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9 hours ago, izzyknows said:

I spent a couple hours in there.. was tweaking the dialogue, with no problem.
I did have a misfire in the Museum of Freedom about 2 minutes after making a raider smile. Think she sat on the remote. LOL


IF you have adjusted the game time to a higher rate, it can start effecting the real time timers.

I don't have any game time mods, but I'm also like 90% sure Red Tourette slammed that boom button after she got jealous of me "taking her man" while beating me with her fists.

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9 hours ago, izzyknows said:

I spent a couple hours in there.. was tweaking the dialogue, with no problem.
I did have a misfire in the Museum of Freedom about 2 minutes after making a raider smile. Think she sat on the remote. LOL


IF you have adjusted the game time to a higher rate, it can start effecting the real time timers.

I don't have any game time mods, but I'm also like 90% sure Red Tourette slammed that boom button after she got jealous of me "taking her man" while beating me with her fists.

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14 hours ago, stobor said:

That's possible.  I've excluded the boss and Lucky from JealousRival for the next version.

That'll be good. It is kinda funny though.. I have a present for you... right after I fuck you with a rusty knife. hehehehe


I did have things go south yesterday.
New game, went to Camp Kendal first to see where truce offering would send me to.
Meat Lucky, quest started, rival boss at Shamrock Tap house was just a floating marker. (in the same room as the boss, but not attached to the boss).

The boss wasn't tagged so he had no Boss dialogue.
Manually advanced the quest, went back to Camp Kendal and it completed with the XP reward.
But, Lucky became a permanent companion with no cool down timer, :) and the boss at Camp Kendal lost all dialogue/interaction.
Oh, and Lucky was a raider from across the bridge. Rooftop of left hand building. (makes sense, no boss there)


Also, last run I was only able to get Cait's Blood Lust dialogue to trigger once.. I'd hear the moan after clearing different locations, but no sex. :(

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5 hours ago, izzyknows said:

rival boss at Shamrock Tap house was just a floating marker. (in the same room as the boss, but not attached to the boss


Ah.  For rival boss I allowed 'disabled' actors (since the location isn't likely to be already loaded & populated).  So the alias-fill had two disabled bosses to choose from, but it got unlucky.  I may have to exclude locations like Shamrock from this side quest, unless I can find a way to make the alias fill reliably.  Or perhaps I can force the alias to re-evaluate once we reach the location... that's worth a try.


I'm not sure how the system managed to pick a 'Lucky' from clear across the river, but as I've remarked before - the alias system's notion of 'closest' is often different from mine. ? 


5 hours ago, izzyknows said:

Also, last run I was only able to get Cait's Blood Lust dialogue to trigger once.. I'd hear the moan after clearing different locations, but no sex. :(

There are often problems getting Companion greetings to occur (their dialogue is much more tightly controlled than ordinary NPCs), but in my experience they usually do come back with their Blood Lust topics if you explicitly talk to them rather than waiting for the greeting.  The main exception would be if they also have a Companion Affinity topic ready to go.


There's a time limit though.  Wait too long, and they revert to normal dialogue.

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3 hours ago, stobor said:

Ah.  For rival boss I allowed 'disabled' actors (since the location isn't likely to be already loaded & populated).  So the alias-fill had two disabled bosses to choose from, but it got unlucky.  I may have to exclude locations like Shamrock from this side quest, unless I can find a way to make the alias fill reliably.  Or perhaps I can force the alias to re-evaluate once we reach the location... that's worth a try.


Looks like I can get away with insisting on Enabled bosses, without much risk of aliases failing to fill.  So that should prevent the sort of bug @izzyknows ran into.

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16 hours ago, stobor said:

Or perhaps I can force the alias to re-evaluate once we reach the location... that's worth a try.


I'm not sure how the system managed to pick a 'Lucky' from clear across the river, but as I've remarked before - the alias system's notion of 'closest' is often different from mine. ? 

There needs to be something that will "force" trigger the boss's next dialogue at the end of your dance. Sometimes having sex with another raider or 2 will end the clapping. Other times I've had to manually advance to the next stage, and sometimes that doesn't even end the applause animation.

