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Passion [Requires patch level 1.63+]

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53 minutes ago, mazlguy2 said:

Cool, now I undestand why sometimes the info says simA is passioning simB at Xplace then I focus there and notice that simA is indeed there but simB is in another place, the follow simA who is meeting whit simB but nothing happens, instead simB go inside his home and simA goes away. Weird ?

What you describe is another thing.

Sim A, passioning with Sim B at Xplace but SimA is there and SimB goes home means that

SimA started passion with SimB but Sim B was very low in motives and went back home. (That's a Townie one. It's in a home of your world)

Motives are Energy, Bladder (needs to piss/pup), Hunger etc.

That's normal thing to see. It might happen, specially if the sim that's leaving returns from it's job.

That's what Motives changer can fix :tounge_wink:


What I said is more weird than that.

Sim A, passioning with Sim B at Xplace and when you get your camera there, Sim B vanish or is vanished and is nowhere at the town anymore.

Click on it's icon, tells about meet outside or invite over and no other interaction.

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Hi Storm,


I certainly don't know if this is the place to say it, but here are my two cents of bug reporting:


The gloryhole gate is okay, but for some reason, it still says that there is an active Passion session even after I've reset the Sims last using it as well as the gate itself.


And whenever I have an adult (male) Sim in a group of YAs (with one female), Passion seems to inadvertently assume that one of the males takes the female position.


Just what I've observed.

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1 hour ago, JustACasualSimmer said:

The gloryhole gate is okay, but for some reason, it still says that there is an active Passion session even after I've reset the Sims last using it as well as the gate itself.

Usually the glory hole says nothing from what I know as far!

Can you screenshot what you say?

And if you say "come on, do you really need that?" as some other said here, I say YES, I defiantly do!

If you can't use it, because your sims are making the route error animation, just reset it with Nraas Debug Enabler.


1 hour ago, JustACasualSimmer said:

And whenever I have an adult (male) Sim in a group of YAs (with one female), Passion seems to inadvertently assume that one of the males takes the female position. 

I guess that you still use the old AW - WTW animations.

Amra made new animations for that object and all AW - WTW animations are already converted to KW.

Most of those old AW animations were programmatic moved to the correct object positions and since new animations made for that specific object all those are not support any longer.


As for "Passion seems to inadvertently assume that one of the males takes the female position" that was a long time ago!

Which passion version you speak about?

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11 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

Since none report any issue about Sims 3 Error system blue screens there, the issue with the Tourists in this version has to do with pubic hair and not any outfits.

So remove these and add the translations makes a new version.

Thanks to tell.

I'll take a look.

I think the translations are for the version that is at MTS.


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11 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

Destroyed Object Found: Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim (Windy Bunn, V=True) (ID=0x0000000000000000, W=True, I=False)
  UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Player Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim mActor
   Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Player] 

Destroyed Object Found: Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim (Abby Dobbs, V=True) (ID=0x0000000000000000, W=True, I=False)
  UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Player Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim mActor
   Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Player]

Destroyed Object Found: Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim (Rebecca Couture, V=True) (ID=0x0000000000000000, W=True, I=False)
  UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Player Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim mActor
   Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Player]

Destroyed Object Found: Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim (Molly French-Frio, V=True) (ID=0x0000000000000000, W=True, I=False)
  UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Player Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim mActor
   Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Player]
   UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Part S3_Passion.Passion+Player Initiator
    Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Sims3.Gameplay.ObjectComponents.PartArea,S3_Passion.Passion+Part]
     UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Target System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Sims3.Gameplay.ObjectComponents.PartArea,S3_Passion.Passion+Part] mParts
      Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Target]
      Recursion Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Part S3_Passion.Passion+Target Target

Destroyed Object Found: Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim (Cleveland Dodson, V=True) (ID=0x0000000000000000, W=True, I=False)
  UNHANDLED Reference: S3_Passion.Passion+Player Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim mActor
   Bridge Reference: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,S3_Passion.Passion+Player]


These above are sims that either died or forced out of your world but they had modded interactions

Not necessarily sims that have died or moved out of the world I've gotten those when Passion gets interrupted. I've gotten a few of those concerning my own sim and I know my sim isn't dead. That's just ErrorTrap cleaning up the interrupted interaction.


Also on a side note I noticed an odd issue with playable resident ghosts when I have my sim Passion with them everything is fine but if I use the Suggest Passion Interaction to have them Passion with anyone else they go to start Passion but stop almost immediately and get Embarrassed and it's not Traits as I looked at those and they don't have the Traits to cause that it even happens when they are alone with that sim and no others around.

