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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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hey all i have be into the Coyote Den but when i go back to look for giant gecko in california drive-in i can not see the  giant gecko why not ?

There are conversation prompts before you can complete that quest. You have to ask to become part of the pack and such after sleeping in the den first. At least that was what was needed to be done the last time I played .. so, so long ago :D.

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i have few questions.

1.in the ant chapter, is the spawning chamber working. i tried to be in there and press / on my keypad and in normal keyboard, but nothing. am i missing something, like is this just with american keyboards. i have finished my mutations

2. can you have ant mutations and deathclaw mutations at the same time, because it would be totally rad to have both

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The spawning chamber was planned but never finished. It won´t do anything now.

The only hotkeys for Breeder are in the later parts of the deathclaw episode (running speed, high jumping, night vision?)

I believe all visible mutations use the same equipment slot so only one of them is visible/worn.

The other mutations can cooperate to some degree. E.g. i had both the wolf howl from the cojote episode and the Ants acid hands in an old Version of Breeder.

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having some issues maintaining a proper life style atm due to a 12 bills, so sorry if i'm not super active.
i am currently messing around with some quest modding and i'm recreating a few key locations.

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I might just suggest if you do release a version of Breeder using the old versions of SCR/Pregnancy you put add a warning message that comes up if incorrect/later versions of SCR/Pregnancy are detected, because I know people are going to try it then report issues to you or me :)

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Perhaps instead roll up those scripts and resources into the mod and release it as a stand alone mod. If I understand correctly it wouldn't be the entire mod only those scripts that are needed that are no longer included in SCR or Pregnancy. Then the mod can stand on its own two feet as work is being done. In construction it could be called "shoring up the foundation". In the end the "shoring" can be removed once the main structure is able to stand on its own . In this case properly referencing the SCR / Pregnancy / Sexout scripts.


Best of all Halstrom is familiar with the scripts that were removed to some degree. Then no problems regardless of what version of SCR/ Pregnancy is used. ( old legacy or new slimmer version.. ;)) Afterwards you could take all the time you need to do what you feel is necessary to updated and modernize it, when you are able.



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Merging too much content into one mod will ultimately limit development.
the more complex something is the more difficult will it be to add or change it.
that's the nature of programming and/or any other challenge.

One reason for recreating breeder was to prevent this, as the mod got so complex that it effected everyone who was developing on the mod.

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Hello there, sorta newish here, be around for a month or two, love the mods that people have created here and it has made me break out my programming skills from years at school to work on some bugs in mods I have noticed. Took me a little bit to get used to GECK from C++ and Java, but similar enough that I can understand most of it. But anyways, I don't want to drag this out too long, but I have been recently going through the coding of Breeder, namely the Ant path, and would love to help out with coding wherever I can, from trouble shooting or even creating needed scripts and whatnot.

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A fantastic and thrilling mod! But where can I find a summery of all its content?

The deathclaw, bighorn, bloatfly and coyote are clearly laid out,

but as far as I am to understand there is even more to the mod than these,

like something with mutants, ants, and even radscorpions... 


Is there a full list of features or just some golden child here who knows all this mod offers???




This is what I have gathered so far - How do I... section:


- North of Remnants Bunker - go to the right around the bunker.
- South East Jean's Skydiving - no entrence, should just fall in.
- California Sunset Drive-In
Fenris 7 days after pup to den mother
Fenris pride, close to Primm - NorthNEast
- South West of Legion safehouse
Eat the royal jelly - all of it...
Crouch after fingering and placing egg
The royal jelly your workers give later, you need not eat.
Save the jelly until you get the cocoon-room.
To advance levels, produce tier 5 of different ants, 5, 10, 15...
- Scorpion gulch - seems not working
- Camp Forlorn Hope
Seems essential to start new character in order to avoid deathclaws killing women inside their cave.
Bugs in the riverside quest seems to be connected to the relative sexout version - the new all in one pack provided by the mods author takes care of this.
When you take over the military base, you must enter some of the barracks to continue.
To start new nest, you must have given birth to the eggs themselves, console eggs wont do dammit!
if their is anything I left out or didn't cover, feel free to contact me and ask - though there is only ONE master of this mod... and you know who it is!
Edited by Beornwahl
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In addition to the ones mentioned in the opening there are currently only two other episodes, 

