About This File
A Word:
As always: my englsh knowlge is limited, so this description and also the mod could contain some language mistakes, I'll make some fixes in the next few days, let me know if something is unclear etc.
Due my particular inattitude to the English I'll make a lot of Examples to better explain what I mean, for this examples I could use other mods names, this doesn't mean that there's an actual Plugin/Relation from the SLSF and those Mods and neither is a masked request for that, it's only an example.
Also: this mod is in pre-Final, but tecnically is ok, I just want to wait for some other feedbacks, basic calibrations etc.
Note 25/03/2016:
- The mod is actually in Pre-Final state, it means that the betatest is almost over and the framework is ready to be used.
- The Pre Final version REQUIRES A CLEAN SAVE or A NEW GAME, use a Save Tool or it won't work well.
- The 0.99 is tecnically a Rollback, due the fact that I've abandoned the planned updated (interaction systems, etc.) for various reasons (time and better systems already created from other modders).
- The documentation about the mod is on the script SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc.
- Note for Modders: This Framework will grant access to a good number of new data such Fame Levels for the Pc, Fame level of Npc, Equip Status (with auto-access without dependancies to datas from SlaveTats & Devious Devices), feel free to ask if you're searching for something in specific that could be done or not with this mod.
- Description
- Features List
- Possible Uses
- Requiments
- Mods using This
- How it Works
- Reference Charts
- >>>How to Do (API, Tutorials)<<<
- Next Version
- Permission
- About Donations
1.Mod Description:
This Mod is essentially a 'Framework' used to provide a Sexual Fame management to Skyrim for the Player Character (PC from now on), by itself it's a passive system, It doesn't have effect on game, NOT provide comment line about fame, it doesn't trigger any scene / ineraction / etc.
It's purpose is only to collect and manage data about fame for OTHER MOD to use (With or Without Hard Dependancies).
So it could be used for various things, like a base system for other mods or to support Comment Plugins, Extensions, etc. See the section "Possible Uses" if interested.
2.Features list:
Fame System:
- Fame System Management: Basic function of this mod, it's purpose is to collect data about the sexual activity of the PC and of the Npcs. Datas that could be accessed/used by every mods to semplify / increase / add some of their features. The Mod provides all the commands to trigger the fame Changes with simple functions with both Hard and Soft dependancy.
- Fame Types: There's 2 group of fame Type, those about the PC fame (more specific) and those for the Npcs (about the general attitude of the Npcs in that area).
- Fame Locations: The fame is managed and stored by Locations, there's 2 type of locations, the Standards (Town, Villages, Orc Fort, Dlc Locations, for a total of 24) and the Temporary (that could be added by user/mod request directly in game via MCM, to track specific location like dungeon etc.).
- Fame Contage: Possibility of fame contage between different locations when the configurable condition are met. Also configurable level of Morbosity of the single locations and the Minimum morbosity required to contage.
- Black widow Check: Possibility for the PC to clean his/her fame by slaying the Boss of the Location where the fame is gained, for obvious reason this could be done only for the Temporary locations, eventual previous contages already happend will be not affected from this.
- Slave Tats Compatibility: The system could be configurated to gain cartain Fame Type from certain type of Slavetats Categories, all configurable.
- Limits: Now the SLSF is configured for Individual Limit Min and Limit Max for Each Location and Each Fame Type. Allowing more customization and variety for future features (like Permanent fame to be obvious).
- Skooma Whore Compatibility: Having stages of physical Decay over the level 3 in SLSW will now trigger the increase of fame 'Skooma User' with max level depending on the Stage of Physical Decadence. If SLSW isn't install you gain that type of fame by drinking Skooma in public.
- Estrus Chaurus Compatibility: Using Estrus Chaurus+ could cause the increase of fame "Pregnant" and, at the Oviposition, the gain of fame 'Nasty' and 'Bestiality'.
- SoulGem Oven III Compatibility: A pregnant status in the SGO will trigger the Gain of Pregnant Fame and at 'Birth' the gain of Nasty Fame.
Equip System:
- Equip System Management: Basic function that keep track of the item weared from the PC (only) to define the equipment status, for example if an equipped Devices is visible under the Clothes, if a Clothes is to considered "Slutty", if a Slave Tats is visible, etc.
