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How can I use Dual Sheath Redux or DSpSoB with elin race?


The Elin's come with skeletons for DSpSoB or you can try the LiL Monli skeletons which I customized for Dual Sheath Redux.


However, keep these in mind when deciding what to use.


- DSpSoB seems be abandoned by the author.

- You might run into some problems, sooner or later, when using DSpSoB with the Elins regarding weapons and shields (this won't affect playability).


- If you use the DSR Monli skeletons you will loose the Elin shape and she might glitch and become adult height.

- If your use the DSR Monli skeletons there may be clipping issues between the sheathed weapons and the body.  The skeletons are edited for the slender Monli body and not the curvy Elin body.



I plan on making new skeletons for Dual Sheath Redux to replace the DSpSoB skeletons for the Elins.  When I'm done with the next major update, I'm dropping DSpSoB for DSR.


For now, I suggest staying away from either DSpSoB and DSR until I at least make the new custom skeletons for DSR.

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Just asking because I can't seem to get it working... Are facial animations like mouth movement supported?

Loving this race btw. Love the head shape and eyes. It would be awesome to have those features on some of the vanilla races... eyes mainly. The vanilla eyes are just... small, i guess. I like them to stand out. Great work though.


Oh and also, about the DSpSOB... I mean the quiver particularly. Is there a way i can activate that JUST for the Elin race? To put the quiver on her lower back without doing it to every npc? I can't seem to figure that one out either. I know the animations need to be installed, but i can't figure out how to make it so it only works for Elin. I don't want to change every npc to use it. possible?

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Just asking because I can't seem to get it working... Are facial animations like mouth movement supported?

Loving this race btw. Love the head shape and eyes. It would be awesome to have those features on some of the vanilla races... eyes mainly. The vanilla eyes are just... small, i guess. I like them to stand out. Great work though.


Oh and also, about the DSpSOB... I mean the quiver particularly. Is there a way i can activate that JUST for the Elin race? To put the quiver on her lower back without doing it to every npc? I can't seem to figure that one out either. I know the animations need to be installed, but i can't figure out how to make it so it only works for Elin. I don't want to change every npc to use it. possible?


Hello Crimpson

It has been awhile since I played the Elins.   I have been busy with the Monlis.  The Elins should have some facial animations (lip movement and eyes blinking).  If it's not happening, the only possible cause is the last Skyrim update which borked some facial animations.  I still have my Data folder with the Elin files.  I'll have a look later.


I think you are referring to Chesko's Belt-Fastened Quivers.  The Elins use the same animations as the other races.  I'm sure the animations can be isolated to affect only the Elins, but I suggest waiting for Elin race updates.  I will be replacing the DSpSoB skeletons with the Dual Sheath Redux / Belt-Fastened Quivers skeleton.  DSR is newer, works better, and the author is actively making compatibility meshes for some of the more popular weapons.  These can not be said about DSpSoB. 


i installed some of the armor packs and checked the riverwood trader but he dont have anything for me, ive installed fox9 armor, fox25,fox26,fox27,and fox 28 packs, the picture indicated the riverwood trader as where to find them but there not there.


Hello Asmodeus6985

This is common with some people.  I don't know why because they appear for me.  One way to find out if they are in the game is to enter the console (click on the tilde (~) key) and type (without quotes) "help fox 4".  Scroll up the list with the PageUp key until you start seeing the ARMO listing.  If you see the Fox armors (they will be listed as Fox 9, Fox 25, etc.) then the game has loaded them.  You will have to use the "player.additem <armor ID> 1" command to obtain the armors.  The armor IDs are listed next to each armor piece and you will have to use the "player.additem" command to obtain each armor piece.


If they don't appear on the list then see if the plugins are activated and check for any mod conflicts.

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I pushed GT to the side while making the Little Monli.  Other than the neck seam, I'm pretty much satisfied with the base mod.  So what I'm going to do is put aside the Monli add-ons and get started on the GT races.  I'll have to start from scratch because the GT races will be using ECE and assets from the Monli race.


Expect something in the coming weeks.

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Been playing around with the creation kit, so I thought I'd merge some of the elin armor mods. To waste time and stuff. And boy did I waste time. Made it for convenience purposes, since the armor packs that were added to the Riverwood Trader conflicted. So you know, have at ye. And stuff.




Has 12 to 28, I think. Dumped them all in a barrel in Riverwood, near where the urns (fox16 and 17 I think?) were placed. Didn't like all the conflicting with the Riverwood Trader. Should also work with nmm. I think. Everything else should be the same. Or something. Nothing else's been changed intentionally, will be tweaking the numbers.

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Been playing around with the creation kit, so I thought I'd merge some of the elin armor mods. To waste time and stuff. And boy did I waste time. Made it for convenience purposes, since the armor packs that were added to the Riverwood Trader conflicted. So you know, have at ye. And stuff.




