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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Thanks for taking the time to post a full report!

Mais bien sûr!  My pleasure.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Just enslave them and they will shut up.

Lol, well, I could get a "silent bards" mod or something, but I actually like (most of) their performances.  I would sincerely miss it if the bards didn't sing.  But seeing cuffed/armbound slaves chopping their hands off to dance or mugs levitating around straitjacketed slaves is just a mess.  I would love it if there were a way to keep the bards and just get rid of the dancing.  In the perfect world, unenslaved NPCs would behave as normal for the tiny bit of flavour that adds, and unbound, untrained slaves might dance, too—and doing so would be punishable for... I reckon posture—but bound or well-trained slaves would not.  But failing that, anything that disables bound slaves from dancing, even if it has to cast a much wider net to do so, would be a very welcome change.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

It's annoying but disabling head tracking before the idle is possible. It's harder to turn it back on at the right moment.

Fair enough.  It's not the most important change in the queue, but if you come up with a way to pull it off, I do think it'd be a cool improvement to max posture training.  Good girls should always be looking forward and slightly down unless they're "using their mouths for what they're good for," after all.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Because they are still angry or still crying, see above.

So what is the practical effect of this?  Some slave personalities result in almost permanent anger or sadness until they fall in love.  Should I keep punishing/scolding them?  If I spam enough scolds, will the reason eventually clear?  It seems like, even if they remain sad/angry, maybe it would be prudent to have an internal cooldown on the associated punishment reason.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Corrected: angry slaves did not care about respect, now they do, so they can be angry and respectful.

Great!  That was somewhat irritating.


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Changed to "sex" not triggering normal punishment. Training according to mood still applies.

Looking forward to having a chance to check out your latest changes here.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

I didn't manage that, but you are welcome to try to edit the dds files. I believe RaceMenu overlays are more realistic, but they were more buggy when I tried them. We might switch to RaceMenu overlays if the bugs are not too annoying and the lag as reported by DocClox is the same or lower.

I wouldn't have the first hint of a clue what to do with trying to edit .dds files, but it's good at least to know that it isn't on my end.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for your ongoing development here.  It seems like RaceMenu would be a good solution if you manage to pull off some magic to make it work, as that'd also remove a dependency for DoM—SlaveTats is a pretty big mod to have only for that little job, and I can't be the only person who isn't using it for anything other than DoM.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Honest slaves are more responsive to pain, discipline, vaginal sex and anything related to authority or guilt. They are also less resistant to alcohol and more resilient (meaning less chance to have PTSD).

What exactly is PTSD in DoM?  Is that the "[Slave] seems to be really *shaken*" message?  What consequences does that actually have?  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Overall they make very good slaves but very bad trainers, housemasters or thugs. Remember that a honest housemaster would certainly free your slaves once you turn your back and they will also take the blame for that and accept their punishment...

Well, in all my time playing with HSH, I've literally never had a single slave escape or be freed from my household.  By "housemaster" do you mean "taskmistress"/"taskmaster"?  When I'm setting up my household, I always make one of my favourite slaves—which means she'll usually be high honesty—taskmistress, always at or at least quite near to max training.  That said, although I love HSH as my "slavery endgame" (to borrow another poster's phrase), I haven't done much with HSH in my last several playthroughs, as I've been trying to get to grips with AYGAS, and I've been having all manner of trouble with that.  


Regardless, I don't really understand the logic of high honesty making slaves perform poorly in leadership positions.  I would expect a dishonest slave to be more likely to cause me trouble.  If an extremely honest slave promises me that she'll take care of my household, I'd expect her to keep her word.  If my extremely honest slave and I have a conversation about why it's necessary that she keep the slaves in her care in line, even if it pains us to punish them, and she assents, I'd expect her to hold up her end.  (I need to finish the blog post about my RP foundations that I've been drafting so I can point to it here for context...)  I would be much less surprised if a dishonest slave lied to me to get into a position of authority and then abused that position to free her friends or just cause me grief or whatever.  


10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

If you come up with nice ideas on when should honesty or other traits be modified, I might add them.

Honestly, I have no idea here.  To be frank, personalities updating as a result of training and such really feels like just one too many moving parts in an already complex mod to me.  If I just had a simple MCM toggle to disable that mechanic and make personalities static, I'd probably just use that quite happily and not worry about it.  But I'll think about further ideas in this area, as it is interesting academically even if it's a bit tedious in gameplay. 


