. I quoted Pinky post, I meant Nonseen, as you guessed.


Next change for DoM will be bug corrections and the "Threaten" dialogue. Then there is more animations to be added and hopefully the "slave refuse sex" option. I have a bit of time end of July but August will be a slow month.


So it should not affect your guide a lot.

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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:
2 hours ago, Nonseen said:

Thank you for clerification!

In this case may i ask what is the planned method? user press a key when sneaking and this way capture the target?


Thank you for suggestion!  Imentioned later in this chapter usage of leash collar, i edited this section a bit to more clear.


Hmmm i plan add a separate section about slave escape preverention, and how this things work. Expecting begginers find this information very usefull.


based on messages i belive in DOM collar has effect on slaves, in PAHE i dont know how effect or not.


Hmmm becuse lot of similaritys beatwen PAHE and DOM i start feel mmight wise to create my guide for not only DOM... Might better create for PAHE and DOM users.

But in this case i need a at least a separate section that mentions PAHE slave mind inner workings, explaning at least lakeview and fellglow slave camp things.


I know this is not going to be easy work :) 



Other things in my mind:

I dont know how fast DOM get updated in the next say months. How many new things get added and how many things get cahnge.

Rason i asking this if DOM get changed a lot, i need change a lot the guide in writing.


If lots of cahnge coming let say 2 weaks from now, i better wait changes come live, test it out then implement them into the guide.

i plan to create alfa version for DOM 1.5.6 and PAHE 7.8 versions. Reason is i have a current new game runing thins version to execute tests, inluding YAGAS and HSH.

To wirte up how HSH-YAGAS work with DOM i need experience it, and test it.


 Sorry for the bad reply to. I quoted Pinky post, I meant Nonseen, as you guessed.


Next change for DoM will be bug corrections and the "Threaten" dialogue. Then there is more animations to be added and hopefully the "slave refuse sex" option. I have a bit of time end of July but August will be a slow month.


So it should not affect your guide a lot.


Yes i guessed :) no problem!


Thank you for answer about "what comming next" based on this i contunue writing guide in my mind with current futures and inner working of DOM.


Abut slave can refuse sex:

Strange, slave at this moment can refuse sex if one go "okslave"->"i going fuck you"

this case slave say no to sex and new option arrive to whip them becuse of this


To me strange thing is as yagas and hsh in use i have 3 way to start sex with slaves.

1-punishemnt from pahe legacy dialoge->punishing with sex

2-ok slave menu as discribed above

3-"i have fun with you strip now" dialoge option form pahe or yagas i dont know.


i think you man all of this cases get option to slave refuse sex? at this moemnt only ok slave option contain option to slave refuse sex...


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4 minutes ago, Nonseen said:


Yes i guessed :) no problem!


Thank you for answer about "what comming next" based on this i contunue writing guide in my mind with current futures and inner working of DOM.


Abut slave can refuse sex:

Strange, slave at this moment can refuse sex if one go "okslave"->"i going fuck you"

this case slave say no to sex and new option arrive to whip them becuse of this


To me strange thing is as yagas and hsh in use i have 3 way to start sex with slaves.

1-punishemnt from pahe legacy dialoge->punishing with sex

2-ok slave menu as discribed above

3-"i have fun with you strip now" dialoge option form pahe or yagas i dont know.


i think you man all of this cases get option to slave refuse sex? at this moemnt only ok slave option contain option to slave refuse sex...


Yes, problem is slave refuses sex only based on submission level. For some dialogues it is not implemented for others it is, in PAHE. Maybe Clifton will look into it if he has time.

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Some corrections on traits descriptions in the guide:


Unlawful/Honest - Honesty-Humility (H) - High score means slave is more sensitive to wrong punishments, discipline and pain and more quickly gets submissive training.
Anxious/Calm - Emotionality (E) - Low score means slave is more sensitive to fear and stress, more quickly gets afraid, hence more fear training.
Shy/Lively - Extraversion (X) - Low score means slave is more sensitive to shame, fear and stress, gets faster humiliation training.
Mean/Kind - Agreeableness (A) - Low score means slave is easily aggressive, more sensitive to stress and get faster anger training. High score means more sensitive to sorrow.
Lazy/Thorough - Conscientiousness (C) - High score means slave cares about stuff and is more sensitive to sorrow and it is easier to train slave resignation.
Shallow/Open - Openness to Experience (O) - Low score means slave is sensitive to discipline and shame, more easy and quick to train respect


