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I'm guessing there are no problems with the new skellies, though I noticed the misaligned arrow when drawing the bow.   I'll get to work on that then maybe edit some of Skulltyrants custom skeletons for the Elins.



Btw, I'm restructuring the Monli race and making them smaller and younger (x117) than version 4.  I'm entertaining the idea of including them with GT.  Any thoughts on the idea?


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I'm having trouble with the elin armor. When I downloaded the pack, and added the mod into my mod manager, it read it as some wide screen program. So I unpacked all the armors, and repacked them in their own ZIP file, and tried it. None of the armor is there. I probably did it wrong. Can you help me please?

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So I've installed all the armor mods, and for the armors that are sold by Liverwood Trader guy, only one set of armor appears. Any idea why?


If you have those armors that are located in urns or lockboxes, deactivate their plugins and leave alone those armors that are sold by the Riverwood merchant.

During the game bring up the game console (SHIFT + ~ <tilde> or just ~ <tilde>) and type HELP FOX 4.  Using the PAGE  UP/PAGE  DOWN key, locate the ARMOs in the list.  Make note of any Fox armors you see.  If you see all of the Fox armors you have active (should only be the ones purchaseable) then the armors are in the game, but not showing up in the merchant's list.

If that is the case, use the PLAYER.ADDITEM <armor code> 1 to obtain the armors that are not showing up in the merchant's list.


I don't know exactly why the armor will appear for some people and not others.

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Ah gotcha I'll try that. Oh also a question! This is more out of curiosity but, was there a mod that fixes animations? Like when you're pulling the rope to smith things, my elin pulls below the rope, etc. Just want to know if there was something that'll fix that.. more nit picky than anything. XD 


Thanks again for answering my question! ^^

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Ah gotcha I'll try that. Oh also a question! This is more out of curiosity but, was there a mod that fixes animations? Like when you're pulling the rope to smith things, my elin pulls below the rope, etc. Just want to know if there was something that'll fix that.. more nit picky than anything. XD 


Thanks again for answering my question! ^^


Any race that is at or near the same height as children will have problems with certain animations that were made for adults.  The problem is more visual than function as the animations will work, but the Elins will clip into tables or, in the case of smithing, holding the area below the ropes.


The only fixes would be 1) lengthen the ropes (also shorten the enchantment/alchemy tables), 2) have the Elins momentarily scale to adult size during the animation and return to normal height when done, or 3) levitate during the animation and return to normal when done.


I don't know anything about animations and there are no known fixes, unless Jiitek found a solution.  I know he included an sitting animation fix for CotS.




Proper aiming mod?

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Im.. having problem with the haircuts. I don't know if its normal, But some are just.. bald. Is it a way to separate the haircut ? or is there a problem ?


Hello Khlein

Which hairs did you install?  I'm guessing you at least installed the Tera Elin hairs labeled "Elin Race Taint".  Also, is this something you noticed in character creation or with the Elin npcs, if you also installed the npc replacers.


If it's Elin Race Taint, that is a master file and needs to be at the top with the other master files.  If you installed the Elin replacers, it comes with a patched Elin Race Taint that replaces the original.


The hair packs contain the meshes and textures of the original hairs (Cazy, Demoness, Sims, etc.), morph files, and Elin plugins, but the plugins for the original hairs is not needed.

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Im.. having problem with the haircuts. I don't know if its normal, But some are just.. bald. Is it a way to separate the haircut ? or is there a problem ?


Hello Khlein

Which hairs did you install?  I'm guessing you at least installed the Tera Elin hairs labeled "Elin Race Taint".  Also, is this something you noticed in character creation or with the Elin npcs, if you also installed the npc replacers.


If it's Elin Race Taint, that is a master file and needs to be at the top with the other master files.  If you installed the Elin replacers, it comes with a patched Elin Race Taint that replaces the original.


