Part 1: Purpose and Planned Features
So, the Primary Idea behind this Mod is adding a mechanic into the game which can reasonably result in the Player getting jailed without the need for him to play along or willingly submit.
Bounty Hunters do exist in the Vanilla game, but they will only show up if your bounty is higher than 1000 Gold (which is incredibly rare). Usually the worst crime you will be committing is petty theft or pick-pocketing, therefore there are pretty much no consequences for crime. especially since you can just bribe Guards...
So we need another variant of Bounty Hunters. with three Important distinctions:
1: they come after the player at lower bounties.
2: Getting Defeated by them actually results in Jail.
3: They are independent from all other mods and don't cause compatibility issues.
Point 1 is easy to address.
Just ad a MCM configurable threshold for bounties. After the threshold has been reached, scripted ambushes can be launched in randomized intervalls.
Point 2 will require some thinking.
Stuff happening upon player Defeat? Sounds like yet Another Defeat mod which will be mutually exclusive with all the other ones.
And Because I´m fully aware that there really is no point in doing that, I have to come up with a scripted system which can run in parallel to the regular player health and can therefore run alongside any regular combat defeat mod without interfering each other. I´m thinking about some poison system which increases a meter when the player is hit by a member of a hunting party.
In addition, regular health damage needs to be nullified, but this is easily achieved with the vanilla perk system.
Point 3 - compatibility
For multiple reasons, I want this to be completely independent. which means the Only master will be Skyrim.esm (and maybe the official dlc).
No Zap, no DD, and only soft dependencies to Sexlab, Prison alternative, and Deadly furnitures.
This also means that there will be nothing overly complicated and error-prone like the physical walk to Jail like the POP bounty hunters do it.
If the player is restrained at any point, they will remain in place and use only the vanilla functions for Handling player controls. Movement over long distances will happen offscreen to avoid path finding mayhem and potential attacks by the wildlife.
Modifications to all vanilla cells will also be kept to a minimum.
While there will be a plethora of post-defeat scenarios for the player, he and potential followers will be moved to a more controllable environment (purpose built campsite) before any scenes and punishments commences. This controlled environment avoids scene problems if the player has been defeated on difficult terrain, and also offers some interesting options for escape scenarios and minigames. Assuming the player is still alive after the punishment and failed to escape, they will then be moved to Jail as usual (i.e blackscreen teleport).
Where to start?
For the first phase of the project, I will start with getting a basic ambush system set up, as well as the combat mechanic and the defeat outcome handler. For starters, there will only be a "directly to Jail" outcome without additional treatment by the captors. This simple Jail outcome will be universally compatible with Vanilla Jails (including Markath and Winterhold), as well as PA-managed Jails if it is installed.
Edited by Pamatronic
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