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Can you add some NPC sex whip scenes under certain condition like on aggressive animations and NPC with whip equipped. Is the same as spank but with ZaZ compatibility. The idea is not my but I think is really good especially on Devious Devices event and your mod do almost the same.

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I've been using the beta since it went up, and nothing new to observe. It seems to work fine.


Really wishing for ability to ask for spanks, from NPCs, or at least from followers.


Still hearing "I can't believe that just happened" in solicitation sex scenarios that have proceeded - very much as expected. Using SWL for that at the moment.

There was no spanking. Spanking doesn't seem to be happening with SWL. Not sure why.


I have only non-aggressive animations selected, and it seems unlikely SWL is setting the victim flag.

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11 hours ago, osmelmc said:

Can you add some NPC sex whip scenes under certain condition like on aggressive animations and NPC with whip equipped. Is the same as spank but with ZaZ compatibility. The idea is not my but I think is really good especially on Devious Devices event and your mod do almost the same.

I don't know about adding my own whipping scene but I think SD has an event I could probably call. I don't know about having multiple whippers though. The function likely only supports one. 

9 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I've been using the beta since it went up, and nothing new to observe. It seems to work fine.


Really wishing for ability to ask for spanks, from NPCs, or at least from followers.


Still hearing "I can't believe that just happened" in solicitation sex scenarios that have proceeded - very much as expected. Using SWL for that at the moment.

There was no spanking. Spanking doesn't seem to be happening with SWL. Not sure why.


I have only non-aggressive animations selected, and it seems unlikely SWL is setting the victim flag.

So many things to do, so little time. 

What is SWL btw?

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10 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I don't know about adding my own whipping scene but I think SD has an event I could probably call. I don't know about having multiple whippers though. The function likely only supports one. 

So many things to do, so little time. 

What is SWL btw?

SD does have one, cant check what it is right now PCSubPunish I think, and I think you use punishingActor.SendModEvent("PCSubPunish")

but I think it might only work if the player is enslaved by SD.


SWL I think is Sexworkers Life but that's just a guess. 

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2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Ah crap. I have a vague memory of that. Think you're right.

Able to get to my computer now, from looking at the code again there are 2 events that I think can result in whipping one always the other maybe not always but fairly sure it can, IDK


PCSubWhip is the one that should always.

PCSubPunish is the one that I think can but unsure, it can probably also call rape events. and maybe some other things, one of the values it uses is random number.


From the look of the code as long as you have an actor send the mod event (as per my example) it will make it through the modevent enslaved or not, but I can't tell without testing if the function it calls to perform the whipping actually works without being enslaved.


It checks for punishments being enabled and I don't know when it sets that. I think the player may have had to been enslaved by SD+ at some point by a master that enabled punishments (not an animal). I don't think you still need to be enslaved as It doesn't look like it ever unsets the various flags. Still wont work for general purpose whipping scenes though.


There are whipping scenes in several mods (Slaverun, Naked Dungeons, POP, probably more) I imagine it would be possible to look at how they are done and make something new with that knowledge.

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6 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Ah crap. I have a vague memory of that. Think you're right.

Zaz/p has a function to whip the player, and only the player that sort of works.

It would require at least Zap7 (doesn't need 8, it's old).


I wouldn't bother with it though. Whipping comes down to one thing - making the AI package - once you have that all you have to do is ensure that package is active, usually dumping the whipper in an alias is the solution to that, nothing unusual there. They also need to equip a whip, but that's easily done. Whipping tends to end badly if you let the NPC do it with a serious damage-dealing weapon, but I played around with using low damage weapons other than zero and found it is often workable - I wanted that for my own reasons - was trying to make a whipping game where you have to try not to go to bleedout or you loose.


Getting the package perfect is kind of fiddly. I ended up spending a lot of time tweaking distances, etc.

My personal feel is that using "attack" to do whipping is really inadequate, and has never been ideal, but it's what we have.

A proper whipping animation, or several, would be much better.


Copying an existing package saves some time.

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10 hours ago, Tenri said:

Able to get to my computer now, from looking at the code again there are 2 events that I think can result in whipping one always the other maybe not always but fairly sure it can, IDK


PCSubWhip is the one that should always.