- Body Locations: The system will track separately 4 different Body location, The Head, The Body, the Hands and the Foots.
- Excluded List: Easy in-Game configuration for clothing that should be considered "Slutty/Skimpy/Revealing" from the Equip Status.
- Slave Tats Compatibility: The equip status will also track the Slave Tats on the PC, with also the possibility of exclusion like the clothing by SlaveTats category.
- Shame Effect: Possibility to activate the Zaz Animations about self-cover when the Equip Status detect the PC as Naked, except if the PC is considered Exhibitionist by SL Aroused or incapable to cover self (es. Hands bound). [Note: little bug about Footstep sound when playing the anim].
- Devious Devices Compatibility: The system will recognize the presence of the Devious Devices in the equipment, like the Zaz devices, without need of dependancy.
NPC Extras:
- Npc RoleTypes: They're general attitude assigned to every Npc based on Overrides (es. Mod destination to a Role), Status of the Npc (es. Npc equipped with a Devious/Zaz Device), configurable probabilities. Used to specific the Role of a certain Npc in the world, For example if is Dominant or Submissive, Kind or a Bastard, etc. Used to avoid strange behavior from different mod.
- Npc Reactions: Shortcut to define the actual predisposition of an Npc to the Player depending on his/her RoleType and the Relationship Rank with the PC.
- Auto Equip Npc: A simple system that assign a really basic equipment to the Npc (for now only to Slaves) if they're Naked, depending on their roletype, with configurable probability.
- Child Remover: Configurable option for removing the Child Npc from the cell where the PC is, could be disabled if need to interact with them (For example: Dark Brotherood Quest)
- Slave Girls by hydragorgon Compatibility: The Npc provided from Hydragogon are correctly processed and selected to their RoleTypes.
- Easy to create Comment Plugin: Just needed a really basic knowlege of the Creation Kit, look at the Tutorial section in the second replay of the Support Topic.
- Highly Configurable: Almost every aspect of this mod are configurable from the users directly In-game via Mcm.
- Easy Dependancy: All the Data collected with this System could be shared even without an Hard dependancy and also, various command, with examples, are provided to interact with the SLSF without an hard dependancy, so every mod could use that datas for thier purpose.
- Auto Pause: This mod will also auto pause self during combat and in other condition, to avoid resource wasting and problems.
- Configurable Resources Impact: The mod could be configured to act slowly of faster depending on the 'Update Interval' (MCM) to allow a minor / major resource impact, useful on the Old machines, but also for the general reactivity of the Mod.
- Debug Spell: Easy access (and remove) of the Debug Spell provided in the mod with a Config Menu that could be called with a configurable Key and provides other function of this mod (for example the access to the Excluded List, etc.).
- Compatibility Script: There's now TWO script that provides the Interaction with the SLSF, The first is the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc that will provide all the commands needed to interact in SOFT dependancy with the SLSF, AND the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc that does the same things but with the HARD Dependancy. Both script will work good, but I suggest the Soft Compatibility for many reasons. DO NOT ACCESS DIRECTLY OTHER SCRIPTS, they're suitable of changes and modification, so you could have serious problem in future versions. USE THE TWO SCRIPT PROVIDED.
3.Possible Uses:
The possible uses of this mod is various and variable, it's nature is about Collecting Datas to share between mods to better/easily achieve what those mods want to do.
Some Example:
- Comment Plugin: Based on the RoleType / the Reaction / the Fame / the Equip Status an Npc could have something to say to the PC, in a general context or in a specific mod Context (For example: Comment about the Nakedness of the PC or the Tats; Or Specific comment about the Sisterhood of Dibella etc.)
- Equip Status: Instead to do a series of check about the Equipment status you could directly use those from the SLSF, for example to identify the 'Vulnerability' of the PC.
- Interactions: Based on the datas an Npc could approch to the PC for various purposes (For example: the PC in that location is known as whore, an Npc could approach him/her and ask for the services; Or the Npc in that Location are famous about a large diffusion of the Slavery and they could try to Enslave the PC; Or a Slave Npc could approach the PC to ask for freedom/help; A Kind Npc could help the PC Deviced; Or any other Positive/negative/neutral action you may think).
