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About Smokermegadrive

  • Birthday 10/17/1992

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  1. Where is fox_shop.esm please? Thank you

  2. If I'm not mistaken it should be this yes that's the one, thanks a bunch
  3. anyone got the summer variant from season of skyrim? it's not on nexus anymore and the moddb doesn't have any links
  4. Anyone got this robes? http://skyrim-mod.seesaa.net/article/267666194.html It seem that was deleted from nexus
  5. I love you so much DX thanks a lot i fall in love with that serana
  6. I have two versions of Serana from Mitinoku site: Should be this one: MTNKDLC1Serana.ZIP also this one is an updated version using Adorable Face: MTNKDLC1Serana+Adorable+Face+V1.0.ZIP the zip refuse to open
  7. Anyone know where i can find this serana? the link in the page simply doesn't work at all http://mitinokuoblivion.blog118.fc2.com/blog-entry-1643.html
  8. Here: http://modtype.doorblog.jp/tag/fox
  9. Pepsi or Coca-Cola depend what i find first in the store
  10. you are looking for such thing? Van Helsing Crossbow by mjy http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28555/? http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/28555-1-1358738624.jpg not exactly what im looking but still badass enough for me XD
  11. Is there any Chinese repeating crossbow? (aka chu-ko-no) I know it exist a dwemer automatic crossbow but i really like to have a chu ko no XD It look like this
  12. the very firsts ones are cbbe but not too big XD i didn't saw any conversion to cbbe for the new ones, for now
  13. Because honestly, how much time off could a demented man really need? So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to return. That's right. I'm done. Holiday... complete. Time to return to the hum drum day-to-day you miss me? XD well i have an update for returning D: only the mirror for now until i upload to the forum -Added Fox 43,44,45,46,47,48,49 and 50 -Removed Fox barrel (not needed anymore since the creation of Additemmenu) -Changed bipedal objects for necklace to amulet
  14. Any mod that let's you do a killmove on activation instead of percentage? i don't really like to use because i think they are an easy way to kill, in activation seem more fair like this one, but i want to do it with the vanilla ones http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32598/?
  15. Not exactly what im looking Im looking for something like that:
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