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[mod] Regula Magistri

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I share  a border with them.

I have the higher rank.

No one is at war.

I have prestige/fame 1000 each.

I can declare a (insanely expensive) war for domination. Dont know for what this option is because normal war is MUCH cheaper.


I cant marry her because "Faith does not allow Polygamous"

I can Offer Vassalage but she will not accept because of Base Reluctance and I am not her "rightfull liege"


WTF is this Mod good for ???

A Mulsa will kidnapp her husband to my prison or take his titels after a simple faszination sheme. But then I have to declare a war to marry her ???

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I think the mind puppet power (Stigillum?) is for stuff like that; it gives you a permanent Strong Hook on the character, which should help weight the proposals in your favor.  Though it doesn't help as much as I thought, since other hooks seem to override it (either that, or it's only giving +100 to marriage proposals, even though I've seen it auto-succeed other requests)


Edit: Domination war is a CB with unlimited uses that vassalizes the victim and converts her to Mulsa at the same time. (Or maybe it was Paelex) Its benefit is that it is centered around the woman, not her realm, so if she somehow changes counties, the CB should still stay valid. Also, it doesn't piss her off by taking her land from her, just to give it back.

(Edit 2: Got rid of suggestion because it seemed a little too...extreme. Rather than new cultures, it would be much easier to introduce custom ethos and traditions that block out other, undesired traditions (similar to the flavor added with the Female Famuli Only military custom)


Edited by Leafknight4
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New version!  Mostly bugfixes.



Updated for 1.5.10
French localization has been added to the game! All credit for this great feat goes to @Mederic
Bugfixes and tweaks:
Getting caught while Spellbound no longer breaks the game.
Using Domitans Tribunal on a pregnant Mulsa no longer runs the risk of giving them the One with the Book trait.
The Servitude Faction War is now only valid against Lieges that don't worship the Keeper of Souls.
Tweaked the Yadz Holy Site benefit so that it improves all personal schemes, including mod ones.
Added can_set_relation_soulmate to the list of tweaked triggers, as part of the neverending fight to quash the cuckhold code Paradox has put in.


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Spent some time playing with the latest version (well, latest until two hours ago lol), with my usual tweaks. Decreasing piety costs, mostly, though maybe I went too far because I almost always take the Piety bonus from Domitans Tribunal and my current character (in his 70s) now has like 20000 piety. And I bump up the number of schemes so with Mulitasker I can have 7 Dominares running at once...and my list of "pinned" prospective targets is over 300 now, lol. My eyes are bigger than my stomach. At least this game I've decided not to marry every daughter, just the bosomy ones (and my vassals, of course, and most of my prisoners). I also incorporated a stress-cascade fix, which has helped immensely. And I turned off the thing where pregnant Paelices kept getting regula_undying.

Having enough holy sites to become Pontifex makes it so much easier to absorb the neighbouring Mulsa rulers, once I figured that out. This game I started as a King in Africa (in honour of Black History Month) which may have made it easier to get enough sites. And when I realized you could use hooks to force your electors to vote along with you, that made the Elective work much better for me. I also appreciate how the new Book start allows you to make at least some of your counties autoconvert and cuts down on religious rebels. (Though unfortunately Crusaders are much more effective in this version--they took Galicia away from me and I barely had a chance.)

I'm not as concerned about the cuckolding as some people are, I mean, whatever. What bugs me is the constant murder plots. I'd like it if at least my fertile Mulsae didn't keep killing each other. I'm trying to add a -1000 penalty to Mulsae in the murder scheme and we'll see if that helps. I think it'd be great if pregnant Mulsae couldn't be commanders either, but whatever.

I do occasionally run across event popups with missing localization in them; I keep meaning to screenshot them or something. And there's one of them that keeps using the possessive when it shouldn't. Like "Bathsheba's is alone..."?  Maybe one of the Fascinare scheme results.

My biggest peeve right now is totally self-inflicted: I have so many wives and descendants that I'm constantly getting interrupted with name-babies popups. And I want to pick unique names for them all if possible so that slows me down. (And if you have three or four babies, the UI only lets you name two of them...)