- Expansion Patch: Extend the mod functionality with the datas provided from the SLSF with a specific patch, to a more easily access to the Data.
- Triggers for specific Event / Quest: Use the Data provided to trigger specific event / quest / Sub-function of the Mod (For example: a Location with an High level of Fame "Slavery" could trigger the start of a quest / scene, like Simple Slavery, Deviously Cursed Loot, etc.)
Note: All the datas collected have names, but those names aren't meant to be Descriptive or a Limitation. For Example the "Slut" fame could be seen as 'Negative Fame' but it simply the name of the data that Tracks the Public Sex Act, So for example could be used to trigger Better prices from the vendor.
SkyUi, (Really, there's someone that doesn't use it?) For the MCM Configurations
UiExtensions, for the In-Game menu
Fuz Ro D-oh, for read the comment provided from other Plugins
SexLab, ...Ok that was easy... 1.61+
ZazAnimationPack, Various Resources, 6.1
SexLab Aroused (I suggest the Redux Version, because is Updated)
5.Mods Using This:
Note: Those aren't required, install which you want
-Slaverun Reloaded by Kenjoka (Comment Plugin, 0.95b+)
First of all, If you're interested to use this LET ME KNOW. Obviously I have a better knowlege of the SLSF and I could suggest the best way to do things with it. Use the support topic or the PM.
Fame System:
The Fame system is a passive system, as said, does nothing by itself, except for his Maintenence functions (Decrease, contage, etc.)
It recieve request of increment/decrement from various basic action (For example: The Equip Status could request an Increment of the Exhibition Fame, or the Sex Lab act could request an increase at the end of an Animation, or variation by an external request send via ModEvent)
The amount of the increase triggered Via SLSF depends about How many Npc are near to the PC and (only for the PC fame) their Relationship Rank with the PC, there's different probability of increase for various Level.
The storage of the fame is managed via Papyrus Util Int Lists so All the Data are at disposal from all mod that uses SexLab or PapyrusUtil, organized by Type.
So, for Example, the List "PC.Oral" is a Global Int List of 34 elements that stres the Fame for The Various Location.
The Index 0 of the List is the Fame Oral in Dawnstar, the 6 In Whiterun, the 12 Riverwood Etc.
To see which Index matches what location see the reference table. Also various function in the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc could provide the sufficient assistance.
Obviously to respect the Papyrus Util general rules of use the Values are stored with specific key that makes they unique (I hope).
Here some example lines to recover a Fame Value [From SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc]:
;Pc Fame
Int FameAnal = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.PC.Anal", LocationNum)
Int FameLikeMan = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.PC.LikeMan", LocationNum)
Int FameLikeWoman = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.PC.LikeWoman", LocationNum);Npc Fame
Int FameLibertine = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.NPC.Libertine", LocationNum)
Int FameProstitution = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.NPC.Prostitution", LocationNum)
Int FameRaper = StorageUtil.IntListGet(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.NPC.Raper", LocationNum)
Obviously "Location Num" is the Index of the Specific location, as said, take a Look in the Reference Chart or use the specific commands.
To help the search is also provided another PapyrusUtil Form List:
Form[] Locations = FormListToArray(None, "SLSF.LocationsFame.Form")
And some other Functions that will be explained better in the Tutorials, this was just to make the idea.
The usage of the fame Level are Obviously focused on interaction/comment purpose:
The Npc fame is to intend as general Fame of the Npcs in the Locations, they're Libertine? Raper? Slaver? etc.
The PC fame are intended as knowlege of the Npc popoluation about specific topics related to the PC, is more 'accurate' than the NPC Fame, because contains more type of fame (20 to the 6 of Npc).
The SLSF could provide the base increment of most of it, but some need an external input from other mod:
For example The SLSF couldn't know when the PC trigger an act of prostitution, neither if an NPC does such things, here comes the Compatibility Script, that provides Easy dependency Command/Function that allow to send request Of Data storage.
As said before this is only a brief view of what this system does, to see how to trigger inc/dec/event, their differences etc, look at the Tutorial Part.
