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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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Your question is incomplete.
If you want to make a head ornament
1. make a new module directly from any in-game overhead ornament, replicating the weight groups directly (probably only one or two sets),
but remembering the original module's anchor point on the head. As in the case of the fox mask, when you edit the mesh that is frontal, but the real thing is facing the side of the head.

2. To create a new mesh based on the body module, you first need to know which side of the original model has the weight distribution of the vertices above the neck, and remember their sequence position. Then add the vertex with a weight of 0 to the vertex group of your ornament, sequentially adding it to the sequence of vertices you want to target and setting the weight of this vertex to 1. The most important point is that you must move the ornament mesh to the head of the original model in edit mode.

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11 hours ago, starash said:

1. 直接从游戏中的任何头饰上制作一个新模块,直接复制权重组(可能只有一组或两组),

2.基于body模块创建新的mesh,首先需要知道原模型的哪一侧有颈部以上顶点的权重分布,并记住它们的顺序位置。然后将权重为 0 的顶点添加到您的装饰品的顶点组中,依次将其添加到您要定位的顶点序列中并将该顶点的权重设置为 1。最重要的一点是您必须移动装饰品在编辑模式下网格到原始模型的头部。


Yes, the first one. I'm going to just replace the jewelry in the game. But I couldn't find the right place. (And I don't know how to use ALPHA to make it transparent)
Using the second method, jewelry is placed differently for each girl in the game.

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Game 29GB 20220408
movie 10GB


2.run KT.reg or Edit pathreg.7z
3.run DMMGamePlayer.exe Specify path “D:\” No “D:\DOAX-VenusVacation”

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00










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On 2022/4/2 at AM2点29分, lab000balap said:

在寻找哈希 0855b809 期间完全清除服装,但是当您实际在 ini 文件中插入哈希时,它仅使用帧分析清除前后色带
,搜索哈希仅导致 2 个索引,它们用于色带/结前后
将它们导入搅拌机时,它也只导入了色带,但包含整个服装的顶点,只是没有填充(加载 .buf 文件确实导入了整个服装但没有分离) ,而是加载了 .buf (请原谅我使用 2.79,但搅拌机插件似乎在 2.8 之前更稳定) 我对改装真的很陌生,这是我第一次尝试做服装编辑模块




See the button modification tutorial at the beginning of the video at 23 minutes.

match_first_index = 0

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