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Arrok's SexLab Animations & Resource for Modders (Updated 11/28/2014)

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Unless you want to make a specific set of animations for C and H sizes?


I don't think it would be that difficult once you get one animation done, using trajectories and moving the hands away/near a little would do, if you want me to give it a try let me know.

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So, Lesbian suggestions.


Tribadism positions give you some good options for BBP animations. Mutual masturbation, F/F 69 and single oral. A 'from behind' standing masturbation with a leg lift worked in somewhere. Standing/kneeling oral.


Love your work btw.

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How about placing the hands on the body under the boobs like they were a bra like support and doing small rotations, that would fit a far larger range of boob sizes.  Placing the hands around the boobs instead of trying to directly touch them can give you a larger set.   It's too bad you can't aim the animation by the bones so you could place the lip bones on the nipple bones. 


The other option might be to make a series of animations (yuck, more work) for every two or three boob sizes so people could turn on the one that works for their bodies.

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How about placing the hands on the body under the boobs like they were a bra like support and doing small rotations, that would fit a far larger range of boob sizes.  Placing the hands around the boobs instead of trying to directly touch them can give you a larger set.   It's too bad you can't aim the animation by the bones so you could place the lip bones on the nipple bones. 


The other option might be to make a series of animations (yuck, more work) for every two or three boob sizes so people could turn on the one that works for their bodies.


This is what I've done in the past,....like the boobjob,...I just move her arms on the side of the boobs, and add a pushup effect on the boobs,....that way  I didnt have to worry about people's boob sizes.



Only problem is with a kinky solo female masturbation,....you'd naturally expect the classic whole hand boob cupping,...maybe a little nipple pinching.


On your second suggestion,....I think this might actually be doable now,...I have learned a lot since I first started animating,...and I think it may be possible to fullfill a request like that very easily now.

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Unless you want to make a specific set of animations for C and H sizes?


I don't think it would be that difficult once you get one animation done, using trajectories and moving the hands away/near a little would do, if you want me to give it a try let me know.

You're right,....a simple IK chain from upperarm to hand,..then hand to anim object would make swift work of this.


A few months back I didnt know how to do this,...but now something liek this is cake. 



Not knowing very much about these things, could some sort of a slider or console be built in that allows the user to do a select of body type/size for the respective anims to conform from initialization on?  :/ ?


Well I think you'd need someone smarter than me, or at least a different set of skills. Honestly this would be great,...but I dont know how.

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@ Arrok - To be totally honest I never thought it would be possible to have this sort of animation line up so well in a game where people have a range of characters that can be created just in the vanilla game, let alone a modded game with custom races.  


I truly think that you have become an animating artist  :shy:   :D

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@ Arrok - To be totally honest I never thought it would be possible to have this sort of animation line up so well in a game where people have a range of characters that can be created just in the vanilla game, let alone a modded game with custom races.  


I truly think that you have become an animating artist  :shy:   :D


I'm telling you,....you don't have to go to school to learn this kind of stuff,....3 months ago I was just another player,.......


Google > college


when employers realize this,....a degree will be useless,...unless its a government regulated licensed occupation you're searching for. 

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After reading through this thread to eat up your knowledge on the topic, I have to ask you Arrok: have you considered writing up a fully fleshed out Skyrim animation guide yourself?


Current information on the subject seems pretty strewn out amongst various different sources all over the skyrim modding webscene, and the few all-in-one guide's such as XP32's pro tut are really rather horrible worded and clunky to use (no disrespect to the guy, he's a great modder, but holy hell that tut is hard to follow). Theres a real lack of any thorough and concise all-inclusive guides out there, which makes it quite difficult for aspiring modders.


You seem to have a solid amount of practical and up-to-date knowledge on the subject, and a good knact for teaching concepts as demonstrated throughout the thread. I'd personally love to see one from you if you're willing, though of course not if it'll delay any of these fine animations :]


Here is a quick combination of everything I posted on how to animate,....better than nothing


