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Are captor events going to be fixed in next update? Or this is just me doing something not right? Any captor event I try to proceed result in such an exception right after I choose one of the options :<

forgot to mention:
It is 1.70 version of bannerlord and 1032.2 captivity events. Tried also to reinstall the game, mods etc.

captor events exception.htm

Edited by Makabeusz
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  • 2 weeks later...


Great mod, it adds so much content it's just unbelievable the difference it adds to the base game!

Currently using 1.7.1 and your most recent version and have not had any major crashes, except for one event "something TDS something" (sorry, I will post the actual event name when I get to my desktop). 


Some questions in order to understand your Mod's mechanics:
1- what do "Affection" and "Obedience" do? it looks like they are inversely related, when Affection goes up, Obedience tends to go down.
2- what is the difference between "Devoted", "Broken"...etc. What do they actually do?
3- in the Events Options Menu, it allows us to change the frequency of each individual event and add a custom picture. For the frequency, does a higher number for a given event mean that event happens more often or is it the opposite?
Thank you. 


By the way, when my game starts it shows this in the Notification Area (bottom left corner):

Failed to load CE_captor_male_sexual_menu exception: An item with the same key has already been added.
Failed to load CE_captor_female_sexual_menu exception: An item with the same key has already been added.

When I go to zCaptivity folder it shows this in the log: EDIT: I see someone has already posted about it and a solution was identified. 

Failed to load CE_captor_male_sexual_menu exception: An item with the same key has already been added.
stacktrace:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignGameStarter.AddGameMenu(String menuId, String menuText, OnInitDelegate initDelegate, MenuOverlayType overlay, MenuFlags menuFlags, Object relatedObject)
   at CaptivityEvents.Events.CEEventLoader.CELoadCaptorEvent(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter, CEEvent listedEvent, List`1 eventList)
   at CaptivityEvents.CESubModule.AddEvent(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter, CEEvent _listedEvent, List`1 eventList)
2/23/2022 4:17:47 PM --

Failed to load CE_captor_female_sexual_menu exception: An item with the same key has already been added.
stacktrace:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignGameStarter.AddGameMenu(String menuId, String menuText, OnInitDelegate initDelegate, MenuOverlayType overlay, MenuFlags menuFlags, Object relatedObject)
   at CaptivityEvents.Events.CEEventLoader.CELoadCaptorEvent(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter, CEEvent listedEvent, List`1 eventList)
   at CaptivityEvents.CESubModule.AddEvent(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter, CEEvent _listedEvent, List`1 eventList)

Edited by GamerzZ
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3 hours ago, GamerzZ said:



Hi there, 

I was wondering whether there was a way to prevent Heroes added through CaptivityEvents from showing up as both Companion AND Family Member when a Captive Noble (not a Wanderer generated by CE) joins Player's Clan.

See pics below:  





Fascinating will look into this. 

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20 hours ago, rayman5766 said:

How do I fix this?

That's an harmony error so you can probably fix it by making sure you have harmony properly installed.

Go to the MCM mod page, download and install the latest one. Check on its description page and under "Requirements" you will see Harmony, Butterlib and UIExtenderEX. Download and install the latest of each.

The load order is important, might even be the reason why you crashed in the first place. Should be like this:


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On 3/3/2022 at 8:31 PM, FG3op0s1 said:

That's an harmony error so you can probably fix it by making sure you have harmony properly installed.

Go to the MCM mod page, download and install the latest one. Check on its description page and under "Requirements" you will see Harmony, Butterlib and UIExtenderEX. Download and install the latest of each.

The load order is important, might even be the reason why you crashed in the first place. Should be like this:


alrighty I checked for what need to be updated and it was butterlib. After updating it and making sure everything was in the right load order, it still gave me the same message. I am using vortex to install the mod would that cause any problems?

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10 minutes ago, rayman5766 said:

alrighty I checked for what need to be updated and it was butterlib. After updating it and making sure everything was in the right load order, it still gave me the same message. I am using vortex to install the mod would that cause any problems?

just to give a quick update it was another mod I had installed that caused that message to pop up. I disabled it and everything works fine! 

For those who are curious on which mod cause the problem, it was auto crossbows.

Edited by rayman5766
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beta 1.7.2 any plans to release a beta 1.7.2 version, btw 1.7.1 was pretty stable as the usual ctd can be easily avoid e.g. placing prisioners into dungeons will sometimes cause a ctd not sure what is causing this but i usually try to take out all prisoners save the game exit town menu then try to place them back in again and it usually works, but i did encounter ctd while trying to recruit a companion from town, but after waiting for sometime and retry the problem goes away again not sure what is causing this, but 1.7.1 is pretty stable when playing iron man mode.


also noticed that some npc are duplicate of the original and its not possible to kill them using the cheat, but its not a big deal as these npc doesnt seems to cause any issues, i suspect these clone npcs are spawned as parent whenever someone has been pregnant....


again thanks for making this mod.



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1 hour ago, BadListener said:


Yes still need to fix some things with the new MCM. 

is it possible to change some functions to auto select the options based on eventweight e.g. see attached file where I tried to change some functions to make it random this is to prevent player from choosing events which he/she knows that outcome, ofcourse there are certain events which the player can decide but pretty static events would be better even its random.


DefaultWaitingMenusGeneral.xml has two duplicate functions <Name>CE_waiting_menu_general_prisoner</Name> and <Name>CE_waiting_menu_general_bandit_prisoner</Name>, its not a problem as both has the  <RestrictedListOfFlags>Overwriteable</RestrictedListOfFlags> set.



zzEdits CE.xml

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Playing on 1.7.1, doing fine so far but I notice that sometimes, same events fire over and over again. Sometimes, it is the same event for 5-6 times in a row. Anyone have the same problem? Or maybe is it because I installed a lot of submods (BC, TB, Bouken) 

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