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CTD when outside

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I recently got my Skyrim modded, did all I had to do step by step with MO2. I ran FNIS XXL, Bodyslide, LOOT, Wrye Bash several times. I disabled and enabled all my mods one by one but I still get the CTDs everytime I spawn outside or I try to get out of somewhere.


- tried disabling the mods affecting flora, or Jk's Skyrim but it didn't change anything.

- tried Bethini, enb, verify cache.

- tried reinstalling XPMSE


Everything works like a charm if I choose a game start indoors and stay indoors but as soon as I try to get outside or if I spawn outdoors even on a brand new game it crashes.


So my first question is: if I want to untick my mods from MO2 one at a time and try to go outside until it doesn't CTD anymore, do I do just that? Like start from the first mod and go down? 

Or is it better to make it by "family" like if I untick Devious Devices core I un tick every other mod related to DD ?


I'm uploding my load order here incase someone sees anything. It's sorted by LOOT so if it's a mess I have no idea how to make it better.




I don't know if this is going to help, but I was having frequent crashes. I noticed you are running animal SOS. Try going into Creature Framework and changing all 3 bear types to More Nasty Critters, instead of Animal SOS. 


Like I said don't know if this will help, but it stopped my crashes.


Never mind you are crashing when ever you change cells, I thought you were crashing in the wilderness.


Thanks for your answer! I'll try this as soon as I get home!


UPDATE: Sadly it didn't do the trick...

16 minutes ago, Thost said:

Thanks for your answer! I'll try this as soon as I get home!


And, if you don't already have it, use this.

26 minutes ago, Thost said:

Thanks for your answer! I'll try this as soon as I get home!


UPDATE: Sadly it didn't do the trick...

Usually you go by a number that's comfortable to you for shutting off mods, i use 10 at a time. shut off 10, go outside, ctd. turn them back on and turn off the next 10. its faster than 1 at a time. then you narrowed it down to 10 mods, turn 5 back on. no ctd then it's one of the 5 you left off. if you still have a ctd then it's one of the 5 you left on. and sometimes its a bashed patch. 

4 hours ago, Psalam said:

And, if you don't already have it, use this.

Installed this and it's definitely better! Now I can spawn outside after choosing a start. I tried to see if the CTD happened while standing doing nothing and it didn't. Jumping around, equipping, unequipping stuff did nothing but as soon as I start to walk away from where I spawned CTD is back (after a few steps actually).

21 minutes ago, Thost said:

Installed this and it's definitely better! Now I can spawn outside after choosing a start. I tried to see if the CTD happened while standing doing nothing and it didn't. Jumping around, equipping, unequipping stuff did nothing but as soon as I start to walk away from where I spawned CTD is back (after a few steps actually).


Before you panic you may have a corrupted save since you didn't have this before. I strongly recommend that you quit your current game, make whatever changes to your load order that you like, run LOOT and FNIS (correcting any errors) and start a new game. Let me know if it persists in a new game.


Yes sadly it did persist... This time again the game crashed on spawn, I chose the same beginning but the location was different. It seems it has something to do with where I am. Because last save I spawned in the middle of nowhere on the road and I could walk around a bit before crashing but this time it was in a camp and it crashed right away! 


Do you think that could be a hint? Or maybe it has nothing to do with it...

40 minutes ago, Thost said:

Yes sadly it did persist... This time again the game crashed on spawn, I chose the same beginning but the location was different. It seems it has something to do with where I am. Because last save I spawned in the middle of nowhere on the road and I could walk around a bit before crashing but this time it was in a camp and it crashed right away! 


Do you think that could be a hint? Or maybe it has nothing to do with it...


Are you certain that all the mods that you have loaded are for SE? A single exception can give you this result.


If that doesn't pan out please load a copy of your FNIS output (I'm looking in an entirely different direction here). Just run FNIS and copy and paste what it says when you run it. This usually begins with a description of your skeleton and ends with the number of animations that you successfully loaded.

30 minutes ago, Psalam said:

Are you certain that all the mods that you have loaded are for SE? A single exception can give you this result.


If that doesn't pan out please load a copy of your FNIS output (I'm looking in an entirely different direction here). Just run FNIS and copy and paste what it says when you run it. This usually begins with a description of your skeleton and ends with the number of animations that you successfully loaded.

Well I'm almost certain I did but I need to double check that. Is there a simple way to know? Because some mods obviously have "SE" in their names but other don't, not even in the .rar file...

I'll try the FNIS run once I check all mods are really SE compatible!




I think my mods are all compatible with SE. I have some news though, yet another new game starting with the same beginning. This time I spawned in the forsworn cave near a fisherman's cabin. When I got out, it went fine, I walked to the fisherman, talked, was even able to start sexlab animations. 

But then I walked to the next camp (wood trunks walls, near a waterfall and not far from fisherman) and it crashed as soon as I got close to the rampart...