The hair packs contain the meshes and textures of the original hairs (Cazy, Demoness, Sims, etc.), morph files, and Elin plugins, but the plugins for the original hairs is not needed.


yeah proper aiming mod. 




isn't this the mod he's looking for? .w.;;

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I beliee Fundementals was asking if there is a mod that fixes the problem with races such as the Elin and CotS not aligning with objects when going through certain animations, i.e. pulling the rope at the forge and clipping into the  enchantment and alchemy tables.




OffTopic: Okay, all of a sudden some keys are no longer functional on my keyboard. :@



Anyone good at porting?  I found some of my old mods for Obl and FO3.

FO3 - Angel Race



Obl - Trap



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I beliee Fundementals was asking if there is a mod that fixes the problem with races such as the Elin and CotS not aligning with objects when going through certain animations, i.e. pulling the rope at the forge and clipping into the  enchantment and alchemy tables.




OffTopic: Okay, all of a sudden some keys are no longer functional on my keyboard. :@



Anyone good at porting?  I found some of my old mods for Obl and FO3.

FO3 - Angel Race



Obl - Trap



is....is that trap ....is that trap a RACE? or is it a companion? what is that!?!?! >w<!!! ME WANT!

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Maybe this will explain it better.



OMG A TRAP Male Race and Equipment

 by Koutetsu

 Play as a 'trap:' a male that looks quite a bit like a female, without the girly bits! Includes armor and weapons appropriate to the theme.


 Ever wander through the planes of Oblivion, with your character's voluptuousness scaring off the scamps and whatnot, and feel something is missing? Tired of sifting through the mountains of breasts and being knee deep in vagina?

 Well, fear no more! Traps have entered Oblivion!

 This mod allows you to play as a feminine looking male race! This mod does NOT alter the current male body mesh you have at all, while allowing you to resemble a (very) feminine male while still maintaining your male sex! You will sport a feminine body and face, and of course a penis o///o

 This mod includes several custom-made outfits for the race, several suits of custom-fitted armor, and a handful of altered default armor/clothing with custom meshes implemented to help your character blend into any occupation!

 Like snooping around? Try the Nekogi!

 Prefer to lop off some heads while still looking trappy? Try the customized Arena Raiments located in the Raiment Cabinet in the Arena Bloodworks!

 Looking to be a Fighter's Guild recruit? Impress your guildmates with the Fitted Legion armor!

 The armor and clothing can be found scattered about Cyrodiil, but if you don't feel like looking for it, you can find a barrel named 'Strange Barrel' in the abandoned house basement in Cheydinhal, right as you enter.

 I highly recommend that you start a new game, and pick the Newhalf race, so you can go through the beginning area to see the different armor pickups I placed. However, even if you do not:

 Whenever you pick 'Newhalf' as your chosen race, after you confirm your name and begin the game, several items will automatically appear in your inventory, and many will be equipped. To make your face the most feminine as possible from the getgo, if you don't know already, you put AGE at MINIMUM and COMPLEXION at MAXIMUM. Then proceed to edit your face!

 In order to properly see your feminine body, and to avoid running around as the muscle-bound man bursting underneath, you must either wear armor/clothing provided in this mod (or armor/clothing that has no skin showing like steel armor) OR you MUST wear the 'second' body parts that appear in your inventory (extra copies of the body parts are in the barrel in the abandoned house's basement).

 When you first pick the Newhalf race, your character will look feminine since the script automatically equipped your character with said body parts/clothing, but it is up to you to reequip any part that you take off if you switch armor/clothing that doesn't cover every body slot.




If you have Oblivian, I can send you the mod.  If you want it for Skyrim, you'll need to wait until I can find someone with experience porting Oblivian mods to Skyrim.


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Maybe this will explain it better.



OMG A TRAP Male Race and Equipment


 by Koutetsu


 Play as a 'trap:' a male that looks quite a bit like a female, without the girly bits! Includes armor and weapons appropriate to the theme.





 Ever wander through the planes of Oblivion, with your character's voluptuousness scaring off the scamps and whatnot, and feel something is missing? Tired of sifting through the mountains of breasts and being knee deep in vagina?


 Well, fear no more! Traps have entered Oblivion!


