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Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.9 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

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I'll add a few comments for some mods which will give you the best visuals for the game.



As MO2 uses a virtual installation you have to run Bodyslide through MO2. Just add a link to it in MO2 and start it from there.


Start MO2 and edit a new link:



Then select the 'Bodyslide x64.exe' which is located in your mods folder of MO2:



Now Bodyslide will recognize all the armor (if they got a preset for Bodyslide) you have installed.



Improving FPS (AMD Radeon)

In case you are using a video card from AMD there is an option to improve your FPS quite a bit. The only drawback is that you have to manually copy some files around (sadly there are no permissions to upload a finished setup).

For FO4 there's an option to switch the used renderer from DX11 to Vulcan and, if you don't own one of the better cards, this will improve the FPS and gives you a smoother gameplay. To do so you have to follow the instructions in the 'Installing the Vulkan Renderer With ENB' guide.


In theory (just replace 'Fallout 4 Vulkan AMD' with 'Fallout 4 Vulkan Nvidia') this should also work with a card from Nvidia. But, as i don't own a Nvidia, i can't test it. So if someone could check it out, and inform me about the results, i could add that information here.



Flagging ESP as ESL 

It is relatively easy to flagg an ESP as ESL so it won't take a slot in the limited space for ESP. As it might cause problems i recommend to do it one by one and test the game for stability issues. But usually it should cause no issues if you follow those steps:

1. Start 'Wrye Flash' via MO2

2. Look for the mod you wan't to flagg as ESL.

3. Check if it shows up with a 'green' text (those are the ones that can possibly be converted).

4. Rightclick on the ESP and select 'Check ESL Qualification'.

5. If a window pops up listing it as 'ESL Capable' proceed with the next step.

6. Rightclick on the ESP again and select 'Add ESL Flag'.

7. Simply close 'Wrye Flash' and you're done.


I already converted some mods and uploaded them so you don't have to do it yourself.






Just follow the instructions here: FO4LODGen - A Guide on how to generate LOD Not necessary atm - will recheck later




Ingame Tools

A few little helpers for the game. Should you decide to use them then just drop them into 'Override'.



These tools allow you to configure your game on the fly. With them you can immediately test the changes you made.

Game Configuration Menu

Survival Configuration Menu


Photo Mode

This little tool makes it so much easier to take screenshots.

FO4 Photo Mode


Posing mods

Those are more for screenarchers. So if you want to get some nice screenshots then these mods might be for you.

Dynamic Pinup Pose


Edited by Aylis
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As you can imagine we might run into a bug or glitch while running so many mods. In this post i'll try to give you some informations to diagnose and (if i got a solution) resolve them.






Console commands for building

The alignment of some of the added parts is a little bit off, but they all can be moved into the right position.


Concrete 'Slab' and 'Beam'                                     - modpos z 32 OR -32

Extended wall section - thin and thick                   - modpos z 256 OR -256

Standard wall section - thin and thick                    - modpos z 216 OR -216


Flickering poster/signs                                            - modpos x 0.1 OR -0.1

                                                                                   Depending on the used side you have to replace the 'X' with an 'Y'.

                                                                                   Sometimes the angle doesn't work so well and you have to repeat that step.

Flickering texture (horizontal)                                 - modpos z -0.05 

Flickering texture (vertical)                                      - modpos x 0.05 OR -0.05 

                                                                                   Depending on the used side you have to replace the 'X' with an 'Y'.

Floor Slab with one rounded corner                       - modpos z -0.15 




With that many mods conflicts are unavoidable.


Seams on Face/Wrists

This depends on the used textures and the ENB. Sometimes it seems to be gone, then the light changes and it becomes visible again. After all the tests, and what i read in the threads about it, it is only possible to minimize the effect. It will never be completely gone and is an issue of the underlying engine of the game.




Some quests/triggers might not work as intended. If i find something i'll add it here.


Boston Breeder

This mod does have a few issues and i strongly recommend to check its support thread if you run into issues. My guide is, as far it is possible from my side, compatible with it.


