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Estrus animations not playing?

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For the record, this is my first time modding Skyrim so heavily...


When I try to use Estrus (self), it'll undress my character and equip props (like those fleshy sleeves or the backpack-looking tentacle thing), the voice will play, and my character's expression will change, but the idle animation will keep playing (not t-posing or rigid), nor is there any sign of tentacles or machines.


I am using NMM 0.70.6 with Oldrim Legendary Edition, estrusforskyrim V241r1, FNIS Behavior 7_4_5, and have FNIS creatures installed.


I think I MIGHT be using FNIS wrong. It's installed on NMM, but I also copied it into another folder so I could extract it and run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe. I ran it a couple times, still nothing.

EDIT: I ran FNIS from Skyrim>Data>Tools>GenerateFNIS_for_User (like I should have to begin with) and still no change.


FNIS Behavior V7.4.5   5/19/2019 7:57:36 AM
Skyrim 32bit: - C:\Users\parke\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
>>Warning: Custom skeleton found. Select SKELETON patch.<<

Reading EstrusChaurus V4.35 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.4.5 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ...
Reading MoreNastyCritters V1.0 ...
Reading SexLab V1.62 ...
Reading SexLabCreature V1.61 ...
Reading XPMSE V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) ...
Reading zzEstrus V2.30  ( 0 furniture, 1 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 12 alternate animations) ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

ERROR(53): Could not find file 'C:\Users\parke\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\templates\0_master_TEMPLATE.txt'.


Any assistance or ideas is greatly appreciated.


go into:



(if you removed it from there, than put it back ^^, if that is too late, than reinstall FNIS and FNIS creatures


start GenerateFNISforUsers.exe from there

after the generator is done it will ask you if you want to have a shortcut on your desktop

click YES!


post your FNIS output here, means copy paste everything (yes all the text) inclusive warnings here on your topic


if you run FNIS like that and still have issues with estrusforskyrim (zz.Estrus.esp) then ppl can help you more with that information


with NMM you can always run your FNIS from desktop, you don't need to start it from the NMM window


it would be also of interest:

> what estrusforskyrim (from nexus) version do you use?

> do you use the estrusforskyrim addon?

> do you use estrus+ from LL and what version?

> do you have FNIS creatures installed?

33 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

it would be also of interest:

> what estrusforskyrim (from nexus) version do you use?

> do you use the estrusforskyrim addon?

> do you use estrus+ from LL and what version?

> do you have FNIS creatures installed?

What's the estrus addon and estrus+?

Also, FNIS never offered to make a shortcut.


you never said what you installed, I just guessed it is estrusforskyrim, because it provides you with the estrus self spell


Estrus for skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33102

on the nexus page: Estrus for skyrim > Optional files> EstrusAddonVer112

=> it's optional, estrus will run without it



estrus+: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1033-estrus-chaurus/

=> based on estrusforskyrim and uses the animations and textures

=> not needed to run estrusforskyrim

25 minutes ago, Niar666 said:

What's the estrus addon and estrus+?

Also, FNIS never offered to make a shortcut. 

FNIS always offers a shortcut after generation if you press exit instead of just closing the window and if you started it from the skyrim folder



you still can create a shortcut to your desktop yourself:


go into:





and choose "send to">desktop (WIN10)


that will generate an icon on your desktop from where you can start it anytime

if you don't use win10 I'm sure there are other ways to create a shortcut




ERROR(53): Could not find file 'C:\Users\parke\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\templates\0_master_TEMPLATE.txt'.

this error might be a result of you moving FNIS files

what files did you move out of skyrim folders?


best way to slove your issue:

deinstall & delet (remove them completly from NMM) FNIS and FNIS creatures

close NMM and restart

add them back to you NMM and install them


go to skyrim>data>tools>generateFNIS_for_Users and start FNIS (check: "SKELETON arm fix"  before you run it)


hopefully that way you get the 0_master_template.txt back


(if you installed skyrim in c:/program files (x86) or in c:/users/ (that might be even worse) you need to run FNIS as admin, rightclick the generator and choose "run as admin")

13 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

ERROR(53): Could not find file 'C:\Users\parke\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\templates\0_master_TEMPLATE.txt'.

this error might be a result of you moving FNIS files

what files did you move out of skyrim folders?


best way to slove your issue:

deinstall & delet (remove them completly from NMM) FNIS and FNIS creatures

close NMM and restart

add them back to you NMM and install them


go to skyrim>data>tools>generateFNIS_for_Users and start FNIS (check: "SKELETON arm fix"  before you run it)


hopefully that way you get the 0_master_template.txt back


(if you installed skyrim in c:/program files (x86) or in c:/users/ (that might be even worse) you need to run FNIS as admin, rightclick the generator and choose "run as admin")

Thanks so much. This definitely got the animations to play, but there was a slight issues. When the tentacle monster went into the ground when it was done, it replayed the sinking animation over and over until my character got up.


Also, Estrus Chaurus, while hitting some kind of trigger when it's supposed to (my camera goes into third person on it's own), is not playing the animations when it should. I'm free to go right back to moving around, switching my camera back, and fighting and interacting.

1 hour ago, Niar666 said:

Thanks so much. This definitely got the animations to play, but there was a slight issues. When the tentacle monster went into the ground when it was done, it replayed the sinking animation over and over until my character got up.


Also, Estrus Chaurus, while hitting some kind of trigger when it's supposed to (my camera goes into third person on it's own), is not playing the animations when it should. I'm free to go right back to moving around, switching my camera back, and fighting and interacting.

I'm pretty new to zzestrus myself, I normaly use only estrus+.

So we have both something to discover.


What I know so far:

  • zzestrus comes with an MCM, you can modify various settings in there
  • you can switch off that zzestrus goes into freecamera via MCM
  • you can struggel out of animations with the default key E
  • you can make the escape harder
  • you can choose what animation types and stages play
  • you can change how often animation stages get repeated
  • you can switch off crowd effect, at least i think that the onlooker option
  • you can set what face effects are applied
  • 2 years later...



I installed EC+ and the attacks spits seems to trigger the events, but there is no animations associated.

I followed the adives here, and deinstalled totally FNIS and FNIS Creatures, rebooted my Vortex, then instaleld them back.

FNIS XXL shows that there is 0 animations for Estrus added.

But Sexlab tells me evrything was properly installed.


What am I missing please?

2 hours ago, Syssiah said:



I installed EC+ and the attacks spits seems to trigger the events, but there is no animations associated.

I followed the adives here, and deinstalled totally FNIS and FNIS Creatures, rebooted my Vortex, then instaleld them back.

FNIS XXL shows that there is 0 animations for Estrus added.

But Sexlab tells me evrything was properly installed.


What am I missing please?

Do you also have the Estrus for Skyrim installed?

  • 1 year later...

when I launch I get a Popup saying this:




SKSE Plugin Loader



A DLL plugin has failed to load correctly. If a new version of Skyrim was just released, the plugin needs to be updated. Please check the mod's webpage for updates.


zz.EstrusUtil.dll: disabled, incompatible with current version of the game


Continuing to load may result in lost save data, yada yada yada, you get the idea. 




any advice would be appreciated seeing as how I have about 0 knowlege about modding

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