Last: To semplify the life of the Comment plugin (and the general interaction with the CK) the SLSF offer 26 (one for each fame type) Global Varable that could be used for various purposes. Those Global Variable will mirror the stored value for the location where the PC is currently In (if any), and they will update by itself when the location change.
Fame Contage:
The Fame contage tecnically is a Sub-System of the Fame System, but I prefer to talk about here.
The Contage System emulate 'Any possible way where the Fame infos could be shared', There's various configurable option that allow to customize the system in general (Base Chance, Probability Modifier If in the Same Hold) and the specific Locations (morbosity and Morbosity Required), all those element could be seen in the Mcm, so there's no need to talk about here.
I'll just explain the "Morbosity":
It's a variable (configurable) that increase the possibility of contage from this Location, high the value high the possibility, Note that 100% of morbosity -doesn't- mean that the success chance is 100%.
The Morbosity Required instead is the Resistence from contage: How much the Npcs of this location doesn't care about external gossips.
Every X time (configurable) the System does a check, pre-select some Contager Locations, a suitable Lcation To Contage and try to execute.
The Success or the failure will (if enabled the option) modify the Morbosity Chances of the Contager.
The use of the contage system are various: Immersive purpose, Blackmailing mods (share of fake/real news), trigger quest or event.
They could also be triggered via ModEvent without dependancies.
Equip Status:
The Equip status is a system that track the PC equipment Status.
What is the PC wearing, if it has Slave Tats On, Dirt (SlaveTats or Bathing In Skyrim), Cum or if it wear devices (DD or Zaz).
it contain also an exclusion system, that allow the PC to exclude some Clothing/Armor (That will be considered 'Not covering'/Skimpy/Slutty) and some categories of SlaveTats (some of the default categories excluded are the 'Scars' and the 'Stockings').
The exclusion will be done In-Game via Config Menu (accessed by the specific Key setted in the MCM).
At every Check (for example: Equip/Unequip Clothing/Armor) the system update the Equip Faction (SLSF_EquipSurface*BodyLocation*_*SurfaceNum*) setting the appropriate to 1 if occupied or 0 if empty (or with an excluded item).
The Pc get an output info via the Active Magic Effect screen (Magic Inventory) based on the factions data, for example if a worn Device is visible or masked under a Clothing/Armor.
The Equip Faction Structure:
Locations are:
- Body
- Head
- Hands
- Foots
And SurfaceNum are:
- 0 Empty (Future Use),
- 1 SlaveTats Surface (Skin)
- 2 Dirt (SlaveTats or Bathing In Skyrim)
- 3 Cum (Over Skin)
- 4 Empty (Future Use)
- 5 Devices, Zaz/DD that could be Masked, (Under Clothings)
- 6 Empty (Future Use)
- 7 Clothing
- 8 Empty (Future Use)
So For Example: SLSF_EquipSurfaceBody_1, SLSF_EquipSurfaceHead_7, Etc.
If the PC wear an Helm the Faction SLSF_EquipSurfaceHead_7 will become 1 (unless that Head Gear has been flagged excluded by the User) and will cover eventual Cum Decal Oral, SlaveTats Head, Devices Head (Blindfold/Gag). And the Active MagicEffect will be, for example: 'Device Hidden'.
If you need to use the Equip Status in Conditions you could use the Faction (that gives you the raw data of the Equip) or the final MagicEffect.
For Example: If the PC wears a Clothing 'Excluded', a SlaveTats Body and a Cum Decal Oral with a Helm it will be:
SLSF_EquipSurfaceBody_7 = 0 -> Clothing Body Empty (output MagicEffect 'Naked')
SLSF_EquipSurfaceBody_1 = 1 -> Slavetats Body Found (And no clothing can cover it, the MagicEffect output will be 'Body Tats In Sight')
SLSF_EquipSurfaceHead_7 = 1 -> Clothing Head Found (Because is not excluded, MagicEffect Output 'Anonymus' [see note above])
SLSF_EquipSurfaceHead_3 = 1 -> Cum Head Found (MagicEffect Output 'Head Cum Hidden', because the PC wear a not excluded Helm)
Note: Having a Clothing Head (NOT excluded) will add the Status 'Anonymous' that prevent the Fame Gain (because 'the Npc can't be sure of the identity of the PC')
Other than the 8 factions there's the Faction SLSF_EquipSurfaceOther_9 that is Unique (not by Location, it's one for all). It is about the 'Other Devices' (Big devices that takes more than a Location or force the PC pose, something like 'This thing can't be hidden in any way -> Yoke, Armbinder, etc)
There's also some other generic Magic Effect, like SLSF_EquipStatus_Sum_Sur_5_Sight that get used in specific situation (this for example when there's at least one device on sight) and others, but I'll no explain in here, in case you need an help about simply use the support topic or the PM.
The SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc provides the needed function to obtain those values without hard dependancies, see the Tutorial Section to know how.
The usage for the SLSF is only about a send request for the fame gain, but this system could be useful in many type of mod, and also, having one mod that manage that, leave free the others to only access the data needed, instead to do the checks again.
It also allow easy Equip Status comment Plugin, Could be use to trigger scenes, interactions etc.
Note: The Slavetats take some extra time to be be shown in the Active Magic Effect, it isn't slow, simply there's not a send event for they, so I had to make some timed checks, to speed up the process you could use the Button "Update Equip Status" in the Config Menu or the modder could use the Equip status Command provided in the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc.
Npc RoleTypes:
The RoleType is a Faction (And a Papyrus Util Int set on the Npc) where the rank matches a specific Stereotypes for the Npc allowing the Mods to know what is the designed role for that particular Npc, avoiding strange behavior, For Example allowing to know the modders if the selected Npc could actually play the part of the Mercyfull Npc or not.
The definition of the Roletypes is automatized and based on Overrides (Modder definition), Npc Specifics (For example a Jarl couldn't be a Submissive but an Npc Deviced will be), and configurable Probability (residual, but the most used), also there's the possibility to change In-Game (or via Script) the RoleType assigned to an Npc.
So you could choose freely what are the tendency of the Skyrims people.
Also this feature is already compatible with mods like Hydragogon SlaveGirls (without dependancies), selecting the correct Roletypes for the various Npcs.
The roletypes are idealistically divided in 3 Group:
Dominant (Kind, Normal, Bastard)
Neutral (Kind, Normal, Bastard)
Submissive (those are the bigger, because they have 3 SubTypes for each group, see the Reference chart)
The Roletype Num could be accessed in Various way (easy and hard dependancies), See the Tutorial section or the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc.
This way it easier for every modder to select the Correct Npc, instead to grab the 'casual one'.
It could be used for various activity, like interactions, immersive behavior, especially it's a base where create a specific personality for various Npcs etc.
Note: some Sub-Function uses the Roletypes for their purposes, for example the Define Equip to choose what put on a Submissive Naked Npc, or to define the Npc Reaction.
Npc Reactions:
This is also a Faction used to semplify the works of the Modder about the Calc of the possible attitude on an Npc about the PC, it's a simple Calc based on the RoleType and the relationship Rank toward the PC. See the relative chart in the references to see how they're assigned.
The usage is generally adequate to semplify the Condition Function in Comment / Dialog / Scripts allowing an easy access on a final data based on the Roletype, instead to evaluate every times the variables.
Here The Quick References, in case of need. You could also find that in the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc & in the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc.