Also I had use the Suggest Passion Interaction on sims that do have the Shy and Proper traits to Passion with another sim in a room full of sims and they went ahead and Passion'ed that sim with everyone looking and never got Embarrassed.

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8 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

As for "Passion seems to inadvertently assume that one of the males takes the female position" that was a long time ago!

Which passion version you speak about?

That still happens once in awhile it seems to sometimes misread the Gender Flags for Woohoo Actor 0. What makes it even odder is mine has both Gender Flags for Actor 0 (in case it's 2 females) and Actor 1 as female (unless it has strapon flag then it's male) but my male does sometimes get placed in the female role.

But when it comes to 3somes, 4somes and the 5somes it tends to happen a little more probably because those add more variables.

11 hours ago, mazlguy2 said:

Cool, now I undestand why sometimes the info says simA is passioning simB at Xplace then I focus there and notice that simA is indeed there but simB is in another place,


10 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

Sim A, passioning with Sim B at Xplace and when you get your camera there, Sim B vanish or is vanished and is nowhere at the town anymore

Or Sim B got teleported away cause they got caught by their spouse, bf, gf or RI for cheating and are getting their butts chewed out for it had this happen in a game without Passion right when my sim was about to do vanilla woohoo with Morgana Wolfe she got teleported away and her husband was laying into her for cheating.

Or Sim B got teleported away cause the game gave them a higher priority to take care of.

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10 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

Usually the glory hole says nothing from what I know as far!

Can you screenshot what you say?

And if you say "come on, do you really need that?" as some other said here, I say YES, I defiantly do!

If you can't use it, because your sims are making the route error animation, just reset it with Nraas Debug Enabler.


I guess that you still use the old AW - WTW animations.

Amra made new animations for that object and all AW - WTW animations are already converted to KW.

Most of those old AW animations were programmatic moved to the correct object positions and since new animations made for that specific object all those are not support any longer.


As for "Passion seems to inadvertently assume that one of the males takes the female position" that was a long time ago!

Which passion version you speak about?


Actually, I used L666's 4-some animations. (give me a moment, I'll have to see if it is repeatable)


I updated Passion to when it came out. 


In terms of the wrong gender: (I'm checking the gloryhole one, maybe if I can do it the way I did it - bear with me)

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 16.58.53.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 16.58.42.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 16.58.32.png


Edit: The thought about not giving you screenshots never crossed my mind. In terms of the gloryhole, it seems to be a one time placement error, so a simple restart of my game seems to have cured it. 

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5 hours ago, JustACasualSimmer said:


Actually, I used L666's 4-some animations. (give me a moment, I'll have to see if it is repeatable)


I updated Passion to when it came out. 


In terms of the wrong gender: (I'm checking the gloryhole one, maybe if I can do it the way I did it - bear with me)





Edit: The thought about not giving you screenshots never crossed my mind. In terms of the gloryhole, it seems to be a one time placement error, so a simple restart of my game seems to have cured it. 

My reason for asking screenshots is that you can express much better what you want to say with an image, rather than words.

We don't talk here, which is the easiest to communicate, we chat instead and that's harder. Some people disagree to that.

That's what I said.

Now about this screenshot with the male take the role of the female, take a look on L666 XML about this animation, what is written in it.




<!-- Foursome No Escape MFMM A – GangBang - Floor -->



    <WooHooActor Id="0">

    <Genders>Male,Female</Genders>                     The 1st actor has both genders but
                      There is a strap on use and passion understands that this is a male role


    <WooHooActor Id="1">
       <Genders>Male,Female</Genders>                     The partner here can be male (for gay) or female and passion understands that can be either gay or female 
    <Species>Human</Species>                                      Remove Male from this tag and you'll never see your screenshot again


   <WooHooActor Id="2">
    <Genders>Male,Female</Genders>                                         The actor here has both genders but
    <UseStrapon>true</UseStrapon>                                            There is a strap on use and passion understands that this is a male role
            <WooHooActor Id="3">
    <Genders>Male,Female</Genders>                                                      The actor here has both genders but
    <UseStrapon>true</UseStrapon>                                                         There is a strap on use and passion understands that this is a male role

<!-- Foursome No Escape MFMM B – GangBang - Floor -->




I don't understand, why you have almost everything disabled.

I mean no autonomy no passion autonomous sequences, just a click on a sim and choose a position. Nothing more.

