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Introduction and core ideas




First of all, welcome on this blog and thanks for the attention you gave it,



The goal of this blog entry isn't to write an auto-biography so I'll try to keep it short and simple.

It's been a few years since I joined Loverslab and I was lucky to see the birth of many great mods.  Among all of them, there's one masterpiece to my eyes : Slaverun.


Already the first version of Slaverun and its enforcer were genius to me.  The player being treated like a common rag, the use of the Devious Devices, having to report to your Masters.  Slavery modding was still a bit of a mess at that time, but great ideas came out of that version.  Then came Kenjoka and its V2 and V3, which expanded the mod with various scenarios on the whole map of the game.


Unfortunately, Kenjoka left, leaving Slaverun in a playable but unstable state.  It's so much of a complex mod that no one can really fix it from the ground.  There are a few directions the mod took that I don't like, which I'll explain further.  That's why I decided I wanted to create a whole new mod inspired by it.  But I need ideas, and I need to write them down.  I need peoples feedback.  And most of all : I need a starting point.


In real life, I'm a programmer.  However, I never played with the papyrus system, and only a little bit with the CK.  At this point, you might be rolling your eyes and think "shame, it'll never happen" and you might be right.  I'm not the kind of programmer that spends its free time coding.  However I have a deep desire to make the mod what it should have been.  I'm not promising anything and have a lot to learn, but I know that this community has a great mindset and great ideas.  If I don't make this blog with a solid design first, I'll never be able to start nor achieve this goal.  So, yay, first step !


Also, like Kenjoka, English isn't my first language, so don't hesitate on correcting the mistakes I could make.



Now, why a blog ?  I think that we're in a design phase, and I don't want to get anyone's hopes too high.  A blog is a simple way to keep things public, organized and open to comments, without creating a topic in the modding section.





==== Why ====


Here are, in my opinion, the flaws of the current Slaverun:

  1. The player is treated as a special character, with a family that is enslaved through the storyline.  To the people roleplaying, I think this is a first obstacle to the immersion.
  2. The only incentive for the player to submit is to win some points and avoid having other slaves (looking at you Ivanna) being hurt.  Again, this is very short-sighted when it comes to roleplay.
  3. The use of Devious Devices is too limited to my taste.
  4. The slave has too much liberty to wander around Skyrim.
  5. Compatibility with newer mods is difficult.


==== How ====


I thought long and hard on how to improve those points, and came up with new foundations for the mod :

  1. The player will no longer get a "preferential treatment".  You will start like every other slave, and be trained the absolute same way.  You will wear the exact same outfit, with the same color as the others.  You'll get tattooed a number, which will be your new name.  An inescapable collar will be put around your neck.  Your head will be shaved, as every other slave (if the engine allows it).
  2. No longer will your story be tied with another slave that you want to protect.  From the start, you will be administered an addictive semen-based drug that will inflict huge debuffs and lead to your death if you don't take it regularly.  You guessed it, to earn this daily dose of the drug, you'll have to obey your Masters.  Refusing to obey will only lead in your training taking longer.  Personal punishment will be an incentive to obey, but I'm open to other ideas.
  3. As I said, I want every slave to wear the same outfit.  To diversify the use of outfits, a larger system comes into play :  there will be various classes of slaves, each with its own gear:
    1. Street Slut (Rank 0):  You'll begin at this stage and undergo various training.  The Devious Devices put on you will be revealing and degrading, giving free view to your intimate parts.
    2. Maid Slave (Rank 1):  By climbing up the ladder and being a good sex slave, someone might buy you, making you their official maid.  Your tasks will change and so will your outfit.  As I don't want to restrict the movements too much, I'm thinking about putting the player in a chastity belt and a latex catsuit.
    3. Slave Agent (Rank 2):  At some point, you might climb up even higher and serve the organization directly, going on trips to enslave Skyrim.  I'm thinking of hobbledresses for an outfit.
    4. Adventurer Slave (Rank 2): You're allowed to roam through Skyrim again, while still being a slave.  There are no specific outfit outside of your collar.
  4. The drug system should force you not to wander too far.  In the first stages, I do not intend on letting the slave escape Whiterun (outside of quests).  I really liked the escape patrols and the enforced follower from Slaverun, so I think I'll also keep those ideas.  Your collar will allow the Masters to track you.
  5. There are a lot of new wonderful mods both on Loverslab and Nexus that I want to make use of.  There's a list bellow.


==== What will be kept ====


  • The progression of cities enslavement,
  • Having to report periodically,
  • Whiterun as a central hub,
  • The nudity rules and enforcer.


==== What won't be kept ====


I'm very open to suggestions, but there are a few lines I'll have to draw:


  • There will be animal content, but in lesser proportions than in Slaverun.  The coliseum is typically something I would not have put in the mod;
  • No content sexually involving children (not that there was any in the original mod);
  • An enslavement system.  Not until the PC enslavement is done, at least.  There already are some great NPC enslavement mods;
  • The whole romance thing.


==== Hard requirements ====


First of all, let's address a conflicting point.  Due to the requirements, this mod will work only for Special Edition.  I know this will bother some people, and I was a long time LE player myself.  But we have to face it: SE has outmatched LE in functionalities.  Every LE mod is now playable on SE, and a lot of SKSE plugins just don't exist on LE.