the ants near the legion safehouse and the mutants party/capture west of cook cook, near chance map.The mutans one can conflict with another mod (Project Nevada??) that places a raider camp there (before aproaching deactivate AI with console fly around with tfc and deactivate all raiders and the obstacles of their base or mod them away in geck. The mutants camp is just three palisade cells/enclosed areas with doors,a watchtower and a cave. The raider camp blocks most of it with junk baricades ).

Older versions had a very tiny plant episode in goodsprings and archaeology has found clues about an even older but short scorpion episode which got lost in the version hystory. :D

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Maybe then create a master with the code from those two mods? ( of course  not change anything with current Breeder) That shouldn't create bloat, limit development, and can be removed with a simple delete when the code is reworked to be compatible with the the current version of Pregnancy/SCR. Nothing would be different with the main mod yet all the code needed for the current version as you rework the mod would still be present and easily distributable and playable with current Sexout mods..


If I understand this correctly it is basically like what Halstrom has done with SCR / Pregnancy now by breaking up many of the components into more appropriate smaller mods.


This is just thought processes. . mostly so I can learn and understand :D I am sure whatever the end result is it will be great. I am only concerned with conflicts by those users of this mod and current sexout mods.

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I use the customized fomm from loverslab and to my experience it´s better than the standart fomm. It  reacts a bit slow (on mod/package activation and deactivation)  but the standart fomm crashes regularly in the package manager etc.. So far i could use fomm for all sexout mods (and nearly all new vegas mods) without problems. Don´t use nexus mod manager it installs certain mods incomplete or bugged.


If you have problems just install manually and use the modmangers only for activation of mods and changes in the loadorder.

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The spore episode was planned too but never included except for that girl.


The plant episode was talking too another courier in goodsprings, getting a seed (mysterious box in aid section turning into a seed...) and planting it behind doc mitchels house. The plant would grow in a few stages (a few days, and each day talking to it or watering it) and initiate sex on the pc. It had a problem with every one else but the pc. If you had companions with you the plant would turn hostile.

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The installation instructions for Sexout NG specify that you must use the LL version of FOMM; the instructions for this mod specify that you should not use that because it's supposed to be so buggy.  What is one supposed to do?

Do what you want to do. The requirements mentioned are for those that expect full support for the mod(s) in question. Many use others such as NMM for their management needs. Just keep in mind that you will get limited support using other managers. The authors of Sexout mods generally use FOMM for their mods and don't know what the effects will be with other managers.


Have you read Prideslayer's instructions for the use of his script extender?  It REQUIRES his FOMM.

Yes, because he will only fully support this with his FOMM. Also if you read his thread fully you will see an option for manual installation of the files if you desire to extract them so you can use whatever mod manager you desire. Just keep in mind if you install them wrong you will get no "fun time"...




Older versions had a very tiny plant episode in goodsprings


Huh, I was wondering what the deal was with the untextured fleeing spore lady in the shack near the Bloatfly Bog


Unfinished episode.


The spore episode was planned too but never included except for that girl.


The plant episode was talking too another courier in goodsprings, getting a seed (mysterious box in aid section turning into a seed...) and planting it behind doc mitchels house. The plant would grow in a few stages (a few days, and each day talking to it or watering it) and initiate sex on the pc. It had a problem with every one else but the pc. If you had companions with you the plant would turn hostile.

