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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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I've updated the base mod to v1.4, which you can find in the usual place:



It's got a new version of 3DMigoto, some performance improvements, a new performance monitor, a toggle key to turn the mods on and off, enables texture replacements for costumes and fingernails (the fingernails are on the same texture as the rest of the skin, so they should be pretty straight forward to edit), and enables frame analysis dumps for hair, fingernails and eyeballs, and dumps poses so you should get a complete mesh if you wanted to do something with it outside of the game.


Costume mod video tutorial here - this covers simple index buffer removals, partial mesh removals, mesh editing with Blender, and hole patching with Blender:



For Modders: The release notes for 3DMigoto 1.3.11 are over here. This is a fairly major update, including the addition of a full expression parser and conditionals in the command list, and the above-mentioned performance monitor:



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I've updated the mod pack to add the costume mod I created for the video tutorial, as well as some mods to Luna and Tamaki's costumes (remove the DISABLED from the filename if you want to use these), but not Luna's new SSR though - all my hearts and all my tickets and still no Luna, but at least I unlocked Ayane at last:

On 15/04/2018 at 5:37 AM, ausgeek said:

Extract this starter mod pack into the game directory: DOAXVV ModPack 3.7z (Updated)









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6 hours ago, Baralgin said:

Noice123, you are as always a pessimist. :frown:


Pessimist? It's true. All we can extract are the TMC and the TMCL files from the ps4 version and no one's really Made a script with full support to input into blender.

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5 hours ago, Dreamcaster said:

Made some Skirtless mods for the SR's of Misaki, Honoka and Marie Skirtless.zip



By the way TextureOverride is for IB's, ShaderOverride is the PS' what's the command for VS'

I'm trying to remove the skirt of Luna's Bunny SSR and part of the skirt is a VS, anybody know?

 Good job! I also removed some of these and give the option to even remove the panty, when I changed the underlaying body. So if you like you can leave the skirt on, but remove the panty.

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5 hours ago, Dreamcaster said:

By the way TextureOverride is for IB's, ShaderOverride is the PS' what's the command for VS'

ShaderOverride sections can match both vertex and pixel shaders (and hull, domain, geometry and compute shaders), so you can just use the vertex shader hash with them. This is kind of historical, left over from the original open source release of 3DMigoto by Chiri - our DX9 tool (Helix Mod) used different sections for each, and if I'd been a developer on 3DMigoto at the time I would have pushed to do the same (for technical and clarity reasons), but I only joined the project later and we can't really change it now. That said, vertex and pixel shaders (almost) always come in pairs, so you can usually use a pixel shader and they are usually a little more precise (matches less unrelated items) than vertex shaders.


TextureOverride sections can match any sort of 1D, 2D or 3D texture or buffer, but a "checktextureoverride=<target>" command is needed in a ShaderOverride to have 3DMigoto check them at all, where <target> is one of:


ib: Index Buffer

vb0, vb1, ..., vb31: Vertex Buffers (this game only uses vb0)

<shader>-t<slot>: Shader Resource Slots for textures and some types of buffers (where <shader> is one of ps, vs, hs, ds, gs, cs and <slot> is between 0 and 127, e.g. "ps-t0" for "Pixel Shader Texture Slot 0")


There are additional targets you can use, but I don't recommend using these with checktextureoverride, because they tend to be updated in-game making hash based matches unreliable (in some games even regular textures are affected by this, which is what the track_texture_updates feature is there to solve). These are more commonly used with 3DMigoto's arbitrary resource copying feature to (e.g.) copy resources from one shader to another or to bind custom resources, but there is nothing stopping you from using these wherever 3DMigoto expects a resource target:

<shader>-cb<slot>: Constant Buffers (any type of shader)

<shader>-u<slot>: UAVs (where <shader> is either ps or cs)

o0, o1, ..., o7: Render Targets

oD: Depth Target

so<slot>: Geometry Stream Output Buffers

this: Refers to the resource being cleared for special purpose command lists, and the buffer used for indirect draw calls.


And additional targets that don't really apply to checktextureoverride because they don't have hashes:

bb: The Swap Chain's current Back Buffer (though I am planning to special case this so it can be used with checktextureoverride)

null: Empty target

Resource*: Custom resource defined in the d3dx.ini

stereoparams: 3DMigoto's StereoParams stereo texture for 3D Vision, usually found in the t125 slot of all shaders

iniparams: 3DMigoto's IniParams texture, usually found in the t120 slot of all shaders (The x, y, z, w, x1, y1, ..., z7, w7 variables in the ini file can be accessed inside shaders using this texture)

cursor_mask: A DirectX texture 3DMigoto automatically creates containing the current mouse cursor mask

cursor_color: A DirectX texture 3DMigoto automatically creates containing the current mouse cursor, for software mouse cursor shaders


3 hours ago, Shuubaru said:

is it possible to re-import the raw vb and ib files into blender again?

Yes, but it needs a format reference to be able to decode them - If the mesh was exported using a recent version of the addon it will also have exported a ".fmt" file containing this reference and the importer will find this automatically, but if it was exported with an older version this will be missing and you will have to provide one - you can use a .txt file from a fresh frame analysis dump for this purpose (if you're importing a body mesh you would use another body mesh as a reference - but it doesn't have to be the same mesh - just one that uses the same format. If you're importing a modified costume mesh you would want to use a frame analysis dump of the original costume as a reference). This is covered in the video starting at about 35:00:



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5 hours ago, coreytaylor211 said:

Hi I need help with the dumping, my dumping folder is empty after hit f8. My d3dx.ini settings are the same as in the youtube video. plz help 

The dump files won't be in the dump folder, 2 new folders will be made called "FrameAnalysis (with the current date) and "FrameAnalysisDeduped", that will contain all the swimsuit files


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