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8 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

I have the feeling that's a bug for this particular location. I will try to add an exterior check, even if it is redundant. Which Inn was it?

It's every indoor location, not even just inns.  So yeah, there's a missing exterior check.  Right now, they talk about the weather in cities, shops, homes, palaces, inns, wherever.


5 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

First, you don't have to use all the hotkeys.

I know, and this is part of my point.  You really want to have at least one "all slaves pose" hotkey and at least one "all slaves follow" hotkey, because they're just massive time savers.  But I highly doubt many users are going to map two "all slaves pose" hotkeys for different poses and two "all slaves follow" hotkeys with very slightly different conditions.  


5 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Which hotkeys you should configure depends on your gameplay. Also, the MCM hotkey menu is now split in half, with hte left keys being the alternate of the corresponding right keys and vice versa.

I know, which is again my point.  Making the two "all slaves pose" hotkeys alternates of one another is mostly redundant and misses an opportunity to condense hotkeys.  Making the two "all slaves follow" hotkeys alternates of one another is also mostly redundant and misses an opportunity to condense hotkeys.  So the first thought would be to make, e.g., "all slaves stand" the alternate of "all unbound slaves follow" and "all slaves kneel" the alternate of "all posing slaves follow".  That would allow you to have both "all slaves pose" and "all slaves follow" covered with one keybind.  But that's not a great solution, because the pairings are arbitrary, and people might prefer a different combination, e.g., "all slaves kneel" with "all unbound slaves follow"—but because of the arbitrary pairings, then you'd be back to needing two keybinds. 


So the first possible solution that comes to mind here is to have only one key mapping for "all slaves pose" and one for "all slaves follow", and to make them alternates of one another, and then to let users configure whether the "all slaves pose" hotkey is for kneeling or standing, and to let the users configure whether the "all slaves follow" hotkey includes sandboxing slaves or only posing ones.


The other possible solution here would be to define the two separate "all slaves pose" hotkeys less precisely.  Just have "all slaves use pose A" and "all slaves use pose B", and then let users choose from among all poses, both standing and kneeling, for both A and B.  Then you could pair these two "all slaves pose" hotkeys arbitrarily as alternates without worrying about which is paired with which.  If "pose A" is the alternate of "posing slaves follow" and "pose B" is the alternate of "unbound slaves follow", then, e.g., I would choose a kneeling animation for pose B and map a hotkey for it whilst leaving pose A unmapped, but someone who prefers to exclude sandboxing slaves from their "all slaves follow" functionality could instead map pose A and leave pose B unmapped.


5 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

More configuration would be micro management, and I hate micro management (including micro management games).

I would say that the point of these hotkeys is precisely to reduce micro-management, and what I'm trying to propose is a way to make the hotkeys more usable so that micro-management can be kept to a minimum.  Configuring an MCM once and then having it forever is a small price to pay for that.




While we're at it, let's clear out my notes and complete the Wall-o'-Textâ„¢:

