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About canderes

  • Birthday 10/03/1989

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  1. Hey chris I found posts from you on other sites looking into modding DOAX3 Venus for PSVITA. Did you ever find out how to open the model files for editing? When you have modified TMC/TMCL you have to use some plugins to load them from another folder, both need refood and repatcher.

  2. Ninja ripper seems to be really buggy with W7. I tried a bunch of things to get it working, sometimes I would mash and it would capture a few things but then it would stop working entirely. I found using F9 for all and F10 for textures worked fine. I had to press the run button when the launcher was open (not the game itself) to get ripper working, but DOAX_VV.exe was still the target.
  3. The same thing happened to Oblivion after the adult mods blew up. ESRB amended the rating because naked. Vault 1080 destroyed my framerate and I have a 1080, I hope the god rays in this version aren't so heavy. I want PBR materials in this badly, but I won't hold my breath.
  4. Yeah I was just choosing random meshes to put in, but I still haven't gotten a response from the Naturalism guy. I don't want to have to make a nude patch from scratch again just to stop the nipples from penetrating the suit, because it would require that the body mask and a bunch of other crap be changed in the character template. I will post how I got the mods from the dev kit when I get a no or yes response from the author of Naturalism. We won't need steam, although there is one minor problem and I'm not sure if it will stack up if two or more modders use the dev kit method because when you export the game mode and data files they all seem to take the default name of ModTest or something similar; I don't know if identical names will break things, because every mod so far has been released through the steam workshop. Files from the workshop all get a unique handle and some weird metadata is attached to a file with the same name as the workshop exported folder, that might be from where the mod name and description is actually read from because dev kit files only include your changes to the game mode, data and assets.
  5. I redownloaded the dev kit and started looking at this game again. I left a message for the author of naturalism because I was hoping he would release his body meshes and textures as a modders resource. There are many hair mods for this game already, and while it is possible to add another slider to the character creator it would probably break a bunch of stuff in future updates of ark. I do not own scorching earth, but apparently a lot has been added to the character templates which have broken the animations used by the player characters (t pose while fishing, sitting, etc) unfortunately that can't be fixed right now since the devs are a few updates behind on the dev kit. The game still has much potential though, but the learning curve is pretty steep I've been using UE4 for about 8 months now and this stuff is complicated by the fact that the game has very large structures and templates of its own. I hope I can get a reply from the author but if not I might see if I can get the data file of the author loaded inside a throw away map. I've also figured out how to get the mod file from the dev kit instead of having to upload it to the workshop. I've never used the steam workshop for anything, but I still think its best to avoid using it for this stuff in case someone reports the files, or so they are kept out of the sight young impressionable minds.
  6. Compiling stuff for this game is a huge pain in the ass. After you make your changes in the editor it will sit there and rebuild the game; I never had the patience to wait for more than half an hour. It isn't very friendly unless you spend a few hours using unreal editor. The game also has a massive size so I can see why so few people download the game and the editor (yes you seriously have to get both separate and they are like 50GB each minimum, and instead of just getting the editor and having it be part of the default game installation it forces you to use another 50GB for the assets you already have installed! When everything is there it devours like 110-120GB of space, that doesn't even count the almost daily patches to the game which can add like 100-500MB per patch...)
  7. Ark can be a single player game. The devs never bothered to makle ai for human characters but if their controller is accessible in their version of UE you can make aicontrollers to possesses humans placed in the world through the map editor. Assuming you want non aggressive humans you can just copy the controller from the dodo bird or some other non carnivorous pawn. I think I know of a way to add sex system as well, maybe not as thorough as sexlab, but all you have to do is make a rig with male and female skeletons linked to a root node. Using that new skeleton you can create a new dummy pawn and put in states for whatever you need, changing positions, and a control system for the camera; this pawn must have its movement locked so you aren't able to move both characters around in the middle of a scene. If enough of the blueprints are exposed in the editor technically you could make something to hold references to two players (or player and ai if you make an aicontroller) then you just pass the meshes of those two actors over to the dummy pawn. When you pass control over to the dummy you have to turn the visibility of the default player pawns off otherwise you will have clone characters standing next to your dummy pawn. At the end of the scene or whatever you have the player reposes their original character. I would love to put my idea to the test but I don't have the ark editor anymore, that shit is like 50gb+, and I have 3MB internet .
