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SE Compatibility Tracking (Apr 23)

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3 hours ago, tasairis said:

I don't know what you have but last I knew SLA Monitor Widget.esp did not have SkyUI.esp as a master.


30 minutes ago, Fish0 said:

Most mods that require SkyUI only require it for the MCM menu, which will work perfectly fine with SkyUI SE.

Hahaha, Sorry, watched on list of req mods on site, not on masterfiles in mod =( TY for answers.

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Just wanted to take a moment and give you a sincerest THANKS for this page (prob the most organized on LL)


I also want to thank all the modders involved in their LIGHTSPEED "fixing" of mods after Bethesda's game wrecking updates last week.


Thanks again for the fantastic efforts and work!



The new sexlab(3/19 update) seems to be working better than ever



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Some info about converting mods to SSE.

I just finished standart converting of DD For The Masses. (it's marked as ? Questionable in 1st post)


1) It works

2) Not perfect, but works. I see 3 girls in Whiterun wearing

a) collar, hobble dress and iron plugs - plugs were on ground in her legs moving with her, not sure what did that, DD bug, or ftm bug, I installed only min of mods, no unofficial patch, no patches from 1st post, only that 3 archives (dda, ddi, ddx) from dd file post

b) wearing nipple piercing and harness, but they were with standart clothing so there were mix of her original and her dd.

c) girl wears hard set of things, and her own clothes

3) Didn't have any problems like bugs, ctd's when near them or talking, or trading.

PS Can someone remember, original ftm remove original clothes if wearing dd?

PPS It takes much more time to load and install all requirements on empty skyrim SE xD

PPPS Can someone with full-modded skyrim test it for me? Just want to know, that bug with plugs was because of not100% convert or because of that I didn't install some patch on dd?

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