  • What are the training effects of the "Didnt_listen" reason?  I'm not observing any effect when scolding for it.  Shouldn't there be some submission for this?
  • As far as I can tell, I get "Humiliating [slave] with degrading clothing" notifications any time I change anything in a slave's inventory if she already has an equipped degrading keyword.
    • My Loving slave gives the "Humiliating ... with degrading clothes" notification when I give her ClothingSexy keywords.  I don't see any positive reaction notifications for ClothingSexy or ClothingRich.
  • If I take an item of jewellery from a slave and give her a better replacement in the same transaction, she still gets "angry about what have taken from her."
  • Talking of micro-management, I think promise durations should probably be extended.  Maybe double?  And then adjust the "promise kept" effect accordingly.  I'm finding the frequency with which I have to renew promises a bit intrusive.
  • Why does Slave Status report that I've "given false promises" to a slave when I've never failed to keep my promise?  She thanks me for keeping it every time!
  • Weather comment frequency probably too high.  Aside from the fact that it's just a lot of chatter, it makes it really hard to praise/scold without triggering the stuck dialogue bug.
    • What is this "Plick... Plock!" dialogue supposed to be?  I'm confused.
    • We could also probably use some different comments for well-trained slaves.
      • Untrained slaves complaining about how the weather affects them is great, but well-trained slaves should probably speak more matter-of-factly, e.g., "It looks like it's going to rain soon, Mistress," or, "Wow, it's really pouring today, Mistress!"
      • It would be sweet if Loving/Loyal slaves might make selfless comments to Mistress, too, e.g., "Is Mistress warm enough in all this snow?"  You could even go one further, if you wanted, and have Loving slaves offer to cuddle.
      • A simple "Brrrr" might be a good comment for well-trained slaves, too.  She can't help but reacting to the cold, but she doesn't want to complain!  Aww!
  • We have comments now where slaves beg you to be gentle and promise to do better, which is great.  But even well-trained slaves are playing these dialogues, which seems odd.  How about having well-trained slaves beg for leniency for their untrained friends instead of for themselves?  e.g., "Please be patient with her, Mistress.  She will learn.  I will help her."
  • On the "Feelings" info pane, the "I will always remember [Slave]" text sounds great for friends who have died.  But that doesn't really happen much.  Much more likely, they've been sold, and in that situation, it sounds awkward, especially if they were sold with AYGAS and you still see them sometimes.  I'd suggest simply, "I still miss [Slave]" as an alternative.  This works for both situations, and as a bonus, it's slightly pithier, too!
    • Also note that we're still getting some retroactive friendships, with newly captured slaves who "will always remember" some slave who was sold before she was even captured.
  • In general, I'd say Loving slaves are rather too moody, right now.  I love what the moods add, but slaves with max training stats shouldn't be quite so high-maintenance.
Edited by Antiope_Apollonia
WTF did you do to my formatting, LoversLab?
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18 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:


You need to check the animation name in the log file if you have the debug anim toggle on in the DoM MCM menu.




The number is not displayed in the widget when the dance is ordered

18 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:


I have the feeling that's a bug for this particular location. I will try to add an exterior check, even if it is redundant. Which Inn was it?

Every inn seems to comment on it.


When viewing the traits of a slave, the name is shown twice

Edited by BloodDollMaria
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56 minutes ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

What do you mean?  SlaveTats MCM doesn't have a button for that, so are you saying I should manually reset each actor?  That would be... awful.

No, there is/was a button for that. Just to reread all the JSON files.

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12 minutes ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

I can confirm it's definitely a DoM 2.10.8 bug.  Downgrading to 2.10.6 fixes the problem.  I have my slave numbers back.

I am also using Slavetats, 2.10.8 and the Slavetats patch and it works fine.
Is something overwriting Slavetats?

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I was testing the last version, the new content is marvelous, thanks for your hard work. Small bug spotted: the dialogue "You need to loosen up, have a drink" is not working for me, I have plenty booze in inventory, the slave and me of course, but the widget shows that we don't have any. 
Some times, the game crashes inmediately after the dialogue "You have been a good slave" this happens very very rarely though.
The Slavetats is now working for me, yay! previous versions only work in first slave, after that I was applying manualy in MCM.

Thank you so much @TrollAutokill

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1 hour ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

Using SlaveTats SE 1.3.7, which is the most recent release.

Go to the setup tab, then there is a button that says "add/remove tattoos" you need to press that every time you 
(un)install a tatpack. Sounds like you haven't done that though, but try pressing that anyway and see if it helps.

Edited by InsanityFactor
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On 5/28/2022 at 10:00 AM, Antiope_Apollonia said:

We could also probably use some different comments for well-trained slaves.

  • Untrained slaves complaining about how the weather affects them is great, but well-trained slaves should probably speak more matter-of-factly, e.g., "It looks like it's going to rain soon, Mistress," or, "Wow, it's really pouring today, Mistress!"
  • It would be sweet if Loving/Loyal slaves might make selfless comments to Mistress, too, e.g., "Is Mistress warm enough in all this snow?"  You could even go one further, if you wanted, and have Loving slaves offer to cuddle.
  • A simple "Brrrr" might be a good comment for well-trained slaves, too.  She can't help but reacting to the cold, but she doesn't want to complain!  Aww!


