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UNPB Vanilla Armor Broken Down with BBP and Working Weight Slider

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Glad to see you guys are liking the bonus armors lol.  I plan to get back onto this, I blame being re-addicted to dark souls an excuse ;p


I was actually working with B3lisario on ways to prevent clipping.  So far so good.  I did a couple armors as tests to see how they would come out.  Obviously the next step is weight sliders.  Then finally I plan to break down every single armor into pieces, like Mak07 originally did.


All this has always been my goal, I just got irritated with some results of armors I wasn't to happy about.  It also looks like chronotrigger77 updated his armor sets, so I'll have to browse through it and see what I like from it.  In the end the point is the best of both worlds lol.

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Glad to see you guys are liking the bonus armors lol.  I plan to get back onto this, I blame being re-addicted to dark souls an excuse ;p


I was actually working with B3lisario on ways to prevent clipping.  So far so good.  I did a couple armors as tests to see how they would come out.  Obviously the next step is weight sliders.  Then finally I plan to break down every single armor into pieces, like Mak07 originally did.


All this has always been my goal, I just got irritated with some results of armors I wasn't to happy about.  It also looks like chronotrigger77 updated his armor sets, so I'll have to browse through it and see what I like from it.  In the end the point is the best of both worlds lol.


Well if Darksouls was the reason that is fine :D

Nothing like getting the crap kicked out of you repeatedly by some of the later bosses lol.

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Heyo everyone,


If someone can be so kind as to test this to see if it has BBP, I'll be in your debt.  I realize there is no weight for it yet, but the most important part is how little the clipping is.  Compared to my previous guard armor.


I've been hard at work using B3lisario's methods to do converts.  His methods are different from what I'm used to, so its taken me a couple tries to adjust to it.


I realize that the panty clips through the chain, that's easy fix.  All I really care about is the breast area, which has been the biggest issue with other armors I've done.


So please test this running, walking and see if it has bbp.  Thank you ^^.



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I did some testing, running walking, bumping; even recorded the result: http://www.4shared.com/archive/yAmltuap/TESVstormcloakBBP.html (don't mind the lack of texture it was on purpose )

.. and yeah it has bbp, with some clipping though. I am using XP32MSkel by the way, but I do not remember which version.


Thank you for your great work on UNPB, Silvist. Keep up the good job ;)


P.S. I do apologize for my typing, english isn't my native language.

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Thanks for testing it.  It confirms that I need to do more research on BBP.  I had B3lisario test it as well, and he has major clipping.  Oddly enough I use xp32 skel as well, and have no clipping.  My animations are probably different than most peoples, but if anything I should be seeing "more" clipping than most people lol.  No idea why I'm not seeing it right.


You are welcome about the work, I just do it because I use it myself ^^  I just wish it was as good as the other modders out there.  I feel UNPB deserves at least that much!

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Just a thought,


Why not talk to the unpb people (xp32 calyps etc) about using the "itsnotthatcoldout" body =O

Probably need perms from diamon too but anyway

You've probably seen it in the unpb version of the brokefoot compilation used in one of the vicky bra's (the one that looks more like a bikini top)... or in Mr.T's bikini mod for that matter (same mesh).


For some of the armor sets, that part of the body is covered anyway, so the flattened nipples would probably help considerably. Since they don't stick out, there should be less poke through issues.


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Nevermind it was just me being thick, realised they are on first page

Just for reference in case you come back to inform, there is clipping on some of the armors and the author knows. Off the top of my head, Glass, Sons of Talos, 3 of the Furs, and all the theives guild armors dont clip, I think theres a couple more but im not sure off hand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heyo everyone,


I want to guys to know that I'm still working on this.  I know its been one hell of a long time, but my time isn't so plentiful anymore.  I've been doing alot of experiments to see if I can fix some issues I've noticed with my works.  The clipping really isn't a problem anymore, compared to a bigger issue.  I'm sure you guys noticed on a couple armors; one I can think off the top of my head is the bonemold I did.  It has really odd deforming below the breast area (around like the abs), almost like the texture has melted.  I have no idea what the heck caused it, but its been like that for a while.


You guys would be amazed how much I haven't released on here due to just fail, during trial and error tests.  If I don't like how it looks in my game, it sure as hell isn't going to be uploaded here lol.  


I tried alot of new things that b3lisario has helped me on, and I've even went back to my basics to figure out what's going on.  Has anyone else noticed what I'm talking about?


Hope everyone is well, and I'll hope to make my progress next chance I get.




Actually you can see it in Kwenkwang's pictures above on the chainmail part.  Its like its randomly stretched out.

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@Khymera - Indefinitely!  You must understand I play my game to with these mods as well!  I would prefer everything to be UNPB rofl.  I really like the imperial armors (though I always side with the stormcloaks....I blame it on the "current" imperial legion...not like they used to be) so I for sure plan to!


@Djsphinx - Yes!  You brought up another armor that I nearly forgot about.  I was working with that like mad recently, trying to figure out what in the nine caused it.  I did manage once to remove that really odd deforming.  Thank you for reminding me!


Here's what I think the problem is.  I believe that every time a modder reuses a prior persons work, it starts slowly degrading lol.  Like originally all of these come from Bethesda, then to Mak, than to say Chronotrigger77.  By the time I get the file; so much could have been done to it without me knowing.


Those prior modders are PRO!  Especially Bethesda!  So really who in the nine knows what 3d program they used, or what they did with the mesh.


To top it off, even if I take an armor made for UNP, and convert it to UNPB the weight painting I believe is still on it.  I used to think reskinning the mesh would remove it, but I still see the exact same weighting of unp, or CBBE on the UNPB body.  Weight painting is probably one of the most difficult things to do in 3d designing.  I have an idea how it works, but I could never do it from scratch.


In case you guys don't know; the weight painting is what cause for example a cloak to behave like a cloak.  As in it moves as the character moves, and may even flap up when you jump.  Or like when you have some of b3lisario's really sexy armors that have that nice "bounce" to them.  


The problem is when I remove weight painting, its really hit or miss.  I remove that area that's deformed, and it either looks fine or it goes ape shit.  Like it drops all the way down to the characters feet, or just explodes all over the place rofl.


What really works is not altering the original as much as possible.  Like if I can take a unp armor, and simply "edit mesh" the armor and keep the skinning and even maybe bsdismembering...it would probably be fine.  I know this because that's exactly how B3lisario does alot of his awesome work.



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@DJSphinx - There's a script?  That's pretty useful.  Though what I'm really trying to do is just remove the weighting all together of those sections.  Thanks to b3lisario's response I'm testing the outcome in game right now.  If it resolved the issue, I can finally move on to get this all done.


He also helped fixed the stupid moving mesh, so yay!

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Alright guys, I was able to get a working weight slider for Nightingale.  The armor is still an alpha, because I need to take care of the minor clipping.  You'll noticed that its only the chest piece, because like Mak I want to break the panties, greaves, shoulders and other stuff down all as separate parts.  If anyone wants to test it for me here is the file:



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