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A coin has two sides. Always.


Why do I feel this way about successful companies?


History always shown us that after becoming successful, almost anything/everything/anyone/everyone gets out of control and tries to make you a slave to their will/product/marketing/management/power search.


I believe in copyleft products, even if they have a dark side it can't be as dark as copyright products.


But the most important thing is that I believe in community, and because of this I don't trust people building an empire on monopoly.

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A coin has two sides. Always.


Why do I feel this way about successful companies?


History always shown us that after becoming successful, almost anything/everything/anyone/everyone gets out of control and tries to make you a slave to their will/product/marketing/management/power search.


I believe in copyleft products, even if they have a dark side it can't be as dark as copyright products.


But the most important thing is that I believe in community, and because of this I don't trust people building an empire on monopoly.


I've never got a straight answer when asking a question like that anywhere on the internet. Thank you now at least I can understand the point of view rather I agree with it or not.

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The oculus stuff looks interesting but having been a teen during the 90's i remember all the hype about VR then (this show was so cool at the time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkzF56tGYSg) so i'm taking everything i see/hear about it with a pinch of salt as i've heard all the hype before.


The games themselves will most likely make or break it on whether it becomes an essential piece of PC gaming kit though more so than how good the hardware is itself. I remember when things like Tie fighter came out it was uncommon not to have a joystick (usually expensive and modelled on some fighter plane's one) since space/air simulator games where very popular then and keyboard/mouse support was generally pretty poor.


On the plus side that elite remake is coming out soon and i think i recall reading it will support oculus so that may be the must have title that will cause everybody to go out and get one,

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Just found this video that is pretty informational about VR and the oculus Rift.



This is the sort of hype i meant and there was the same sort when the the Wii came out and it will face the same simple problem.


When i get home from work I don't want to be jumping around the living the living room I want to chill out and game :) and from all the peeps that don't own a Wii I know i'm not alone.


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Well, interaction is evolving, it's not because you didn't by the wii hype that it did not bring something. Maybe the evolution of consol controler is a more intresting example for the gaming interface. 


But there are some other works on other devices more intresting for Lovers Lab :





^ ^ Lucky Girl 


Imagine this on your GF playing skyrim


(hop it's not classified in +18 according to american standards)


you see wiimot can be usefull:






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Well put Ashal most peoples fear about the Facebook acquisition were pretty ridiculous.  A buyout is actually really good for Oculus as hardware is very expensive, they even mentioned since they don't have to worry about money they can sell the CV1 at cost. Many people weren't expecting Sony's headset to be so good, they are going to give Oculus stiff competition.  Ashal I didn't know you were into VR are you planning on incorporating the Rift into any mods?

As somebody who has purchased the first Oculus Rift devkit and has pre-ordered the new devkit the day it was announced last week, maybe I'm just drinking the kool-aid, but I find the response and backlash of the buyout to be nothing short of utterly embarrassing. Few communities know how to overreact and instantly assume the worse as much as gaming communities. 


People screaming the Rift will be filled with ads over games are being completely unrealistic and clearly haven't a clue how hardware, or business for that matter, works. The computer monitor you are likely using to read this right now doesn't display ads over existing content, the Rift doing it would be no different. Forcing ads to display over content with required firmware would drive away developers and users alike in droves, and no company, Facebook included, is that oblivious.


Oculus is a hardware company, they will continue to focus on making a nice piece of hardware; which by their repeated statements, both pre and post Facebook buyout, would have a gaming first focus. Facebook is a software company, they'll make whatever software makes sense for them to make for it, and push the Rift vs other VR headsets as their preferred platform on that software.


Just because you (rhetorically) run a Windows computer doesn't mean your computer is best suited to, or only capable of, running Microsoft Word.


It's an obvious attempt by Facebook to expand into new markets beyond Social Media, a market they are likely well aware won't sustain them forever. I'm not a fan of Facebooks policies in general, but Facebooks strategy here is just to be at the forefront of a future market and maybe provide separate exclusive telepresence software that ties back into their network; thinking you'd have to login to a game with a Facebook account or buy it through some Facebook exclusive market just to use it is simply idiotic



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 Ashal I didn't know you were into VR are you planning on incorporating the Rift into any mods?


It's not something for a mod to typically incorporate, as displaying on the Rift requires some manipulation of the video drivers which requires it either be supported to some degree out of the box by the game, or creating injection hacks that are outside the scope of a typical mod and well outside my current capabilities.