And once again you and I have completely different experiences. Odd. I was going to comment on the nice difference between well-trained and not well-trained comments. Personally I find them fitting, so far I have seen In Love and Loyal slaves say: "Is that thunder?" and, when naked, "Master! The snow...I am cold..." in rain and snow respectively. Non loyal/in love slaves just complain about not having clothes, in a rather disrespectful mood: "Give us some warm clothes! The cold is unbearable!" or "This cold is killing me! Give me my clothes back!"


Not sure about "plick...plock" though, is that them playfully mimicking the sound of rain? @TrollAutokill


In other news, the new posing system seems to work pretty well, and it's a nice bit of flavor to everything. One thing is that some slaves don't play any animations when told to dance, I assume something got disconnected somewhere. So far I've only seen one dancing animation play, on two different slaves out of 6. So it looks like if the slave is supposed to do any other dance animation the mod can't find it for some reason. Probably a quotation mark or a semicolon or something is somewhere it shouldn't be...


Then I tried all of the different pose options on three different in-love slaves, one that has no personality comment on posing, one that "likes to pose" and one that "prefers not to pose" and I see the variations are placed accordingly. The first will play some of the nicer animations in each category, the second had a large variety across all options, and the third tends to just play the standard "let's see how much you're worth" poses for each of the options. Very nice stuff! Now the personality comment on posing actually matters, which adds another dimension to finding good slaves, loving that. Also the sandboxing poses thing works pretty well, I have seen them doing that a lot and it's nice to see. 


A question I had on that is which personality traits determine how much they like posing? I was assuming openness, submissiveness, liveliness, or all three, but I can't confirm that by looking at the slaves I have, could you comment?


Additionally, I've been using the in-house DoM trainers a lot lately and they've come a long way! I'm confident enough in it to use it regularly on my games now. I also see trainers get their stats changed at a decent rate, I was able to have one trainer become good enough at it that she can make a new capture into 80+ resignation in like 24 hours. It took forever for her to get that good at it, so I think it's pretty balanced and certainly rewarding. Any more plans for the trainers? The only recommendation I have on it is anger and respect training, those tend to stay near 0 even as resignation reaches 100. Maybe some kind of passive increase could work? It's just a small thing at any rate, like I said it's good and stable enough to be used on a main playthrough.


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48 minutes ago, InsanityFactor said:

Any more plans for the trainers?

My initial plan was to have slaves be allowed to be trainers without being freed. I am still struggling on how to do that without breaking PAHE and without having to modify 200 aliases.


Thanks for the report.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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I might as well chime in with some thoughts here on the latest additions. Some of these first ones might be issues with default PAHE, maybe @CliftonJD can comment?

  • Slaves still seem to go to bards at inns and do the sing along, which breaks any animations the player tries to start. 
  • Tying slaves seems to break all of the sexlab tag filters and just picks a random animation.
  • If you ask a slave to follow while they are sitting in furniture, they immediately stand up on the furniture which can cause them to get stuck. They should probably exit the furniture before trying to follow.

These next ones are only for DoM:

  1. Promising the same thing again before the first promise expires counts as a broken promise. Not sure if this is intended or what the fix would be, it just seems odd.
  2. Sometimes slaves assigned as a maid will follow the player or teleport to the player at odd times or just vanish. Might need some more checks to make sure they stay in the cell they were told to clean. 
  3. There should be a window when you first capture an NPC where you can remove items without penalty. Going from "I'm terrified some stranger captured me" to "I'm furious some stranger took my necklace" seems a little silly. 
  4. I agree that the "plick... plock" dialogue doesn't seem to fit very well.
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1 hour ago, InsanityFactor said:


A question I had on that is which personality traits determine how much they like posing? I was assuming openness, submissiveness, liveliness, or all three, but I can't confirm that by looking at the slaves I have, could you comment?

All modifiers depend on 3 traits. Usually 2 main traits and 1 facet. Posing modifier is agreeableness/kind (for wanting to please others) extraversion/liveliness (for being ok at doing silly stuff in public) and sensuality (because let's face it, that's what we want to see).


