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15 hours ago, Ed86 said:

but it doesnt really matter because rimworld stores data in plain text and people can edit age restriction with notepad


According the ModSettings.cs file people can have sex up to the age of 9999 years old, which is funny because I just watched "The Green Mile" again last week.



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5 hours ago, Froggy said:


According the ModSettings.cs file people can have sex up to the age of 9999 years old, which is funny because I just watched "The Green Mile" again last week.

Keep in mind that the settings include 5000-year old elves, immortal aliens, etc. I'd raise it higher if that didn't break the slider.

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Don't know if it's reported already, but i have noticed that on 1.9.7c i'm getting no raids and similar events. Calling one from dev menu throwing this:


Error while generating pawn. Rethrowing. Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Psychology.CompPsychology' from assembly 'Psychology, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at rjw.CompRJW.Sexualize (Verse.Pawn,bool) <0x0035d>
at rjw.PawnGenerator_GenitaliaPatch.AddGenitalia (Verse.Pawn&,Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00085>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits_Patch4 (Verse.Pawn,Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x00c16>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool,bool) <0x0066d>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewPawnInternal_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x003c8>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateOrRedressPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x007bb>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0009b>

Tried to test this on minimal modlist (Core, HugsLib, Psychology, rjw), but getting this error on world generation, can't advance past world-gen menu.


Fixed it by myself by placing this in CompRJW.Sexualize in place of "CopyPsychologySexuality(pawn);" (implemented via Harmony patch)

CompPsychology CP = pawn.TryGetComp<CompPsychology>();
if (CP != null)
  int kinsey = CP.Sexuality.kinseyRating;
  __instance.SetCompForKinsey(pawn, kinsey);

Tried similar patching CopyPsychologySexuality method, but game crashes at startup.

Not like i know what i'm doing though, but it works, else-statement from patch never fired up.

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lol hopefully we will have pawns that likes to put mud all over themselves or take mud baths (Salirophilia) (just mud) with a side effect of slowness of speed after mud is applied. 


or Katoptronophilia — Intense sexual satisfaction derived from mirrors, often satisfied by having sex, stripping, or masturbating in front mirrors.


also nudist feature where they like to go to the river and swim around without drowning. 

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3 hours ago, ekl_l said:

Don't know if it's reported already, but i have noticed that on 1.9.7c i'm getting no raids and similar events. Calling one from dev menu throwing this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Tried to test this on minimal modlist (Core, HugsLib, Psychology, rjw), but getting this error on world generation, can't advance past world-gen menu.


Fixed it by myself by placing this in CompRJW.Sexualize in place of "CopyPsychologySexuality(pawn);" (implemented via Harmony patch)

CompPsychology CP = pawn.TryGetComp<CompPsychology>();
if (CP != null)
  int kinsey = CP.Sexuality.kinseyRating;
  __instance.SetCompForKinsey(pawn, kinsey);

Tried similar patching CopyPsychologySexuality method, but game crashes at startup.

Not like i know what i'm doing though, but it works, else-statement from patch never fired up.

mine starts ok with those min mod



try, this should  dump warning in log when trying to sexualize broken? race, and hopefully not break pawn creation

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Hello. Did not come from long and 40 more pages to read :)


Just a question concerning the gamepley, can player now decide which pawn will be allowed to rape CP (I don't speak of rapist trait) like in the first versions (wardener only) or is it always the mod which decide in place of the player?


For example is this bug corrected? https://www.loverslab.com/topic/110270-rimjobworld-10-v197c/page/33/?tab=comments#comment-2490980


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On 3/12/2019 at 7:11 PM, Shekotun said:

Well, I read off this thread.


Found all old versions and test them.


Prostitution and rape are broken in..:







In version 1.9.6b it works fine.


If you're talking about the designation thing they took it out for some reason. I wish they could add it in the options if they wanted it so badly but alas.

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The "lost virginity" thought doesn't seem to work on alien races from what I've tested so far.


[EDIT] Actually even the human pawns I've spawned didn't get the "lost virginity" thought. Maybe my method of testing was the issue? I had a colonist arrest and then rape other colonists using the "remove consent" button.