Though I will admit the Rift was my primary reason for initially starting to develop a first person mode for SexLab, which after some collaboration and experimentation together with h38fh2mf is what lead to the creation of the Immersive First Person View mod. Now if only Skyrim's Rift compatibility wasn't so atrocious. 

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Guest hemitris

I'm really excited for the future of oculus rift! Playing scary games might be too much for me though having watched people play it. Games like portal would be amazing, and probably give people nauseau.

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Rift owner here - I'm happy to report Skyrim with all the fun fun mods from loverslab works _beautifully_ with the VorpX injector. It's funny - I always expected my main use of the Rift for horror games, and scoffed a bit at the whole "VR Porn" thing... but horror games are frankly too damn intense in the rift, while sexified Skyrim is just SO MUCH FUN.

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Rift owner here - I'm happy to report Skyrim with all the fun fun mods from loverslab works _beautifully_ with the VorpX injector. It's funny - I always expected my main use of the Rift for horror games, and scoffed a bit at the whole "VR Porn" thing... but horror games are frankly too damn intense in the rift, while sexified Skyrim is just SO MUCH FUN.


How's the headset stay-age?  Does it hold up to heavy fapping?

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Rift owner here - I'm happy to report Skyrim with all the fun fun mods from loverslab works _beautifully_ with the VorpX injector. It's funny - I always expected my main use of the Rift for horror games, and scoffed a bit at the whole "VR Porn" thing... but horror games are frankly too damn intense in the rift, while sexified Skyrim is just SO MUCH FUN.


I got my Rift yesterday too, immediately installed VorpX and everything. I've had a LOT of issues having everything work normally, AMD, Windows 8 and Skyrim really did everything they could to make the whole installation a real pain. 


And now it works, pretty well too, BUT, no ENB. I don't know why, it seems like the binary can't work with the VorpX injector, I think I'm doing something terribly wrong here. Can't figure it outtttt 


Also, did you notice how horrible the texture are with the Rift ? I got 2K ones and I don't know, it looks crappy. Don't even want to know how unmoddable games will look like with VR. It's still amazing though, I'm happy they're not rushing the release and that it's still only the DK, there are some things they should tweak before full release. 

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Rift owner here - I'm happy to report Skyrim with all the fun fun mods from loverslab works _beautifully_ with the VorpX injector. It's funny - I always expected my main use of the Rift for horror games, and scoffed a bit at the whole "VR Porn" thing... but horror games are frankly too damn intense in the rift, while sexified Skyrim is just SO MUCH FUN.


I got my Rift yesterday too, immediately installed VorpX and everything. I've had a LOT of issues having everything work normally, AMD, Windows 8 and Skyrim really did everything they could to make the whole installation a real pain. 


And now it works, pretty well too, BUT, no ENB. I don't know why, it seems like the binary can't work with the VorpX injector, I think I'm doing something terribly wrong here. Can't figure it outtttt 


Also, did you notice how horrible the texture are with the Rift ? I got 2K ones and I don't know, it looks crappy. Don't even want to know how unmoddable games will look like with VR. It's still amazing though, I'm happy they're not rushing the release and that it's still only the DK, there are some things they should tweak before full release. 



Yeah, most fonts are hard to read or off the screen. The biggest limitation is that 1080p really isn't enough yet. They will have to get to 4k for fonts just to be readable, or move the menus (vireo lets you move the menus at least)


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Yeah, most fonts are hard to read or off the screen. The biggest limitation is that 1080p really isn't enough yet. They will have to get to 4k for fonts just to be readable, or move the menus (vireo lets you move the menus at least)



Yeah, I have to remove the rift whenever I want to modify something on Racemenu or access inventory ... And that thing is a pain to remove with my huge head. So right now, great for SexLab, cool for fighting, pretty nice when taking a stroll around Skyrim (I LOVE the Rift and the Reach, huge mountains and yellow leaves, awesome from far away). But for everything technical like accessing menus, using console, reading books, dialogues, not so much. I don't know if someone is working on a specific injector for Skyrim, VorpX seems to be more focused on FPS ... 

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Rift owner here - I'm happy to report Skyrim with all the fun fun mods from loverslab works _beautifully_ with the VorpX injector. It's funny - I always expected my main use of the Rift for horror games, and scoffed a bit at the whole "VR Porn" thing... but horror games are frankly too damn intense in the rift, while sexified Skyrim is just SO MUCH FUN.


