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9 hours ago, YourFalseHope said:

1 -  Your WW is out of date [Current Public is v153d]

2 - Your game is out of date [Current version]

3 -  Can't tell with basemental you use but sticking to the trend.. that's probably out of date too [Public is 5.11.121]


9 hours ago, snowdog04 said:

"And Basemental Hates You" means they don't have BMD.  Which is ok, but some stuff won't work.

1.58.xx might mean they use Legacy Edition.  Which is also a problem, because NWP doesn't support it.


"BasementalDrugsMod" does not support Legacy Edition.

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NWP needs to be updated/hotfixed for the current patreon ww - nisa sent out an email from her patreon[can just follow her to see the notice] stating she cannot get a hotfix out for a few days. so either don't update to ww v156 and continue to use v155.3, or remove nwp til she is able to update. Hope this info helps with all the errors being posted.

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21 minutes ago, DarkDream34 said:

Hi there. Thanks for all the effort you put into this mod. I got an LE related to it today, and the instructions said to share it with you, so here it is. All was working fine until I updated my WW and MCCC mods today.




Read post above yours.

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I Download WW mod, but I don't find your mod Chinese translation. Do you have a Chinese translation for this mod?(Because I don't speak English well, so I used translation software. There may be some grammatical errors. I hope you can understand me.)


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Hey guys! I wanted to let you know that I'm aware that the latest WW patreon update is not compatible with the mod currently. I have been without power for the last 2 days and likely won't have power at my apartment again for 1-2 weeks! However I spent yesterday moving my computer to a friend's relative's place that does have power where I'm continuing to work on the mod. Please do not update WW if you plan to play the game with my mod until after I release a hotpatch. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

If you would like to know more please read this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/emergency-do-not-36754445 

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6 hours ago, NisaK said:

Hey guys! I wanted to let you know that I'm aware that the latest WW patreon update is not compatible with the mod currently. I have been without power for the last 2 days and likely won't have power at my apartment again for 1-2 weeks! However I spent yesterday moving my computer to a friend's relative's place that does have power where I'm continuing to work on the mod. Please do not update WW if you plan to play the game with my mod until after I release a hotpatch. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

If you would like to know more please read this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/emergency-do-not-36754445 


Thanks for the heads up, love the mod btw.

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Hello !

I downloaded your mod 2 days ago and tried the prostitute job today, and it work partially but I got several LE. So, I tried and went to a guy, I was able to "offer my body" (Sorry if the terms are different, but I play in french version, I hope you'll understand what I mean), but when I tried to "start the intercourse", I got a LE. Every single time. Here it is :


Ver LL.2.5b at Time: 05/06/20 02:53:14 on Windows with WW v153d and Basemental hates you on

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\hazard_detector.py", line 70, in wrapper
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\interactions\base_interactions.py", line 61, in store_result_for_outcome
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_interactions.py", line 60, in on_interaction_end
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\prostitution_sex_init.py", line 27, in nisa_start_slutting
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\sex_init.py", line 90, in nisa_start_auto_sex
  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\turbo_calls\hybrids\sex_locations.py", line 255, in get_sex_location_from_preferred_room
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_individual_traits'


And I also get this LE from Better Exceptions :