 This mod allows you to play as a feminine looking male race! This mod does NOT alter the current male body mesh you have at all, while allowing you to resemble a (very) feminine male while still maintaining your male sex! You will sport a feminine body and face, and of course a penis o///o


 This mod includes several custom-made outfits for the race, several suits of custom-fitted armor, and a handful of altered default armor/clothing with custom meshes implemented to help your character blend into any occupation!


 Like snooping around? Try the Nekogi!


 Prefer to lop off some heads while still looking trappy? Try the customized Arena Raiments located in the Raiment Cabinet in the Arena Bloodworks!


 Looking to be a Fighter's Guild recruit? Impress your guildmates with the Fitted Legion armor!


 The armor and clothing can be found scattered about Cyrodiil, but if you don't feel like looking for it, you can find a barrel named 'Strange Barrel' in the abandoned house basement in Cheydinhal, right as you enter.


 I highly recommend that you start a new game, and pick the Newhalf race, so you can go through the beginning area to see the different armor pickups I placed. However, even if you do not:


 Whenever you pick 'Newhalf' as your chosen race, after you confirm your name and begin the game, several items will automatically appear in your inventory, and many will be equipped. To make your face the most feminine as possible from the getgo, if you don't know already, you put AGE at MINIMUM and COMPLEXION at MAXIMUM. Then proceed to edit your face!


 In order to properly see your feminine body, and to avoid running around as the muscle-bound man bursting underneath, you must either wear armor/clothing provided in this mod (or armor/clothing that has no skin showing like steel armor) OR you MUST wear the 'second' body parts that appear in your inventory (extra copies of the body parts are in the barrel in the abandoned house's basement).


 When you first pick the Newhalf race, your character will look feminine since the script automatically equipped your character with said body parts/clothing, but it is up to you to reequip any part that you take off if you switch armor/clothing that doesn't cover every body slot.




If you have Oblivian, I can send you the mod.  If you want it for Skyrim, you'll need to wait until I can find someone with experience porting Oblivian mods to Skyrim.

zomg....i does has oblivion.....and i does want this mod......PLEASE CAN I HAS IT? >w<!!!! oh and were there any armor mods made for this custom race? .w.;;

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Im.. having problem with the haircuts. I don't know if its normal, But some are just.. bald. Is it a way to separate the haircut ? or is there a problem ?


Hello Khlein

Which hairs did you install?  I'm guessing you at least installed the Tera Elin hairs labeled "Elin Race Taint".  Also, is this something you noticed in character creation or with the Elin npcs, if you also installed the npc replacers.


If it's Elin Race Taint, that is a master file and needs to be at the top with the other master files.  If you installed the Elin replacers, it comes with a patched Elin Race Taint that replaces the original.


The hair packs contain the meshes and textures of the original hairs (Cazy, Demoness, Sims, etc.), morph files, and Elin plugins, but the plugins for the original hairs is not needed.



Well, I had installed all of the hair. ANd I have no experience in modding, with NMM too. Sooo I didn't know exactly what to do. And it was in character creation. As.. Any Elin NPC will always get the hair with the one little ponytail and nothing else.

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The mod that adds random Elins will have the same hair.  The Elin replacers will have different hairs for each npc that is replaced (this one replaces some of the vanilla npcs and does not add new ones).


Regarding the issue with bald heads when selecting hairs, disable all hair mods except Elin Race Taint.  This is a master file and will crash the game if deactivated.

After deactivating the rest of the Elin hairs ESP files, go ahead and test the hairs by only activating the hair sets.  Example, start by only activating the zzJay hairs and check them in game. 


If they show up in character creation then you know those are good.  Deactive those and go ahead and test the next hair sets.


If they do not show up, another mod is conflicting with them.  Move the Elin-zzJay hair plugins (.esp) either further up or down the load order.


If you happen to have those hairs installed (Apachii, Cazy, zzJay, etc) and their own plugins are present, move the Elin hair plugins below the custom hair plugins.  Chances are the custom hair plugins are overriding the Elin plugins, causing them not to appear for the Elins.


