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i have updated to SCR  20130525.1  and SRC DATA 20130602.1  but none of the last few brutal raper updates work for me (stalking,combat rape).but i have a older version witch is 211kb (not sure wich version) that works almost flawlessly. this may help anyone havin trouble with current release but keep older ones as backups

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The download in the OP is the latest and is confirmed working. If it is not working for you, then it is a problem on your end, probably with a busted formlist inside the save. Downgrading to an older version only "fixes" it because the older versions don't check all the lists the new one does.


EDIT: I'm an idiot, the version in the OP was old somehow. New version uploaded. Note that if it still doesn't work for you, the list issue probably still applies.

Edited by zippy57
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im sure my problems with current release is most likely on my end ,i merely posted what is workin for me ,im run quite a few mods and well , i hate disabling every mod one at a time looking for a new conflict for every other update . if the new updates work for me fine, but if it dont, i go back to what i know works for me.

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The download in the OP is the latest and is confirmed working. If it is not working for you, then it is a problem on your end, probably with a busted formlist inside the save. Downgrading to an older version only "fixes" it because the older versions don't check all the lists the new one does.


I see. Can I clean the formlist from the save? I haven't come far though, so maybe I should just start over.

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As far as I'm aware the only way to clean a list is to clean save the list itself, so you would have to clean save without SCR. Personally, I recommend just removing BR from your load order altogether and waiting for Jallil's forthcoming complete overhaul, though you will probably want to clean save those lists at some point anyway since other mods may use them.

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So apparently I'm an idiot. Sincere apologies to everyone, since the download in the OP is apparently not the latest one. I have no idea how it happened, but I replaced it with the only version currently on my computer so it better be the latest version now.

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For those that want bloatflies, geckos and longhorns to stalk you in the newest version:

Replace the following in SexoutBRScript:


replace line 282 with

        elseif (scan.GetIsCreature) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction CentaurFaction) &&(0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 1) && (0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 2) &&(0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 4) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction DeathClawFaction) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction DogFaction) && (0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 5) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction SporePlantFaction) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction VCrCoyoteFaction) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction vDialogueNightkinFaction) && (0 == scan.GetInFaction vDialogueSuperMutantFaction)

added (0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 1) && (0 == scan.GetIsCreatureType 2) which are mutated animals & insects


and replace line 278 with

if (0 != scan.IsInList SexoutBRFIDBanned) || (0 != scan.IsInList SexoutListBannedActor) || (0 != scan.GetDead) || (0 != scan.GetRestrained) || (0 != scan.GetUnconscious) || (0 != scan.GetKnockedState) || (0 != scan.IsChild) || (0 != scan.GetPlayerTeammate) ; || (0 != scan.GetDisabled)

Commented out  DisabledCheck, as bloatflies always seem to be disabled


these changes haven't been tested in depth and may cause weirdness or crashes. Use at your own risk.



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I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the new "Sex Assault" thread, but I noticed that for combat rape from creatures, the rape lasts for all of like 1 second, before it's over. I'm not sure why that is. Last time I checked, rape from human enemies was working fine for me, it seems to be just creatures. I was poking around the MCM for BR and I changed the endurance multiplier from 1x to 2x, and then the rape was slightly longer, but it was still like a second or two before it ended. Any advice? Thanks.

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I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the new "Sex Assault" thread, but I noticed that for combat rape from creatures, the rape lasts for all of like 1 second, before it's over. I'm not sure why that is. Last time I checked, rape from human enemies was working fine for me, it seems to be just creatures. I was poking around the MCM for BR and I changed the endurance multiplier from 1x to 2x, and then the rape was slightly longer, but it was still like a second or two before it ended. Any advice? Thanks.


That particular line of code isn't in the new one :)


As for your creature issue, it is the multiplier, some creatures only have a 1 or 2 endurance which is why your animations aren't lasting long. (I use a flat duration in the new version, so you don't have to worry about that)

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  • 1 month later...

(before all - this is version is heavy tweaked by emo877, so all bugs and problem reports must go to emo877, NOT to original mod'authors)




This (2013-07-14 and so) version of BrutalRapers based on Jaam's may 2012 (for previous version of Sexout "framework"); later then, in summer 2012, i tweaked it for my preferences. Some days ago (after testing br-alike
mods currently present) this mod was reconstructed to meet new Sexout "NX" program interface.
In all(?) occurences there'e "rand n m" instead of GetRandomPercent, and NX_isInList instead of previous functions alike. (i'm not 100% sure which(base or object) refs formlists are populated with, please point me if any wrong check conditions i used) After about 10 hours testing i believe it mostly functional (ed: from my point of view).