<?xml version="1.0" ?><root>

<report><version>2</version><sessionid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2020-05-06 02:51:42</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>sex_locations.py:255</categoryid><desyncid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception while updating the Bouncer. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_individual_traits')&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 206, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\zone_tick.py", line 81, in _turbolib_zone_game_update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 476, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\situation_manager.py", line 378, in update&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\PublicUnlock.py", line 13, in _unlock&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\tmex_BetterExceptions_Hooks.py", line 96, in tm_be_class_exceptions&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\exceptions_feedback.py", line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence&#13;&#10;  File "E:\Builds\MCCC_7_1_0\mc_cmd_center\mc_utils.py", line 148, in _wrapper_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\situation_manager.py", line 376, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 903, in _update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1009, in _assign_instanced_sims_to_unfulfilled_requests&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1110, in _assign_sim_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer_request.py", line 302, in _assign_sim&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1069, in on_sim_assigned_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 450, in _on_add_sim_to_situation&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 446, in _populate_nisa_prostitution_sims&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_situations.py", line 133, in _on_trigger_situation_start_event&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\prostitution_sex_init.py", line 27, in nisa_start_slutting&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\sex_init.py", line 90, in nisa_start_auto_sex&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\turbo_calls\hybrids\sex_locations.py", line 255, in get_sex_location_from_preferred_room&#13;&#10;AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_individual_traits'&#13;&#10;rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 666.72&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,69,40136&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.18362 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940M nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-5007-11CF-6A51-103B18C2DA35&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>
<report><version>2</version><sessionid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2020-05-06 03:32:24</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>sex_locations.py:255</categoryid><desyncid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception while updating the Bouncer. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_individual_traits')&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 206, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\zone_tick.py", line 81, in _turbolib_zone_game_update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 476, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\situation_manager.py", line 378, in update&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\PublicUnlock.py", line 13, in _unlock&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\tmex_BetterExceptions_Hooks.py", line 96, in tm_be_class_exceptions&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\exceptions_feedback.py", line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence&#13;&#10;  File "E:\Builds\MCCC_7_1_0\mc_cmd_center\mc_utils.py", line 148, in _wrapper_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\situation_manager.py", line 376, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 903, in _update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1009, in _assign_instanced_sims_to_unfulfilled_requests&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1110, in _assign_sim_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer_request.py", line 302, in _assign_sim&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1069, in on_sim_assigned_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 450, in _on_add_sim_to_situation&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 446, in _populate_nisa_prostitution_sims&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_situations.py", line 133, in _on_trigger_situation_start_event&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\prostitution_sex_init.py", line 27, in nisa_start_slutting&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\sex\sex_init.py", line 90, in nisa_start_auto_sex&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\turbo_calls\hybrids\sex_locations.py", line 255, in get_sex_location_from_preferred_room&#13;&#10;AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_individual_traits'&#13;&#10;rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 666.72&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,69,40136&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.18362 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940M nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-5007-11CF-6A51-103B18C2DA35&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>
<report><version>2</version><sessionid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2020-05-06 03:58:26</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>greetings.py:455</categoryid><desyncid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception when applying action &lt;GreetingLootOp ParticipantType.TargetSim&gt; for loot &lt;class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:loot_eccwat'&gt; (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id')&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 206, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\zone_tick.py", line 81, in _turbolib_zone_game_update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 469, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py", line 112, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 217, in simulate&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 385, in _resume&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py", line 2792, in _startup_sim_gen&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 889, in on_sim_creation&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 921, in _customer_success_notification&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1626, in on_sim_creation_callback&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1110, in _assign_sim_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer_request.py", line 302, in _assign_sim&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1069, in on_sim_assigned_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 450, in _on_add_sim_to_situation&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 446, in _populate_nisa_prostitution_sims&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_situations.py", line 173, in _on_trigger_situation_start_event&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\sim_utilities\nisa_sim\managers\misc_manager.py", line 59, in push_loot&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot.py", line 460, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\PublicUnlock.py", line 13, in _unlock&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\tmex_BetterExceptions_Hooks.py", line 96, in tm_be_class_exceptions&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\exceptions_feedback.py", line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence&#13;&#10;  File "E:\Builds\MCCC_7_1_0\mc_cmd_center\mc_utils.py", line 148, in _wrapper_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot.py", line 458, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot_basic_op.py", line 209, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\social\greeting_socials\greetings.py", line 362, in _apply_to_subject_and_target&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\social\greeting_socials\greetings.py", line 455, in try_push_group_greeting_for_sim&#13;&#10;AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'&#13;&#10;rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 666.72&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,69,40136&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.18362 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940M nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-5007-11CF-6A51-103B18C2DA35&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>
<report><version>2</version><sessionid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2020-05-06 03:58:26</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>greetings.py:455</categoryid><desyncid>9964cb3092b8cf0a5eb1d77f</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception when applying action &lt;GreetingLootOp ParticipantType.TargetSim&gt; for loot &lt;class 'sims4.tuning.instances.NisaK:loot_eccwat'&gt; (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id')&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 206, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\zone_tick.py", line 81, in _turbolib_zone_game_update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 469, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py", line 112, in update&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 217, in simulate&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 385, in _resume&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py", line 2792, in _startup_sim_gen&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 889, in on_sim_creation&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 921, in _customer_success_notification&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1626, in on_sim_creation_callback&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1110, in _assign_sim_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer_request.py", line 302, in _assign_sim&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1069, in on_sim_assigned_to_request&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 450, in _on_add_sim_to_situation&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\base\prostitution_situations.py", line 446, in _populate_nisa_prostitution_sims&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\wickedpervs\custom_tuning\slutting_situations.py", line 173, in _on_trigger_situation_start_event&#13;&#10;  File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\version_vault\\LL\LL_2_5b\NisaK\utilities\sim_utilities\nisa_sim\managers\misc_manager.py", line 59, in push_loot&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot.py", line 460, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\PublicUnlock.py", line 13, in _unlock&#13;&#10;  File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2020\Tmex-BetterExceptions\tmex_BetterExceptions_Hooks.py", line 96, in tm_be_class_exceptions&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v153d\exceptions_feedback.py", line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence&#13;&#10;  File "E:\Builds\MCCC_7_1_0\mc_cmd_center\mc_utils.py", line 148, in _wrapper_function&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot.py", line 458, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\loot_basic_op.py", line 209, in apply_to_resolver&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\social\greeting_socials\greetings.py", line 362, in _apply_to_subject_and_target&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\social\greeting_socials\greetings.py", line 455, in try_push_group_greeting_for_sim&#13;&#10;AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'&#13;&#10;rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 666.72&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,69,40136&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.18362 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940M nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-5007-11CF-6A51-103B18C2DA35&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>