I also noticed that you don't get to pick any of the breast-size traits etc. if you get to pick a favourable trait under the dynasty perks. But that's probably a Carnalitas bug (and maybe to do with the fact that Carnalitas lets you configure whether those traits are good or bad).

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Ha, I think I found the possessive I've been seeing.  In fascinare_outcome_events_l_english.yml:


 fascinare_outcome.0001.desc:0 "[target.GetTitledFirstNamePossessive] is alone, and likely to remain that way for some time. The perfect opportunity to bring them under your will.\n\n"


Probably that shouldn't be "Possessive"...


Also there's a typo, "abilty" in the Multitasking desc which isn't fixed in 0.92...

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For all the starting events to fire properly, you should avoid doing that. It might work, but from what I've seen on the thread it probably won't.

Edit: There's a trigger activated through the starting decisions that will definitely mess something up if you don't activate it, so not safe.

Edited by Leafknight4
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Excellent mod!!

I'm trying to add Simplified Chinese for the mod,But I  have no experience about how to do it.

I checked the files in the “localization",is it okay to just put the Chineseized files into this folder, or do I need to change some other code? 

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@bobbily I fixed my translation so it includes the new keys, I used the helper script but it removes your comments, so I modified it to keep them.

Also I noticed one key was duplicated in the regula_childhood_events_l_english.yml file: regula_childhood_event.0010.e.tt (it should be regula_childhood_event.0010.f.tt) and ":1", ":2" and ":3" were used after the keys in some of the english localization files, it's not good, I fixed them.


@poipopi I suggest you use the "localization_helper.py" script with python 3, and run the command

python localization_helper.py update --lang simp_chinese

It creates all the files for you with correct file and key names, then you just need to replace the values. Good luck! CK3 localization page

french.zip localization_helper.py english.zip

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On 3/19/2022 at 10:20 AM, Mederic said:

@bobbily I fixed my translation so it includes the new keys, I used the helper script but it removes your comments, so I modified it to keep them.

Also I noticed one key was duplicated in the regula_childhood_events_l_english.yml file: regula_childhood_event.0010.e.tt (it should be regula_childhood_event.0010.f.tt) and ":1", ":2" and ":3" were used after the keys in some of the english localization files, it's not good, I fixed them.


@poipopi I suggest you use the "localization_helper.py" script with python 3, and run the command

python localization_helper.py update --lang simp_chinese

It creates all the files for you with correct file and key names, then you just need to replace the values. Good luck! CK3 localization page

french.zip 68.46 kB · 0 downloads localization_helper.py 9.1 kB · 2 downloads english.zip 62.6 kB · 4 downloads


On 3/18/2022 at 1:58 PM, bodygen said:

Ha, I think I found the possessive I've been seeing.  In fascinare_outcome_events_l_english.yml:


 fascinare_outcome.0001.desc:0 "[target.GetTitledFirstNamePossessive] is alone, and likely to remain that way for some time. The perfect opportunity to bring them under your will.\n\n"


Probably that shouldn't be "Possessive"...


Also there's a typo, "abilty" in the Multitasking desc which isn't fixed in 0.92...

Thanks! Typos are the bane of my existence.


Hi, @Tyrranus!

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@bobbilyHi, I don't know if you're taking suggestions, but there are a few small changes that I thought would make the mod way more enjoyable. I'm somewhat new to this mod, so apologies if these were suggested or if there's a better place to post suggestions:

