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great work. i monitor the advances with each version. i appreciate that you say up front that it is not tested with AE.  i am playing AE and will add your mod and start a new game when it is functioning with AE.  Is anyone using it with AE currently???

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18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

First impression would be that this is probably a good move with respect to Loyal, but not In Love.  In recent versions, I've already been finding it quite difficult to get slaves to In Love, although I can reliably get all of my regulars to Loyal.  


So what effects do they have?


I guess my timing is bad.  Literally last night, I wrote this in my notes:

  • I've been thinking about the promises feature, and I have an idea for how to implement them:
    • "You'd better do what I say..." → "... and I promise I will be gentle." → +15% effect from praise/scold/comfort, -25% effect from pain/rape
      • Could maybe additionally consider having pain/rape give added push toward angry mood when this promise is active.
    • "You'd better do what I say..." → "... or you will never forget your next punishment!" → +15% effect from pain/rape, -25% effect from praise/scold/comfort
      • Could maybe additionally consider having praise/scold/comfort give confusion when this promise is active.
    • You can only make a new promise once every X time; probably in the ballpark of 12–23 hours?  (I've heard from reliable sources that dialogue cooldowns of 24+ hours don't reliably work, but I can't confirm.)  This would make promises into useful tools for strategic training that players would have to use thoughtfully.
      • e.g., I might want to use "you'll never forget" with new captures whom I'm still trying to break from trying to escape, then "I will be gentle" later, once they're no longer a danger to themselves or others.
    • Having a cooldown would probably make it more important to have a "clear promises" dialogue option, which is something I've hoped to see added for a while, anyway.  Maybe just something to the effect of, "... and I'll deal with my property however I see fit."
    • (I have no suggestion regarding the other two, since I can't come up with any way to make them seem at all believable in roleplaying terms.  Maybe just remove them for now if they're still not doing anything anyway?)

Good points. This is planned for next version.

18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

While we're at it, we might as well clear out the rest of my notes from 2.10.3, too:

  • Since we have slaves reacting to punishment of friends, how about a reaction to praise/comfort of friends?
    • e.g., "[Slave] is moved by your affection for her friend, [Friend]."
  • Should slaves with 100 Anger training still be getting angry when you punish their friends?  Because they are quite readily.

Little chance I will change that in they near future

18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:
  • Using the "Slave Status" hotkey on AYGAS slaves tells you, "I am your slave"—which is no longer true, of course.

Should be corrected in 2.10.5

18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

Not clear on what you mean here.  I think maybe "250" is a typo?  And maybe some punctuation is missing after "beggars"?

250 is the NPC default job modifier then you apply the overall multiplier (default is 10 but you can change it in the MCM from 1 to 1000) to find 2500 gold

Beggar modifier is 1, so it makes 10 gold with the default multiplier.

18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:


EDIT: Unless I'm blind, this hasn't been implemented successfully.

2.10.4 did not include the correct compiled scripts. It should be there in 2.10.5


18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

I guess maybe related to the half-functional idle settings in the MCM, this doesn't seem to have made it to release.  Maybe you forgot to save something or didn't upload the most up-to-date version?


18 hours ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:


Not clear on what this means, either.  Is this related to "Bow before your Mistress"?

Yes it is. There are now two options: bow or stand in attention (arms behind back). The MCM menu let you change those two animations to your favorite ones. There is also an option to force the slave to keep the pose and enter posing behavior. If the option is not crossed, the slaves will return to their  previous behaviors after a few seconds.



Edited by TrollAutokill
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4 minutes ago, theban1350 said:

great work. i monitor the advances with each version. i appreciate that you say up front that it is not tested with AE.  i am playing AE and will add your mod and start a new game when it is functioning with AE.  Is anyone using it with AE currently???

I am not using AE, so you will have to test it and report. Depending on the errors you get, we might be able to fix it. Look at the requirements, if all the required mods are AE compatible, I would guess there is a high chance DoM will work too.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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5 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Order to masturbate doesn't mean you want to have sex with them.


In next version you will have a dialogue to flatter or insult your slaves just because you feel like it, not linked to any reason. Complimenting the slave in a sexy or romantic way will trigger the in love chance. You will have a third type of compliment without any sexual connotation but that will be counted as praise. Complimenting will primarily raise anger training, submission, respect and resignation and insulting will raise resignation (make sad) humiliation, respect and fear. That's of course if you succeed...

Yeah fair enough. I just meant that it would be shifting the relationship from platonic to sexual by forcing them to masturbate, like you've entered into a different kind of relationship and it could make sense for them to start thinking of you that way. But that being said I think the compliment/flattery thing would work much better and sounds very promising. I'm excited to try that :) 



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46 minutes ago, InsanityFactor said:

Yeah fair enough. I just meant that it would be shifting the relationship from platonic to sexual by forcing them to masturbate, like you've entered into a different kind of relationship and it could make sense for them to start thinking of you that way. But that being said I think the compliment/flattery thing would work much better and sounds very promising. I'm excited to try that :) 




Let's say you're into women only, but you like to have your male slaves watching you and masturbating, while you're having sex with you're favourite female. With DoM, you can and you should not be worried about your male slaves suddenly falling in love with you.