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3 hours ago, qwertyqwertyqwertyqwerty said:

If you're talking about the designation thing they took it out for some reason. I wish they could add it in the options if they wanted it so badly but alas.


What is the reason for turn off prostitution and forcibly rape?

If someone is annoyed that with the arrival of the caravan or guests the members of the colony give up all the work and run to catch the guests, then they simply do not know about the function of "managing areas". I think, the best decision is - add new type of work into designation work-menu (or attach function of prostitution to old designation like "diplomatic",  "communication" or "supervision" with an "extra permissive prostitution button").


About forcibly rape... Still, it was a mistake to disable the forced action. If your focus on the long-term game (15-20 game years minimum), you can meet your childrens in foreign factions. Its very funny and make gameplay more interesting! Unfortunately, most players live only 5 years maximum.




This is difference of ideas about the fate of RJW mod...))


I returned to the version 1.9.4b.



UPD. About caravans... The mod "must have" is - Trading Spot. Ideal with prostitution work.




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5 hours ago, Ed86 said:

mine starts ok with those min mod ...

Turns out I've mixed up backup folders when was managing my installs last time =_=

Psychology version was instead of, sorry for false alarm.

Yet i wonder how my "fix" did the job.

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Not sure if this has been pointed out yet, but "Mostly gay" and "Mostly hetero" have been switched around. Colonists with a kinsey scale rating of 1 should be "Mostly hetero" but are instead "Mostly gay", and vice versa for colonists with a rating of 5. Not sure if it's a mistake with just the text or the actual sexuality itself, but it should be a quick and easy fix either way. 

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In the PregnancyHelper class where insect impregnations are handled the insects are only allowed to implant eggs into the vagina of their victim:

PlantSomething(egg, partner, false, count);

Is there any reason behind this or was it just an oversight? I added the check that is also used by mechanoids and it works just fine (I also moved the sextype check accordingly):

PlantSomething(egg, partner, (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Anal ? true : false), count);


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5 hours ago, g0ring said:

In the PregnancyHelper class where insect impregnations are handled the insects are only allowed to implant eggs into the vagina of their victim:

PlantSomething(egg, partner, false, count);

Is there any reason behind this or was it just an oversight? I added the check that is also used by mechanoids and it works just fine (I also moved the sextype check accordingly):

PlantSomething(egg, partner, (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Anal ? true : false), count);


I think it makes sense for insect impregnations to only be possible through the vagina, since the eggs are being incubated within the victim's womb. Also, does the mechanoid impregnation even work? I thought it was disabled since mechanoids don't have genitalia. 

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15 hours ago, Shekotun said:


What is the reason for turn off prostitution and forcibly rape?

If someone is annoyed that with the arrival of the caravan or guests the members of the colony give up all the work and run to catch the guests, then they simply do not know about the function of "managing areas". I think, the best decision is - add new type of work into designation work-menu (or attach function of prostitution to old designation like "diplomatic",  "communication" or "supervision" with an "extra permissive prostitution button").


About forcibly rape... Still, it was a mistake to disable the forced action. If your focus on the long-term game (15-20 game years minimum), you can meet your childrens in foreign factions. Its very funny and make gameplay more interesting! Unfortunately, most players live only 5 years maximum.



  Reveal hidden contents


This is difference of ideas about the fate of RJW mod...))


I returned to the version 1.9.4b.



UPD. About caravans... The mod "must have" is - Trading Spot. Ideal with prostitution work.




It's very easy to reallow for colonist comfort prisoners and whatnot in the code. But I think controlling the fate of disignation on caravan would make sense in the context of the game, you can never control anyone but you colonists but you have full control of you colonists except when they have a mental break. This is why I believe colonists shouldn't cancel a job/work just to rape as when sex need is low as this never happens for any other need. I agree that adding a whoring work type would be a good idea, but you have to keep in mind that nympho whoring and masturbation seems to be the only way to reduce sex need, so maybe it would be better to wait until casual sex mechanics are added.