  1. A decision to auto-diverge the ruler's current culture, removing any marriage tradition (concubines, monogamy, polygamy) and replacing it with something more in-line with the mod (I personally replace it with Bound By Faith, since it makes inheritance in the realm easier). Alternatively, if this is too hard, making a decision available only once after becoming Magister that allows a free culture divergence, so players can manually remove the tradition.
  2. A yearly event to purge all Lover's Pox characters from the court. Seriously, I don't know if it's another mod or what, but those guys are annoying.
  3. After marriage/paelex initiation, I've noticed that pre-existing lovers of my wives stick around. A simple addition to force her to break up with her existing lovers/soulmates might solve some of the issues I've had with bastards popping up.
  4. A vassalize option that only appears for neighboring female rulers of a lower tier with the Mulsa trait, but auto-succeeds at the cost of piety. Seriously, she's my duchess thrall and I'm an emperor, why do I need to go to war with her to vassalize her?
  5. An interaction to convert a paelex's or a domina's culture to the Magister's. I've tried diverging and creating a custom culture with a bunch of modded traditions, but when half my wives are Occitan while I'm Magistrian-Welsh, it's kind of annoying.
  6. A temporary boost to Mulsas that have just overthrown their husbands. I've had entire realms overthrown, just to see them rebel and retake the realm a few months later, so, a truce with her husband or spawning some event troops might help a bit without being too overpowered.
  7. A scheme or interaction that lets you seize titles without tyranny from paelexes. I'm tired of trying to find roundabout ways to reshuffle my realm when my mulsas declare war of each other and end up close to gaining independence. You're my loyal Welsh servant, why are you trying to form Ireland?!
  8. Finally, integration with Carnalitas' slave system. I don't know what exactly, it just feels like there's potential there.


...I think I ended up posting a few more suggestions than I thought I would, sorry about that. Anyway, I hope at least some of these are minor enough and reasonable enough that they get seriously considered. At least one of these addresses a known issue with the mod (specifically #1), so I'm curious what you'd think about these ideas.

Edited by Leafknight4
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@Leafknight4, no promises, but I've nothing against suggestions.


1. Cultural divergence requires Royal Court, but I'm trying to dream up something. This is a major issue.

2. The orgy will purge lover's pox. It can also be disabled in the game rules, via Carnalitas.

3. Making a Paelex should break off all lover/soulmate relationships. More will form afterwards though, despite my efforts.

4. This is Potestas non Transfunde.  You just need to be the Pontifex Carnalis.

5. Make their kids wards? The base game methods for handling this are usually sufficient on my end.

6. Yeah, I'd like to get some event troops going. It's more of a long-term goal than a short-term one, but the game could use some special troops.

7. Tyranny means almost nothing with the Magister's opinion bonuses.

8. Agreed, there's potential there. I haven't played with the slavery system as much as I should.

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2 hours ago, bobbily said:

@Leafknight4, no promises, but I've nothing against suggestions.


1. Cultural divergence requires Royal Court, but I'm trying to dream up something. This is a major issue.

2. The orgy will purge lover's pox. It can also be disabled in the game rules, via Carnalitas.

3. Making a Paelex should break off all lover/soulmate relationships. More will form afterwards though, despite my efforts.

4. This is Potestas non Transfunde.  You just need to be the Pontifex Carnalis.

5. Make their kids wards? The base game methods for handling this are usually sufficient on my end.

6. Yeah, I'd like to get some event troops going. It's more of a long-term goal than a short-term one, but the game could use some special troops.

7. Tyranny means almost nothing with the Magister's opinion bonuses.

8. Agreed, there's potential there. I haven't played with the slavery system as much as I should.

Thanks for replying so quickly ^o^


1. If cultural divergence is not possible without DLC, is having a custom culture that is switched to through events possible?

2. Ooh, didn't know that. But, I was talking more about the courtiers and guests that randomly appear that have the disease. They show up and randomly spread the disease, which (even with the orgy purging the trait) leads to some annoyances. I hate looking through my wives/potential wives, only to see they caught the Pox from...someone.

3. True, but what about those you've Fascinare'd, but cannot grant a title to? Could the same effect of breaking off lovers be added to the end of a successful Fascinare scheme, since using this scheme shows that the player at least has an interest in claiming that character?

4. Ah, that explains it. I can't do that yet, since becoming head of faith stops you from reforming it afaik. I have the "more tenet slots" mod, and wanted to buff my faith. I guess OP casus belli will have to wait until I've reformed my religion, lol.

5. That would convert their kids, but what about the wives themselves? I guess that would solve the problem after a couple generations, but if I make them immortal (One with the Book), wouldn't their culture be locked in without a way to convert them? I don't think there are many ways in vanilla to change a character's culture, and if they're a permanent fixture in your court then they'll definitely disrupt your attempts to spread your intended culture, since their wards will end up their culture instead.