This is just one scenario, I am pretty sure you can find hundred of others! ?

Edited by TrollAutokill
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15 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:


Let's say you're into women only, but you like to have your male slaves watching you and masturbating, while you're having sex with you're favourite female. With DoM, you can and you should not be worried about your male slaves suddenly falling in love with you.


This is just one scenario, I am pretty sure you can find hundred of others! ?

Yeah ok, like I said it makes sense, especially with the compliment thing filling this role instead. 


Can you explain what the different compliments and insults do? I see there's two nice sexual-themed ones, one insulting sexual one, two non-sexual insulting ones, and a "I'm proud of you." What's the difference between the different sexual ones and the different insult ones?

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2 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Yeah ok, like I said it makes sense, especially with the compliment thing filling this role instead. 


Can you explain what the different compliments and insults do? I see there's two nice sexual-themed ones, one insulting sexual one, two non-sexual insulting ones, and a "I'm proud of you." What's the difference between the different sexual ones and the different insult ones?

Look at the mod description in the dialogue section.


Flattering and insulting are two kind of abuse. As it is (badly) explained in the mod description, the more the abuse and the more diverse, the higher the chance to get to the high level moods. So now you can fully train your slaves with psychological abuse (telling-off, praise, insult, flatter, shame) and leave the physical (pain) and sexual (rape, sex, forced orgasm, first time experiences) abuses for later or to the next owner (I will soon add a beaten up factor in the slave price).


Basically flattering boost anger training. The difference between the three compliments is the second training (submission for sexy, respect for romantic and resignation for praising).


Plus the fact that sexy and romantic will trigger (the other trigger is having sex with the slave) the falling in love process when other conditions are met, and they count as flattering which will give a higher chance to fall inlove for slaves sensitive to manipulation.


So if you don't want to give any false hope to Fralia Grey-Mane just use the third compliment, as it counts as praising instead of flattering.


The three different insults all boost resignation training and another one. Plus they count as insult abuse in the chance to get shocked, broken, ...


Edited by TrollAutokill
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If I may make a suggestion (note: Still using 2.9.10, haven't upgraded to 2.10.x yet)


Can there be a MCM menu to increase/decrease the commentary rate during "acts", I recall it being far more frequent in previous versions (2.7ish I believe) then I noticed a big drop in the frequency and now it has increased a bit it seems.

In my opinion these interactions play a big role in the mod's atmosphere, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, could there be a way to help us choose how often we wish the slaves to comment when we are doing them ?

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2.10.5 was used
Great update! It now works properly.
However, after kneeling all the slaves, it seems that you have to tell the slaves to follow me to get them out of the waiting state.
So I'd like a hotkey for everyone to follow me.
PAH also has a whistle key, but that only responds to the slave who ordered it to do battle.

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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Look at the mod description in the dialogue section.


Basically flattering boost anger training. The difference between the three compliments is the second training (submission for sexy, respect for romantic and resignation for praising).


Plus the fact that sexy and romantic will trigger (the other trigger is having sex with the slave) the falling in love process when other conditions are met, and they count as flattering which will give a higher chance to fall inlove for slaves sensitive to manipulation.


So if you don't want to give any false hope to Fralia Grey-Mane just use the third compliment, as it counts as praising instead of flattering.


The three different insults all boost resignation training and another one. Plus they count as insult abuse in the chance to get shocked, broken, ...


Ok, makes sense.


For the stand at attention dialogue, are they supposed to hold the pose? So far I've seen them hold it for a couple seconds and then stop, is that intentional?

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1 hour ago, w0wlol said:

If I may make a suggestion (note: Still using 2.9.10, haven't upgraded to 2.10.x yet)


Can there be a MCM menu to increase/decrease the commentary rate during "acts", I recall it being far more frequent in previous versions (2.7ish I believe) then I noticed a big drop in the frequency and now it has increased a bit it seems.

In my opinion these interactions play a big role in the mod's atmosphere, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, could there be a way to help us choose how often we wish the slaves to comment when we are doing them ?

I will add some modifiers. But too much commentaries might cancel each others as there is a minimum of 1 tick in between to avoid dialogue freeze.


Plus it might come in the way with the new orgasm comments and the upcoming aroused comments. So don't over do it.

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15 minutes ago, BloodDollMaria said:

2.10.5 was used
Great update! It now works properly.
However, after kneeling all the slaves, it seems that you have to tell the slaves to follow me to get them out of the waiting state.
So I'd like a hotkey for everyone to follow me.
PAH also has a whistle key, but that only responds to the slave who ordered it to do battle.