Open Order

The quest is a bit sluggish. You might have to talk to Wolfgang (should he survive) a day or two later to finish it.


Edited by Aylis
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Tips and Tricks


The use of an ENB is highly recommended. It improves the visuals and will enhance your gameplay. But it is also one of the things that totally depends on your personal taste. Some want it more colorful others more bleak and others as realistic as possible. So i can't tell you which one is the best for you. The one i recommend is, together with the preset for Reshade, the best combination that i found. 



ENB, Weather, Lighting and Skin 

All these kind of mods influence each other and finding the right combination can take a lot of time. Change one of the first three and the look of the game can change drastically, it might even change the feel of the game.


The chosen texture for your character is very sensitive to the used ENB. What works perfectly fine in one setup might lead to bugs in another. Shadows might be wrong, or something else.


Changing the weather mod

Thankfully there doesn't Need to be much done if you want to use any other weather mod.



As some of us might be on a budget for gaming i'll give you my recommendations when it comes to hardware. But one thing you have to check first is the 'Grafik-kartenrangliste' (just scroll down a bit) to get a rough estimation how your video card is ranked. 


CPU: AMD Ryzen 1600 or equivalent (Minimum). This one is still working well.

GPU: Radeon RX 580 or equivalent (Minimum). Expect ~30-35 FPS with everything installed.


If you want to upgrade and save some money you might want to take a look at a Ryzen 2600 (~120€) for the CPU.



Improving Framerates

Depending on your videocard (i'm saving for a new one atm) some of the mods in the list will tank your framerates. The biggest influence have the ones marked with (FPS) (at least that are the ones i know of). 



Loading Times

There are a few factors regarding your loading times. First of all your storage. In a lot of games ist not that important, but when it comes to Skyrim (and FO4) i strongly recommend a SSD for your game and the swapfile. With all the texture mods it does make a noticable difference.


The second thing are the scriptheavy mods. The impact of scripts seems to be much bigger in Skyrim than it is in FO4. But the effect is still noticable.


Third thing are your framerates. The lower your framerates are the longer your loading times become. 




You do not need LOOT at all (except to check for possible problems)! I'm used to NMM where the correct loadorder was extremely important, so this list is built so that it works as it is. The only Thing you have to do is to maybe move a patch or two further down and move the ESM up. Thats all in that regard.




One common problem with a suddenly crashing game is the required memory. I've had set the swapfile of my system to 10GB (beginning and ending with 10GB) and very often had a CTD. I installed and removed mods, checked and rechecked meshes, but nothing helped (as they weren't the problem).


It simply was that i ran out of memory… Let your OS handle the swapfile and this problem will be a thing of the past. Sometimes tuning your system is detrimental.


Windows 7:

Usually 8GB is still enough. But if you already use DDR4 i recommend going up to 16GB.


Windows 10:

Especially when you want to heavily mod your games you should start with 16GB. The overall 'feel' of the game is much smoother and you won't use the swapfile much anymore. It is the swapping that causes the mini-lags and those can become very noticable.


General Tip:

If you already have RAM then it is not worth it swapping those for newer faster RAM. The amount of available RAM usually tops speed. If you need a benchmark to see an improvement then the upgrade was not worth it.


General Tip Ryzen:

For Ryzen it is a bit different. Anything above DDR 4 3000 is fine, but it shouldn't be slower! With the new Ryzen 3 a speed of 3600 is the sweet spot, below that speed (to 3000) the difference is marginal and above 3600 you start to get diminishing returns (it might even get slower than lesser specced RAM). Go with RAM that has 3200 CL16/14 and you'll not overpay while still having a very good performance.




Mods worth mentioning

I got a few mods which i will not include in my list but which could still be interesting to you.


Crazy Safari 3.0

This mod is for those who really want a challenge. At a lower level these creatures pose a challenge that is extremely hard to overcome. If you want to add it to the group 'NPC and Creatures' activate it after you got at least level 20. Otherwise you'll die a lot!


Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters of the Commonwealth

This will give you a lot of variations (size and color) for the creatures. The reason for not permanently including it in the list are the added 'new' creatures. Still, it might be interesting to you.