I don't really know the literature on the HEXACO model, but it appears that it's basically just the more widely used five factor model ("Big Five" / OCEAN) with "neuroticism" rebranded as "emotionality" and the addition of "honesty", and I know the Big Five model rather well.  (I've also always been curious why you chose to build DoM around HEXACO instead of the Big Five, but that's not really important to this thread.)  Are any of these traits interpreted substantially differently in HEXACO from the Big Five?  I don't really understand the inclusion of honesty in the model, from a psychometric perspective, as at least in the colloquial sense, it isn't nearly as stable a characteristic as the other five factors.  Is the word "honesty" being used to mean something other than the colloquial understanding in the jargon of this model?  


I'm sure individuals may have predispositions toward different levels of honesty, but you can radically transform a person's honesty in a relatively short period of time—a few weeks, even—with practical ethical arguments and thought experiments.  The evidence for the plasticity of the other traits is mixed, but there does seem to be some degree to which people can reshape these traits over time, but it takes considerable, sustained effort over an extended period of time.  


3 hours ago, Kalysto said:

If you find kiss animations with open permissions please find some uses for them as well (kiss in check, neck, mouth) they totally make sense for such moments (like when praising good behavior).

How could you skip the forehead?  The gentle forehead kiss is so sweet and tender, while still also being kinda... hierarchical.  I would kill to have such an animation in the mix!  Although I guess it'd probably have all kinds of trouble with character heights... especially since Antiope is Breton and all these Nords kinda tower over her.  Nothing a bowed head wouldn't fix, though, I reckon.




On the whole, I love the direction you've taken with comforting slaves.  A couple of comments on the current state of it, though:

  • Is there any way the dialogue for comforting can be somewhere more convenient?  Since the dialogue is usually unavailable anyway, as most slaves most of the time are ineligible for comfort, and when you can comfort them, I'd imagine I'm not an outlier in feeling like it's a very high-priority action, it'd be nice if it weren't just about the single most out-of-the-way dialogue option the slaves have.  
  • Would it be possible to let us comfort sad slaves as well as shocked slaves (maybe just for smaller training effects)?  This is just such a great mechanic that I'd like to have more opportunities to use it.  Maybe even go one step further and make it so that, even at max training and "in love" / "loyal", slaves have a personality-based chance to be sad (say something in the ballpark of 5-20% of the time) at any given time, so you continue to get opportunities to use this great addition with your favourite slaves.  That seems realistic, too—we're all sad sometimes, aren't we?
Edited by Antiope_Appolonia
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39 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:



2.1.2. Also had it happen in 2.1.3, but that was loading an existing save.


39 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Maybe she said no for sex?

Edited by TrollAutokill


Yep, I believe she did. I've been getting them to masturbate to arousal and then using "OK Slave" to initiate sex. Previously, if they didn't agree, they got punished for refusing sex, which seemed to make sense.

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Just saw the slave responses to praise/scolding for the first time.  Hadn't seen this sooner, because they only respond if you praise/scold through dialogue.  The praise/scold hotkeys seem to work fine in the message widgets, but they elicit no dialogue responses.  :'(  Also, would be nice if we could get gendered responses—"mistress" instead of "master" for female PCs, but I don't know how hard that is to do.  

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1 hour ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Mais bien sûr!  My pleasure.  


Lol, well, I could get a "silent bards" mod or something, but I actually like (most of) their performances.  I would sincerely miss it if the bards didn't sing.  But seeing cuffed/armbound slaves chopping their hands off to dance or mugs levitating around straitjacketed slaves is just a mess.  I would love it if there were a way to keep the bards and just get rid of the dancing.  In the perfect world, unenslaved NPCs would behave as normal for the tiny bit of flavour that adds, and unbound, untrained slaves might dance, too—and doing so would be punishable for... I reckon posture—but bound or well-trained slaves would not.  But failing that, anything that disables bound slaves from dancing, even if it has to cast a much wider net to do so, would be a very welcome change.  


Fair enough.  It's not the most important change in the queue, but if you come up with a way to pull it off, I do think it'd be a cool improvement to max posture training.  Good girls should always be looking forward and slightly down unless they're "using their mouths for what they're good for," after all.  


