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Animal Mansion 4??? (Dev Thread)

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22 hours ago, Violence6884 said:

Big sad that LE is not going to get this, it was like "Ooooh someone's finally bringing this back!" into "OOOOOH but no LE... ;_; OK..."... What an emotional roller coaster ;3 In any case then, GL and I hope you finish it. Too bad.

I finally decided to make an SE setupd after seein how this mod was progressing. :D (Not to rush anyone, just thought I'd better have it ready :D)

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1 hour ago, MaximusApp said:

I finally decided to make an SE setup after seeing how this mod was progressing.

I wouldn't do that even for 10 mods going SE only ;3 Each to their own though, and I do hope I don't come off as entitled, just sharing my view on moving.

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2 hours ago, Violence6884 said:

I wouldn't do that even for 10 mods going SE only ;3 Each to their own though, and I do hope I don't come off as entitled, just sharing my view on moving.


You can have an SE and an LE setupd separately. And tbh I had some conflicting stuff with physics and it's just easier for me in SE, harder to have physics conflicts. But ye I miss my LE graphics, kinda hard to match it with SE.

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5 hours ago, killer905 said:

I mean unpack BSA file to loose file.

I've never had to do that before, would you kindly tell me what the full process is, so I can test this version? ^_^ In the meantime I'll see if I can't figure it out on my own, in which case I'll edit this. Thanks either way though!

Edit - OK, easier than I expected. Does the owner have a bald head, not matching the body, or did I somehow extract the BSA wrong? I'm using the newer version from earlier.

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8 hours ago, Violence6884 said:

Edit - OK, easier than I expected. Does the owner have a bald head, not matching the body, or did I somehow extract the BSA wrong? I'm using the newer version from earlier.


Apparently it's a common issue with using SE mods in LE.

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Bug fixes:

Mostly done, forgot about the two I listed in an earlier post and remembered when I went to edit the post just now to upload the patch. Will get those tomorrow morning.


SKVA Synth voices in a couple spots - was going to be a surprise but meh:

Spent a bit too long toying around with it, generated a few lines for Thaena and Aela, then found out I have to do some bullshit microphone stuff to CK to use them and lost interest. Was going to skip except if I'm fixing those two bugs then I'll try again.

In general the quality is decent: with the basic analysis it does normally the voice is acceptable but obviously not real; with some effort to simulate normal speech (especially vocal pitch) it's actually quite passable. But this mod is really dialogue heavy and manually working each line would take way too much time, so I'll just be sticking to the default estimates. Doesn't yet support a couple voices I wanted to try out though - MaleCommander (Siddgeir) and... I forget the other, FemaleSomething.

The mod author has also picked up some new tricks as he's released voices, so he might go back and re-build older voices ?


Head parts:

Using edited LE meshes Thaena has a black face in SE, even on a fresh save, and I haven't been able to figure out why. Everything looks correct. Right paths. NifSkope is okay with it. Going to try a detailed comparison of the LE and generated SE meshes to see what's different between them. setnpcweight fixes it, of course, but only temporarily - reverts when her 3D reloads.

Also, I forgot about the bald head thing. I have Skyrim LE (but not installed, let alone set up with mods) so I might have to fire that up for testing.

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10 hours ago, Violence6884 said:

I've never had to do that before, would you kindly tell me what the full process is, so I can test this version? ^_^ In the meantime I'll see if I can't figure it out on my own, in which case I'll edit this. Thanks either way though!

Edit - OK, easier than I expected. Does the owner have a bald head, not matching the body, or did I somehow extract the BSA wrong? I'm using the newer version from earlier.

Well this toturial fix head parts:

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I forgot that Nif Optimizer has an LE/SE option. If I can't get one of those file sets working with both games then I'll just ? and make an LE "patch" download.



2 hours ago, zarantha said:


I'd prefer to fix the mesh files themselves instead of needing an SKSE plugin inside the game.

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On 3/30/2021 at 7:55 AM, tasairis said:

But this mod is really dialogue heavy and manually working each line would take way too much time, so I'll just be sticking to the default estimates


Well, SKVA Synth has a batch synthesis mode since v1.3 which could come in handy. 

Maybe just let all the dialogue get batch created and only rework those, that are really awful and tackle the rest later, if even needed ;) 

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5 hours ago, Mister X said:

Well, SKVA Synth has a batch synthesis mode since v1.3 which could come in handy. 

Maybe just let all the dialogue get batch created and only rework those, that are really awful and tackle the rest later, if even needed ;) 


Oh yay, 1.3 is out.

Yes, batch mode will definitely be nice. Now if only I could get GPU mode to work...

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I tried the mod and it worked very well for me (I only had a problem in the mission "train the wolf", I could not pass the mission, only when I refused to adopt it could I pass it). My native language is Spanish, I am translating it.
I will be attentive for new updates. Greetings!

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On 4/2/2021 at 5:05 AM, tasairis said:


Oh yay, 1.3 is out.

Yes, batch mode will definitely be nice. Now if only I could get GPU mode to work...

  • If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can enable GPU inference for much faster speeds. You do need to install CUDA dependencies yourself first, as a pre-requisite (tested for version 10.1, check with "nvcc -V" in cmd to verify correct installation

the description page for SKVA Synth is a bit of a nightmare so just in case you missed it there you go... direct quote under the Tips section

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5 hours ago, VahzahVulom said:
  • If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can enable GPU inference for much faster speeds. You do need to install CUDA dependencies yourself first, as a pre-requisite (tested for version 10.1, check with "nvcc -V" in cmd to verify correct installation

the description page for SKVA Synth is a bit of a nightmare so just in case you missed it there you go... direct quote under the Tips section


I thought I had installed those already, but I don't remember that download page so maybe not...

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Looking forward to the start of the client system, love the replay ability it has.. Question, do you plan on having (likely just female) follower support for the client system? Ex. you can ask them to help the client, or is that just saved or the official mansion staff Theana, you, Jala? Maybe follower will have an dialogue option to be a client themselves after spending some time in the mansion. Keep up the great work!

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14 hours ago, skyrim482 said:

Looking forward to the start of the client system, love the replay ability it has.. Question, do you plan on having (likely just female) follower support for the client system? Ex. you can ask them to help the client, or is that just saved or the official mansion staff Theana, you, Jala? Maybe follower will have an dialogue option to be a client themselves after spending some time in the mansion. Keep up the great work!


No plans about having the follower be a client, but I do plan to allow you to bring a follower with you (and the client) downstairs and have the follower play some sort of role. Mostly female, but if I can find something for the guys to do too then I will.

Fun fact: I started a little bit on that for the main quest with the client, but my brain got scrambled and I stopped partway through.

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Also overhauled post #2 to serve as a (partial) public dump of some text files I keep regarding plans and quests and stuff. Easier than that table from before that I had stopped maintaining. If it seems overly cryptic and vague, that's because It's only about half of what I have on my computer - what isn't included is various descriptions and notes and such that I'm keeping to myself.

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