Nothing is carved in stone...

I've tested quite a few mods to find the combination which i like the best. But you might disagree with some of the choices i made and i definitely don't think it is the best-of-them-all list. We all got different things we like (or not).



OS and DirectX

Older games (and Fallout is one of them) might run into trouble with DirectX. Microsoft made their newer OS compatible with the older versions of DirectX but didn't include all the older files. But it might be that a game requires a specific file from an older version and will give you trouble if it can't locate it, If you want to make sure that this is not the case i strongly suggest to install the old version of DirectX on top of the one provided by your OS.



Remapping of keys

Sadly Bethesda decided in their infinite wisdom to protect the user from changing keys. Thankfully we can do something about it. 

Install Autohotkey

Create a script to change the keys how you like them (How to / Standard script (i modified this one)).

If you're not sure about the names then use the Keylist



Fallout 4 and updates from Bethesda

It will happen. Sooner or later Bethesda will grace us with the next update and a lot of the mods in the list won't work anymore. To prevent that from happening in the future you will have to change a few settings in the game and follow a simple rule.

1. Set Fallout to only update when launched through the game properties,

2. Make sure Steam is always running before you launch Fallout, like by making it start on boot,

3. Always launch through the SKSE launcher, which you have to do anyways.

4. Make a backup of your Fallout4.exe! If something goes wrong let the update run through and replace the EXE with your backup. Then it is 1-3 again.

Edited by Aylis
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Before spreading a lot of files all over the thread i'll collect them here.



Empty ESP

This will be useful when you create the LOD for the build.




Modified INI files

Here you find the modified INI files i use here on my system.

Modified INI FO4.7z



Naming Fix

The replacer for the Abrams MBT and the Bradley APC include names in a non-english language. This patch fixes those entries of the worldspace.

Naming Fix (Vehicles).7z


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Hunting down the optimal ENB again. The reshade i got atm is simply perfect, but now 'Decent ENB' is causing a bit of trouble (the godrays blur edges).


Added the stuff from the CC i could check here.



Grim Wolf



Vanilla Plus ENB






Nuclear Fusion





Gone through a lot of ENB. Decent ENB is still the best choice atm. I really wish Rudy would make one for FO4...



SavrenX is really pushing it as he's uploading a new mod almost every day (and i love it even if i have to rewrite parts of the list ?). One new mod of his made a whole group of separate mods redundant. 



The MK14 is available again (it was hidden before) and now i can add it, and some addons, to the list.

Broken download!? Working on a fix now.


Got it working. But that took some sweet time...

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Updating Status to 'Prerelease 1.0.1'

Removed now redundant files (got a better replacement), removed the group 'Weapons - Textures' (having only one file in there seemed silly), added a 'new' weapon and some finetuning.


Uploaded a file to improve the FSM Skin.



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Nice to see you back on Fallout 4. Haven't mentioned it yet on the other thread, but the latest skyrim mod list works great. But I digress. Still going through downloading the mods on the list, found an error or two (Will make a separate post once I've gone through everything). I have a few mods You might want to look at. They are ones I have been playing with for a fair amount of time over the years, and I think they will compliment the list.



Sim SettlementsThe vanilla settlement system is really crappy. Kinggath's sim settlements is still a great alternative, and is still being actively developed. I should note that SimS is in my foundation because of a number of other mods that I also use that have it as a requirement.



Components Redone: This mod updates the textures of the components, and adds some new ones. It's a favourite of mine, and works rather well. The only exception is that the screw textures do not get replaced for some reason. This does not affect gameplay.



We Are The Minutemen: W.A.T.M. is I find a must have for those who do not want to outright kill the faction. It makes them more useful, and Preston less whiny. It also has good synergy with Militarized Minutemen.



