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I need a Chinese version, even if it's translated by AI. If you really don't have time, could you provide all the text to me so I can get it translated by AI and then give it back to you? Using a tool to extract and translate again is too troublesome and prone to errors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way of adding more playmates to this mod? I'd love to add my other follower to my owner's harem too. Sorry in advance if this has been answered already. I didn't feel like scrolling through 277 pages.

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4 hours ago, BruhMoment84 said:

Is there any way of adding more playmates to this mod?

no, that has never been implemented, and as far as I remember it wasn't even Hexbolt's idea, but made on request. There are quite a lot of people out there who don't like followers at all, and just bear with them for the sake of this mod. The mod author being one of them.

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17 hours ago, BruhMoment84 said:

Is there any way of adding more playmates to this mod? I'd love to add my other follower to my owner's harem too. Sorry in advance if this has been answered already. I didn't feel like scrolling through 277 pages.

I would rather HexBolt8 adopt the functionality of this mod
The owner can observe Lola's current sexual desire value through the brightness of LewdMarks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a bug or a problem specific to my LO, but since updating to the latest version I've had an issue with the alcohol quest. After the quest is finished, if I open dialogue with the mistress again nothing triggers and I get stuck in the dialogue unable to close it.

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9 hours ago, asdj1239 said:

Not sure if this is a bug or a problem specific to my LO, but since updating to the latest version I've had an issue with the alcohol quest. After the quest is finished, if I open dialogue with the mistress again nothing triggers and I get stuck in the dialogue unable to close it.

Presumably this is in regard to "Run, Lola, Run".  Can you provide more detail about the steps leading up to the problem?  Do you know if you were late returning to your owner?

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1 hour ago, HexBolt8 said:

Presumably this is in regard to "Run, Lola, Run".  Can you provide more detail about the steps leading up to the problem?  Do you know if you were late returning to your owner?


Can't recall the quest name off the top of my head, but the one where she asks for you to get her a bottle of x. I've done the quest multiple times and the problem consistently happens, regardless of whether or not I already have the item in my inventory before it triggers. So the problem occurs if I do have the item, or if I get the item within the 3 minutes. I haven't tested what happens if you're late.


What happens is the final line of the dialogue after you deliver the item will remain on the screen. I can tab to escape the dialogue but the subtitle will persist usually until I load into a new cell. Just once I noticed the subtitles did eventually leave the screen and dialogue ended but I couldn't reproduce this or work out what caused the dialogue to end. Then if I interact with her while the subtitles are still on the screen and the dialogue hasn't technically ended, I will just get locked in the dialogue screen unable to exit but with no dialogue options to select (like you would when you interact with an NPC playing a voice line, except instead of dialogue appearing when the voice line ends it just never appears). Also worth noting the game isn't frozen, I can open the console and move the camera around a bit but can't exit dialogue, move or open any menus. Basically locked out of doing anything when this happens.


But again, not sure this is actually a SLTR problem or maybe a weird interaction between the mod and an animation I have for drinking or something.

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5 hours ago, asdj1239 said:

Can't recall the quest name off the top of my head, but the one where she asks for you to get her a bottle of x.

Yes, that's Run, Lola, Run.


5 hours ago, asdj1239 said:

What happens is the final line of the dialogue after you deliver the item will remain on the screen. I can tab to escape the dialogue but the subtitle will persist usually until I load into a new cell.

Thank you for the additional details.  It looks like a weird interaction with something.  As far as I can recall, this hasn't been reported before.  In my own experience, the only times I've see stuck dialog text is when two mods have an actor speak at the same time, such as if a comments mod triggers when an actor is just finishing speaking a line.

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17 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Yes, that's Run, Lola, Run.


Thank you for the additional details.  It looks like a weird interaction with something.  As far as I can recall, this hasn't been reported before.  In my own experience, the only times I've see stuck dialog text is when two mods have an actor speak at the same time, such as if a comments mod triggers when an actor is just finishing speaking a line.


Ah ok thanks for the info, good to know it's just a problem on my end then. Maybe it's DIN since that mod seems very trigger happy with altering dialogue, but I'll just play around it.

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Is compliance with things like nudity required, hairstyle change, encumbrance limit, etc limited by the owners proximity or line of sight? If, for example, the owner is in the Bannered Mare and Lola is in Dragonsreach, will she get dinged for not wearing following the rules?


I'm thinking about doing a playthrough where - RP wise - the owner sends Lola off to do things while remaining stationary and I want to know if my RP should go for "and Master is all-knowing" or go for "don't forget to follow the rules once you return".

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6 hours ago, Anunya said:

Is compliance with things like nudity required, hairstyle change, encumbrance limit, etc limited by the owners proximity or line of sight?

Proximity and line of sight are not factors.  For rationale, you might assume that the magic collar is informing on you or doing the enforcement itself.

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4 hours ago, FlyingHigher said:

I really love this mod.


I have a problem. My dominant follower locked a gag on me. I asked her to remove the gag and she agreed, but the collar is still on. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is?

Thanks in advance :)

You will wear the collar as long as you are enslaved, unless you choose to break away from your master.

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6 hours ago, FlyingHigher said:

I have a problem. My dominant follower locked a gag on me. I asked her to remove the gag and she agreed, but the gag is still on. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is?

It would really help to know more about what you saw.


Which gag?

Why was it equipped (which mod did it, what event)?

What did the owner say when agreeing to remove it, and immediately afterwards?

Is the gag bugged in some way?  That is, if you unlock it yourself with a key, can you remove it?

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