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9 hours ago, qwertyqwertyqwertyqwerty said:

It's very easy to reallow for colonist comfort prisoners and whatnot in the code. But I think controlling the fate of disignation on caravan would make sense in the context of the game, you can never control anyone but you colonists but you have full control of you colonists except when they have a mental break. This is why I believe colonists shouldn't cancel a job/work just to rape as when sex need is low as this never happens for any other need. I agree that adding a whoring work type would be a good idea, but you have to keep in mind that nympho whoring and masturbation seems to be the only way to reduce sex need, so maybe it would be better to wait until casual sex mechanics are added.

If you create the Brothel, they MUST drop all types of work and MUST run to make ONE great job. If you do not agree with this, then just do not press the button.)))))))))))


Women sit in a tavern at the Crossroads. They wash clothes, darn socks, plant a carrot... Suddenly a Caravan appeared on the horizon. What are the logical action of these prostitutes should be?

Grand Maman: "Are you mad, bitches! Quiсk, quick, fast!!!! Everyone put on the best clothes and use perfume! Clients into Town! Seize the moment! Award to the best workers! And Sully... please, don't cry about anal pain again... just not today! Just go to the Storage and take a double dose of cocaine. I signed the permission. And don't forget about contraceptive pills, girls! I do not intend to feed your bastards..."



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so after a few hours of playing rim world I notice one of my pawns got pregnant (technically two but forget about the other one) her name is BB... sometime later I remembered one of her quirks were infertile.


See? that's her. she's pregnant 



(infertile see?) She also has an impregnation fetish probably because she's full of lies!


Edit: the baby is dead now after getting attacked by a megasloth. RNG is why we can't have nice things.

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1 hour ago, mcnv said:

so after a few hours of playing rim world I notice one of my pawns got pregnant (technically two but forget about the other one) her name is BB... sometime later I remembered one of her quirks were infertile.


infertile quirk doesnt make pawn completely infertile, it reduces pawn fertility

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23 hours ago, g0ring said:

In the PregnancyHelper class where insect impregnations are handled the insects are only allowed to implant eggs into the vagina of their victim:

PlantSomething(egg, partner, false, count);

Is there any reason behind this or was it just an oversight? I added the check that is also used by mechanoids and it works just fine (I also moved the sextype check accordingly):

PlantSomething(egg, partner, (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Anal ? true : false), count);


i hardly see point in anal pregnancy or that its even could be possible

so even if its added there would 0 perks to it only disadvantages

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Loaded up Psychology mod and the game wont generate worlds anymore.

RJW at the bottom of the load tree. Psychology loaded after Hugslib. If i disable psychology the game runs fine. If i disable RJW the game runs fine. They cant be run together.

Is there a new incompatibility. 

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10 hours ago, Ed86 said:

i hardly see point in anal pregnancy or that its even could be possible

so even if its added there would 0 perks to it only disadvantages

In my opinion we are at a point where we shouldn't argue with logic anymore =D

I'm just gonna keep it to myself I won't make a merge request.

In my degenerated mind the insect eggs only need warmth to survive and not a womb, hence the possibility of anal pregnancies. Now I just need to figure out why male anal pregnancies don't seem to work.

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Drafted Nymphs move on their own when drafted if they are joining a random bed.


Sometimes i want a pawn out of its bed when a Nymph stays too long joining it. To interrupt the Nymph i tried to draft it and move it somewhere else. Once the Nymph reached the location i order it, it went to join the same bed immediately, while still being drafted o.O


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7 hours ago, parasite said:

Loaded up Psychology mod and the game wont generate worlds anymore.

RJW at the bottom of the load tree. Psychology loaded after Hugslib. If i disable psychology the game runs fine. If i disable RJW the game runs fine. They cant be run together. 

Is there a new incompatibility.  

Check if your Psychology is the most recent version, I had such issue because of wrong version.

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On 3/13/2019 at 2:49 AM, Janik said:

This can be remediated by changing line 327 of Hediff_BasePregnancy.cs from:

if (Rand.Chance(RJWPregnancySettings.bestial_DNA_from_mother))


if (Rand.Range(0.05f, 1f) > RJWPregnancySettings.bestial_DNA_from_mother)

Cool, will try it.

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