Facet traits
DOM name  - Description - Effects
Weak/Wilful - The strength of the mind - resistant to pain/submission
Delicate/Tough - The resistance to pain of the body - resistant to pain/submission and fear
Frigid/Sensual - The sensitivity to pleasure, caress and tickling of the body - sensitive to shame/humiliation training
Sadistic/Masochistic - This one is a personal choice - anger traning - stress
Needy/Bold - How much the slave needs others approval and comfort - resistant to sorrow/resignation traning
Stupid/Smart - How much slaves understand stuff and especially what you are doing to them - resistant to discipline/respect traning - disicpline ( like bead slave good slave dialoges)


PS: While checking the formulae, I found a few bugs in them. Version 1.5.8 will have corrected formulae.


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41 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Some corrections on traits descriptions in the guide:


Unlawful/Honest - Honesty-Humility (H) - High score means slave is more sensitive to wrong punishments, discipline and pain and more quickly gets submissive training.
Anxious/Calm - Emotionality (E) - Low score means slave is more sensitive to fear and stress, more quickly gets afraid, hence more fear training.
Shy/Lively - Extraversion (X) - Low score means slave is more sensitive to shame, fear and stress, gets faster humiliation training.
Mean/Kind - Agreeableness (A) - Low score means slave is easily aggressive, more sensitive to stress and get faster anger training. High score means more sensitive to sorrow.
Lazy/Thorough - Conscientiousness (C) - High score means slave cares about stuff and is more sensitive to sorrow and it is easier to train slave resignation.
Shallow/Open - Openness to Experience (O) - Low score means slave is sensitive to discipline and shame, more easy and quick to train respect


Facet traits
DOM name  - Description - Effects
Weak/Wilful - The strength of the mind - resistant to pain/submission
Delicate/Tough - The resistance to pain of the body - resistant to pain/submission and fear
Frigid/Sensual - The sensitivity to pleasure, caress and tickling of the body - sensitive to shame/humiliation training
Sadistic/Masochistic - This one is a personal choice - anger traning - stress
Needy/Bold - How much the slave needs others approval and comfort - resistant to sorrow/resignation traning
Stupid/Smart - How much slaves understand stuff and especially what you are doing to them - resistant to discipline/respect traning - disicpline ( like bead slave good slave dialoges)


PS: While checking the formulae, I found a few bugs in them. Version 1.5.8 will have corrected formulae.


Thak you for clerification i add the guide and delete the old section!


i added this note below Facet traits:

"Important: All Facet Traits has weak/strong version above. weak means sensitive this type of effects."


if this one incorect pls let me know.


I plan realse tomorow or after tomorow the "Alfa" variant of guide (3th relaise)

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More comments on training stats (in red):


Submission - in pahe this is the most important skill! This shows the slave how hard subbmited to owener will. Above 40 slave can be forced to talk the players as slave need to do this opern respect traning options! In PAHE if this score above 60 slave stop escape (by default) see resignation below for PAHE+DOM.


In DOM This skill shows how sexually subbmisive the slave the owener will and it is used for all sexually related orders. Can be trained by giving order slaves, punishing them using pain based punishemnts. High submission means the NPC his subjugated by your sexual power.
this skill primarily linked unlawful/honest attribute as honest characters will be more sensitive to the master unfair punishments.

Weak/Wilful seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. here weak means he weak against punishment.


Fear Traning - In PAHE Effect unknown to me at the time of writing
in DOM in my experience a slave with high fear traning more scared form master and will obey more easily (posing, waiting, cleaning will be longer), and more brawe in fight
fear can be trained forcing slave to fight for the player, or just punishing slave for other things ower time pain punishemnt get trained the slave for fear
this skill linked to Anxious/Calm, anxious characters are more sensitive to fear.
Delicate/Tough seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. Delicate means weak aginst fear traning effects.


Anger traning - IN PAHE function this as slave get angry at you for your action and refuse to do things becuse is this
in DOM best of my knowlage this skill work somewhat similar, not important skill. not mutch expereince or knowlage about inner workings at the time of writing. High anger training gives slave more chance to fall in love or be loyal.
to train anger traning first need get slave angry at you then punish for it. to make angry simple restrain them, then punish with pain or do other punishemnt.
after you get message xy slave get angry pain punishemnt work to reduce anger.
this skill linked to Mean/Kind
Sadistic/Masochistic seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up.