  8. If you can get a hold of regcommon.nut and extract the textures then you can get something close to CeeBees screenshots. I forget which one it is, if it is from SC4 or 5, but technically there is a nude body in both and the nipples are there, nothing below though, so its kind of like a barbie doll patch, the only trouble is finding which spds/nmds to replace in.
  9. coregrafx.info had originally posted screens and instructions on how to do it, though they never released their custom textures, it was alot like those japanese mod sites that never share with foreigners (despite all the tools being made by Americans/Canadians). I think it involves swapping the body of dr cutter over the other bodies, oddly enough they are all the same height? That or the body is applied over a skeleton that gets resized. Dr cutters alien body is separated into two chunks, if you can piece together a full body texture by merging from all the characters then you can easily replace the stock swimsuit models. Another place you might want to try is ninjazombie.net, though I think it is defunct. Mods could only be done on the 360 version. If there are any other resources they will be on xentax, though I think even the extractor for the textures was never complete, as it would export dds/tga with no alpha channel (transparency). I think HarryPalmer used to frequent coregrafx so you could try sending him a message.
  10. I think the first game I tried was solar jetman; I was really young then and didn't understand how to play the game so it would make me mad. NES broke before I could replay it and actually finish it.
  11. You linked the RB of the root tendril to the RB of Main 6 right? RBs cannot be linked to bones because they need to be constrained to something or they will fall to nothing. Add a ragdoll constraint between the parent tendril RB and Main 6 RB.
  12. Set the parent of the secondary bone chains to debris and link it to the closest rb from the main bone chain. If you are using the scripts what it usually does with new chains is designate the first bone of a new chain as keyframe rb type. Also check to make sure that your mass isn't set to zero.
  13. Root is just the highest parent in the skeleton so for the default skeleton its NPC Root [Root] and if you are trying to include the rigid bodies, but some things aren't linked (like separate keyframed objects) just add them individually. If all the bones are linked to the origin (in nifskope) then the hierarchy has probably been flattened.
  14. If you are going to preview an xml I think this is the usual setup Create skeletons-include the NPC root for all the regular bones Create skeletons-include the rigid body hierarchy create rigid bodies create constraints create ragdolls-choose the rigid body root you specified in the second create skeleton filter create mapping-skeleton a is the deforming skeleton and skeleton b is your ragdoll; under advanced settings choose match by name create skins-so you can preview your skinned mesh with the affecting rbs preview-opens the local preview so you can test the rb and skinning on export you'll want the rigid body names to be the same as the skeleton but this usually does it create skeletons-npc root for all the regular bones create rigid bodies create constraints create ragdolls-choose use default physics system prune types-check all scene data, all animation data, environment data, and all resource data write to platform-there is a bug with this for me where i have to choose packfile/xml and check remove metadata, something I wish I had known sooner (found out by accident) is that when you save for main file (.max) you can just provide a filename and it will put the xml/hkx in the same folder as the max scene. If you get the nif to load, but the physics don't work double check to make sure that the rigid bodies and bones have the same name-it happens alot, but if you use the ones from hdt autopilot then you should be fine. Normally use deprecated is use on create constraints, but I think I've exported files where I just left the settings on default and everything worked.
  15. If you have the skin modifier under the mesh/poly object it will cause the mesh to behave like a static model, so you might need to move the skin modifier up, top to bottom is usually this-bsdismember modifier, skin, edit poly/edit mesh. The capsules don't move in the view port when you do move or rotate on bones because they are in a separate hierarchy-I think I've had crashes happen before when accidentally linking rigid bodies to the main skeleton rig, so avoid that. When you get around to exporting the mesh look under the skin modifier and make sure the max vertices per bone is 4, sometimes max spits me 30 and it crashes the exporter. As for the settings on export you don't want to have the rigid bodies exported with the main nif-anyway set weld to 0, sort nodes, do not flatten the hierarchy, collapse transforms, uncheck remove extra bones, uncheck export vertex colors, update tangent space, export as ninode at the bottom. When you apply texture branches in nifskope you'll want to paste the texture data from another nif (for files from the old exporter anyway). If the envelopes are giving you trouble try a different version of the plugin; there is a plugin by figment, then one uploaded by wix and some other one posted here on the forum-I had trouble with that one, but there is a support post with it. Theru posted another one on the nifskope forum-I think it is the one I'm using currently.
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