PCSubPunish is the one that I think can but unsure, it can probably also call rape events. and maybe some other things, one of the values it uses is random number.


From the look of the code as long as you have an actor send the mod event (as per my example) it will make it through the modevent enslaved or not, but I can't tell without testing if the function it calls to perform the whipping actually works without being enslaved.


It checks for punishments being enabled and I don't know when it sets that. I think the player may have had to been enslaved by SD+ at some point by a master that enabled punishments (not an animal). I don't think you still need to be enslaved as It doesn't look like it ever unsets the various flags. Still wont work for general purpose whipping scenes though.


There are whipping scenes in several mods (Slaverun, Naked Dungeons, POP, probably more) I imagine it would be possible to look at how they are done and make something new with that knowledge.


Seems I'd be better off trying to add something myself then. Maybe it wouldn't be that difficult - famous last words. Must see about adding a massive stamina debuff to the whipper as well to try to stop the silly twirly whippings. 


I could also add multiple whipper slots for multiple NPCs. 

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31 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I could also add multiple whipper slots for multiple NPCs. 

DFW does that.


They tend to get in each other's way and can actually block the whipping. It's only effective if there's room for NPCs to surround the player, and there often isn't.

I'd advise against it, but if that's the feel you're going for, I guess you have to try, right?


I think you can stop power attacks without a stamina debuff. I forget how. It might just be a flag in the package or combat behaviour.



Having STA trigger off SD+/DFW/Slaverun whipping is more interesting than STA triggering whipping of its own, I think.


If you have whipping, could you beg to be whipped?

Personally, I think spanking is a different fetish to extreme masochism like a whipping fetish.

Could they be different?


If STA handled willpower (resistance) loss due to whipping (from other mods) as well as spanking, that would be convenient.


How do you detect it? OnHit I suppose? SLD has a go.

I think it considers any attack with a low enough damage weapon to be a beating rather than an attempt to kill.

SLD doesn't currently support DF willpower, but will probably get an option to do so once I move on from SLAX issues :) 

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Guest AthenaESIV

Just a more subtle sound replacement set for anyone interested... I made it to match my 2B soundset I use for PC Headtracking.


I will release the PC HT soundset sometime soon, I am working on a new one using Widowmaker sound files that is turning out really good. Blizzard put some downright porno sounding shit into her sounds imo, lol... (Im not big on conspiracies, but one I do buy into is Blizzard and other game devs / media studios covertly fund artists to produce art for r/rule34 as a marketing gimmick... I also believe some of the artists for those properties make things on their spare time that are porn because they horny dogs like the rest of us)

Spank That Ass Sound Repplacement.7z

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12 minutes ago, Astral Wanker said:

would this mod work if you have ECE instead of Racemenu?

Don't know ECE at all. 

Generally the mod might work but

1. Sore ass/tits, drool & tears overlays definitely wouldn't work and

2. the mod expects NiOverride.

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A little problem...


While having spanky sex, PC was fed milk. Milk addict?

Pop up box appeared from MME.

Sex ends and message about breast induced orgasm goes past.

PC and NPC continue to spam dialog, as if they are still having sex.

I thought it might clear after a few seconds.


It kept on and on.

So I solicited another customer. CTD on ending sex scene.


I also have Skysouls, but it was set to pause on pop-ups.



I had a similar situation after reloading, but it didn't glitch. Conditions must be difficult to produce. Log contained little surprising or indicative of much. STA doesn't log a log, it just kept logging "STA_: Enjoyment: Player: 0. Parnter: 0" the whole time, around once a minute.


Perhaps it will never happen again.

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A less nebulous thing...


After every sex scene, the NPC invariably performs a bump spank because sexlab puts the player and NPC in the same place.

This is ... perfectly fine ... makes sense in a way.


What seems a bit odd is the NPC's dialog following he spank, often something like "Mind where you're going you clumsy bitch." And that sort of thing.


It seems out of place in context.

At the same time the NPC is saying, "I was pleased with your services" they are also complaining you bumped them. They didn't mind doing a whole lot of bumping a few seconds ago!