However, I don't know how, she started to have sex with a guy (, even though I used "offer my body" one or two hours ago. It randomly work but I don't know how.... It happened in a night club, where I had assigned a bed for sex spot, but they went on the bathroom's floor.... Don't know why :(

Also, I tried to have sex with clients at my house, but she could never "find a place to do it". I tried marking my bed as sex spot but it didn't work either. It only started to work when I put the "whorehouse" trait on my house. And then I got several calls. It worked for some clients coming to my place, but didn't for other with either LE or "cannot find a place to do it".

The last tihng I experienced is "offering my body" and they went straight to the bed to "try having a baby", underneath the sheets....

I saw people saying that "Basemental Hates You" means you don't have it, but I do. My WW and Basemental Drugs are updated and I don't encounter any LE with them, only with the Wicked Perversions' actions.


I saw your post above about the problem with the patreon, but I don't have the patreon version, I have the public one. 


Thanks a lot for your answer, your mod is amazing and it would be great to fully experience it ! 

PS Sorry for my english ^^

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45 minutes ago, DashokKotik said:

Hi, Are you have translate Russian?

Usually other users do translations into other languages, because it's best done by someone who speaks both English and the other language.  Trying an automated translation program sometimes gives you nonsense, or incorrect phrases.  And often there's translations out there that the author hasn't even heard of.  So, I suggest doing a search.


Fun fact:  Translator programs always mess up a quote from the Bible, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."  The programs give back something like "The vodka is excellent, but the meat is spoiled."

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Hey guys! 

The crisis is over! Power returned to my apartment way earlier than expected (it was originally going to be potentially half a month) so I moved back in yesterday and just released a hotpatch for the latest WW update. 