Hunting Rifle Animation Replacer: So I like to snipe in FO4. When your playing a particularly brutal survival mode like I do, sniping to soften up a target is usually a must. That being said, Using a left-handed rifle right-handed is a good way to get hot brass to the face and/or arms. Usually not the kind of scars you want to show off. Of the various animation repalcers I've tried over the years, this one is 2nd best. It makes the hunting rifle right-handed while not changing any of the vanilla textures. It is also a requirement for the right-handed AMR (next mod). If you don't plan on using the AMR, but want a kickass hunting rifle, I highly recommend the Battlefield 1 Animation Pack - Hunting Rifle. Quick warning though: This gun does not look vanilla.


(CC) Right Handed Anti-Material Rifle: Pretty much the same reason as the mod above. 


Revolver Reanimation Pack: Animation pack that makes the .44 revolver into a double-action revolver. I.e. No cocking the hammer after each shot. A must have if you plan on using the .44 or the western revolver.



HN66s Sirius 12 and Hn66s Sirius 16 Assault Suit: Similar to the Nano Suit the Sirius armors are a good alternative. The crafting requirements are also lower than the nano suit, making it a good mid-game alternative. The Sirius 12 is a single piece suit, while the sirius 16 comes in different pieces to allow for different looks. Both are functionall identical. Both come with a few extra armor bits that can give you some extra abilities that can be used standalone.


More Armor Slots: A simple mod that adds some extra slots. Basically, it allows you to equip armor on top of almost any piece of clothing. 



Legendary Crafting Framework: This is a upgraded version of Legendary Modifications. It has some extra legendary effects besides the originals, and a few other interesting bits. It also works the same way as legendary modifications, so there's no learning curve to it.


Dogmeat - Doors are not for Dogs: If ever you have had moments where you cursed dogmeat for running ahead through closed doors, this mod is for you. Also comes in a all dogs cannot open doors flavour.



Unlocked Trailers Project: Pretty sure this one was in your original mod list. Makes the treasure hunt a little more interesting.


Atomic Radio and Tales From The Commonwealth: Three separate mods that include a radio station, quest mods, and a settlers mod. They are very well done, and are highly recommended. 



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So much stuff...


01. This one is a bit too scriptheavy for my taste. So for now i won't add it. Maybe later, when i've built the new system…

02. Looks good. I'll check it out.

03. Hmmm, maybe… another one to take a look at.

04A and B. Not atm. I hope to get a replacer for the hunting rifle that isn't overcomplicated.

05. Can't test this one.

06. I'll check it out.

07. Nope. I don't like this one.

08. With all the clipping i can't recommend it.

09. Didn't like the extra legendaries.

10. You havn't met the Husky of my neighbor, right? ? This is more for 'Mods worth mentioning'.

11. Had tried this one and ran into a few bugs (and removed it from my list). As those won't be fixed it won't be added.

12. I'll take a look at it.

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Updating Status to 'Prerelease 1.0.2'

A few other additions as SavrenX and Luxor released a few more mods i simply had to add...


Added mods:

Detailed Feral Ghouls                            - NPC and Creatures

luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 4  - Foundation

SavrenX Power Armor HD DLC             - Armor

SavrenX Synth HD                                 - NPC and Creatures

Stumble Upon Interiors                         - World



Testing atm:

Ghouls Add Sound Caiena ...

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1 hour ago, Aylis said:



So much stuff...


01. This one is a bit too scriptheavy for my taste. So for now i won't add it. Maybe later, when i've built the new system…

02. Looks good. I'll check it out.

03. Hmmm, maybe… another one to take a look at.

04A and B. Not atm. I hope to get a replacer for the hunting rifle that isn't overcomplicated.

05. Can't test this one.

06. I'll check it out.

07. Nope. I don't like this one.

08. With all the clipping i can't recommend it.

09. Didn't like the extra legendaries.

10. You havn't met the Husky of my neighbor, right? ? This is more for 'Mods worth mentioning'.

11. Had tried this one and ran into a few bugs (and removed it from my list). As those won't be fixed it won't be added.

12. I'll take a look at it.

4 a&b complicated how? You just install in M02 and go. 

5. I will be testing it out with the build and will let you know. 

10. I grew up with a very large Alaskan Malamute. The dogs of F04 are NOT on his level ?


On a side note, I do have a bunch of the CC stuff. With past AAF builds, most of it seemed to work alright except for the aforementioned backpack. There was another issue with the sentinel power armor where it would try to be flagged as a potential partner with some of the old LL mods. Will let you know if that problem persists with the current mods\versions of the mods. 