I'll put a (?) on mods I'm not sure yet are totally required.




==== Soft requirements ====


I'm still thinking about what mod should or shouldn't be required, but I want to be able to use the following mods :

  • SexLab Survival
  • Immersive Fashion
  • Simple Slavery Plus Plus
  • (?) Pee and Fart
  • Hydragon Slavegirls
  • SexLab Inflation Framework
  • Milk Mod Economy


That's a lot of mods and I'm seeing things big, but those mod support implementation will be gradual.



==== Licensing ====


The licensing might have been what stalled Slaverun.  No one was really allowed to remaster it as Kenjoka didn't explicitly give permissions for it.


Slaverim, however, will be completely open-source and anyone will be able to take it for adoption.  You'll always be allowed to make a patch for it.





Recommended Comments

I'm sure you're working on a LOT, but I figured I might as well mention some stuff that I'd love to have:


1. Less jarring dialogue.  It's really weird to me that a woman gets raped and then describes that experiences as "a gangang" or some other porn term.  It's really immersion-breaking to me.  Frankly a lot of Slaverun's dialogue is cringe-y for me, but I do understand that some people just have different tastes.  Some options (such as an MCM toggle) to at least delay the porn-talk to later progress could allow for a different roleplay without rewriting the entire mod's dialogue.  That would be especially cool if number 3 were to enter the mod in some form.

2. Some SD+ triggers for Bandits, etc.  One of my biggest issues with enslavement mods that I keep running into is that Sanguine's Debauchery still seems to be the only option for enslavement to a random NPC, but it relies hugely on other mods and the only mods that I can seem to get to trigger it effectively are Simple Slavery and Defeat (the latter which conflicts in some ways with Cursed Loot, a mod that's feeling more and more needed as other mods get abandoned).  The problem that I frequently have is that SD doesn't get the opportunity to trigger with Bandits and such anymore, just a Simple Slavery selling to a City-based-NPC.


I don't know what your plan is around enslavement add-ons, but just to put it out there, it would be cool if there could be a tie in such that bandits and such out-of-city hostiles might decide to just capture fugitive slaves for themselves and an SD trigger happen or similar system start up.  It would also tie in two really different elements of slave mods in skyrim (city and out-of-city) that haven't yet seemed to coexist in a way that recognizes each other.


3. A way to escape slavery and reenter the system (recapture or whatever) would allow for player progression.  I've always loved how Slaverun changes the game world, but what I really love is to feel like an outcast and ironically Slaverun makes you feel less like one because you get this super-established place in society.  It just pains me because Slaverun has this opportunity to be a "danger" that lurks in the world and it really just ends up being a bunch of porn minigames.  You have to deliberately start it, and then it operates in a very particular way.  Slaverun tends to take over the game and make other mods get less play, and a fugitive slave system would help with that a lot.


4.  Being able to start Slaverun's slavery spread without the intro quest would allow for a different kind of roleplaying.  I don't like being the harbinger of slavery, I just want to be a player in a world of spreading slavery, with enslavement being a constant background threat.  The intro quest is also just seriously long and boring, and it's hard to play on harder difficulties because there's two bandit chiefs that are really tough on Master/Legendary difficulties.  Not to mention the honey-whatever mead is expensive for a lvl 1/lvl 2 character sometimes.


5.  The ability to toggle a random city to be an "exception" to slavery's spread would be really cool for roleplaying both because it would allow for an optional safehaven but would also give reason for any particular game to have a different central hub.  If I'm avoiding slavery and Windhelm happens to get randomly selected, for example, now I have a reason to exist more around Windhelm, a city I don't normally spend time in a lot.


6.  An MCM toggle to make slavetats less jarring (again the porn-talk think) would be nice.  More realistic tats (as in tats that a person would really put on a slave to mark them rather than a giant "slut" tattoo) would be a really cool option.


7.  More reasons to go to dungeons for shelter.  Cursed Loot is the biggest DD trigger that I have, but it really works best in dungeons.  There aren't a lot of mods that provide an incentive to go there, such as to meet an actual need.  Survival mods help because you get cold, but it's easier to go to a city.  Slaverun presents the opportunity for a fugitive slave to choose a dungeon instead.  It would be nice if a timer system could cause city-folk to become increasingly suspicious that you are a fugitive slave (or some other system that puts a time limit on city shelter-seeking) the longer you stay around.  If there was a big-enough penalty for city-enslavement, it might even make sense for a player to deliberately choose to run to bandits for a less-penalizing capture/enslavement.


8.  Some bounty triggers.  I just haven't found a great, realistic bounty generator.  Prison overhaul has "random bounties," but it would be nice if there was a reason for them.  One option would be that a fugitive slave could find that the other holds were being offered bounties for your arrest. 


9.  Some optional more-severe penalties for city (Slaverun) enslavement, such as skill level drops, debuffs would be nice.  However, I do worry that the drug dependency mechanic and unbreakable collar might cut off some alternative roleplaying opportunities.


Anyway, that's what I sit around squirming and dreaming about!

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