If I'm not mistaken, you should Greet the Boss, dance, please the Boss, share your gifts with 2 or 3 which should then trigger Find Lucky, return to camp, Lucky tells you to pay your respects to the Boss.. quest complete.
If that's correct, then it never works out that way. LOL The Boss always gets stuck in the applause animation, which seems to be the monkey wrench.


As for Lucky being across the river, I wonder if elevation plays a factor... naaah... prolly not. Just Bugthesda's crappy math. LOL

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10 hours ago, Garbanzius said:

I started the quest to go and speak with Lucky,I talked to him but after a scene nothing else activates.It seems that the quest stops there for me


Sometimes you have to manually talk to him/her the sex scene. Waiting a few seconds helps too.

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6 hours ago, izzyknows said:

There needs to be something that will "force" trigger the boss's next dialogue at the end of your dance. Sometimes having sex with another raider or 2 will end the clapping. Other times I've had to manually advance to the next stage, and sometimes that doesn't even end the applause animation.

It's actually simpler than that: that scene stage was set to 'end when all actions are complete'... and the applause idle will never 'complete'.  I've changed it to end when the 'timer' action is complete, so now the scene ends cleanly.  Problem solved.


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6 hours ago, izzyknows said:

Sometimes you have to manually talk to him/her the sex scene. Waiting a few seconds helps too. 

In my tests, Lucky's greetings are pretty reliable.  But in general, greeting behavior can be a bit hit-or-miss; initiating dialogue manually should push past any such problems, as long as the dialogue conditions are met. 

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13 hours ago, izzyknows said:

As for Lucky being across the river, I wonder if elevation plays a factor... naaah... prolly not. Just Bugthesda's crappy math. LOL

Maybe partly.  I've seen 'closest' apparently ignore an actor standing 10 ft. away, and pick someone down 3 flights of stairs in Corvega.  So I'm guessing that the calculation is using just the (x,y) coordinates.  But even with that assumption, the results are often... weird.

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13 hours ago, Barry W. said:

Thanks for the mod! Could you also add a script of a drug injection? I found only alcohol enforcement.

If you're gagged and choose the left response, you'll get "Stop Whining" and a dose of Psychobuff

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I received the note from Jun and is now the pet of the raiders in Corvega. Other than getting a quest marker to find the leader, I've not had any other quest advancement. I've been running around the place and getting used by the raiders. But that seems to be all that's happening. Is there a quest line to advance through?

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38 minutes ago, Tanglin said:

I received the note from Jun and is now the pet of the raiders in Corvega. Other than getting a quest marker to find the leader, I've not had any other quest advancement. I've been running around the place and getting used by the raiders. But that seems to be all that's happening. Is there a quest line to advance through?

The Boss should tell you to..
A: Find some duck tape... 
B: Give you a present...
C; Tell you to give Lucky a taste.. (leads to Truce Offering)

IF none of the dialogue has triggered then open the console, click on the Boss and run,
addkeyword RaiderPetSkipGenericLinesKW
That will make him advance.

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I still can't get them to not shoot me.  

Having the same issue as Agnot2014 where I couldn't get IsUnarmed to = True.  Deleted the mod.  Started over with clean install.  Now Jun has the dialogue, but wont give me the note and they still attack me. 


Tried using the command given on the mod's main page, but doesn't seem to do anything.


This is the only mod I have, besides the dependent mods of AAF.  


Any thoughts?



Thanks in advance



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New update posted, with significant expansion of Lucky's quest, a new mini-quest, and a bunch of bug fixes and minor enhancements.  See the version history for the full details.


This should not require a clean save; it is safe to upgrade as long as you're not actually in the middle of a captivity scenario.

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14 minutes ago, stobor said:

@daeguy: You very likely have something catastrophically wrong with your install.  Missing scripts, or an obsolete version of AAF would be the main guess, since it sounds as if nothing that relies on scripting is working at all.

Okay, I'll try reinstalling AAF.  Currently using Beta 66.  Going to try an earlier version.

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No, don't go backwards on AAF versions.  DO make sure it's installed correctly and working (i.e. you can run an animation w/ the builtin wizard).


Another thing to check would be to turn on Papyrus logging, and search the log for errors relating to RaiderPet.

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