Has 12 to 28, I think. Dumped them all in a barrel in Riverwood, near where the urns (fox16 and 17 I think?) were placed. Didn't like all the conflicting with the Riverwood Trader. Should also work with nmm. I think. Everything else should be the same. Or something. Nothing else's been changed intentionally, will be tweaking the numbers.


Thank you AbleMan.  I was thinking about adding all the armors to Fox Shop and being obtainable either from the Fox Shop merchant or found in a chest inside.


If I may offer a suggestion, how about uploading this to the LoversLab Download section.  Doing this will solve two major problems:


1)  Someone is always asking for a particular Fox6000 armor.

2)  This solves the bug with the Riverwood Merchant many people are experiencing.


It's up to you, but I see this mod would be well received by the community.

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In the downloads section? Dunno. I only merged them and stuff.


I've poked through Fox shop's code. Not a fan of the decor. Couldn't get the merchant to reliably appear in-game though, so that's something to do.



Read through the thread. Regarding the Girls of Tera thing, how compatible would current Elins be to the GT Elins?

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If you won't upload the merged pack to the Download section, then would you mind if I link to your comment containing the file link?


The GT Elins won't be compatible with the current Elins as I'm replacing the head/body meshes and textures and the skeletons to be ECE-compatible.  Just about everything else will remain the same, but I might make additional changes as I'm progressing.


The summon Elins may or may not be changed. 

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Just got some questions, hope you don't mind.


1.) Okay so sometimes while I play, my Elin's eyes would be all crystally... (I'll show you a picture if you want) I just want to ask is there a way to permanently fix it?


I can just keep using "showracemenu" on the console to fix it, but it gets sorta annoying after awhile you know?


2.) Uh.. I'm a noob and have no idea where the mannequin are.. (I installed the mannequin mod with the fixes) please help? ._.


3.) I have Rin as a follower. I was just wondering if the clothing bug on her has been fixed. Wanna dress her in cute clothes. x_X


Thanks for the mods! ^^

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Hello Fundementals


1) Do you have the ability to make yourself invisible (Shadow Stone, Shadow Warrior Perk, etc.)?  The problem could be a glitch that happens when coming out of invisibility.

Someone advised using this fix (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23916//?) or look for fixes for invisibility glitches.


2) The Skyrim mannequins are found in Proudspire Manor basement (I don't remember if there is one Honeyside or the Markarth home).  You can also try out mods that adds mannequins to the other Thane homes.  The Hearthfires mannequings you won't find unless you build them (there will be one in the upper floor of the main hall and one in the basement) or add the Armory wing.


3)  Rin has a clothing bug? 

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Ohhhhhhhh!!! The invisibility makes it do that! Gotcha! Yeah, I have invisibility to help with my stealth haha! I had no idea what was causing it.


Uhh Lin I meant, I guess you can call it a glitch? Like she equips the clothes, but it doesn't show on her body.


Oh also for the other followers (Mika, Yika, and Rem) is there a way for them to be installed, but have the same settings as the body for your character? When I install Mikya,Yika and/or Rem, my character changes to their body. I use the small height for my Elin, and installing the followers makes me normal sized. If not then it's cool. I'll just setscale them. XD



Edit: Okay so the eye glitch thing that you posted didn't work sadly. =( But it's all good, atleast I know what's causing it. XD Oh and if you put in the command "player.setnpcweight [the weight that you want], it'll fix it without having to go through "showracemenu"'s constantly renaming and removing the scar. ^^

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I downloaded the elin armors but they are really low res for some reason and look nothing like they do in the screen shots did i mess up the install or something(most likely not the case) or are there high res armor textures somewhere??

kinda ugly to walk around looking like your wearing plastic armor :(


will upload screen shots asap

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Ohhhhhhhh!!! The invisibility makes it do that! Gotcha! Yeah, I have invisibility to help with my stealth haha! I had no idea what was causing it.


Uhh Lin I meant, I guess you can call it a glitch? Like she equips the clothes, but it doesn't show on her body.


Oh also for the other followers (Mika, Yika, and Rem) is there a way for them to be installed, but have the same settings as the body for your character? When I install Mikya,Yika and/or Rem, my character changes to their body. I use the small height for my Elin, and installing the followers makes me normal sized. If not then it's cool. I'll just setscale them. XD



Edit: Okay so the eye glitch thing that you posted didn't work sadly. =( But it's all good, atleast I know what's causing it. XD Oh and if you put in the command "player.setnpcweight [the weight that you want], it'll fix it without having to go through "showracemenu"'s constantly renaming and removing the scar. ^^


Those followers were meant to be standalone which means they contain most of the main files and body replacer.  You will need to reinstall the main files and body replacer over the followers files.  This will make them use the files you have for your character.