A content update is coming shortly. I'm sorry again for the inconvenience! Things should return to normal now! Even if you don't need the hotpatch, please still install it! It has some fixes that you will benefit from!

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5 hours ago, Smicheyy said:

I installed the latest hot patch and now the games doesn't even recognise the mod, i have no options whatsoever on the computer, please help me :(

Hey, this typically happens when the mod is installed incorrectly.  Please carefully re-read the installation instructions, paying special care to how deep you place my files in your mod folder. Script mods can't be further than 1 subfolder deep from the root (Mods) folder.   This means 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is okay but 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / Some Folder / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is not.  Also make sure you have the latest version of WW and Basemental drugs installed (the latest public/free versions are fine too) and if you are getting any Last Exception files (called LEs for short) then please send them my way.

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3 hours ago, NisaK said:

Hey, this typically happens when the mod is installed incorrectly.  Please carefully re-read the installation instructions, paying special care to how deep you place my files in your mod folder. Script mods can't be further than 1 subfolder deep from the root (Mods) folder.   This means 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is okay but 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / Some Folder / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is not.  Also make sure you have the latest version of WW and Basemental drugs installed (the latest public/free versions are fine too) and if you are getting any Last Exception files (called LEs for short) then please send them my way.

Hi I've already done all these. The Tam Explorer is not appearing for any of my sims that just aged up to teen on the computer. However the sims who have already been a Lily before this few updates have the Tam Explorer options show up.  Weird is that all my teen sims no longer have the Nisa Wicked Perversion options anymore (2 of them were lilies before but now they don't even have the Wicked Perversion options on their phones). My Wicked Perversion is LL.2.5c. Wicked Whims is the patreon version v156.3. I have basemental drugs and gangs as well. I'm not sure what to do and I'm wondering if there's a command to force a sim to become a lily.

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@NisaK  Now that the urgency of getting a patch for WW is over, I'd like to point out that there isn't any mention of the whole Doll Shop/Caged Birds feature on the download page.  I guess it was in the update notes when it first came out, but that was a long time ago now and the notes don't go back that far.

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3 hours ago, FoxFlummox said:

Hi I've already done all these. The Tam Explorer is not appearing for any of my sims that just aged up to teen on the computer. However the sims who have already been a Lily before this few updates have the Tam Explorer options show up.  Weird is that all my teen sims no longer have the Nisa Wicked Perversion options anymore (2 of them were lilies before but now they don't even have the Wicked Perversion options on their phones). My Wicked Perversion is LL.2.5c. Wicked Whims is the patreon version v156.3. I have basemental drugs and gangs as well. I'm not sure what to do and I'm wondering if there's a command to force a sim to become a lily.

I'm wondering if you might have teen sex and or all ages romance turned off in your WW settings?  That would prevent teens from registering as lilies, or any options concerning that from even showing up.

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2 hours ago, snowdog04 said:

I'm wondering if you might have teen sex and or all ages romance turned off in your WW settings?  That would prevent teens from registering as lilies, or any options concerning that from even showing up.

If it was it must be an option that I cannot find. I've looked through all the setting menus for Nisa Wicked, WW, and MCCC. So far I have any of the options that allow teens checked.

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5 hours ago, FoxFlummox said:

If it was it must be an option that I cannot find. I've looked through all the setting menus for Nisa Wicked, WW, and MCCC. So far I have any of the options that allow teens checked.

Ok, which WW version do you have?  The Patreon version had to have the "Romance Age Restriction" switch removed because of Patreon guidelines.  If that's the version you use, you need to get the Inappropriate Unlock file located here on Lover's Lab.

If you have the LL version, or the Patreon version with the unlock file already, "Romance Age Restriction" is under Relationships, and it's on by default- meaning you need it to be off.  NWP goes by these settings, so if that's off in WW, then the features in NWP will be unavailable to teens as well.

If these don't seem to be the issue, try with an adult or young adult and see if the Rose options are there, so we know if the issue is with teens, or with prostitution.

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