Here are features of this version:

- Kings,  NCR (other reality :s ) and BS factions are banned from non-combat rape intentions; granny Lily banned too.
- all Strip, and main interiors of three Strip' casinos declared restricted (Gomorra lower level and garden enabled);
- calc for "stalkering athmosphere" reduces chances if there's many "non-stalkering" people around;
("single male intruder in women' barrack" is way less dangerous scene than "single female in man's")

- equiped weapon (no, not camera or binoculars!) with check for some battle challenges completed - lowers stalking probs;
- readied weapon lowers stalking chance except case when victim's combat skills are realy low;
- stalking4pc probability lowers when followers are near PC - only IF them NOT engaged in sex - else probs go even higher.

- swimming prevents any (non-combat) stalking;
- supermutants and ghouls react on "hot" dressing same way as humans, not as creatures;
- creatures can't undress victim - so, they will not stalk anybody dressed in non-ready-for-sex clothing; (toDo: enable SM do strip)
- "sex smell" increase rates only if cloth meets "nude-like" or "exposed crotch" conditions;
- short "blackout" added before both rape acts to evade disgusting "face-inside" glitch.

- removed irritating "your" from non-combat stealing message (there's no npc\npc vs npc\pc difference yet);
for in-combat stealing it leaved because only pc and followers can be victims, so it sounds true.

Technicaly: totaly commented out "SexoutRapersListCompanions" formlist initialisation cause i've not any clue which use it is for; also i commented out parts of code dealing with Willow companion and "working girl" mod compatibility - i have none of them; may be it is too rough, and there IS sense to block "working" npc from rapes - mb later..

Last thing i done - almost all console messaging (=spam) is reduced to minimum.
Mainly remains only "severe error reports"; some "how it is going now" pops only
if player in 3rd person is "looking to the sky" (which realy means you peep under her skirt;).

And well, no file here because..

..some time passed while i hesitated to upload it, and now it changed more:

Here introduced some "stalk-offs", inspired (in some fragments just copy-pasted :blush:) from Jallil's "Assault" (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/17918-beta-sex-assault-brutal-rapers-2/):
Weapon-out while faced to stalker takes in account victim-stalker threatRatio and may cease stalkering;
also added sensitivity for the same player's activity (but looking-angle check is narrowed) - so PC has chance to intercept npc-on-npc stalk attempt;
last in this features pack is chance to "scare" stalker by [numerous**] shooting from pc'weapon (not proven in-game yet).
** because of player-stalker threatRatio is taken in account and compared with some internal "lust"-evaluating variable:
the nicer victim looks, the weak-looking pc is -- the more in-air-shoots it takes to "cool" stalker's rage.

Last tested version went far in "social athmosphere" effect usage:
When "day-safe" option is checked, every wannabe-stalker must pass the check

if (SexoutRapers.useSensibleTiming) && (GetCurrentTime > 6) && (GetCurrentTime < 20) && ((SexoutRapers.stalkRate - SexoutRapers.restricted) < (Rand 0 49))

where SexoutRapers.restricted is current number of near-by npc which "do not want to stalk" (i call them "social").

Another (just silly workaround now) feature i'd want to implement is some-how "cell-change" check, which must pause new stalker's spawn within next ~5seconds. Hate situations when pc becomes catched just entered the room. May be later i should make it selective due room's owner "positive" or "negative" alignment.


(wrong link removed - D724)

Try them, feel free to pm me. Best regards.


edit(D723): sorry, used wrong way. Re-upload -- br877_nx_d721.rar


ps. Please read first line of this post again. Oops.. check post #215 for new version.


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  • 2 weeks later...

after installing the most recent updates of SCR, SexoutNG and Pregnancy, ive tried several different versions of BR and they all seem to have a problem with stalkers. having the stalking frequency set at 100 and the stalk ratio at 10 starts out fine ,altho a bit extreme. but then the stalking just peters out eventually. also, it doesnt make any difference if i set the orientation to straight or bisexual. the male npc will rape anything. Brutal Assault does the same thing but i only get the CTD with BA when approaching certain cells or fast traveling to those cells. just an observation.

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Stalking stopping has been tracked down to the engine's faulty handling of lists; eventually the game screws up and every time the script tries to check that list the script crashes, meaning it never gets to the stalking part.


Are nx_ functions which come with Prideslayer's nvse-extender proven to fail in such situations too?

When i 'patched' br, replacing all-what-possible to NX_isInList, i had hope they are ok.


