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2 hours ago, striker123 said:


I used that tool first, but received an error "could not locate script file". Then I saw a video about integrating Notepad++ with the compiler, and now I see more details about what is wrong. I did manage to link my Skyrim VR, but it is giving a lot of errors specific to this VR patch. That is why I would like to kindly request for the source files that is used for compilation, because I think that is the only solution to this problem. I redownloaded creation kit and throwed it into my Skyrim VR, then linked it to Notepad++. Then I also unzipped that scripts folder under the data directory. The only errors I am getting now is related to sexlab, and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I believe it is my script files, unless my game version is outdated. My creation kit is the latest version at least. 


Ok, so let's start from the top. First thing you need from Creation Kit is the "Scripts.zip" file placed in you Data folder wherever you installed CK originally. Just copy it over to Skyrim VR's data folder and extract it there. Second you need is the Papyrus Compiler folder, copy that one over as well.


Then there are dependencies- most mods build upon each other, so in order to compile scripts, you'll need the sources from those mods as well. For example, most mods use SkyUI, so in order to compile a lot of scripts, you'll need those too. Unfortunately the nexus installation doesn't come with sources, but you can grab the .psc files from here https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/tree/master/dist/Data/Scripts/Source, they should still work. In my case I had only SKI_ConfigBase and SKI_QuestBase, which usually do the trick.


Next up, your screenshots shows tons of errors related to "NiOverride" - which I believe comes from Racemenu. So you'll need those as well. You can grab the script sources in the "Modders Package" on Nexus. You need only the .psc files, you can safely skip the included .esp template.


It's hard to tell from just one screenshot, but I guess you're missing the SOS sources too. Unfortunately, the VR version doesn't come with them, but they are included in the SE file.



That was it, at least in my case. So basically, what you need to do is look at the error log, search for anything that "does not exist", "is unknown" etc. , figure out which mod they might come from, and make sure you have those sources available. Try to recompile and watch the error list shrink. Rinse and repeat. ;)


For convenience, I've packed together all the sources I added in a single zip file to get you going. Don't forget about CK's Script.zip, you'll need that one too.


Also make sure to let the compiler know where to find all those scripts, there might be an include directory you need to configure. Should be the "-i" parameter in the PapyrusCompiler call. That is where the Papyrus Compiler App comes in handy, because it seems to locate all those sources by itself, as long as they are in your game's data folder or MO2 instance (if you're using MO2).


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45 minutes ago, past79 said:


Ok, so let's start from the top. First thing you need from Creation Kit is the "Scripts.zip" file placed in you Data folder wherever you installed CK originally. Just copy it over to Skyrim VR's data folder and extract it there. Second you need is the Papyrus Compiler folder, copy that one over as well.


Then there are dependencies- most mods build upon each other, so in order to compile scripts, you'll need the sources from those mods as well. For example, most mods use SkyUI, so in order to compile a lot of scripts, you'll need those too. Unfortunately the nexus installation doesn't come with sources, but you can grab the .psc files from here https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/tree/master/dist/Data/Scripts/Source, they should still work. In my case I had only SKI_ConfigBase and SKI_QuestBase, which usually do the trick.


Next up, your screenshots shows tons of errors related to "NiOverride" - which I believe comes from Racemenu. So you'll need those as well. You can grab the script sources in the "Modders Package" on Nexus. You need only the .psc files, you can safely skip the included .esp template.


It's hard to tell from just one screenshot, but I guess you're missing the SOS sources too. Unfortunately, the VR version doesn't come with them, but they are included in the SE file.



That was it, at least in my case. So basically, what you need to do is look at the error log, search for anything that "does not exist", "is unknown" etc. , figure out which mod they might come from, and make sure you have those sources available. Try to recompile and watch the error list shrink. Rinse and repeat. ;)


For convenience, I've packed together all the sources I added in a single zip file to get you going. Don't forget about CK's Script.zip, you'll need that one too.


Also make sure to let the compiler know where to find all those scripts, there might be an include directory you need to configure. Should be the "-i" parameter in the PapyrusCompiler call. That is where the Papyrus Compiler App comes in handy, because it seems to locate all those sources by itself, as long as they are in your game's data folder or MO2 instance (if you're using MO2).

sources.zip 56.98 kB · 1 download

Apologies for the late response, had a grid failure here. I tried everything you mentioned here. I got the Papyrus Compiler App working, but now I am left with the below errors, and I am not sure where to tackle them. I did also add the CK file.


At this point, can't I just send the file to you to compile Lol.


Thanks for making the error list a lot less :)




Error Log.txt

Edited by striker123
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On 5/25/2023 at 9:35 AM, Skullered said:

Update on that animobject fix I was working on:


I figured out a way to detect and automatically use "Reset positions" if the script detects that animobjects aren't working correctly.