6. Nice~

7.Yes, but it can add up, especially in larger empires. Also, for some reason, it wouldn't let me revoke without a revocation reason (might've been another mod though, idk). Adding the interaction would better bypass restrictions when it comes to situations where it's normally not possible to revoke, and also lets you revoke en-masse without having a ~350 Tyranny penalty (don't ask, but yes I had 350 Tyranny). Of course, even with that much tyranny, they were still at around ~50 opinion, so...

8. One of the more untouched features among modders, imho.


...I hate how wordy I get. Sorry.

Edit: Shortened for easier viewing

Edited by Leafknight4
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17 hours ago, Leafknight4 said:

Thanks for replying so quickly ^o^


1. If cultural divergence is not possible without DLC, is having a custom culture that is switched to through events possible?

2. Ooh, didn't know that. But, I was talking more about the courtiers and guests that randomly appear that have the disease. They show up and randomly spread the disease, which (even with the orgy purging the trait) leads to some annoyances. I hate looking through my wives/potential wives, only to see they caught the Pox from...someone.

3. True, but what about those you've Fascinare'd, but cannot grant a title to? Could the same effect of breaking off lovers be added to the end of a successful Fascinare scheme, since using this scheme shows that the player at least has an interest in claiming that character?

4. Ah, that explains it. I can't do that yet, since becoming head of faith stops you from reforming it afaik. I have the "more tenet slots" mod, and wanted to buff my faith. I guess OP casus belli will have to wait until I've reformed my religion, lol.

5. That would convert their kids, but what about the wives themselves? I guess that would solve the problem after a couple generations, but if I make them immortal (One with the Book), wouldn't their culture be locked in without a way to convert them? I don't think there are many ways in vanilla to change a character's culture, and if they're a permanent fixture in your court then they'll definitely disrupt your attempts to spread your intended culture, since their wards will end up their culture instead.

6. Nice~

7.Yes, but it can add up, especially in larger empires. Also, for some reason, it wouldn't let me revoke without a revocation reason (might've been another mod though, idk). Adding the interaction would better bypass restrictions when it comes to situations where it's normally not possible to revoke, and also lets you revoke en-masse without having a ~350 Tyranny penalty (don't ask, but yes I had 350 Tyranny). Of course, even with that much tyranny, they were still at around ~50 opinion, so...

8. One of the more untouched features among modders, imho.


...I hate how wordy I get. Sorry.

Edit: Shortened for easier viewing

2. carnaltas removes lovers pox from the game, nothing related to the decease will appear, no event will show up.

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19 hours ago, Yat said:

2. carnaltas removes lovers pox from the game, nothing related to the decease will appear, no event will show up.

That game rule is more of a universal rule, but if we want the pox to spread, just not in our court, we would need to address that separately. I want to see other countries crippled by an outbreak of Lover's Pox, and be able to laugh from the safety of my pox-free court. Bobbily said they had accounted for this in the case of Paelexes with the Orgy decision, but I want to account for all my court, while allowing those not in my court to still spread the disease.


...I know there was a simple two-line mod out there at one point that made characters with Lover's Pox criminals, even that would be helpful, since I'd then get notified that there are characters I could rightfully imprison, pointing me to all pox'd characters in my realm.


TLDR: Carnalitas' game rule does its job too well, removing the mechanic altogether eliminates the flavor behind it.


Edit: Also, since characters contract Lover's Pox through sex, having it rampant in my court, then spreading to my wives just goes to show how much my wives are cheating on me  despite the many attempts to squash adultery through this mod. Just because you don't have several pox-ridden wives, doesn't mean they aren't sleeping around. It just means they're hiding it better.

Edited by Leafknight4
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My game always crashes with this error.


"[jomini_script_system.cpp:209]: Script system error!
  Error: Failed to compare scopes
  Script location: file: common/succession_election/07_compeditae_election.txt line: 42"


It doesn't crash for first approximately fifty years.

How can I solve it?


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On 3/25/2022 at 3:55 PM, gtanda1008 said:

"[jomini_script_system.cpp:209]: Script system error!
  Error: Failed to compare scopes
  Script location: file: common/succession_election/07_compeditae_election.txt line: 42"


It's saying that this line:

NOT = { this.culture_group = root.culture_group }

somehow can't complete its comparison. Either change your succession law, or try changing your starting culture.