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I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the new "Sex Assault" thread, but I noticed that for combat rape from creatures, the rape lasts for all of like 1 second, before it's over. I'm not sure why that is. Last time I checked, rape from human enemies was working fine for me, it seems to be just creatures. I was poking around the MCM for BR and I changed the endurance multiplier from 1x to 2x, and then the rape was slightly longer, but it was still like a second or two before it ended. Any advice? Thanks.



 I'm having the same problem with the newest one. Combat rape everyones a 1 pump chump, Stalking rape is the same as it ever was time wise. I tried the old one Eurgetes posted and the combat rape was fine. I know jack about scripts but the old CR has this formula :



          set fDuration to Sexout.dfTime * ((raperA.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5)


The newest one has this:


          set fDuration to ( (raperA.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5 )


Both Stalkers formulas are this:


          set fDuration to Sexout.dfTime * ((raper.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5)



So I would guess the missing Sexout.dfTime * is the problem but as I said I know jack about scripts

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I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the new "Sex Assault" thread, but I noticed that for combat rape from creatures, the rape lasts for all of like 1 second, before it's over. I'm not sure why that is. Last time I checked, rape from human enemies was working fine for me, it seems to be just creatures. I was poking around the MCM for BR and I changed the endurance multiplier from 1x to 2x, and then the rape was slightly longer, but it was still like a second or two before it ended. Any advice? Thanks.



 I'm having the same problem with the newest one. Combat rape everyones a 1 pump chump, Stalking rape is the same as it ever was time wise. I tried the old one Eurgetes posted and the combat rape was fine. I know jack about scripts but the old CR has this formula :



          set fDuration to Sexout.dfTime * ((raperA.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5)


The newest one has this:


          set fDuration to ( (raperA.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5 )


Both Stalkers formulas are this:


          set fDuration to Sexout.dfTime * ((raper.GetAV Endurance * SexoutRapers.durationMultiplier) / 5)



So I would guess the missing Sexout.dfTime * is the problem but as I said I know jack about scripts



yea i also incountered this and not tryin to take away anything from this OP. but i dl'd one of the older BR's that someone updated ina BR comments thread for TTW (236 kb size). works fine in combat rape, however, the rape durin sleep/wait only lasts a second, no big deal really with that. yawl might wanna do some experimentin and searchin to find what works best for you since we know the engine screws up stalkers.

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I intentionally made combat rape shorter because enemies don't stop attacking; the player being killed in the act was too common.



 I dont remember being killed while being CR'd. Durring the CR the other guys call me out for hiding and make threats but dont fire or melee. Alot of time I die before I can get up after the rape but that always was the case.



 On another note, Emo877 that TTW works great. Thanks alot.

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  • 1 month later...
Here lies BR  ;) so_BR(d922nx1st-5).rar ,almost identical to my tweak(2013-07-24), except one new feature - it checks nx-variable "BR8:iNxCommand", and ceases any stalker activity (not including sex acts already started) when any of bits in positions [7:2] are set to 1 (for now there's dummy "all or nothing" decision, in future may be bit-detailed for various nuances).


This feature was proposed by Odessa for the sake of better co-existence with sensitive quest\scene plugins.

It took more than two weeks for me to implement - rl is not good now  :s.


Also be warned about new (betas newer than august2013) versions of SCR\Pregnancy\SO-Drugs -- any current BRs stop functioning totaly when used with them. Most obvious (but not only) part of problem is changed drugging nomenclature. May be, BR's should leave their drugging (and stealing?) module apart - for the case when something will become incompatible, it will stop functioning only local "drugging" script.

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Here lies BR  ;) attachicon.gifso_BR(d922nx1st-5).rar ,almost identical to my tweak(2013-07-24), except one new feature - it checks nx-variable "BR8:iNxCommand", and ceases any stalker activity (not including sex acts already started) when any of bits in positions [7:2] are set to 1 (for now there's dummy "all or nothing" decision, in future may be bit-detailed for various nuances).
This feature was proposed by Odessa for the sake of better co-existence with sensitive quest\scene plugins.
It took more than two weeks for me to implement - rl is not good now  :s.
Also be warned about new (betas newer than august2013) versions of SCR\Pregnancy\SO-Drugs -- any current BRs stop functioning totaly when used with them. Most obvious (but not only) part of problem is changed drugging nomenclature. May be, BR's should leave their drugging (and stealing?) module apart - for the case when something will become incompatible, it will stop functioning only local "drugging" script.


Yeah, I noticed a problem with Sexout Store, I don't use BrutalRappers myself but I have put the drug assets back into todays SCR beta, the drugs may not function without SexoutDrugging but they shouldn't cause script crashing.

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