Tools needed:
3ds max 2011 (Sorry its the only version i have)
Havok's 3ds max exporter http://www.havok.com/try-havok (Its free but you have to fill out some info)
Niftools 3dsmax plugin (Build created by figment) !Very important plugin! http://www.skyrimnex...ile.php?id=5622 or here: http://niftools.sour... plugin#p21708 
Fallout mod manager or a BSA extract tool to extract the files out of the BSA files: http://www.fallout3n...file.php?id=640 (The BSA browser is awesome and you can install this without having fallout installed just pick fallout 3 when you open the browser and browse to skyrim)
Hkxcmd tool for extracting animations from the game files (not for importing yet).
Skeleton Text file for havok (Included in this file)
3ds max Bone rig (included in this file) (A giant thank you goes out to SaidenStorm from the bethesda forums for helping me with the missing bone parameters in my 3dsmax file!!)
(this is from Cherry Hotlings description page on nexus for CHSBHC,...which is where she is refering you where the bones list is.
Cherry Hotlings Page:
Xp2's Tutorial (for learning what to check and not check when importing .nifs) (The hkxcmd stuff isnt that important,...as it only works on animations created with teh vanilla skeleton)
I know they say get 3ds max 2012,....but get 2011...
2011 is the lastest release that still supports havok content tools 2010.2 (2010.2 is the only version compatible with skyrim must be that version)
Xp2's tutorial is good for letting you know which setting to import with, and has links to the best videos to learn the basics of animation.
And here is Cherry Hotlings tutorial on getting BBP to export correctly,..you're also gonna need to download her mod on nexus for the animation rig, bone list .txt file, and her CHSBHC skeleton.
Steps: (assuming you installed all the tools above)
1) Open the fallout mod manager BSA Browser --> select fallout 3 fromt he popup --> Click the open button --> browse to Program Files\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data (Or wherever your Skyrim install is) --> click on the Animations.bsa --> click open
2) On the left pane click the + next to skyrim --> + Meshes --> + actors --> + character --> + animations --> Click on female
3) on the right pane click on the animation you want or Highlight a bunch of them and then click extract (dont click extract all) select a folder you want to extract to (I suggest you make a new one on your C: root drive if you havent already, it will make the next step easier(Steps below on what folders to make) ((Im using mt_idle.hkx as my example))) then click ok.
3a) For the steps above I recommend making a few NEW directories on your C: drive. Make the following:
C:\Skyrim , and C:\Skyrim\data . 
-Put the animation.hkx you extracted above into the C:\Skyrim\data folder.
-Put the Skeleton.hkx file that comes with my mod into the C:\Skyrim\data folder 
-Put the hkxcmd.exe tool in the C:\Skyrim folder.
4) Open a command window in windows 7 type cmd then enter in the start bar, other windows version then its: start --> run --> type in cmd then enter
5) in the command window type “cd ..” (without the quotes and keep typing “cd ..” until you get to just the C:\ prompt. 
6) Now type “cd Skyrim” (again without the quotes) you should now be in the C:\Skyrim directory that you copied the hkxcmd.exe into.
7) Now type(WITH the quotes this time): hkxcmd ExportKF "c:\Skyrim\Data\Skeleton.hkx" "c:\Skyrim\Data" "c:\Skyrim\Data-out"
7a) Ignore the warning message about bones not found, its why we did the step above, it creates the missing bones for you. Fancy huh?
8) This will create a new folder: C:\Skyrim\Data-out , You will find the animations you extracted to the C:\Skyrim\data (In step 3) now exported in the .kf format in the C:\Skyrim\Data-out directory which you can import into 3ds max.
9) Open 3Ds Max 2011 and open the 3dsmax bones file that was included with this package ("CHSBHC-Vx.x-Physics-Bone-T-Pose.max"). (Once loaded you should see a bunch of bones standing there staring at you ...... waiting)
9a) (Optional) You can import the mesh I modded that comes with this file so you can see whats going on with the animation. Click The 3ds max icon top left --> import --> Browse to the femalebody_1.nif (if you want to use that body shape) --> click ok --> UNCHECK cameras and UNCHECK import skeleton(Very important those 2 are unchecked) leave everything else thats already checked --> click import (The body should be imported and using the bones, yay!)
10) Import the new animation into 3ds max. Click the Max icon top left --> Import --> browse to the mt_idle.kf --> click import on the popup (Leave everything checked)
11) Animate! whooo hooo im animating, im animating! Dont forget the new Left Breast, Right Breast, Left Butt, and Right Butt bones! Move them around for whacky fun!
12) Now its time to export our animation with the havok plugin for 3dsmax (The save file has all the filter settings built in so no fretting!) Click the Disk icon on the Laft top of your screen (If you hover over it, it says export its left of the viewport name and near the Graphite modelling tools text or about an inch strait down from the 3ds max top left button)
13) In the Havok popup window under the Configuration set section click the dropdown and select Animations (if it isnt already selected)
14) click on the Create Skeletons text, this will populate the right pane with info. under where it says Build rigg on the right pane, make sure "from file is checked and "use file order" is checked. --> click on the ... next to the "From File" section and browse to my "CHSBHC bone Rig Breasts and Butt.txt" file that was included with this file.
15) click the Create Animations text in the Configuration section of the Havok popup --> on the right pane make sure "From File" is checked --> click the ... next to the "From File" area and select my "CHSBHC bone Rig Breasts and Butt.txt" again.
16) Click on the Write To Platform text under the Configuration section of the Havok window popup --> on the right pane under "Filename" click the ... --> Specify a new location and filename for your animation (in my case I used mt_idle.hkx !!VEry important you select a location to save in this step or you will get an error that it cannot save it!!)