This should make the animobjects show up much more consistently, if not 100% of the time.


  Reveal hidden contents



-Animations will now automatically attempt to reset if it detects animobjects aren't working, so the fix is reapplied.

-Changed the furniture that is used for the fix to one from Skyrim.esm. SexLab_VRPatch.esp from the previous version is no longer required.



If you want more info about this "fix" you can read about it in my wall of text.


Keep in mind none of the previous limitations have changed:

-Animobjects require a NiStringExtraData [PRN] node in the .nif to parent the object to the player character correctly, or it will be misaligned. This is a limitation of the VR game.

-You cannot move around if using the "3rd person" mode, but you can still turn, this is a limitation of the current fix.


This includes the PLANCK/footstep patch I posted earlier.



Off the top of my head, PsycheAnimation, Estrus Chaurus and BakaFactory SLAL animobjects should work fine, but other animation packs may have incompatible animobjects that need to be patched before they work in VR. All the 'bondage gear' animations in Billyy's SLAL Animations should work for example, but the furniture animations may not work.

You can read more about it in "my wall of text", but the main thing is animobject .nifs need to have a NiStringExtraData [PRN] node in them before they will work in VR.

SL VRpatch Beta8 38 - test - AnimObject fix v2.zipFetching info...


Hey - I just saw this. This seems pretty neat - I wanted to ask you a few questions about the required .nif edits. I don't have any experience editing .nif's.


1) Is there a way of identifying which object in the nif is the animobject?

2) I see that there's a python library for editing nifs. I was considering seeing if it would be possible to programatically apply this edit to all of the animations that a user has.

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On 6/21/2023 at 7:16 PM, Min said:


Hey - I just saw this. This seems pretty neat - I wanted to ask you a few questions about the required .nif edits. I don't have any experience editing .nif's.


1) Is there a way of identifying which object in the nif is the animobject?

2) I see that there's a python library for editing nifs. I was considering seeing if it would be possible to programatically apply this edit to all of the animations that a user has.




I think all visible shapes (BSTriShape, NiTriShape, NiTriStrips) and sprites in the .nif show up in-game, but markers and collisions do not.

Animobjects in SLAL packs are typically located in "meshes/animobjects/" with their own folder.

They are defined in .esp files as ANIO "Animated Object" records in xEdit or under "Miscellaneous > AnimObject" in the Object Window in the Creation Kit.

Afterwards the objects are added to the "FNIS_<X>_List.txt" file in "meshes/actors/character/animations/<X>/FNIS_<X>_List.txt" using the EditorID defined in the .esp. Animations that use objects have an "-o" in front of them in that file, with the EditorID of the object coming after ".hkx".



Before processing the .nif, you should check if the .nif already has a NiStringExtraData block with Name "PRN", if it does, it should be skipped as that .nif should already be compatible.Capture.JPG.6c8e4bccd86be662941683431fb26d14.JPG


String Data is the name of the node on the character that the object becomes parented to, "NPC Root [Root]" is what seems to work best for meshes missing the StringExtraData block, however this can potentially move the object in-game a little and you may need to move the shapes so they become aligned with the animation again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When using SL Tools and VR Tools mapping "H" to a button on the index controllers does not seem to work on npcs-npcs. I use VRIK + index controller bindings, is it just not registering because the 'Player' is not involved?


Fixed : Leaving for anyone having a similar problem. I have no idea why it took so long to figure this out, I had it in my head it had to be a separate button from my own player/npc buttons.


The settings are actually super intuitive. Binding the same key you use for you/npc animations will work for npc/npc, it prioritizes you if no npc is targeted. Targeting the NPC is just holding your controller near enough to the npc to get their name to pop up.. Then press your change animation/stage button and voila..

Edited by BeefyCowPatty
Was an idiot and had the mapping to a "special" button
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Quick question - is it possible to enable player character grabbing (instead of NPC "partner") in SL scenes when playing by female character (and 3rd person mode)?

I can grab NPC, but player character is not-grabbable.

Sorry if it dumb questions - I've tried to google it and check "activeragdoll.ini" but no luck. Thanks in advance for any answer.

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Has anyone ran into an issue where sexlab vr will place the player into the male position regardless of gender or mcm settings?  At first, I thought this was an issue with the mods Combat Sex Shout and Simple Defeat but it was suggested that this is an issue with a script within sexlab vr itself.  No matter what I try, I always end up with a strapon pegging a dude.