So what is the practical effect of this?  Some slave personalities result in almost permanent anger or sadness until they fall in love.  Should I keep punishing/scolding them?  If I spam enough scolds, will the reason eventually clear?  It seems like, even if they remain sad/angry, maybe it would be prudent to have an internal cooldown on the associated punishment reason.  


Great!  That was somewhat irritating.


Looking forward to having a chance to check out your latest changes here.  


I wouldn't have the first hint of a clue what to do with trying to edit .dds files, but it's good at least to know that it isn't on my end.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for your ongoing development here.  It seems like RaceMenu would be a good solution if you manage to pull off some magic to make it work, as that'd also remove a dependency for DoM—SlaveTats is a pretty big mod to have only for that little job, and I can't be the only person who isn't using it for anything other than DoM.  


What exactly is PTSD in DoM?  Is that the "[Slave] seems to be really *shaken*" message?  What consequences does that actually have?  


Well, in all my time playing with HSH, I've literally never had a single slave escape or be freed from my household.  By "housemaster" do you mean "taskmistress"/"taskmaster"?  When I'm setting up my household, I always make one of my favourite slaves—which means she'll usually be high honesty—taskmistress, always at or at least quite near to max training.  That said, although I love HSH as my "slavery endgame" (to borrow another poster's phrase), I haven't done much with HSH in my last several playthroughs, as I've been trying to get to grips with AYGAS, and I've been having all manner of trouble with that.  


Regardless, I don't really understand the logic of high honesty making slaves perform poorly in leadership positions.  I would expect a dishonest slave to be more likely to cause me trouble.  If an extremely honest slave promises me that she'll take care of my household, I'd expect her to keep her word.  If my extremely honest slave and I have a conversation about why it's necessary that she keep the slaves in her care in line, even if it pains us to punish them, and she assents, I'd expect her to hold up her end.  (I need to finish the blog post about my RP foundations that I've been drafting so I can point to it here for context...)  I would be much less surprised if a dishonest slave lied to me to get into a position of authority and then abused that position to free her friends or just cause me grief or whatever.  


Honestly, I have no idea here.  To be frank, personalities updating as a result of training and such really feels like just one too many moving parts in an already complex mod to me.  If I just had a simple MCM toggle to disable that mechanic and make personalities static, I'd probably just use that quite happily and not worry about it.  But I'll think about further ideas in this area, as it is interesting academically even if it's a bit tedious in gameplay. 


I don't really know the literature on the HEXACO model, but it appears that it's basically just the more widely used five factor model ("Big Five" / OCEAN) with "neuroticism" rebranded as "emotionality" and the addition of "honesty", and I know the Big Five model rather well.  (I've also always been curious why you chose to build DoM around HEXACO instead of the Big Five, but that's not really important to this thread.)  Are any of these traits interpreted substantially differently in HEXACO from the Big Five?  I don't really understand the inclusion of honesty in the model, from a psychometric perspective, as at least in the colloquial sense, it isn't nearly as stable a characteristic as the other five factors.  Is the word "honesty" being used to mean something other than the colloquial understanding in the jargon of this model?  


I'm sure individuals may have predispositions toward different levels of honesty, but you can radically transform a person's honesty in a relatively short period of time—a few weeks, even—with practical ethical arguments and thought experiments.  The evidence for the plasticity of the other traits is mixed, but there does seem to be some degree to which people can reshape these traits over time, but it takes considerable, sustained effort over an extended period of time.  


How could you skip the forehead?  The gentle forehead kiss is so sweet and tender, while still also being kinda... hierarchical.  I would kill to have such an animation in the mix!  Although I guess it'd probably have all kinds of trouble with character heights... especially since Antiope is Breton and all these Nords kinda tower over her.  Nothing a bowed head wouldn't fix, though, I reckon.




