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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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I have a bug where the two scenes with Miranda where she asks you to strip and get down on the floor and pleasure the stranger doesn't activate, the other one stopping the quest altogether as I can't clean the house anymore. Not sure what causes it, have gone back and done the whole Deathclaw thing twice now, happened on both.

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If the riverside part is bugged you can take a shortcut by talking to Lucy (was that her name? the breeder in your riverside home)

to skip the recruiting part of the women. And there is a freezer outside your house with deathclaw eggs you can use in several part of the questline (e.g. riverside takeover, defense missions).


About the part where your alpha teleports you to riverside sometimes you have to try this a second time (and thanks to  new vegas sometimes forgeting or skipping skripts a few other parts too). You must not be pregnant before asking to expand your harem. Don´t know if fertility must be high for this to work. Better wait and use some fertx .


Save early and often casm is your friend :shy: . Breeder worked for me best if loaded last.  Had lust and its hud plugin deactivated and most parts worked on the first try.

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Yeah it seems to happen whenever I make the teleport with the alpha to Riverside, all scripts shut off. Tried having sex with the alpha again right after the teleport and nothing, same with every NPC and so forth. The workaround doesn't work either as Lucy doesn't seem to have any dialogue after you meet her in the basement, with or without the eggs from the fridge.


Edit: Tried to get the older version of SexoutPregnancy in that Breederpack but it seems the file in it is broken and I can't open the .rar with the .esp. If anyone could reupload it, it would be nice.

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did you upgrade/downgrade using the file(had all the stuff but had to replace files with newer/older?)  If so then I had same issue and reinstalled the entire game with deleted data folder and then it worked mostly.  Im stuck since npc's disappear all the time to the point where CASM can't help anymore.  unsure what happened to user29 so i will have to wait for user fix's or user coming back.

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If anyone is using this I advise getting CASM mod and setting the frequency for saves to very often.. AS often as you can or are confident in running. Even when User was developing this disappearing individuals and other strange events would occur. Not really his fault. He was forcing the game to do things it didn't really want to do and doing a lot of work in the process to make it do it. .. :D.


Also keep in mind that going forward this mod and the current mods that use SCR wont' be compatible. Halstrom has killed much of what was legacy in SCR that Breeder used.

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did you upgrade/downgrade using the file(had all the stuff but had to replace files with newer/older?)  If so then I had same issue and reinstalled the entire game with deleted data folder and then it worked mostly.  Im stuck since npc's disappear all the time to the point where CASM can't help anymore.  unsure what happened to user29 so i will have to wait for user fix's or user coming back.

pretty sure this is you doing something wrong.

if you wish to get it fixed you better dump a load order, version list and any other detail you can provide.


same answer to "villhadig"


i have tested every nook and crack in this mod and (yes there's a few issues with vanishing, but its very rare if installed "properly")


also before you dump information at me check my guide first or you'r wasting my time.

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As jamilnielsen stated bypass are not advised unless absolutely necessary. Often times it cause many other problems. Sometimes problems that cannot be fixed. If the mod is installed correctly the issue you are having shouldn't be happening. I had played this way back in the beginning. Some times in the middle and once towards the end. Might even have been this very version or one before it. The last time I played it it was stable and very playable without any of the problems mentioned here on the thread with the exception of the occasional disappearing NPC.. Which happens with this mod and there really isn't anything that can be done about that except having pleanty of backups. CASM is an excellent mod to use with this mod as it helps you recover from any game breaking situation.

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If you're still taking ideas for further deathclaw expansion across the Mojave, I have one.


Have the player's clan attack Sloan and destroy it (replace Sloan buildings on map with rubble piles) kill all the males but capture Jas Wilkins (she wanted deathclaw eggs, well now she can have as many as she can carry). Yep karma's a bitch !!! :D

This could be done as a convo with Titus/Eve/Disciple telling you it happened or the player actually does the killing of the miners and captures Jas. Then tells her praetorians to tear down the buildings when she's done. (If player attacks Sloan, come back a day later and it's rubble, otherwise the next visit to Sloan after Titus/Eve/Disciple tells you about the attack it's in ruins)


From there go on to Quarry Junction, 2 options based on player's previous actions.

If the player killed the deathclaws before she joined her clan then she feels remorse and wants to recreate their home with her own broodkin. (Must have Dragon Mutation)

If the player did not kill the deathclaws then she wants to take over the clan and use it to increase her clan's hold on the mojave. (Must have Dragon Mutation)


in the first option you could have Disciple Sara create a Breeder to become the new Alpha for the quarry and use Samantha (after she has fully mutated) to be it's Queen. They move in after the player has spawned a new brood in the quarry (like she did at the three crossroads). Have the NCR attack the quarry while the spawning is taking place, (they've only just got rid of one Deathclaw clan and now another one is trying to it's place led by this "psycho mutant bitch" who was once lauded as a hero. The NCR cannot allow this to happen and will do their best to stop it. Once the spawning is done Sam and her Alpha with some captures/breeders arrive. Have a convo option with Sam to build shelters/tents and when you come back to the quarry after a few days they have been built. Some Brahmin put in a pen as well. Replace all claws in the quarry with Praetorians/Incolas and the wild claws just outside the quarry with Praetorians.


For the second option, the player must kill her rival Queen and it's Alpha and their young, both baby claws and all the eggs. Attacking the Queen this time has her call to all her brood in the area to defend her. All the wild claws in the quarry, those just outside the exit towards Whittaker Farmstead and those on the road from Sloan to Junction 15 Railway Station then come in waves to attack the player.