Can anyone confirm if the two mentioned mods work correctly for them as a female assaulting a male?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys please help. When i start the scene in open environment me and my partner levitating and positioning is wrong. When start scene in home we fall into textures and positioning also wrong...i mean i am at the top in air and she below. Everything installed properly and mcm working and scene was starting but starting not properly...Please need help...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/3/2022 at 4:45 PM, mrowrpurr said:

Can't get SLSO to work. The Enjoyment level UI bars seem to consistently get stuck. Orgasm events must be happening because Radiant Prostitution says it received orgasm events. But the actors don't visually orgasm. And the bar just gets stuck generally. (I haven't subscribed to SL orgasm events yet to confirm this - in progress)


Working my way thru the SLSO patch code looking for a fix. Don't know if anyone else has experienced this or maybe already patched it?

( As an aside: I'm working on a patch to bring the original SLSO game to VR so you can actively give pleasure / edge via gestures. I have this working but I can't get the enjoyment bars to work or trigger visual orgasms, which I'm not sure how it works yet. Doesn't work with or without my version of the patch. I have the "SLSO Patch for SL VRpatch 38" ) ~ if I figure this out myself I'll update post!

Note: I wasn't using SLSO 1.6.5 (1.6.5 isn't working for me either, though. Investigating...)

...any other coders out there interested in collaborating to get SLSO working well for the latest SLSO 1.7.6? :P

@mrowrpurr noted this issue almost two years ago now, and I'm having the same problem as of this post. I can get the controls to work as far as edging player or npc, and increasing pleasure. At least I think I can. The gestures result in Selfmode -1, Selfmode - 0, or Selfmode 1, and Partnermode -1, Partnermode 0, and Partnermode 1. So I'm assuming that means the edging/pleasure gestures are working. However my problem is with the widget sliders. The widgets show up, but the Stamina and Magica bars never move, and the Player/Partner sliders never do anything. - Correction. The only time the stamina bar moves is if I'm grabbing something with Planck/Higgs functionality. Then the stamina bar drops. Otherwise it doesn't move. They just show a percentage but the bars themselves never fill up. It's entirely possible I'm doing something wrong, or have something installed wrong. However the only thing I can think is that I'm using OSL Aroused instead of the SLA loose files mentioned in some of the posts. OSL is supposed to be backwards compatible.  Tried reloading my save with SexLabAroused SSE Loose 29 and that made no difference.


I wouldn't really care since it all still kinda works... except during Radiant prostitution my client's never cum and so I never get paid.  If anyone has gotten this working as intended I'd greatly appreciate the help. Oh. and one thing I did learn during testing. If you pick up and hold a goat leg from the table while talking to Anoriath while asking him if he wants to use the public whore, even if you put it right back down, the guards will murder you while Anoriath goes down on you. So, that's fun...

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2 hours ago, MrNicoras said:

except during Radiant prostitution my client's never cum and so I never get paid. 

I think I have the same issue, but I thing it's not that the value is always zero, but it is always the same, depending on the random number that comes up the first time to do it. So one workaround would be to load a game before RP was installed, and hope for the best.

Many of the other problems, however, like the home delivery quests or food-serving quests not working, had been fixed by the new follow-up mod for RP:

The author is very forthcoming about fixing bugs. Fixed a few I reported, but I forgot about this one. So you can maybe write a PM or a post and get it fixed...

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8 hours ago, gargamel9 said:

I think I have the same issue, but I thing it's not that the value is always zero, but it is always the same, depending on the random number that comes up the first time to do it. So one workaround would be to load a game before RP was installed, and hope for the best.

Many of the other problems, however, like the home delivery quests or food-serving quests not working, had been fixed by the new follow-up mod for RP:

The author is very forthcoming about fixing bugs. Fixed a few I reported, but I forgot about this one. So you can maybe write a PM or a post and get it fixed...

Thanks for linking to this. Looks like this requires ConsoleUtil. Are you using the VR version, or this newer one: ConsoleUtil NG

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2 hours ago, MrNicoras said:

Looks like this requires ConsoleUtil

Yes, it definitely was a problem with the old ConsoleUtil, but at the time, there was no solution, then I stopped looking. Thank you for the useful tip! This will probably improve the quality of several other mods.

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18 hours ago, gargamel9 said:

So one workaround would be to load a game before RP was installed, and hope for the best.

Unfortunately, RP was installed from the moment I started my game. Which puts me between a rock and a hard place. I'm fairly early into my current playthrough, so restarting wouldn't be a horrible loss. On the other hand, thanks to Another Life I found myself defeating Red Eagle at level 2 and I kinda don't want to let that go...

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11 hours ago, MrNicoras said:

Unfortunately, RP was installed from the moment I started my game. Which puts me between a rock and a hard place. I'm fairly early into my current playthrough, so restarting wouldn't be a horrible loss. On the other hand, thanks to Another Life I found myself defeating Red Eagle at level 2 and I kinda don't want to let that go...

I see. I've been stuck in a loop in constantly fiddling with my modlist for two years now, so I hardly ever get any further than 5 hours :D

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