On the whole, I love the direction you've taken with comforting slaves.  A couple of comments on the current state of it, though:

  • Is there any way the dialogue for comforting can be somewhere more convenient?  Since the dialogue is usually unavailable anyway, as most slaves most of the time are ineligible for comfort, and when you can comfort them, I'd imagine I'm not an outlier in feeling like it's a very high-priority action, it'd be nice if it weren't just about the single most out-of-the-way dialogue option the slaves have.  
  • Would it be possible to let us comfort sad slaves as well as shocked slaves (maybe just for smaller training effects)?  This is just such a great mechanic that I'd like to have more opportunities to use it.  Maybe even go one step further and make it so that, even at max training and "in love" / "loyal", slaves have a personality-based chance to be sad (say something in the ballpark of 5-20% of the time) at any given time, so you continue to get opportunities to use this great addition with your favourite slaves.  That seems realistic, too—we're all sad sometimes, aren't we?

You can comfort sad slaves, and also crying slaves, whatever their mood.


Honesty as a personality trait in DoM is following the hexaco model. What you are describing is trustfulness which is actually linked to agreeableness (often mislabeled kindness in DoM, my bad).  But you have a point as taskmasters should be agreeable then. It is wrong in the code now.


To quote hexaco description,


Honesty-Humility: Persons with very high scores on the Honesty-Humility scale avoid manipulating others for personal gain, feel little temptation to break rules, are uninterested in lavish wealth and luxuries, and feel no special entitlement to elevated social status. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale will flatter others to get what they want, are inclined to break rules for personal profit, are motivated by material gain, and feel a strong sense of self-importance.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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32 minutes ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Just saw the slave responses to praise/scolding for the first time.  Hadn't seen this sooner, because they only respond if you praise/scold through dialogue.  The praise/scold hotkeys seem to work fine in the message widgets, but they elicit no dialogue responses.  :'(  Also, would be nice if we could get gendered responses—"mistress" instead of "master" for female PCs, but I don't know how hard that is to do.  

This answer is the old fixed answer, not mood based and not gendered. I am afraid you are not using the latest version.


The new answer in 2.1.3 SE should trigger even if you use the hotkey, should depend on the mood and should be gendered.

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2 hours ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

How could you skip the forehead?  The gentle forehead kiss is so sweet and tender, while still also being kinda... hierarchical.  I would kill to have such an animation in the mix!  Although I guess it'd probably have all kinds of trouble with character heights... especially since Antiope is Breton and all these Nords kinda tower over her.  Nothing a bowed head wouldn't fix, though, I reckon.

I endorse a forehead kiss. Tender and hierarchical indeed, like I do this for your own good, because I care.


The trouble is obtaining those animations, maybe there's a friend of billyy or leito or maybe tara around here that would ask for such a favor?

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Well, again, I don't really know the literature on HEXACO, but what I'm describing definitely isn't agreeableness in the Big Five.  The Big Five doesn't really try to capture what I'm talking about—which seems right to me, because it would have much lower psychometric reliability than other factors; it's much more plastic.  Moreover, while there would most likely be some positive correlation with the straightforwardness subscale, on the other hand, disagreeable people are more comfortable telling you when, for example, they think your idea is bad;.  Agreeable people often find themselves torn between being honest and lying to avoid conflict—although it's definitely possible to resolve that tension and be both agreeable and unfailingly honest.  


A decent working definition of a "lie" might be something like this:

Deliberately leading others toward believing some proposition P whilst you believe -P, in a context where there is an expectation of truthfulness, whether through speech or action.


I would define a person's honesty basically as the extent to which they don't lie, so defined.  Keeping your word falls under this; let's say P = I will manage the slaves in your household, doing my best to keep them controlled and to train them.  If my pet tries to get me to believe P and then intentionally disregards those commitments, that's dishonesty.  And that isn't captured by agreeableness, at least as I understand it.  

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2 hours ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Well, again, I don't really know the literature on HEXACO, but what I'm describing definitely isn't agreeableness in the Big Five.  The Big Five doesn't really try to capture what I'm talking about—which seems right to me, because it would have much lower psychometric reliability than other factors; it's much more plastic.  Moreover, while there would most likely be some positive correlation with the straightforwardness subscale, on the other hand, disagreeable people are more comfortable telling you when, for example, they think your idea is bad;.  Agreeable people often find themselves torn between being honest and lying to avoid conflict—although it's definitely possible to resolve that tension and be both agreeable and unfailingly honest.  


A decent working definition of a "lie" might be something like this:

Deliberately leading others toward believing some proposition P whilst you believe -P, in a context where there is an expectation of truthfulness, whether through speech or action.