He wanted you all for himself.. :D  Like the Little Shop of Horrors :P

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I'm no programmer, but, I've been using and installing mods long enough that you didn't tell me anything new.  Of course I could install my mods manually; but, I don't-- not only because using a mod manager obviously makes cleaning things up easier, but because, ideally, I want to be able to report valid issues with mods when I have problems, not just have people sort out my own mistakes.  If I don't even install the mods according to the recommended instructions, I can't very well expect them to work.


All of this stuff is built on Prideslayer's framework.  So, although I don't like fixing things that aren't broken, I followed Prideslayer's instructions to the letter and installed everything he directed me to install for Sexout and his script extended to work properly, including his FOMM.  So, that leaves me wondering what to make of being told to use a mod in the Sexout framework (which, therefore, necessitates using Prideslayer's FOMM, if one wishes to follow the installation instructions correctly) without Prideslayer's FOMM.  It seems to me that, no matter what happens, there's a reason for the game not to work: either because I did use Prideslayer's FOMM, or because I didn't use it.


I don't know what to make of that.  I was hoping that someone might have a better idea than I how to reconcile the two requirements which, to me, appear mutually exclusive.


* Could someone PLEASE explain what the "standard user" is using to run this mod?  Are people using the old FOMM (as the installation instructions appear to imply) without Prideslayer's latest script extender, or is his latest script extender working with the old FOMM even though he states that it can't work with it?  (I'm dismissing the possibility that everyone is running this with manual installations, without FOMM, at all-- that doesn't even come close to anyone's instructions).  If this mod ran on an old version of Sexout NG that didn't require Prideslayer's script extender, I would install the old FOMM, the old version of Sexout NG, and the old version of Prideslayer's script extender.  But, this mod's current installation links to Sexout NG's current installation instructions without further comment, and those specify the latest Prideslayer script extender which, he states will not work on the old FOMM.  Is he wrong about his own mod?


I'm not a programmer.  When my game goes haywire, I can't simply check the log and fix it on the fly as it appears most users of this mod here can.  Fourteen months ago, this mod became so hopelessly beyond the ability of the non-technical user that I just uninstalled FONV and moved on to Skyrim.  I'm just now coming back to FONV to see how things have changed since last year, and noticed that this mod has seemingly returned to the grasp of the non-technical user.  I'd like to play it, again,-- but, I don't see any way of installing it in such a way that the game isn't preordained to self-destruct and receive no support because, no matter what I do, I'm not installing my mods "correctly."  I'm told to "do whatever I want to do."  What "I want to do" is install all of my mods in such a way that I have fully followed all instructions for all of my mods, exactly, so that, when I inevitably encounter problems, I won't be told that the fault lies with my being the dumbass who couldn't even follow some simple instructions. 

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Hey can someone explain to me how to install this. I had no problem when it was Breeder Core and Data but this compiled stuff I can't seem to get to work. I'm using Mod Organizer now and have all of the other mods already download and installed but when I try to install this it says that there is no game data on top.

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I've been wondering...


If the author of this mod is aware of myriad bugs in the LL version of FOMM, why hasn't he reported them to Prideslayer so that he can fix them?  Supposedly, the whole point of creating the LL FOMM was to fix problems with the original FOMM.  It seems to me that it would be in everyone's interests to have a single, superior FOMM rather than two, differently inferior FOMM's.


Can I infer that, contrary to Prideslayer's instructions, his own script extender works just fine with the old FOMM; or, is that functionality that he mentions which won't work when used with the old FOMM not used with this mod?  If so, what work-around is used when using other mods that need that functionality? 


These questions may sound completely stupid to someone who knows how all of this crap really works; but, I don't.  Apart from knowing how to install files in the right places, I don't understand any of this stuff, and, when left on my own, I can do nothing but walk away from it until someone gives me answers I can understand.  I've just gone ahead and installed this with the new FOMM, since I don't have the slightest idea how to follow Sexout's installation instructions without the new FOMM; and, it would surprise me very much if it's safe to install mods with two, different versions of FOMM at the same time.

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