|RoleType Chart:|
0 Dominant Kind
1 Dominant Normal
2 Dominant Bastard
20 Neutral Kind
21 Neutral Normal
22 Neutral Bastard
... NOTE: The Submissive Type will be Retuced To 3 in the 0.97 See "Future Plans"
40 Submissive Bimbo (Slave Kind)
41 Submissive Disciplined (Slave Kind)
42 Submissive Optimistic (Slave Normal)
43 Submissive PainSlut (Slave Bastard)
44 Submissive Pathetic (Slave Kind)
45 Submissive Rebel (Slave Bastard)
46 Submissive Shy (Slave Normal)
47 Submissive Snob (Slave Bastard)
48 Submissive Submitten (Slave Normal)
|FameList Chart PC:|
0 PC.Anal SL Activity(Tag Anal) + Cum Visible Anal
1 PC.Argonian SL Activity with Argonian
2 PC.Beastiality SL Activity with Creatures (all) (Tag: 'Creature', 'Bestiality')
3 PC.Dominant/Master SL Aggressive Not Victim
4 PC.Exhibitionist/Exposed Equip Status (Naked, Cum, Tats, Device)
5 PC.GentleLover SL Activity (Tag: 'Loving', 'Hugging', 'Cuddling', 'Cuddling')
6 PC.Group SL with more than 2 people
7 PC.Khajiit SL Activity with Khajiit
8 PC.LikeMan SL Activity with Man
9 PC.LikeWoman SL Activity with Woman
10 PC.Masochist External
11 PC.Nasty SL Activity Naughty/Extreme/Dirty (Tag: 'Dirty', 'Bestiality' and Aggressive without Victim. Lots of cum)
12 PC.Oral SL Activity + Cum Visible Oral (Tag: 'Oral')
13 PC.Orc SL Activity with Orcs
14 PC.Pregnant Estrus Chaurus+, SoulGem Oven III
15 PC.Sadic External
16 PC.SkoomaUser Use of Skooma in Public OR (if installed) Skooma Whore Physical Decay Stage over Level 3
17 PC.Slut General Sex Act, Showing Cum in public
18 PC.Submissive/Slave SL Aggressive As Victim
19 PC.Whore External
Note: The 'External' means that could be increased only by other mods [Look in the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc & in the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc], the Framework doesn't increment it by itself.
|FameList Chart NPC:|
0 NPC.Libertine External
1 NPC.Prostitution External
2 NPC.Raper External
3 NPC.Slavery External
4 NPC.Zoophilie External
5 NPC.Misogyny SL act With Vicrim gender Female
6 NPC.Misandry SL act With Vicrim gender Male
|Locations BASE Chart:|
0 Dawnstar
1 Falkreath
2 Markarth
3 Morthal
4 Riften
5 Solitude
6 Whiterun
7 Windhelm
8 Winterhold
9 DragonBridge
10 Ivarstead
11 Karthwasten
12 Riverwood
13 Rorikstead
14 ShorsStone
15 WinterholdCollege
16 DushnikhYal
17 Largashbur
18 MorKhazgur
19 Narzulbur
20 CastleVolkihar (Or None if Dawnguard Isn't Installed)
21 FortDawnguard(DaySpringCanyon) (or None if DG Not Inst.)
22 SkaalVillage (Or None If DragonBorn Isn't insalled)
23 RavenRock (or None if DB Not Inst.)
Note: The Temporary Location could change multiple times, so to find those use the specific commands.
0 None/Gagged
1 Normal
2 Friendly
3 Affective
4 Very Affective
5 Offensive
6 Very Offensive
- Kind Normal Bastard
Enemy Neutral(1) Offensive(5) Offensive+(6)
Neutral Friendly(2) Neutral(1) Offensive(5)
Friend Affective(3) Friendly(2) Neutral(1)
Lover Affective+(4) Affective(3) Friendly(2)
0 Empty (Future Use)
1 SlaveTats Surface (Skin)
2 Dirt (Slavetas/BathingInSkyrim)
3 Cum (Over Skin)
4 Empty (Future Use)
5 Devices, Zaz/DD that could be Masked, (Under Clothings)
6 Empty (Future Use)
7 Clothing
8 Empty (Future Use)
Common Surfaces related to Big/Unmaskable Devices (DD or Zaz)
0 Gay
1 Bisex
2 Straight
Tutorial Moved to the Second Repley of the Support Topic
>>>API For Modder<<<
You'll find all the Documentations, Functions and Examples on the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc (Soft and 0-Dependancy) and on the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc (Hard Dependancy), for a brief look check the Second Replay of the Support Topic.
If you don't find the function that you're looking for, need assistance or info about the system, feel free to PM me or use the Support Topic.
For the Tutorials check the Second Replay of the Support Topic for those available, if you have some other request about, let me know.
1.0 will contain:
- Hopefully nothing else
This mod is ONLY for LoversLab website. You may not repack, re-publish, etc., any of my work.
Translations of this mod are allowed, just contact me first, in case someone else already doing that.
Obviously you can freely make plugin about this mod , I just ask to know about.
I do not take any responsibility for save corruption, game problems, etc.
I DON'T want any donation, this Mods is my personal contribute to the Lovers Lab Comunity, if you want donate something