Humiliation - in PAHE this skill not exist.
In DOM: this kill gowern how slave react shaming effects. like ordering slave to strip being nude, wearing humilating divices.
in low traning slave probably refuse strip order with high humilation traning slave no problem get naked in front of hundred peapole. High humiliation training gives more chance for slave to be aroused when ordered to touch self.
to train this force slave to strip, punish if not get striped, give them low quality cothing, humiliating divices.
this skill linked to Shy/Lively
Frigid/Sensual seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. a frigid slave not react well sexual traning.


Resignation - in PAHE this skill not exist.
In DOM this is a very improtant slave skill. This governs ho slave see options to escape from you. default 60 or more resignation block slave escape attempts. High resignation training means the NPC thinks he/she is a slave now.
to tran this restrain slave, give them hell! if slave try escape catch them and punish until slave get shocked(my experience most cases flame spell works wonders).
this skill linked to Sad/Happy
Needy/Bold seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. here Needy means easy to train resignation





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56 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

More comments on training stats (in red):


Submission - in pahe this is the most important skill! This shows the slave how hard subbmited to owener will. Above 40 slave can be forced to talk the players as slave need to do this opern respect traning options! In PAHE if this score above 60 slave stop escape (by default) see resignation below for PAHE+DOM.


In DOM This skill shows how sexually subbmisive the slave the owener will and it is used for all sexually related orders. Can be trained by giving order slaves, punishing them using pain based punishemnts. High submission means the NPC his subjugated by your sexual power.
this skill primarily linked unlawful/honest attribute as honest characters will be more sensitive to the master unfair punishments.

Weak/Wilful seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. here weak means he weak against punishment.


Fear Traning - In PAHE Effect unknown to me at the time of writing
in DOM in my experience a slave with high fear traning more scared form master and will obey more easily (posing, waiting, cleaning will be longer), and more brawe in fight
fear can be trained forcing slave to fight for the player, or just punishing slave for other things ower time pain punishemnt get trained the slave for fear
this skill linked to Anxious/Calm, anxious characters are more sensitive to fear.
Delicate/Tough seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. Delicate means weak aginst fear traning effects.


Anger traning - IN PAHE function this as slave get angry at you for your action and refuse to do things becuse is this
in DOM best of my knowlage this skill work somewhat similar, not important skill. not mutch expereince or knowlage about inner workings at the time of writing. High anger training gives slave more chance to fall in love or be loyal.
to train anger traning first need get slave angry at you then punish for it. to make angry simple restrain them, then punish with pain or do other punishemnt.
after you get message xy slave get angry pain punishemnt work to reduce anger.
this skill linked to Mean/Kind
Sadistic/Masochistic seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up.


Humiliation - in PAHE this skill not exist.
In DOM: this kill gowern how slave react shaming effects. like ordering slave to strip being nude, wearing humilating divices.
in low traning slave probably refuse strip order with high humilation traning slave no problem get naked in front of hundred peapole. High humiliation training gives more chance for slave to be aroused when ordered to touch self.
to train this force slave to strip, punish if not get striped, give them low quality cothing, humiliating divices.
this skill linked to Shy/Lively
Frigid/Sensual seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. a frigid slave not react well sexual traning.


Resignation - in PAHE this skill not exist.
In DOM this is a very improtant slave skill. This governs ho slave see options to escape from you. default 60 or more resignation block slave escape attempts. High resignation training means the NPC thinks he/she is a slave now.
to tran this restrain slave, give them hell! if slave try escape catch them and punish until slave get shocked(my experience most cases flame spell works wonders).
this skill linked to Sad/Happy
Needy/Bold seen in what kind of slave dialoge menu pop-up. here Needy means easy to train resignation





i added your comment the guide, and put some notification in here to infrom reader this part clerified by you so 100% percen accurate :)


Thank you for this big help!

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1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

i added your comment the guide, and put some notification in here to infrom reader this part clerified by you so 100% percen accurate :)


Thank you for this big help!

In the resignation part you are now missing:


In PAHE+DoM if this score above 60 slave stop escape (by default)

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14 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

In the resignation part you are now missing:


In PAHE+DoM if this score above 60 slave stop escape (by default)


I see, i use DOM alone, but i refer PAHE+DOM installed together, not with PAHE+DOM. This can cause problems or missunderstandings?



if yes i think i need re chechk all my writings becuse... In this guide i use many places DOM as reference allone.


Or best if somewhere in the begining of guide i type it if i use DOM i refer installation of PAHE+DOM ?

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