I downloaded the elin armors but they are really low res for some reason and look nothing like they do in the screen shots did i mess up the install or something(most likely not the case) or are there high res armor textures somewhere??

kinda ugly to walk around looking like your wearing plastic armor :(


Can you provide screenshots?  For the time being, reinstall the armors.  Some of the armors, particularly the earlier Fox armors do look low-res, but in the sense that the textures are not well defined like the later armors.

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There are no armor/clothes that will show up on her because she has no skeleton, only body meshes.  So the solution would be to give her a scale-down skeleton and new body so that she can wear clothes, but the trade-off would be that she would no longer be tiny.



Can you explain about the crashing.  When?  Where?

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Ohh like hmm.. could you tell me how to give her a skeleton? I can unpack the Elin mod, and merge them into her file and whatnot but could you tell me which files I would need to take from the Elin mod to give Lin a skeleton?


Ah like umm.. just when I go to get Yika and Rem. Like whenever I go into the place it'll crash from time to time. I just think I have too many mods on. >.>

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I'll have to look myself, but it involves editing her race.  If you comfortable using CK and know, at least the basics, about editing races and followers then all you need to do is assign a skeleton, new body, and adjust the scaling.  More might be needed, but I'll need to have a look myself to know what needs to be done.  Whether the changes will be successful or not I don't know.



As for the crashing,  what I did was,

1) Install the Elin race + body/textures.

2) Install the followers.

3) Reinstall the Elin main files and body/textures.


This updates those files used by both the Elins and the followers and leaves untouched any remaining files used only by the followers.  Also, there is a glitch with Rem where if you install Rem during that part of the main story where you have to capture the dragon at Dragonreach, the sudden appearance of Rem in Dragonreach will cause crashing.  I think it's because the hall is suppose to be evacuated with the exception of your character and a few scripted npcs.

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I'll have a look at the Lin follower over the weekend.  Right now, I'm wrestling with making the Monli housecarls.  Sounds easy and it should be, but when trying to transfer the facegen from Character Making Extender and adding SG hairs to, right now, Lydia, I've been experiencing constant mixed results.




I'm going to have a look at Rin's inventory.  Maybe adding an outfit to her inventory in CK will make the outfit appear.



I found out why she won't wear what you give her.  Nothing was assigned to Armor Race.  Armor Race is what allows a (custom) race to wear clothes.

I designated the Default Race and she will now wear clothes, but they don't properly fit her.  I thought at least the vanilla clothes would fit. 

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If you won't upload the merged pack to the Download section, then would you mind if I link to your comment containing the file link?


The GT Elins won't be compatible with the current Elins as I'm replacing the head/body meshes and textures and the skeletons to be ECE-compatible.  Just about everything else will remain the same, but I might make additional changes as I'm progressing.


The summon Elins may or may not be changed. 


Sure you can link there. But I kinda merged all the armors into the fox shop now. Or something. I think it works. Got the merchant to appear reliably in my game at the very least. If not, well, the barrel is still there, just outside the fox shop.





I did find this thing, like the Elin Enemy mod, but it adds to the leveled lists without replacing any existing enemies. Found it hereabouts, just scroll down. Thought you might like.

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Dannng!! That was fast! >.< I barley even did anything and you already found a skeleton.. >.>


It would be awesome if you can put the same skeleton on her as the other elin followers! ^^


It appears she is using a skeleton.  The Nord-based race created for her uses the vanilla skeletons.  The problem is the body.  I even tried some of the Fox armors, but the clipping issue is still apparant.  There is also a major problem with the head disappearing if wearing an outfit/armor that completely replaces the body.  I have yet to verify, but I have a feeling that changing the body might also have the same results.  I'll test this later.




If you won't upload the merged pack to the Download section, then would you mind if I link to your comment containing the file link?


The GT Elins won't be compatible with the current Elins as I'm replacing the head/body meshes and textures and the skeletons to be ECE-compatible.  Just about everything else will remain the same, but I might make additional changes as I'm progressing.


The summon Elins may or may not be changed. 


Sure you can link there. But I kinda merged all the armors into the fox shop now. Or something. I think it works. Got the merchant to appear reliably in my game at the very least. If not, well, the barrel is still there, just outside the fox shop.





I did find this thing, like the Elin Enemy mod, but it adds to the leveled lists without replacing any existing enemies. Found it hereabouts, just scroll down. Thought you might like.



The Elin NPC and Enemy non-replacer is the only thing I don't have.  Thank you for the find.


I'll test the Fox Shop later.  If all goes well in my game, mind if I upload it to the Download section?  You will be credited for the modifications.

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