I would define a person's honesty basically as the extent to which they don't lie, so defined.  Keeping your word falls under this; let's say P = I will manage the slaves in your household, doing my best to keep them controlled and to train them.  If my pet tries to get me to believe P and then intentionally disregards those commitments, that's dishonesty.  And that isn't captured by agreeableness, at least as I understand it.  


I think we agree on that. Dishonest people are more prone to lie. You're talking about truthfulness (being honest) I was talking about trustfulness (believing in others). 


A thug can be trustful, but is not truthful. I thought that's where you disagreed, but maybe I misunderstood.


Put differently, let me quote Machiavelli,


"The aim of the people is more honest than that of the nobility, the latter desiring to oppress, and the former merely to avoid oppression."


Replace nobility by thugs and people by slaves, and you have what DoM is trying to describe with "honesty". That's why the best thugs with DoM are dishonest.


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Very exciting stuff all around, looks like today was a busy day! I'll be sure to start testing the new version soon. 


I did have one suggestion for thug sex training, and I make this suggestion now because I know it really isn't fleshed out yet so I'm hoping you'll find this worth incorporating once you get there.


For as long as I can remember, it's been just about impossible to have male slaves as a hetero male with a male PC. Sounds obvious perhaps, but what I mean specifically is that you could never have male trainers in HSH without training them yourself, which is gay obviously. HSH evidently was not constructed for hetero slave-to-slave interactions. I don't know if anyone else has tried it, but in SexLab HSH scenes, the male and female positions are random. This results in like 50/50 odds for strapon penetration to the males, which again is pretty gay. I just want to have it so in my training camp, the males are fucking the females, and have it not be gay. 


So my suggestion is can you make it so thug sex training is aware of gender? So that a female trainer on a male slave does cowgirl animations, and a male trainer on a female slave takes the male position normally? It always bothered me that to have automated training for sex slaves you had to make use of strapon-ed females; that just wouldn't be sufficient training for a sex slave you intend to sell I'd imagine.



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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:


I think we agree on that. Dishonest people are more prone to lie. You're talking about truthfulness (being honest) I was talking about trustfulness (believing in others). 


A thug can be trustful, but is not truthful. I thought that's where you disagreed, but maybe I misunderstood.


Put differently, let me quote Machiavelli,


"The aim of the people is more honest than that of the nobility, the latter desiring to oppress, and the former merely to avoid oppression."


Replace nobility by thugs and people by slaves, and you have what DoM is trying to describe with "honesty". That's why the best thugs with DoM are dishonest.


I would say Machiavelli is something like a looming spectre that one needs to take into consideration when designing social structures, but his work is quite far from a guide to creating good social structures.  I definitely don't want my household to be Maciavellian.  I think this hints back at previous discussions of the two competing conceptions of slavery—chattel on the one hand, something closer to Classical with influences from modern B&D subculture on the other.  (I've just finally gotten around to finishing a draft of the blogpost I've mentioned I was working on to lay out my RP assumptions—it's linked in my signature—which you may be interested in to have some more context for my comments in this discussion.) 


I can certainly understand how what you've described is one model for how leaders could operate in this system.  But it's not the model I'm going to roleplay, and I would argue that it's going to produce households that are less stable and slaves that are more mischievous / devious in the long run.  I would contend that, in the long run, an owner or taskmistress who is honest with the slaves she's responsible for will run a more harmonious household than one who uses deception and manipulation to manage her charges.  Ultimately, slaves will behave better when they know what's expected of them and what they can expect from their superiors.  

Edited by Antiope_Appolonia
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Possible bug:


  1. If you tell a slave to address you as a slave should
  2. Slave says "yes...", but doesn't follow up with a respectful "yes, my thane"
  3. PAHE gives you the option to punish with pain or sex
  4. Choose sex and DoM reports rape for "no_reason"


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5 hours ago, seriosam12 said:

I noticed that with latest updates mood becomes extremely entrenched, my broken and angry slaves wont change even with every option at 1000, waiting does nothing

That's expected. You still need to get the abuse numbers going up for their mood to evolve.


To get to shock/broken, you can do with only punishments. To increase the number of punishments fast, one slash with the whip is enough, wait for it to be registered and start over and over. The more the better and the more diverse the better.


