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On 9/23/2018 at 5:07 PM, stobor said:

Some observations on the 1.8pre version:

  • The cow textures & hunter brands did not appear on the character until I saved and reloaded (they did appear then, so I know the textures work).
  • No breast growth potions were applied on capture, as far as I can tell. 
  • The milker on the cart doesn't appear to be functional anymore; I assume that's deliberate?  It still works as furniture, just not as a milker.
  • The scene with the hunters is still buggy, when it's supposed to continue after waking up (after the branding).  The hunter says his first line, but it's just a 'hello' line at that point (dialogue menu isn't actually up, as it should be for a force-greet).  I strongly suspect that the problem is that he's just slightly too far away for the force-greet.  In prior versions I could enable player controls, move closer to him, and the scene would proceed normally.   In this version, 'epc' only works momentarily, and then you're back in the milker.  So I resorted to 'setstage' instead, to advance the quest and skip his dialogue.  That appeared to work.

Looking at the logs, I didn't see anything directly relevant to the issues above, but there were a few red flags.  See the attached log fragments for details:





A few other things to add:


  • The game-time-passing change in the captured cow scene is good, well done.  I would guess you'll be adding the same to the captivity scenario in Riften?
  • The captivity in Riften passes super quick, it feels rushed.  One idea to make it seem like time is passing: have the scene fade in / fade out a couple more times to signify time passing in a drugged blur.
  • The parade in Riften was flaky, but I suspect that's purely due to Skyrim path-finding being flaky.  It seemed to get particularly confused if there were two almost-equal paths to the Master, and dithered between them if there was any hint of obstruction, but it worked out in the end.
  • Once fur/tats appear on the character, the progression appears to work fine, no further need of a save/reload to get them to show up.  So if there's a problem, it seems to be unique to first application of the textures.
  • Face textures also showed up without any problems.
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Something else: I'm not sure whether BAC is responsible or rather Devious Training, but could you do a check on playerrace being werewolfbeastrace and then *not* do the re-equipping cycle? Arched feet get equipped during werewolf, then unequipped again and removed every 10-20 seconds. I turned off YPS fashion, so DT and BAC are the remaining contenders for this issue. Also, I use Moonlight Tales Essentials which equips something called "Werewolf Updater" (xx215007) to implement the skin system. During the Arched Feet equipping, this Werewolf Updater gets unequipped turning the player into vanilla werewolf and causing a CTD upon MTE werewolf ending, if I'm not fast enough to re-equip the updater via console.

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Sexlab stories had a feature where if you ended up at the red wave i think it was, if you committed crime and you had a bounty debt to pay off, Anyways you could leave when you wanted to but your debt would increasingly go up, so maybe you can leave paul but the longer you stay out your debt raises higher. just an idea.


Still i like the breast expanding feature if you ignore paul.

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Sexlab Stories had the "I'm a Milk Maid" starting option for Alternate Start, Live Another Life...

DeepBlueFrog built up the farm to the west of Riften and made it into a special diary farm with an introductory quest start framework. Perhaps you can discuss options in how to interact with that farm's open end nature to send Paul or his prized heifer there. A simpler option would be to make/introduce a cheese connoisseur in Riften and hold a contest quest with either a direct mod to mod link or an easy implied inference to Simple Stories' farm.

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7 hours ago, LinksSword said:

Is the my master call thing a punishment for not going to your master when your breast spontaneously get bigger. Also heard of Black and White vision is that in 1.8pre or is that a future thing?

can confirm its in 1.8pre, also i really like this feature and would like to see it expanded upon

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1 hour ago, botticelli said:

How long should it take after finishing of Enslaved Cow 2 until the Intro for Being a Cow starts? Because, I'm waiting for a month now and nothing happens...

ee what?
instantly - after teleport to whiteruns stables and last dialogue or after update (if marc's quest is finished)

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Hi, I'm running into a problem. My pc is supposed to wait for Marc after the midnight near the statue of Talo in Riften. However, after the midnight, Marc never show up. He still stay in Bee and Bar. I wait entire game hour and Marc still stayed on Bee and Bar. I loaded the early save and play again and get the same result. Has anyone got the same issue?

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2 minutes ago, fruns75 said:

I'm 90% sure i installed everything needed (slavetats 1.1.1, Zaz 8.0, MME, net immerse) but when i get to stage 6(?) the body is purple. i have HDT animated pussy but i dont know if that would conflict with anything.

Did you remember to download the Being a cow tats pack?

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7 minutes ago, botticelli said:

too late. I got some weird enormous lag when quickloading, so I started a new cow. Before that, I could start the quest with setstage bac_beingacow 10.

if you going to play with setstage please dont report me issues - its a one of  best way to break this mod.

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