3 waves with just enough time for a stimpak or 2 between them. The wild claws are desperate to save the queen's young and don't give the player a chance. Killing all the young and the queen makes any wild claws left flee as the player is just too "hard" The Alpha will attack to the death no matter what happens.


After it's over the mission continues as option one, minus the brood spawning part, while the player was clearing the way for Sam, the disciples and the captives/breeders in Nipton, Novac, Nelson and Riverside all donated enough eggs to create a brood for Sam. Some captives/breeders have become new disciples. I'm thinking Mary and/or Susan from Novac they bring the eggs and some tents on pack brahmin with a couple of new "converts" and Sam and her Alpha as escorts. after a few days the tents are up and the pack brahmin are now just food brahmin. Replace the wild claws from the area (those mentioned for the waves) with Praetorians outside the quarry and some Praetorians/Incolas inside it.


This second mission option should really be tough, as it gives the player's clan a massive strategic position in the middle of the mojave and as they are replacing the deathclaw clan already there, nobody will know that the claws in the quarry are the new threat. The first option should not be as hard as the NCR knows about it and the player loses reputation, probably becoming hated by NCR. Getting help from companions to complete this one should be obvious, (player's choice, except Samantha or Eve) Sam is to be the quarry brood mother and Eve well, she is the future of the Mojave right?


In either case the Melissa and the Khans flee from the quarry returning to Red Rock. It's just too dangerous to stay there. If the player started but did not complete the Sloan part of the drug run for Melissa then they can't now Chomps is dead . Melissa should act as if the Tyrone was sloppy and got caught by the NCR, as she believes that is what happened. if the player spoke to Chomps before Sloan is destroyed then Melissa and the Khans wait for the player to return before they leg it. If the quest was never started then Melissa should act as she does after she returns to Red Rock when the quest ends with Tyrone being blamed by the player.

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still can't get the Deathclaw Womb to work.

I used "set AAVartest to 4" command on a Previous Character after nipton quest and it worked. I had to bypass the nipton quest by adding egg in inv with console command.

But I can't get it to work on a new character.  I had no other problems with the Entire questline for both old and new Character(except for nipton cos the womb didn't work for both). 

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still can't get the Deathclaw Womb to work.

I used "set AAVartest to 4" command on a Previous Character after nipton quest and it worked. I had to bypass the nipton quest by adding egg in inv with console command.

But I can't get it to work on a new character.  I had no other problems with the Entire questline for both old and new Character(except for nipton cos the womb didn't work for both). 

I think the script for the womb never started even though the womb is added to your inv

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Last I heard he wasn't and was even seeking someone out to take over the mod. Currently Jamil is helping the thread but isn't advancing or working on it. Neither is anyone else. I am watching and trying to help him out a bit just to keep what was functional well functional and discussing a few things with Jamil. Both of us lack the skills of the level need to even begin to tackle this not to mention the time needed. Most users don't realize the amount of work User did to get this to even function much less actually work the way it does. He  moved mountains.. Well actually burrowed into many of them but that is besides the point. So currently no advancement or repairs will be able to be done as far as I can see. If the stars align perhaps User might be able to do a quick tweak on an issue but I highly doubt that.

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as i mentioned in the private chat i have analyzed the mod and because its basically patch on patch on patch its extremely complex.

the best and only way to continue with this mod is to recreate it from the bottom but in stages for stability.

the order of this foundation would be

questing and locations required for the quests.

items and other rewards and fine tuning of quests

scripts. (AI pathing, and other quest related scripts)

sex scripts (exclusively last as they're the most unstable part of modding as they're quite demanding.)


my idea is that if we make the "normal" content first and from there fill in the sex scenes the mod will be far easier to use and it'll be more stable :)


don't have time currently tho.

would be nice if user29 would dump my installation guide on main post thoooo...  (would be a nice beginning)



oh and



i believe i already told you, if you want help you have to post your load order, and other useful information.

also take a look at my installation guide before dumping the issue at me :)

tested everything twice on two separate machines, so it should work if you install properly.

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DFB - Random Encounters.esm
More Perks.esm
More Perks for Companions.esm
More Perks for Dead Money.esm
More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
Stalker Weapons Pack.esm
SWP40 Patch 01.esp
FP gun follows crosshairs.esp
Nouk's Hairs.esp
DFB - Random Encounters - Update - MCM.esp
More Perks Update.esp
More Perks for Companions Update.esp
More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
Gore Dismember and Explode Edits.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp
Identity Crisis  Part 2 - Long Night.esp
Better Casinos.esp
Natural Nails - Alt Loc.esp
Natural Nails.esp
Oven Cooking.esp
Pickable Cave Fungus.esp
Pickable Cave Fungus with OWB.esp
Jump Fall Fixer.esp
Alternative Blood Spout.esp
Weapon Mods Reworked.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes GRA DLC.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes HH DLC.esp
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes.esp
energy weapons.esp
energy weapons GRA.esp
energy weapons HH CR.esp
energy weapons OWB.esp
that gun holdout.esp
better that gun 44mag.esp
better that gun 223.esp
old vaquero includes that gun.esp
Classic energy weapons.esp
LFox Cannibal Perk Improvements.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
FCO - Playable Races.esp
The 5 Books.esp
Tailor Maid - NV.esp
Weapon Stat Viewer.esp
OCD-Cass outfits.esp
No Sleeves No Shirts NV.esp
No Sleeves No Shirts NV Special.esp
Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp
.357 Facilitator.esp

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