Edited by Leafknight4
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So I did something that helped to squash the adultery plague somewhat:


I took the bit of code from the Domination War victory event that forces the new Paelex to break up with all of her lovers, and I pasted it into its own quarterly pulse, after adjusting the scopes to stop referencing a war. Mind you, it is not an intense change, since I properly made sure the event only checks Domina, Paelex, and Mulsa characters, and then only activates if they are either Paelex or married to you. So, if you have an unlanded Mulsa wife this would also activate and clear out her lovers.


Then, I added the event to yearly_everyone_pulse, or something like that, which checks everyone once a year, but on a random day in the year for each person. This is to have a chance to catch and break off new lovers early, on the off-chance they meet up right after the pulse.


Since adding this event, my wives' lovers are now nonexistent, and bastards have decreased a lot too~~~ (though not entirely)




So it's been a couple days now since I did this little tweak, and I have had a few bastards appear in my lineage, but I was able to pinpoint a possible cause - prostitution. Either that or slaves, or maybe both since slaves can be forced into prostitution. I don't think it's slaves though, since none of my bastards have ever been born as slaves, which they would be if a parent is a bastard. Anyway, the issue seems to be more on Carnalitas' end than the vanilla game (though there are still a lot of adultery issues in vanilla). Lovers are getting thoroughly wiped from my harem, so the only possibility is that events that force/provide options leading to sex are causing the bastards. One of the possible culprits could be the Make Love interaction, though I haven't checked to code to see if this has been accounted for.


TLDR; Carnalitas' sex could be causing bastards even with no lovers.


Edit 2: Spoiler'd so y'all don't have to see it if you don't want to.

Edited by Leafknight4
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Hey if you're running More Game Rules (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2216850785) and running into the "religion does not allow polygamous marriage: -1000" issue on marriage proposals even though your target is Magistrian 
I made a quick compatibility patch for the issue

This patch also contains compatibility for Celebrate Crimes (and Adoptions) (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2373238758) because that is something I also run

For load order just throw it below Regula, MGR, and/or Celebrate Crimes

It functions with just 1 or both 
If you aren't running one of the mods and you don't want the excess code, you can just go into: MGR Celebrate Regula Compatibility\common
Delete the scripted_effects folder to remove the Celebrate Crimes code
Delete scripted_modifiers folder to remove the MGR code

Just FYI: this was primarily made for MGR compatibility
So there might be some bugs with the Celebrate Crime compatibility 

Everything above is also all contained in the readme.txt in the mod folder

MGR Celebrate Regula Compatibility.zip

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48 minutes ago, Tebix said:

I don't know if it is a bug but being elected as the emperor of the HRE disabled the ability for the harem/multiple spouses, I have no idea what caused it

Ok found the problem, it is a bug the problem was the succession/Gender law. It was on Hereditas Compedita because of earlier shenanigans'  and when I inherited the title it didn't switch, so that broke the ability for multiple spouses.

Edited by Tebix
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I've ran into an issue with my family ladder/tumbleweed.


Basically, more wives/sons/daughters = stress death ball.


So far, the only fix I have been able to use is the immortality mod which allows you to remove stress yearly if you make them immortal but it is kinda wonky in that if enough people are stressed enough, it would still result in massive deaths in my dynasty since it only makes the characters affected not age but could still die in battle, sickness, and stress. I assume this is the case for most mods that increase spouse and concubine limits. Is there maybe a chance for some mod settings or game rule that removes stress factors during a death of a relative? Preferably that it only affects my court or dynasty.


In any case. I'm having fun with the mod still with the new update.

Edited by killatopak
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9 hours ago, killatopak said:

I've ran into an issue with my family ladder/tumbleweed.


Basically, more wives/sons/daughters = stress death ball.


Is there maybe a chance for some mod settings or game rule that removes stress factors during a death of a relative?

There's a mod called "AntiStressCascade *No Longer Updated*" that, despite its name, seems to work just fine. It adds a "mourning" modifier to characters who are under stress from a family member dying, that prevents any more stress from family deaths for the next year. After using this mod, the stress avalanche seems to have stopped...until an update actually breaks the mod, of course.

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