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1 hour ago, DerekMarquez360 said:

I don't transported to the ship. I talk to him and he says a few lines and It repeats for 4 options


Did you activate the poster in Diamond City Market, then talk to the Investigator in the Dugout Inn and accept his proposal? I assume so, since until you've done that and he tells you to speak to the Captain, I think the Captain won't talk to you at all. It's odd that none of the dialogue options the Captain gives you transport you to the ship, but you can enter coc shipatsea in the console to skip to that phase of the mod if you want to skip all of the running around.

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6 hours ago, DerekMarquez360 said:

I can travel to the continent, but nothing really happens


No shite!

You need to explore and talk to people/merchants/dumpsters/hookers/pink flamingos/ladders, and the like. Don't be shy!

Edited by izzyknows
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4 hours ago, kinkeag said:

This is great but the screen goes black for the setup for each stage for an incredibly long time, anyway of reducing the wait time?

Have you tried making the walk_timeout shorter in the AAF_settings.ini? Something like walk_timeout =5 might do the trick. (just a shot in the dark)


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Any chance the original author would be interested in a group collab?  It's clear this is gonna take a while to finish and I feel like it would be perfect if other modders polished the environments (mainly the ship) and populated the island with side quests (like Rain maker) so the author can focus on building the main quest and essential structures.  The potential of this mod is far too great to miss out on

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When does the university quest progresses? I've been in each of the lower classes 4 times now, got the plug and piercing and saw how NPCs were used for demonstration. Wasn't there something like an exam? None of the teachers or students have any dialogues.

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On 12/30/2022 at 7:30 PM, izzyknows said:

No shite!

You need to explore and talk to people/merchants/dumpsters/hookers/pink flamingos/ladders, and the like. Don't be shy!

Yeah it'd be more fun if the interactions actually worked instead of just standing still and repeat conversations. Everyone says nothing when trying to speak to them. Obviously something is wrong, not shyness.

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On 12/30/2022 at 2:24 PM, vaultbait said:


Did you activate the poster in Diamond City Market, then talk to the Investigator in the Dugout Inn and accept his proposal? I assume so, since until you've done that and he tells you to speak to the Captain, I think the Captain won't talk to you at all. It's odd that none of the dialogue options the Captain gives you transport you to the ship, but you can enter coc shipatsea in the console to skip to that phase of the mod if you want to skip all of the running around.

Thank you, I'll try the command. Yes I did activate the poster and speak to the investigator. 


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3 hours ago, DerekMarquez360 said:

Yeah it'd be more fun if the interactions actually worked instead of just standing still and repeat conversations. Everyone says nothing when trying to speak to them. Obviously something is wrong, not shyness.


If nobody will respond when you try to talk to them, that sounds similar to the problem you reported with the captain not giving you an option to board the ship. It could be an incomplete install, mod conflict, or corrupt save I suppose. They do respond when I talk to them. For example, go to the stables and talk to the guy behind the counter to get a job, or talk to the receptionist in the brothel, or to the front desk clerk in the police station, or...

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8 hours ago, Beleg Maethor said:

Is anyone else finding it impossible to gamble away all your money at the casino because I'm literally winning every single game except for the 25 cap dice roll. I've won every single round of blackjack but one. And I'm not gonna sit here gambling away 1000 caps at 25 caps per game.


In the console, "player.removeitem f numberofcapstoremovehere" should work.

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9 hours ago, Beleg Maethor said:

Is anyone else finding it impossible to gamble away all your money at the casino because I'm literally winning every single game except for the 25 cap dice roll. I've won every single round of blackjack but one. And I'm not gonna sit here gambling away 1000 caps at 25 caps per game.


I wish rl casino's were like this, you really have to work hard to lose :classic_smile:


RNG is crap in FO4 so the odds calculation could probably do with a tweak

Edited by Slorm
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12 hours ago, Beleg Maethor said:

Is anyone else finding it impossible to gamble away all your money at the casino because I'm literally winning every single game except for the 25 cap dice roll. I've won every single round of blackjack but one. And I'm not gonna sit here gambling away 1000 caps at 25 caps per game.


For a slightly more immersive approach, you can use one of the many mods which allow you to store caps in containers, drop them, give them to NPCs, and so on. I personally like Stash Those Caps (not sure where it moved during The Nexodus), because it also gives them a little bit of weight. I often move them into my backpack inventory for safekeeping, which would likely cause the casino management to think I've no longer got them.


I don't remember if the casino has any functional merchants yet, but that would be another way if so. Maybe a future improvement would be a shakedown or blackmail or similar encounter somewhere inside the casino which could allow you to lose all your caps quickly.

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i follow the progress of this mod since almost 2 years now , i like the global concept , but .. i can't prevent myself to think about some little things 

1 a little more stuffed area ( even if i know how long and how annoying create a map by creation kit is xD)

2 you putted shop at the start of the island , so why don't let them the new armor than some npc wear at selling, like the cow girl , the nurse ect ... 

3 think at the poor soul with survival activated ;)  the barman in the  ship  sell beer and alcool but no water or simple food , that could be great to add a bit of them in his sell stock

4 this island is supposed be high tec if i read good , maybe add some more things more near of our era 

, aside thes few point , the mod look great , i love the casino gameplay and the casino himself very pleasant , the idea of some quest , is a good work 

finaly , i just have some question about the actual stuff ready:

wich content is for dom aside lucy on cross and kaithlyn in the vessel ? cause i see a lot of subby event and just the 2 quoted as dom event 

Edited by sgtlev
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/30/2022 at 9:30 PM, izzyknows said:

pink flamingos/ladders

This is the only Pink Flamingo and ladder I found, cannot activate it.....

Fallout4 3_5_2023 12_58_00 PM.png

Edited by caveman74
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