I have linked the FNIS output to this message.



i can see one problem right off from fnis.

reduce the animations limit, you have several mods that are medium to hard script heavy, that takes away from the total animations you can have. you have 

10959 animations for 41 mods successfully included (character)
3688 animations for 11 mods and 42 creatures successfully included.
that's almost 15000 animations. get rid of a few thousand. (get it below 10k total) and try it again.

sadly even SSE has limits FNIS has a 10 or 20k limit depending on which fnis you get.

SSE is limited to 255 esp limit. (including creation club mods that may not show up on this)

the old LE version was limited in memory (gotta love 32 bit games) SSE does not have this issue unless you changed the vram settings to not letting windows manage it.

EDIT i relooked and saw you had the FNIS xxl which is 20k animations. i don't use that particular behavior file so i can't say what it's hard limit is, but right on the files page for FNIS xxl

Behavior Files and Generators - allows for 20,000 animation - ATTENTION: might result in longer generation times and more frequent load CTD


Yes I'm using xxl because I don't know how to remove animations manually... I tried to do that once because I had a pack that wasn't compatible with SE but even after deleting the files FNIS kept showing the compatibility error.


So are you saying that even if I'm under the 20 000 animations cap, lowering the number around 15 000 should fix the issue? Because if so I would gladly get rid of the vore and other "too dark for me" stuff haha


Another thing I don't understand, FNIS says I have that much animations while ingame it results in 148 animations registered...





I found the culprit guys... It was Animal SOS SE that was causing the CTDs. I don't know why because I have all the requirements and it is the SE version of the mod... 


If you know anything about this issue I'll be glad hear it otherwise I guess I just won't use it. Defeat and More Nasty Critters should still be fine without it right?


Thanks a lot for your help!

5 hours ago, jaeos said:

i can see one problem right off from fnis.

reduce the animations limit, you have several mods that are medium to hard script heavy, that takes away from the total animations you can have. you have 

10959 animations for 41 mods successfully included (character)
3688 animations for 11 mods and 42 creatures successfully included.
that's almost 15000 animations. get rid of a few thousand. (get it below 10k total) and try it again.

sadly even SSE has limits FNIS has a 10 or 20k limit depending on which fnis you get.

SSE is limited to 255 esp limit. (including creation club mods that may not show up on this)

the old LE version was limited in memory (gotta love 32 bit games) SSE does not have this issue unless you changed the vram settings to not letting windows manage it.

EDIT i relooked and saw you had the FNIS xxl which is 20k animations. i don't use that particular behavior file so i can't say what it's hard limit is, but right on the files page for FNIS xxl

Behavior Files and Generators - allows for 20,000 animation - ATTENTION: might result in longer generation times and more frequent load CTD

Most of this is just so much waffle as the OP is not crashing on start up.




Well here I am again, because now I crash when I enter cities....


I no longer crash outside, but evrytime I try to enter Whiterun it's CTD. Even with a new save. I have the exact same load order and amount of mods.

I tried cleaning ITM with SSEedit, wrye bash, patching what needed to be patched.


I want to use the 10 by 10 mods shut off method but I don't get how it can work. If I shut down my mods my save will 9 outta 10 times crash because of missing files. Do I have to start a new save each time?




Alright it doesn't crash if don't touch anything, but as soon as I start looking around with the mouse: CTD




Reinstalling the enboost allowed me to walk around for a bit in whiterun, but after a few seconds CTD


I've ran "tests" today, I can really wander wherever I want outdoors if I don't get too close to a city. The game behaves like this:


- It's the same in all cities. I can sometimes wander around before CTD, sometimes it crashes as soon as I move the mouse, but usually I can get past loading screen.

- I can walk around Whiterun but as soon as I get the windmill near the town I CTD

- Everything works otherwise, animations start well, end well, interiors run fine, MCM has all the mod menus

- I don't know if it has anything to do with this but some NPCs have a dark face also, not all, just some of them


It seems either like a faulty mod affecting something in the cities but I've already tried to disable Jk's Skyrim, SMIM, Flora Overhaul and it's sometimes even worse. Or a memory allocation maybe, but I thought Skyrim SE could handle more than 200 plugins and I only have 67... Enboost is active, I don't know what to try else.



1 hour ago, Thost said:

I've ran "tests" today, I can really wander wherever I want outdoors if I don't get too close to a city. The game behaves like this:


- It's the same in all cities. I can sometimes wander around before CTD, sometimes it crashes as soon as I move the mouse, but usually I can get past loading screen.

- I can walk around Whiterun but as soon as I get the windmill near the town I CTD

- Everything works otherwise, animations start well, end well, interiors run fine, MCM has all the mod menus

- I don't know if it has anything to do with this but some NPCs have a dark face also, not all, just some of them


It seems either like a faulty mod affecting something in the cities but I've already tried to disable Jk's Skyrim, SMIM, Flora Overhaul and it's sometimes even worse. Or a memory allocation maybe, but I thought Skyrim SE could handle more than 200 plugins and I only have 67... Enboost is active, I don't know what to try else.

You could try running Nifscan (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75916/?)


It will report if you have any bad meshes, it can also check textures, although that you can do with nifoptimizer too.

2 hours ago, Kaarinah said:


You could try running Nifscan (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75916/?)


