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[Stellaris] The Bed and Breakfast Mod {Version .41} Now 2.0 Compatable


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Well that is just embarrassing. I had the sex converter and nerve stapler set to not listed. The Brain Rewrite was the 3rd building in the sex converter chain, so you shouldn't have been able to build that one because you couldn't build the sex converter. I've uploaded the corrected version in the OP. Sorry for the trouble.

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The Ascention Perk buildings are available for the second tier perk for each of the three ascension paths. As of the current release the only extra buildings it adds are an additional tier to the Slave Dairy and the Slave Mining Facility. The effects depend on your ascension path, Psionic tend towards lower energy upkeep, Biological tends toward having an additional bonus such as a new strategic resource, and Mechanical tends towards higher output.


In the future, which is code for probably after 2.0, I'm planning on having more buildings for each to make every ascention path fun to molest the galaxy with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If the code existed, then yes. But unfortunately there really is no way to deny a resource unless worked on by a slave, only production maluses and bonuses.


Also just as a quick note, im going to wait until the devs release the 2.02 patch before I start updating. It should still be compatible right now, just ignore the version mismatch.

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A lot of the buildings have fail_text = "requires_building_capital_1” when they need to be fail_text = "requires_building_capital_2”, as it was telling me that I needed planetary admin on my planets when I already had it.

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I know that this mod is set for version 1.9.1, but I am enjoying it in 2.0 tremendously. I myself would like to take a whack at modding a building.

I am wondering what is it about 2.0 that makes some of these buildings unbuildable. For example I can build the first sex converter, but not upgrade it to the 2nd. The nerve stapler description is off too, just saying "nerve_stapler_desc". 

I really enjoy this and hope you plan to update it to 2.0. There's definitely a lack of slave buildings for decadent empires. One thing I hope for is more evil slave buildings too, stuff that intentionally decreases slave happiness. If I ever learn to mod that's what I'd try to do.

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Looking at it I think I may have found the reason why. Some of the upgrades are listed as "Buildings_sex_. . ." when they should be "building_sex. . ." If this was already fixed don't mind me.



Edit: I checked if I was using the most recent version and I was.

Did some testing using notepad++ to make it compatible for 2.0 most of yesterday. At one point I got the alien breeding zoo and betharian incubator to work but now it doesn't :frown:. The Slave Mines and Live Feed aren't showing up either. I did attempt to add them in via console command 'effect random_tile={limit={has_pop=yes has_building = no} set_building=building_live_feed}}' or by replacing the upgrade of another building with building_live_feed but evidently the game doesn't recognize they are there.

Still got the sex training camp and fixed the nerve stapler image (the 'icon =' wasn't named correctly). But darnit if I could just get the other ones to work!

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6 hours ago, Longherin said:

My only regret with this mod so far is that I can't build a habitat of incredible debauchery.

This mod is definitely a step in the right direction at least.

I have a special spot in my capital for every pop on the defeated enemies capital. But only if they are attractive xenos like humans, elves, asari, amazonians etc. If I learn to make a mod I'd make a simple one specifically to make a building for captured enemy leaders.

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I am not an expert on stellaris modding, but the buildings defualt to tile scope. On 54 you check NOT = { has_authority = auth_machine_intelligence } Tiles don't have an authority a country does. I think using a double FROM might help (since tile will from to planet and planet should from to county), but as I said I have no modding experience.


Edit: or possibly it would be a lot easier to encase the check in 'owner = {}'

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