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Crash: Corrupted .nif files?


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My game constantly crashes after a while, apparently due to corrupted .nif files. This never happened before.


27 Nov 23:29:39 Game has crashed while reading binary data stream! This could indicate a corrupt NIF file. Here are the last opened files starting from most recent:






The above coming from Requiem.


MESHES\actors\character\character assets\SOSskeleton.nif

MESHES\actors\character\character assets\malehands_1.nif

MESHES\actors\character\character assets\malehands_0.nif


The above from SOS.




The above from Fog Mesh Remover.


MESHES\actors\character\character assets\skeleton.nif


That one from XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended.


I have already tried Mesh tool N7 - NIF Healer, but it did not help. I replaced and renamed Requiem's nifs with the repaired ones, but the crash log still says that the same .nifs are corrupted from Requiem. Not only that, but I can no longer use the NIF Healer -- whenever I try to run the "Run.bat", it starts up, finishes and there is nothing in the "out" folder.


I've added some other mods recently, disabling those would be my last hope if there isn't a way to fix this.





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On 11/28/2017 at 12:14 AM, myuhinny said:

Have you tried reinstalling SOS then XPMSE and let it overwrite the SOS skeleton then reinstall fog mesh remover?

Yes, that was amongst the first things I did. It did not help, although there was a change in which files were corrupted. Before reinstalling them, it reported corrupt files from two other mods, and fewer corrupt files from SOS (and none from XPMSE). Considering that this never happened before and it seems like nifs continually get corrupted, I think I added a mod that I shouldn't have.


I've found online that deleting plugins.txt and loadorder.txt would help. I'll try that now, if it doesn't help I'll just make a new profile and don't add the last mods I added.


For anyone wondering; rebuilding my load order without the last mods I added helped.

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