On another side note, have you ever tried the fusion body? Curious to know your thoughts on it. And will you also be testing the RSE2 mods? Flashy seems to be making progress on them.

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Ok, finally got through the mod list. Found a few errors that will need correcting.



Ultimate Flag Replacer - BoS - You have this one down 4 times. I am assuming the other three are supposed to be minutemen, railrod, and institute?



Ghoulish Perk Heals Radiation Damage Too - Settings - This one seems to be missing from the linked page. Quick search of the Nexus also came up empty.



Beantown Interiors Project - This link points to this thread, and not the actual beantown page


Weather and Lighting - The header is misspelled Wather and Lighting


Patches and Fixes

1950s feminine patch and basic ammo crafting patches for AWKCR - These ones are not in the AWKCR page. Not sure what these are supposed to be. 


AWKCR CBBE Patch V2 - This particular patch has been added to AWKCR's main installer. Shouldn't require a separate download.


Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Patch - Might want to mention that this is for Player Comments and Head Tracking to avoid confusion


Armor Override

Craftable Armor Size - Might have to check out the mod to be sure, but from what I read, this function has already been added to the recent version of armorsmith extended. 


Weapon Override

Vanilla Weapon Replacer - MP7 - Link goes to the MP7's page and not the replacer page. 

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Alright heres a few i personally like but each their own

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4233 Black titanium power armor frame

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/377 Touch of green. 

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16706 Decent ENB

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10660 Visible Companion Affinity

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38476 Fem Fatale : Female Coursers

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12538 No Borders

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25682 ENB Lights overhaul

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6 hours ago, asebw said:



Hunting Rifle Animation Replacer: So I like to snipe in FO4. When your playing a particularly brutal survival mode like I do, sniping to soften up a target is usually a must. That being said, Using a left-handed rifle right-handed is a good way to get hot brass to the face and/or arms. Usually not the kind of scars you want to show off. Of the various animation repalcers I've tried over the years, this one is 2nd best. It makes the hunting rifle right-handed while not changing any of the vanilla textures. It is also a requirement for the right-handed AMR (next mod). If you don't plan on using the AMR, but want a kickass hunting rifle, I highly recommend the Battlefield 1 Animation Pack - Hunting Rifle. Quick warning though: This gun does not look vanilla.


(CC) Right Handed Anti-Material Rifle: Pretty much the same reason as the mod above. 



on the left/right handed weapons. 

i never actually thought about it, i'm left handed so i shoulder a weapon on my left naturally, it looked normal to me so. i never debated it. if i stop and think about it i can shoot right handed (which in a weird way would make better sense, your strong arm is out and not gripping the stock)

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6 minutes ago, jaeos said:

on the left/right handed weapons. 

i never actually thought about it, i'm left handed so i shoulder a weapon on my left naturally, it looked normal to me so. i never debated it. if i stop and think about it i can shoot right handed (which in a weird way would make better sense, your strong arm is out and not gripping the stock)

I still to this day don't understand why Bethesda did this. Fallout 3 and NV had right-handed rifles so you would think that would have carried over. 

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Just now, kesryth said:

Correct me if I am wrong or just blind.. but I don't see where CWSS redux is installed in the mod list, but we install Player Comments and Head Tracking - CWSS  in the [Patches and Fixes] section. Did I just miss it, or was that an oversight/unintended inclusion?

If I had to guess, the Lover's lab section is not complete. CWSS was a soft requirement for one of the RSE mods in the original mod list. I'm guessing it was either forgotten, or to be added in a later version. 

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28 minutes ago, asebw said:

If I had to guess, the Lover's lab section is not complete. CWSS was a soft requirement for one of the RSE mods in the original mod list. I'm guessing it was either forgotten, or to be added in a later version. 

Thanks for that clarification. I thought it seemed odd, but I do recall that there was something else that had a requirement for LL stuff.

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