17) Put your new shiney and polished animation in your "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\female" (If it’s a female animation) folder and load the game!
Viola! your done!
Once you have done this the first time you only really have to do steps 10 - 17 from here on out to create your animations!
Here is my own quick tutorial on 2 actor animation (please make sure you can at least replace the game's default mt_idle using havok content tools and a BBP skeleton before attempting this)
I use the CHSBHC skeleton for male and female.
So yes exactly, just import the male meshes over it.
You can get her animation rig scene max file from her nexus page for max 2011.  I just start with that rig. I have one saved with male meshes called "male templet" and one saved loaded with female meshes called "female templet"
With those 2 separate scenes,...heres how you combine them to animate, then separate to export...
To edit 2 actors...
First just make a male t-pose at origin scene (import and freeze meshes too), save and close
Then make a female t-pose at origin scene (and import and freeze meshes)
Click the green 3dsmax logo /file menu button at the top left corner (the one to open, new scene, reset ect.)
near the bottom of the list you see the references option, click that, and select xref scene. 
click "add" at the top of the box. Select your male t-pose scene you created and it should pop up. Keep the Xref window open and look at the "add" button again and gaze downwards until you see the merge button. Press the merge button.
Now you can animate them both in the scene.
The males bones are on the bone list under the female's.  Its easy to tell b/c they are separated by the meshes.
When its time to export your animation you'll have to split the scene to make 2 animations. Its easy though.
Make sure your scene is saved with both actors, then highlight every bone on the bone list under the last female mesh (starting at the first male mesh) press ok and hit your delete key.
The male will disappear and you can export your female.
Open the scene with both actors again, and highlight the female bones and meshes this time and hit delete. Now you export your male.
Thats how I do it.
The male and female t-pose scenes I refer to here in this quote of myself is the templets I have described above.
Reason for the Xref, and not just straight up import another scene is b/c importing tries to rename the bones (since they have the same name)
But merging allows duplicate bone names for some reason. 
Now about the positioning,...just make sure you keep them around the origin. Also keep them oriented along an axis if you want to keep your rotations from becoming very complicated.
Once you're fully done animating, you'll need to test the animations in whatever mod you're animating for.  They are all different,..(as far as positioning goes)
You may boot up skyrim to find that your animation has both actors too far apart and one rotated 180 degrees in the wrong direction. So you're gonna need to get back in max and focus on one actor (I focus on female) and keep adjusting her and booting up skyrim to test the alignment.
If you're making SexiS replacers,...I know the values you have to move your actors once you finish animating,....I have looked at its scripts and noted the distance they displace the actors,...which is what throws off the animations.
Heres my explanation of IK Solvers (this is how you contrain bones from moving when you move their parent bones (in the bones list selecting the display option "show children" really helps here)
IK Chains: 
At the top of the MAX screen you see the animations tab,...once you click that you see a IK solver option,....mouse over that and you see the HI option,...thats all you'll be using for this.
Once you select the HI option the program will be waiting for you to select the bone that you want to start an IK chain with. Keep in mind you can press the H key to bring up the bones list and choose that way,...you dont have to click the actual bone with the mouse.
I highly recommend you only start IK chains with either thigh L or R or either upperarm L or R bones
Once you select one of those bones,...the program is now waiting for you to select the bone that will complete the IK chain.
If you started with R thigh,...then end with R foot......same for L thigh
If you started with R upperarm, then end with R hand, same for L
This will, for the most part,...will constrain your arms and legs from moving much at all when you move parent bones,...or bone connected to parent bones.
However, your feet and hands will still pivot oddly,....soo
Start an IK chain on foot and end with toe to keep feet planted   Start a chain on hand and end with animobject to plant hands.
You will notice that a bunch of small axis markers appear all over your actors,...these are your IK chains, and they show up in the bones list. (it would help greatly to have your bones list "show child" option enabled". Do this at the top of the list you see some tabs, one has this option.)
You are free to animate IK chains with autokey. Also, you are free to use the position tool to do so (cant rotate them). Using the position tool will not destroy your mesh when you're using it on a IK chain,.. b/c the chain stops the mesh from streching
I strongly recommend only using IK chains on the bones I list above at first,....once you get used to it (and you will fast, its not hard to see what it does) then you can experiment with your own chains.
In order to move your actor properly (for offseting) when you have IK chains,... you must select all of an actors chains along with the NPC com to displace the actor as-is.
Btw if you didnt know, and were curious IK stands for "Inverse Kinematics" which is just a physics term meaning loosely "opposite motion". And thats what its doing,...its using kinematics equations to calculate your opposite motion to keep a bone from moving too far off a positioned state.
Or "contrain" it.
My advice on where to begin is replacing the main idle with your own animation,...if you overwrite the default idle,...then your animation should play in-game when you stand still.


