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Lykaios Reborn

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This is KrittaKitty's Lykaios race, updated with her latest work and completed by Bad Dog. 


A subspecies of the forest dwelling Vukasin tribe, the Lykaios are thought to be distantly related to the long extinct 'Vulpine' Lilmothiit peoples of Black Marsh. The nomadic Lykaios have no homeland; instead they live in small family packs in the coldest and most unreachable parts of Tamriel. Excellent hunters and trackers, the Lykaios are a hardy and rugged people resistant to cold and most diseases.


SE version here


Latest Changes

  • NPCs are consolidated into the main mod to save ESP slots
  • New digi mechanism doesn't require an ESP (but does require XPMSE)
  • New schlong mechanism does't require RCAE


About the mod


This mod allows you to play as a Lykaios, male or female. The race has its own abilities and perks. There are many facial markings available but not all are obviously labeled, so play around with the sliders. Some markings are under the "dirt" option, so look there too.


There are hair and earrings. Some earrings are under the "brow" slider.


Males have an optional SOS schlong that uses my Hoodies mechanism. Hoodies is built in so it's not an extra prerequisite. Schlongs are dog sheaths and will unsheath for sex or if you have Sexlab Aroused installed with SOS integration turned on. There's an antho uncircumcised unsheathing schlong for your extra pleasure. There are female sheathing schlongs. 




KK was in the middle of a major update to the race when she stopped modding. She made her assets available, and I picked them up to use in the Yiffy Age mod. Mostly I just finished what she started. Differences are that I gave them my canine pawfeet and my clawhands; I left out the Scottie-dog brows and made her earrings available on that slider so they could be used with any hairstyle; I gave them high-poly heads following her models; and I re-did the face markings to allow a wider range of wolf and dog patterns.




Make sure you have the latest version of the files. 3.0 is a save-breaking update because some scripts have changed. 


Download the files and install the ones you want in this order:

  1. Dawnguard
  2. RaceCompatibility. Use the "Untranslated Files" download to prevent crashes.
  3. Lykaios_Reborn - Base mod. SFW: Bodies are vanilla with underwear unless you have a replacer loaded. Works with the UNP female body.  Followers are near the Alchemist's Shack in the Rift, and in the Vilemyr Inn evenings.
  4. Lykaios_Digi - Digitigrade feet, if you like that better. (I do.) You can wear boots and they'll look like vanilla. Barefoot, you're digitigrade.
  5. Lykaios_Schlongs - Hoodie schlongs. Requires SOS if you want spells and potions to work. 
  6. Lykaios_HDT_Tails - Requires an HDT setup. Tails are subject to stretching and the occasional invisible character. Try them and keep them if you like them.
  7. Lykaios_CBBE - If you use that body. 
  8. XPMSE if you're using the digi feet. If you don't want to run the mod, disable the ESP.
  9. PapyrusUtil for the schlongs. Sexlab comes with the necessary files, so don't worry about it if you're running that.


Managing the Schlongs


Keys and erection spells work. For females, unlike prior versions, I'm letting SL handle strapons. If you put a dick on a girl she will be "treated as male" by SL -- so no strapon, and chosen as the active party where possible. There's a "no schlong" SOS option which the girls get by default. Change priorities if you want something different.


Making NPCs


Tint files ship in 256x and 2048x sizes. Go to textures\actors\character\Lykaios\Tintmasks and copy the contents of whichever size you prefer from the subfolder to the main folder. You need the 256 if you're creating NPCs, 2048 if you're just setting up your PC. If using 2048, edit skse.ini to add




so the higher-res face tints will work.

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  • Special Edition Compatible


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Forgot to mention: 


The presets look incredibly lame because I can't get RaceMenu to set the skin tint when you change presets. If someone with more experience here (*cough* @Blaze69 *cough*) could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong I'd be grateful. Meanwhile, just set the skin tint to something you like and pretend I did it.

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4 hours ago, Bad Dog said:

The presets look incredibly lame because I can't get RaceMenu to set the skin tint when you change presets. If someone with more experience here (*cough* @Blaze69 *cough*) could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong I'd be grateful.

I'll have to check it out, but the only experience I have with racial presets is the sharks, and it was pretty smooth then. Just had to create the NPC entry in the CK and add it to the race data and the skin tints worked right away, don't really see why the same wouldn't happen with Lykaios.


Still, I'll get back at you once I've looked into it. 

14 minutes ago, ppp said:

Whatever happened to the multibreast meshes?

The textures for those were missing from the package alongside some other assets, so it would be a bit hard to recreate them to make the body useful again. The meshes themselves are still there, though, so I guess those could be released at some point if someone wants to play around with them.

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29 minutes ago, Blaze69 said:

The textures for those were missing from the package alongside some other assets, so it would be a bit hard to recreate them to make the body useful again. The meshes themselves are still there, though, so I guess those could be released at some point if someone wants to play around with them.

Pity they're not usable as-is, but I think it would be a good idea to make them available in case someone wants to try their hand at it.

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2.0.1 version of the schlongs file fixes the texture problem.


The presets thingn is driving me wild. I've had the problem before but haven't been able to nail it down to one thing. They look fine in CK but skin tint doesn't show up when switching through presets in racemenu. For a while two of the female presets were showing their skin tints properly, the rest weren't. I thought it might have to do with the tint indexes overlapping with another race but I write a script to make sure they're all unique and that didn't make any difference.

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I didn't ever expect to actually see this. What happened to Kritta Kitty? I didn't know something happened to her.

Also, yeah, can't wait for the CBBE version so I can try my Yuni look on this.

Thanks so much for your hard work, Dear.

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8 hours ago, Bad Dog said:

Yes, didn't think about it but the textures and paths are the same, so the CBBE patch on YA should work just fine.

 It is not exactly the same ,tho. The gap between the normal texture and the old CBBE texture is a bit obvious.


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My! I thought this project was dead! The work here is incredible, alas I can't play this race as I use S.A.M instead of SOS now... Oh shoot! But thanks a lot Bad Dog for finishing what Kritta started!

And who knows, there may be patches one day to make more mods compatible with this race! :)

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