Certainly openness, submissivity, honesty and others could have been considered. But it just felt right and balanced like that.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

That's for shocked slaves. I wanted them to sound crazy... Maybe it's too childish ?

nah its fine but them doing it every min then mutiply it by say 5 slaves and go figure it from there.
its one of the  replies that happens far to often.

its like the aw and respect reply they literally say it so much that. a good example is i have a slave with all 100 on everything and she inlove and she going around left and right talking about awe and respect. ive literary have every slave now keep their mouth close or gag them as they keep repeating around the same 10 replies all time.

haven't in a good 30-40 hours had a single line of any of the dialogue   for example if you come to 2 slaves and they friends or enemies. none of that triggers as it seems to be getting overwritten by the base general chat messages like the awe and respect.

i would recommend you grab a few different voice type slaves and run aroound. you see what i mean about them allways sayign  the same few lines over and over.

Edited by sidfu1
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12 minutes ago, sidfu1 said:

nah its fine but them doing it every min then mutiply it by say 5 slaves and go figure it from there.
its one of the  replies that happens far to often.

its like the aw and respect reply they literally say it so much that. a good example is i have a slave with all 100 on everything and she inlove and she going around left and right talking about awe and respect. ive literary have every slave now keep their mouth close or gag them as they keep repeating around the same 10 replies all time.

haven't in a good 30-40 hours had a single line of any of the dialogue   for example if you come to 2 slaves and they friends or enemies. none of that triggers as it seems to be getting overwritten by the base general chat messages like the awe and respect.

i would recommend you grab a few different voice type slaves and run aroound. you see what i mean about them allways sayign  the same few lines over and over.

For the moment there is little personality injected in the dialogues. You can always propose more variety, I will add it in as it comes.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, bnub345 said:

might as well chime in with some thoughts here on the latest additions. Some of these first ones might be issues with default PAHE, maybe @CliftonJD can comment?

  • Slaves still seem to go to bards at inns and do the sing along, which breaks any animations the player tries to start. 

ya, i've already added the bard exclusion faction and removed world interactions from their behavior so nothing else can be done to stop them from dancing...however dancing to the bards doesn't break sex animations in pahe. haven't retested tying slaves near bards in a while, but last i checked, tied slaves are exempt from dancing as intended. the question now becomes which animations are you witnessing that are broken while dancing to the bards

1 hour ago, bnub345 said:

Tying slaves seems to break all of the sexlab tag filters and just picks a random animation.

there have been some changes to this in recent versions i'm not seeing listed in the change log so retest this after next update

1 hour ago, bnub345 said:

If you ask a slave to follow while they are sitting in furniture, they immediately stand up on the furniture which can cause them to get stuck. They should probably exit the furniture before trying to follow.

interesting, never thought to test for sitting slaves told to follow. i can look into that, but if they're immediately standing, might already have the command to unsit

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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

My initial plan was to have slaves be allowed to be trainers without being freed. I am still struggling on how to do that without breaking PAHE and without having to modify 200 aliases.

Yeah it sounds like a tough thing to pull off. I think maybe, at least for now, trainers could just lose a bunch of their PAHE stuff and have it replaced with other dialogues, making them like a special elevated slave status.


So for example, maybe you have it the way it is now, but then add a dialogue for sex if they were made a trainer by being in love rather than loyal. Could just be a simple dialogue, just literally one line of dialogue and it plays an animation, it wouldn't need to do the PAHE acceptance/denial thing at that point, which would make it easier to implement and would also make some sense anyway.


From there I guess if you just put in some voicelines for the trainer package, probably could just copy the existing respectful + loyal ones. 


All-in-all, I think if you just added some super basic things to the trainer package, it could work. It just has to present itself as being a continuation of slavery, even if under the hood it's entirely different. All you'd have to do to make it believable is make it so you can fuck them, and then that they play loyal voicelines. I think that would be good enough, for a while at least. You'd lose a lot of the slave mechanics (like masturbation, inspection, pose, etc.) when converting them, but I think it'd make enough sense. 

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17 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Tieing them should work. I'll try to reproduce the problem.

ok thanks, and what should i do if they keep saying "where am i/ what's happening/ why me" without any dialog options? it that some kind of bug?

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