I got my Rift yesterday too, immediately installed VorpX and everything. I've had a LOT of issues having everything work normally, AMD, Windows 8 and Skyrim really did everything they could to make the whole installation a real pain. 


And now it works, pretty well too, BUT, no ENB. I don't know why, it seems like the binary can't work with the VorpX injector, I think I'm doing something terribly wrong here. Can't figure it outtttt 


Also, did you notice how horrible the texture are with the Rift ? I got 2K ones and I don't know, it looks crappy. Don't even want to know how unmoddable games will look like with VR. It's still amazing though, I'm happy they're not rushing the release and that it's still only the DK, there are some things they should tweak before full release. 



Yes, ENB is known not to work with VorpX, that's listed in the release notes if I remember right. I don't personally use ENB anyway, so it wasn't an issue for me. Also note that some of the effects ENB provides are flat out detrimental to a VR experience (depth of field is the first that comes to mind - your eyes will have their own idea of where to focus, and if the focus point is 'forced' with DoF, it can cause extra eye strain quite quickly. Also, the ENB shots I've seen tend to have a lot of fog/diffusion style effects which make for nice looking screenies, but not a good VR experience. I hate foggy or snowy days in skyrim now - clear skies and lots of contrast is your friend in the Rift.


You'll notice something odd when it comes to textures - the lower-res textures sometimes look better than the high res ones - at least for characters. With many of the 'pretty' high-res skins and faces, you become acutely aware of how little actual texture _detail_ is in many of those textures; they're often focused on making the 'detail' features, but the skin texture itself is TOO smooth, in the drive to make the characters pretty. The default bethesda textures may make for ugly people, but the grime and scars and even the 'pixelly' grit (once evened by AA) make for slightly more 'real' looking people. Now - for LL modded purposes, I'll take pretty any day though :)


Don't forget to experiment with the VorpX in-game VR settings - hitting the 'sweet spot' wrt IPD and other things make a HUGE difference. Also - playing characters too different in height to yourself hurts immersion some, I've noticed.

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How would an Oculus Rift affect people who sometimes suffer from motion sickness in FPS games?

My first thought was that it would actually help with not getting motion sickness, but at the same time, it seems to be more immersive.


Has anyone any experience with the OR and motion sickness?


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Yes, ENB is known not to work with VorpX, that's listed in the release notes if I remember right. I don't personally use ENB anyway, so it wasn't an issue for me. Also note that some of the effects ENB provides are flat out detrimental to a VR experience (depth of field is the first that comes to mind - your eyes will have their own idea of where to focus, and if the focus point is 'forced' with DoF, it can cause extra eye strain quite quickly. Also, the ENB shots I've seen tend to have a lot of fog/diffusion style effects which make for nice looking screenies, but not a good VR experience. I hate foggy or snowy days in skyrim now - clear skies and lots of contrast is your friend in the Rift.


You'll notice something odd when it comes to textures - the lower-res textures sometimes look better than the high res ones - at least for characters. With many of the 'pretty' high-res skins and faces, you become acutely aware of how little actual texture _detail_ is in many of those textures; they're often focused on making the 'detail' features, but the skin texture itself is TOO smooth, in the drive to make the characters pretty. The default bethesda textures may make for ugly people, but the grime and scars and even the 'pixelly' grit (once evened by AA) make for slightly more 'real' looking people. Now - for LL modded purposes, I'll take pretty any day though :)


Don't forget to experiment with the VorpX in-game VR settings - hitting the 'sweet spot' wrt IPD and other things make a HUGE difference. Also - playing characters too different in height to yourself hurts immersion some, I've noticed.



Aww man I've become way too used to ENB now, everything looks so bland ! I'm having fun with some things like taking a ride in a carriage with that mod that actually makes you travel in a carriage and horseback etc ... But I don't think I can't play for a really long time, I always take off the thing after an hour or so to get the ENB. I really hope they manage to include ENB and VorpX in the library one day...


Do you have other games to advise for the Rift with VorpX tho ? 

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Skyrim + 3rd 1st person body.

*looks down* AH MA GAWD I HAZ BEWBZ!!!


in other words im extremely hopeful and full of anticipation for the next gen gaming thing! xD!


*puts on oculus rift*

*looks down*

-3 hours later-

"FFS Skyrim crashed again"



*puts on oculus rift*

*looks down*

*where is my schlong?*

The end.


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