It would feel more polished if the dialog line were suppressed for a bump spank that follows a sex scene end - within some time window - 10 secs for example.

It would be even better if they said something appropriate and demeaning, but there are limits right?



I often see flickery dialog where both the NPC and the player seem to be trying to say something at once and it shimmers between them unreadably.

Is this just me? Is it related to my Fuzz speed?

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35 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:


What seems a bit odd is the NPC's dialog following he spank, often something like "Mind where you're going you clumsy bitch." And that sort of thing.


Are you using Sexist guards? You can disable the bump messages in it's MCM. But you still may get the stock game messages. I get the flickering too, but I have a lot of mods competing for screen messages and bump events so I expect weirdness.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I also have Skysouls, but it was set to pause on pop-ups.

I'll keep an eye out for it. But that animation that MME plays can cause major issues sometimes. But since it's a once off thing I've never really paid it much attention. 

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

It seems out of place in context.

At the same time the NPC is saying, "I was pleased with your services" they are also complaining you bumped them. They didn't mind doing a whole lot of bumping a few seconds ago!

Mmm, yea. I'd have to add a spell with a timer to the player after sex and change the comments to be more like "thanks for that sweet cheeks" until the spell expires. 

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I often see flickery dialog where both the NPC and the player seem to be trying to say something at once and it shimmers between them unreadably.

Yea this can be a problem when the subtitles are competing for time. Try running the mod with 'Always Use Dummy' off if you can. It's better this way but Say() can cause CTDs for people with tons of dialogue mods installed. 

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15 hours ago, polonius said:

Are you using Sexist guards? You can disable the bump messages in it's MCM.

I am, but I thought the messages were from STA, not SG, as they are always accompanied by a spank.

Could be coincidence.


Another issue, I forgot to mention before...


With no SkyUI favorites, middle button works perfectly to speak. Speaking is extremely reliable.

With any SkyUI favorites selected, middle button opens the favorites menu, and speaking is blocked.


Remap speaking to a regular key, such as Z or Y. Speaking doesn't appear to happen.

Speaking key remaps seem unreliable somehow. Sometimes work OK, sometimes fail and never speak.

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I noticed that the default setting for Milk Addict spanks was set to Whorish.

I decreased it.

The clothing I was wearing was already Whorish, so it should have made no difference.


However, what happened was that bump spanks suddenly triggered at a large radius. They would occur for NPCs that I hadn't bumped at all, as far as I could see.

An NPC would run across the room and spank me, and complain I'd bumped them.


Turning off "Use Dummy" has stopped the flickering, but also not seeing any mid-sex comments at all now. I do hear them however.


Tried changing speak button to other things. None seem to work. The button produces neither audible speech, nor subtitles.


I've seen this problem before, in several different games and LOs now.

Some mods will be common to all those game though, but I can't think of one that wouldn't be commonplace.

If one of them is causing the problem, I'm not sure which.

I have Sexist Guards now, but I didn't have before, so it's not that. Same with Sexual Fame.

I've removed Apropos2, so it's not that. I've removed DCL, it's not that.

SD+, Hormones, Parasites, all removed.

SL Adventures, removed. BWitch removed.

SLSO present in all. SLAX present in all.

SL Approach, present in all. HH present in all.

Milk Addict and MME recently added, can rule them out.


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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I noticed that the default setting for Milk Addict spanks was set to Whorish.

I decreased it.

The clothing I was wearing was already Whorish, so it should have made no difference.


However, what happened was that bump spanks suddenly triggered at a large radius. They would occur for NPCs that I hadn't bumped at all, as far as I could see.

An NPC would run across the room and spank me, and complain I'd bumped them.

Hunh. Bump spanks are triggered off of ActorCollide events. So surely they can't be firing if you're nowhere near them. It sound more like SLS proximity spanks, which are triggered off of Hello events. But if it's SLS prox spanks then:

By default, they shouldn't make any comment, unless 'do comments' is enabled in SLS (which I don't recommend) and

I can't think of any reason changing the setting in STA would change anything in SLS. 

3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Turning off "Use Dummy" has stopped the flickering, but also not seeing any mid-sex comments at all now. I do hear them however.