It will report if you have any bad meshes, it can also check textures, although that you can do with nifoptimizer too.

I tried to optimize the meshes but it had no effect... Maybe I'm doing this wrong though, the nifscan found errors but optimizing didn't fix them.

I can't choose an output path for the scan and I can't find the log anywhere but I've seen some "used more than once errors" and some "aren't compatible with SSE".


The last one is a mystery though because I double checked and my mods are all SSE compatible...

19 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Most of this is just so much waffle as the OP is not crashing on start up.




https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9693-ctd-on-save-load-new-game/ same thing loading into a save, gets CTD randomly

or it could be a vanilla bug.


so starting with known issues and eliminating those as suspects would seem to be the right direction? 


9 hours ago, Thost said:

I tried to optimize the meshes but it had no effect... Maybe I'm doing this wrong though, the nifscan found errors but optimizing didn't fix them.

I can't choose an output path for the scan and I can't find the log anywhere but I've seen some "used more than once errors" and some "aren't compatible with SSE".


The last one is a mystery though because I double checked and my mods are all SSE compatible...

Start it with a bat-file, just make a textfile  with: nifscan.exe > output.txt

Then save it as nifscan and rename the extenstion from .txt to .bat


If you start Nifscan with that batfile it will print the results in to a text-file called output.


I know that I had used nifs it found errors in quite some time, so not all errors will cause CTDs, only optimize  files you actually need to, just running optimizer on all nifs you have installed can be bad, also,  always make backups first just in case.


Nif-optimizer has an option to scan textures, use that and it will tell you if you have textures that need fixing too.

3 hours ago, jaeos said:


https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9693-ctd-on-save-load-new-game/ same thing loading into a save, gets CTD randomly

or it could be a vanilla bug.


so starting with known issues and eliminating those as suspects would seem to be the right direction? 


Oh yes.

CTD on load is not the same as CTD after playing for a length of time or CTDs in different locations. CTDs on load are usually down to missing masters or too many animations. CTDs after a period of playing are usually down to memory issues. CTD in different places are also usually down to memory issues.

CTDs in the same loacation are usually due to a bad mesh.


 See the post below.




There is currently an issue with MNC which is well attested on the support thread.  If the crashes outside are where there are animals such as horses then that may well be the cause


As mentionned here:

17 hours ago, Thost said:

I've ran "tests" today, I can really wander wherever I want outdoors if I don't get too close to a city. The game behaves like this:


- It's the same in all cities. I can sometimes wander around before CTD, sometimes it crashes as soon as I move the mouse, but usually I can get past loading screen.

- I can walk around Whiterun but as soon as I get the windmill near the town I CTD

- Everything works otherwise, animations start well, end well, interiors run fine, MCM has all the mod menus

- I don't know if it has anything to do with this but some NPCs have a dark face also, not all, just some of them


It seems either like a faulty mod affecting something in the cities but I've already tried to disable Jk's Skyrim, SMIM, Flora Overhaul and it's sometimes even worse. Or a memory allocation maybe, but I thought Skyrim SE could handle more than 200 plugins and I only have 67... Enboost is active, I don't know what to try else.

It's not MNC, and I don't crash outside anymore. It's CTD in the cities as soon as I move my mouse, or when I get too close to cities.

11 hours ago, Thost said:

Thanks a lot, I got the output but I don't know what to look for haha... It seems to me there's a lot of errors though.

output.txt 6.75 kB · 1 download

The name is used several times has never caused any CTD for me, neither has the vertex colours. I'm no sexpert, all I've done is check stuff when I get troublle, But I'd say that it's a good idea to either fix or remove the ones that say thery are not supported by SSE.

    Block [1]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE

    Block [1]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE

    Block [1]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE

    Block [1]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE

    Block [53]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE

    Block [53]: NiTriStrip is not supported by SSE


Ferns. The testwhite ones I have no idea what is. You might have some unconverted, or badly converted mod.


I went through a fresh reinstall from vanilla skyrim, following a guide to install my mods.


Everything went perfectly fine, it was all working, no crash in Whiterun, no crash in Riverwood. UNTIL...


I installed the Femboy RaceReborn SE Core, Patch, Devious Devices. So I figured "meh, now I know where the problem comes from, I'll just remove them".

I did that, started the same save that was perfectly fine before I installed the previously named mods (didn't save above it after either) and it's back to the CTDs... Even with a fresh start.


I'm lost.




I don't get it. There's a point where no matter which mod I install, the game starts to crash again. I went for the uncheck 10 by 10 mods method and found out that without the SOS Belisario CBBE addon (I have the SOS for females SE version installed) the game didn't crash anymore. 


So I Removed it, and added Flower Girls. And now it's crashing again, with or without FlowerGirls SE, no matter if it's a fresh start or not.


Also I can't get rid of the errors:


"The failed plugins are:

• DDiUtil version 1 (DeviousDevices.dll, data) reported as incompatible during query.

• Couldn't load StorageUtil.dll (data). The last error code was 193."


I tried every dll possible, checked if it was compatible with SKSE etc etc. Nothing fixes it.


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