If the problem persists, chances are your game is having problems with the BSA in which case, you will need to extract them (check Nexus for BSopt) or let me know and I'll send you the hairs as loose files.


I suggest testing the other hairs first.  Test each set by themselves (along with Elin Race Taint, you don't want to crash the game) so you will know what hair sets show up in game.


Like I mentioned, if you find you need to extract the hair BSA files and you're unable to do it yourself, let me know what sets do not show up in game and I'll send you the loose files.



EDIT:  Do you have Elin Race XTC (color patcher)?  If so, move that up in the load order, above the other Elin plugins.  XTC contains some of the race records and could very well be undoing the other plugins.  It's like this, the race master file loads the race, the plugins adds and/or changes some aspects of the race, and XTC undoes those changes.

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First of all, thank you for making these Elin mods available here.


I'm pretty new to Skyrim and Skyrim modding, and I installed the Main Pack + CBBE Slim Flat Body mod.

Now I have a question regarding character creation, since the Elin are so small, the camera goes over them during it when I zoom in. So is there a way to centre the camera on the face so I can actually see the face edits I make? I tried to free the camera with console commands, but it didn't really work out and I'm just feeling stupid for not figuring out a way to see the face properly in the char creation.


Help would be appreciated.


Edit: I kinda found a way to make it work by increasing the height of the character temporarly by like 0.20, but is that the way it should be done?

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First of all, thank you for making these Elin mods available here.


I'm pretty new to Skyrim and Skyrim modding, and I installed the Main Pack + CBBE Slim Flat Body mod.

Now I have a question regarding character creation, since the Elin are so small, the camera goes over them during it when I zoom in. So is there a way to centre the camera on the face so I can actually see the face edits I make? I tried to free the camera with console commands, but it didn't really work out and I'm just feeling stupid for not figuring out a way to see the face properly in the char creation.


Help would be appreciated.


Edit: I kinda found a way to make it work by increasing the height of the character temporarly by like 0.20, but is that the way it should be done?


Hello Sturmfeuer

The Elins height equals to that of a child so the camera in character creation will be at adult height because the Elin race has not yet been loaded into the game (meaning the game needs to know which race you chose to play).  It's when you're done with editing your Elin (exiting from character creation) you will notice the camera adjust to their height.  If you are in the beginning of the game, you will notice the 1st-person camera lower.


A temporary solution is to bring up the console (SHIFT + ~ <tilde>) during character creation, click on your Elin, and type this command:


setscale 1.2


You can try different scales such as 1.3, 1.4, and so one.


When done and you name your Elin and the game leaves character creation, you will need to wait until your bindings are removed before you can readjust your height back to Elin.

What this means is, when you escape into the Helgen building with either Ralof or Hadvar, they will off to free you from your bindings.  After this is done, you will notice you can toggle to 3rd-person.  This is also when you can bring up the game console again so go ahead and enter the game console, click on your Elin, and type the command:


setscale 1


If you need to make additional adjustments to make her smaller, then test other values, for example, .9 or .89.


While you're in console, this is a good time to make any additional changes to your Elin so type the command:




It would be best to do any customizations early in game since there is a possibility that reentering showracemenu can glitch and reset your stats and perks.  This tend to happen when changing races, but there are those who claim it happens even when not changing races.  This has yet to happen to me.


Good Luck!

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Uploaded Race Setting Extender using SKSE.


This provides separate INI files to customize the camera position of different races (custom, vanilla, beastform, Elin, and Monli).


The editing of SkyrimPref.ini is not needed.  If you edited SkyrimPref.ini to adjust the camera, make a backup before removing any settings for [CAMERA] so as not to conflict with Race Setting Extender.


SKSE v1.06.13 (for Skyrim 1.9+) is required.


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Setscale doesn't seem to do anything for me, but using showracemenu after getting to helgen keep works pretty well for me to see changes actually take effect. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this was a total beginner question, but thank you for helping me regardless.


Thanks again for the help!

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