To get to loyal/inlove you need at least one punishment (whip, rape, scold, insult, shame) and at least one good sign (sex, praise, comfort). If you're missing one part  it will never start. Once again, the more the better and the more diverse the better.


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So, I have 8 slaves in a new game with 2.1.3. I'm already getting the menu lockout effect I mentioned earlier. So went to disable tears and other tattoo effects.


I don't seem to be able to do that. I click on the checkboxes, but none of them respond. I can set hotkeys and slider values, but the checkboxes don't do anything.

Edited by DocClox
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22 minutes ago, DocClox said:

So, I have 8 slaves in a new game with 2.1.3. I'm already getting the menu lockout effect I mentioned earlier. So went to disable tears and other tattoo effects.


I don't seem to be able to do that. I click on the checkboxes, but none of them respond. I can set hotkeys and slider values, but the checkboxes don't do anything.

Yes that's certainly because you are still on the display only MCM page, you see the first page but it's not activated. I should probably breplace that by a cute picture


Just activate the first page by clicking on the menu on the left hand side, just below the mmof name, should be the first and only page.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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16 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Yes that's certainly because you are still on the display only MCM page, you see the first page but it's not activated. I should probably breplace that by a cute picture


OK, that does the trick. Yeah a cute picture should help.  Needs to be in dds format if I remember right, otherwise it's pretty straightforward.


While I'm here, I'm having problems with AYGAS. No MCM, the selling dialogue happens but nothing comes of it, and the log file shows that a number of scripts can't be loaded ... largely the same ones overwritten by DoM.


I raised this in the AYGAS thread, and pinged you from that post.

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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

That's expected. You still need to get the abuse numbers going up for their mood to evolve.


To get to shock/broken, you can do with only punishments. To increase the number of punishments fast, one slash with the whip is enough, wait for it to be registered and start over and over. The more the better and the more diverse the better.


To get to loyal/inlove you need at least one punishment (whip, rape, scold, insult, shame) and at least one good sign (sex, praise, comfort). If you're missing one part  it will never start. Once again, the more the better and the more diverse the better.


yeah, but i already did that, ten ass fucks and ten whippings down to no health + magic (dont know if damage changes anything but previously it was enough to break someone outright), all stats are maxed, and yet no changes for any of the three slaves

Edited by seriosam12
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17 minutes ago, seriosam12 said:

yeah, but i already did that, ten ass fucks and ten whippings down to no health + magic (dont know if damage changes anything but previously it was enough to break someone outright), all stats are maxed, and yet no changes for any of the three slaves

Did you try to be nice to them? Yeah I know it sound s weird but it's part of the abduction process. Turn on verbose mod, praise them, whip them and post the logfile here. We will try to understand what's going on.


Also, are you using SE or LE?

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Did you try to be nice to them? Yeah I know it sound s weird but it's part of the abduction process. Turn on verbose mod, praise them, whip them and post the logfile here. We will try to understand what's going on.


Also, are you using SE or LE?

Strange, now i noticed that i cant change any mcm DOM toggle setting, sliders work, PH works too, permissions 777 on skse folder, started a new game, SE, didnt try comforting.

Ill download an older version and see how that works

Edit: export arent responsive either, mod rewrites proteus, defeat, HSH

Edit 2: nvm, mod let me use sliders when the subsection wasnt chosen, but not the toggles, which is kinda weird since the hover highlights showed up

Edited by seriosam12
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Was messing around with some of the features (newer to me since being back) and I love how it feels. especially the explanations on how to deal with certain types of slaves as before I was a bit confused. I have a few more questions though:

  • You were saying any slave with Submission>0 in DoM wont get deleted from the game but will stay in place if released using the Thug feature. Does that mean if I had slaves I wanted to free as long as they had some semblance of submission training I can turn them to permanent followers and always come back to them without them despawning
  • In the future will there be a chance of having more thugs? For example, if I just wanted to send out trained slaves in little fighting groups is there a chance of the thug limit being raised, or does having more than 8 weigh down on the code?
  • I did some more testing with the problem that you and I have with the random nudity. It happened again for me while troubleshooting, but not when I told the thug to perform an interaction. I saw that Pah updated and made a change to stop the nude bandits bug. Is there a chance that this might have something to do with it?
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