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Hey Arrok, the animation is really good, no problem with me here^^


I think you should work on a "mix" animation.

Dunno if you can do 6 stages, but you could do 2 stages with foreplay then 4 stages with the proper act...dunno XD


Ty, btw ^^


Ashal is planning on adding a foreplay cycle using the foreplay animations,....which will play before sex starts for all consensual animations

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ill just make 3 options for all boob touching animations


small: C and lower


medium: D and E 


Large: F+ only


I will give ashal the medium option as default,....then you can come to this thread to change your size if you want,....thats probably the best way to handle it

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And here is Cherry Hotlings tutorial on getting BBP to export correctly,..you're also gonna need to download her mod on nexus for the animation rig, bone list .txt file, and her CHSBHC skeleton.


Thank you for that info compilation, very helpful to have it all in one place.


As for this specific blurb though, do you have any thoughts about her skeleton rig resource vs the one XP32 released? IIRC you mentioned considering switching too it a number of pages ago unless I'm mistaken.


I'd imagine they're more or less functionally identical for just this use. But with the extra potential animation headroom of XP32's extra bones though is there any reason to use CHSBHC's .max files over XP32's?

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no reason at all,...XP32's is probably even better.  I just haven't tried to export anything with it,... Also im just kinda used to CHSBHC skeleton now,....


I did check out the xp32 rig,...looks fine to me,...

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Man your animations really are the best lol i have been play Rev 3 of sexlab for a couple of hours today and man you did everything right with the reverse cowgirl animation!


On the breast size thing i am not really bothered my wife in game tends to be fairly low weight on UNPB so she might just scrape a C, and the bbp effects are still quite noticable.

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Hey guys,..I need your help,..


Thanks to Kha, having posted a link to a video on position controllers,...I can now add a spring effect on the breasts. This means computed algorithms simulate real world physics, resulting in a way more realistic breast bounce than I could ever manually animate.


Since going back through every animation to add springs would take forever, I need you guys to report to me the position and stage number of my animations that have the most unrealistic breast motions.


Remember to report the stage number,....list as many as you can,....


Things you're looking for:


1. breast movement speed; is it too slow or fast compared to the body motion?


2. mesh stretching ;  do the breasts move too far in one direction causing ugly folds around the chest area


3. off sync ;  do the breasts look odd and move in weird directions based on body motion (like a "breast waving" or a "Living boob" kinda motion)


Please speak up if you've noticed any of this,...and if you haven't,...look for it in game.

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ill just make 3 options for all boob touching animations


small: C and lower


medium: D and E 


Large: F+ only


I will give ashal the medium option as default,....then you can come to this thread to change your size if you want,....thats probably the best way to handle it



Give him all three, you're supposed to be able to enable or disable specific animations in the framework so he can have all three loaded but only one enabled.  That way the most one has to do is switch to the one that works if the default one doesn't.



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ill just make 3 options for all boob touching animations


small: C and lower


medium: D and E 


Large: F+ only


I will give ashal the medium option as default,....then you can come to this thread to change your size if you want,....thats probably the best way to handle it



Give him all three, you're supposed to be able to enable or disable specific animations in the framework so he can have all three loaded but only one enabled.  That way the most one has to do is switch to the one that works if the default one doesn't.



Yes, but he'd have to script a whole new position for just a minor change to one actor during one stage,......I mean its really not about what I give him,...anyone can take anything anyways,...seeing as how im uploading them all.


If he wants to do the extra work to have 3 different position scripts (containing the almost exact same animations and stages, aside from hand placement on one stage) to bypass the need to overwrite and replace a single animation,..then he'll do it I imagine,...more power to him.


Reason I suggested this was b/c I figured a players choice of boob size would be a fairly permanent choice.  Rendering the option to change boob-size differing animations somewhat pointless,....


but I guess if you have NPCs of varying weight this would be useful.

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Would be awesome with more doggy style variations:D Im an assman so... :heart:

Keep up the good work Arrok, you're awesome!


Ive actually gotten back in animating today a bit, and Ive been working on 2 different animations.

Both are doggystyle variants.

One is m/f, one is solo play for the girl, you'll see once Im ready to release that one, which will probably be before the m/f one.

Gonna spend lots of time tomorrow to get that one done.

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Would be awesome with more doggy style variations:D Im an assman so... :heart:

Keep up the good work Arrok, you're awesome!


Ive actually gotten back in animating today a bit, and Ive been working on 2 different animations.

Both are doggystyle variants.

One is m/f, one is solo play for the girl, you'll see once Im ready to release that one, which will probably be before the m/f one.

Gonna spend lots of time tomorrow to get that one done.



Let me know if you run into problems exporting,...do you know know which position you're gonna replace to add yours?

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