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About dead.dog

  • Birthday 08/01/1980

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  1. It looks like that guy does commissions. We could probably find a way for him to release some modding tools? That would allow the community to really sink its teeth into the game. Do some nude model swaps and even mod modes themselves.
  2. There's a lot of promising work going on in this thread!
  3. My first request is a ShowLooksMenu 14 style command since we can't, for some fucking reason, customize our characters after the initial load
  4. I tried reinstalling. It didn't display a message when it loaded. When I open the console and type `help futanari 0` it shows all your resources, so they're loaded in there. I can craft at the chem lab and etc. If I just type `setstage Raknar_Futanari_Quest`, it returns "missing parameter Stage. compiled script not saved." If I type `setstage Raknar_Futanari_Quest 1`, it doesn't return anything. I've tried other numbers too with the same result. If I type `getstage Raknar_Futanari_Quest`, it says "GetStage >> 0.00" If I type `player.getissex female` it return "1.00" (meaning true).
  5. It absolutely refuses to work for me. I've got it at the bottom of my load order, I've used the item after crafting it, I've used the console to manually add the perk, to try to advance the quest stage, and even add the items and use the gro meds. But it simply doesn't show up. Are there any console commands I can use to try to diagnose this?
  6. How do I get the ebony mod to display the faces properly? I put them in AutoLink but there's ebony bodies and ebony faces, but not both at the same time. I've got a costume named "tina ebo face" that doesn't seem to do anything.
  7. Timmy, this looks awesome!!! I'd love to see more "overgrown" girls who have the bush peeking out, especially some blonde ones for Tina and Helena.
  8. Thank you, Sirou, for such consistently high quality. Your work is very much appreciated; keep it up!! :-D
  9. This is obscenely hot! I love her figure, her eyebrows, and her hair. You asked for critical feedback, so I'll say a couple things. I think she'd look better with smaller, more natural tits, and I'd love to see some tidy blonde pubic hair on her. Her hair seems a bit... ice cream-like, but I kind of like it; it's an interesting style choice that works for the character.
  10. This is awesome! I'd love to see more!
  11. Thank you so much, GuachaLover!!! :-D It looks fantastic!!!! This one works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uftiu9qrlzyq92e/MILA%20Blazblue.TMC?dl=0 This one doesn't: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9rf4en1q55uyiq0/MILA%20Blazblue.TMCL?dl=0
  12. Could we get a small flaccid Mila like that one with only the bikini and not the ears or tail?
  13. I'd love to see a small flaccid futa version of Sarah with this costume!
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