What's really needed is some voiced lines. Could be something simple like "Get to work". Subtitles/notifications just aren't suitable at all really. But

1. So many voice types! :S

2. Because there are so many voice types I'm fearful of vomit-inducing levels of repetition. 


Maybe just fuck all the voice types and pick one that's the same for every Npc and see how it feels. This would at least reduce it down to 2 voice types (Male/female). I've spent a ton of time creating comments for SLS. Coming up with anything half decent really does take a lot of time and fiddling. 

3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Tried changing speak button to other things. None seem to work. The button produces neither audible speech, nor subtitles.

Looking at the code I think there's a small hole in the logic when the key is assigned under a certain condition. Namely 'IsMasturbation' and 'IsCreature' should be separated from IsSlsoInstalled. But if the key is assigned outside of sex then I don't see how there's any problem.

Function ChangeSpeakKey(Int KeyCode)
	If PlayerRef.IsInFaction(SexLabAnimatingFaction)
		If IsSlsoInstalled && !IsMasturbation && !IsCreature
			SpeakKey = KeyCode
		SpeakKey = KeyCode

RegForKeys() is then called on AnimationStart

Function RegForKeys()
	If IsSlsoInstalled && !IsMasturbation && !IsCreature
		BonusEnjoymentKey = JsonUtil.GetIntValue("/SLSO/Config.json", "hotkey_bonusenjoyment")


I could add a trace to RegForKeys to print SpeakKey if you'd like to test it out?

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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I could add a trace to RegForKeys to print SpeakKey if you'd like to test it out?

Well, sure. I'll do what I can.


I suspect this could be related to a generic Skyrim issue, maybe it's related to multiple mods bindings on the same key? Maybe it depends on how or when you register for key?


I have found that my SkyUI hot keys (F1, F2, etc) will go dead though other SkyUI keys like F, T, etc always work.


I don't think this "not working" is quite universal either.

For example, I find that face light works very reliably, as do thinks like SLAX, MME, etc where you have a key that gives immediate feedback and might be shared.


The behaviour of my STA definitely changed when I first put something favorites. Before that it was working very reliably on the middle mouse button.

After SkyUI started opening the favorites menu on middle-mouse, STA wasn't working.

After redefining the key (and yes, outside of sex) the new key never gave the impression of working.


I have rebound to different keys, and it doesn't seem to help.


From the way you use RegisterForKey, it seems like the registration itself is probably always happening, and is still happening for me.

Maybe what happens is that despite registration, you never get the key event.

Or maybe you get it, and then handle it strangely? Or get it, and handle it correctly, and something else makes me think it's not working?


So putting a trace there would quickly confirm whether the key event fires.

Maybe it does, and it stopped doing what I expect for totally unrelated reasons to the key binding process?

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I have found that my SkyUI hot keys (F1, F2, etc) will go dead though other SkyUI keys like F, T, etc always work.

Hmm. I can't remember ever having a problem like that. 


Anyways. Here's the script. Added 4 new traces for button registration

Animation begins

Animation has player

RegForKeys() called

And one last trace just before the key is registered 'Registering Speak Key. KeyCode:'+ the keycode int.


Also added some traces to OnKeyDown()



So get yourself into a spanky scene. Hit the key a couple of times and post the log. Eh you probably know yourself but don't spam the key or I won't have a clue what's going on ;)

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I'm a bit confused on the Masochism Status. The notes show the range as being 0 to 4, but I was at something like 1.9 and it was marked as "Loves"? (And the remarks my character was making certainly sounded like she was enjoying it.)


Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to set it up for a decent rate for my game. I was using Time Flies and I think that might have been causing my girl to get spanked a zillion times while using the alchemy table. Between that and a couple of rounds in DiD, she went from hating to loving it in a couple of days. Bit too fast for my taste.


I'm also curious about the SLSO integration. I love that Ed added the progressive enjoyment voice packs I suggested way, way back, but I never seem to hear them during the "aggressive" animations, even if my character seems to be getting enjoyment. Does STA affect that at all? As the character starts to become more of a masochist, it'd be nice to hear more of the enjoyment sounds rather than the pain/abuse ones.

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