This is because you have the kneel pose box checked in the MCM menu, animations tab. Uncheck it and they will resume to follow you after a few seconds.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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8 minutes ago, InsanityFactor said:

Ok, makes sense.


For the stand at attention dialogue, are they supposed to hold the pose? So far I've seen them hold it for a couple seconds and then stop, is that intentional?

This is because you have the attention pose box unchecked in the MCM menu, animations tab. Check it and they will keep the pose.

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4 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

This is because you have the kneel pose box checked in the MCM menu, animations tab. Uncheck it and they will resume to follow you after a few seconds.

Yes, I understand.
But I've always felt uncomfortable with slaves rising up without any kind of order until now.
So this update is nice, but...
I tried it and it was a pain in the ass! LOL
So this was a very selfish suggestion, please ignore it!
Thank you for your reply

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22 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

 2.10.4 is a development version. As stated in the mod description, you need to use 2.9.x.


For everybody who tried 2.10.4 and don't want to load an older save, it is safer to downgrade to 2.10.3 or upgrade to 2.10.5


It wasn't about the last version. I had problem with all versions after 2.5.x. After a completely new SE installation (with 2.9.10) everything works perfectly, even with all my previous mods. I didn't find out what the problem was.

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1 hour ago, obrluda said:

It wasn't about the last version. I had problem with all versions after 2.5.x. After a completely new SE installation (with 2.9.10) everything works perfectly, even with all my previous mods. I didn't find out what the problem was.

If you updated Sexlab you need to go in the MCM Sexlab menu and initialize Sexlab again.

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For people having too much of the cover self idle. I found out that if you are using DAR and EVG Conditional Idles, the modesty idle will kick in on your naked slave unexpectedly.


For EVG users, I added a small patch with conditions to remove PAH/AYGAS/HSH slaves from covering. You'll find it on the DoM download page, just merge it with your EVG Conditional Idles directory. I will maybe include it later in DoM, just make sure your EVG directory is installed before DoM, so DoM overwrites it.


This only fixes the cover self idles obviously. All DAR idles can interfere with PAH/AYGAS/HSH/DoM animations, but most of them are not as intrusive as the modesty idle.

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Version 2.10.6 is out.


NOTE: Plugin needs to be updated to LE for the new dialogues to work. Most of the other changes are script only and should be safe to use with the older LE plugin.


 - Slaves react with random dialogues when getting aroused

 - Slaves react with random dialogues when a promise end. The result is different if the promise failed or was kept (there is no way to keep the promise for freedom).

 - Promises have more effects: at game update, at end and for special occasions. Special occasions are: if you give/take gifts to/from slave and promise is "gold", if you praise or punish a slave with pain, rape or telling-off and the promise was "to be gentle" or "pain". See @Antiope_Apollonia post for more info:

 - Dialogue for canceling a promise. Dialogue for ongoing promise is hidden.
 - When slaves are ordered to kneel or stand at attention, they will be more affected by other slaves punishment even if it's not their friends. If the victim is their rival, they might comment on the punishment, otherwise it will boost their training.

 - Too much cover self idles was identified as coming from EVG Conditional idles. A fix is now included in DoM package starting version 2.10.6. Fox the fix to be effective you need to have EVG before DoM in your plugin list if using MO2 or you need to install DoM after EVG. If you want EVG to spam you with cover self idles on your naked slaves feel free to put EVG below DoM. ?





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33 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:


Version 2.10.6 is out.


NOTE: Plugin needs to be updated to LE for the new dialogues to work. Most of the other changes are script only and should be safe to use with the older LE plugin.


 - Slaves react with random dialogues when getting aroused

 - Slaves react with random dialogues when a promise end. The result is different if the promise failed or was kept (there is no way to keep the promise for freedom).

 - Promises have more effects: at game update, at end and for special occasions. Special occasions are: if you give/take gifts to/from slave and promise is "gold", if you praise or punish a slave with pain, rape or telling-off and the promise was "to be gentle" or "pain". See @Antiope_Apollonia post for more info:

 - Dialogue for canceling a promise. Dialogue for ongoing promise is hidden.
 - When slaves are ordered to kneel or stand at attention, they will be more affected by other slaves punishment even if it's not their friends. If the victim is their rival, they might comment on the punishment, otherwise it will boost their training.

 - Too much cover self idles was identified as coming from EVG Conditional idles. A fix is now included in DoM package starting version 2.10.6. Fox the fix to be effective you need to have EVG before DoM in your plugin list if using MO2 or you need to install DoM after EVG. If you want EVG to spam you with cover self idles on your naked slaves feel free to put EVG below DoM. ?





There doesn't seem to be a 2.10.6 file showing

Download has these showing as available


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