You can use this settings if you want to test but not to play.

Any time you want, do a passion system reset and see how passion works in sims 3.

What I saw that you have, is more an animations tester, rather than passion. 

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9 hours ago, namaradus said:

Not necessarily sims that have died or moved out of the world I've gotten those when Passion gets interrupted. I've gotten a few of those concerning my own sim and I know my sim isn't dead. That's just ErrorTrap cleaning up the interrupted interaction.

I said that, some posts above, to Freaky Rufus.

An MC sim reset, clones your sim and Dispose the original. That is why you see your sim that's mot dead.

At the beginning I could not understand the difference of dispose and destroy and I don't mean the words my friend.

These are Sims 3 procedures that, one destroys but keeps it in the world and the other one destroys and remove it, like annihilation.

Sims most of times are disposed and some other objects like fruits also.

There physical bodies have all the description needed to recreate, resurrect, call outside etc because of this disposal. 

If you destroy that's the end of their description and the end of them (cleanse the dead) 


I found that when I was testing with condoms.

I had condom packs spread around sims inventories and when the script was removing them from any sim inventory, I had choose the dispose procedure.

After some time playing, I used MC objects info, to see that I had more than 3000 of them out of inventory.

So I used destroy and I uploaded a new version.


9 hours ago, namaradus said:

Also on a side note I noticed an odd issue with playable resident ghosts when I have my sim Passion with them everything is fine but if I use the Suggest Passion Interaction to have them Passion with anyone else they go to start Passion but stop almost immediately and get Embarrassed and it's not Traits as I looked at those and they don't have the Traits to cause that it even happens when they are alone with that sim and no others around.

Also I had use the Suggest Passion Interaction on sims that do have the Shy and Proper traits to Passion with another sim in a room full of sims and they went ahead and Passion'ed that sim with everyone looking and never got Embarrassed.


The shy/proper work on passion autonomy and not to Suggest Passion. 

They're suppose to leave as witness to passion event.

As about the ghosts you said, there is an Embarrassed option for children and pets, to leave the room when adults passion and I think that I have any but human, to be in the room, for pets and maybe that needs a fix. 

I'll take a look on that.

Thank's bro!       

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18 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

I don't understand, why you have almost everything disabled.

I mean no autonomy no passion autonomous sequences, just a click on a sim and choose a position. Nothing more.

You can use this settings if you want to test but not to play.

Any time you want, do a passion system reset and see how passion works in sims 3.

What I saw that you have, is more an animations tester, rather than passion. 

It's just my style of play. Like, I'm not ungrateful for effort you put into making Passion, but it's just how I prefer it to be.

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Strapons aren't being equipped. How come? So far this is the only version I have seen where that's a thing. Oh and that bluescreen thing about outfits still pops up when a sim gets naked for a shower or bath, but not when they do the same for Passion. It's kinda like the shower and bath are using some nude outfit Passion isn't compatible with.

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Hey! This is my first time ever posting on this site. My fiancé bought me TS3 last fall and it took me months to get into mods. Obviously, I had to have this one. I was extremely confused and kept giving up every time I tried to make it work but I finally dedicated the time to figuring it out the other day. It’s wonderful! 


My big problem is that my sim- after a few days of playing around with Passion- has developed a second penis. It’s bigger and longer and is literally coming out of where is bellybutton is supposed to be. I hadn’t downloaded any additional mods or anything, so I have no idea what’s going on. Seeing if anyone has some guidance as to how to get rid of it, because it makes the animations absolutely ridiculous. Lol. Also, it started happening mid-game, so I don’t think it’s from a new mod unless it was somehow triggered by a specific animation.


I’ve included a picture of my screen that I sent to my best friend last night just for laughs. Yyyyeah, that’s what I’m dealing with here :P


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5 hours ago, kayblizz92 said:

Hey! This is my first time ever posting on this site. My fiancé bought me TS3 last fall and it took me months to get into mods. Obviously, I had to have this one. I was extremely confused and kept giving up every time I tried to make it work but I finally dedicated the time to figuring it out the other day. It’s wonderful! 


My big problem is that my sim- after a few days of playing around with Passion- has developed a second penis. It’s bigger and longer and is literally coming out of where is bellybutton is supposed to be. I hadn’t downloaded any additional mods or anything, so I have no idea what’s going on. Seeing if anyone has some guidance as to how to get rid of it, because it makes the animations absolutely ridiculous. Lol. Also, it started happening mid-game, so I don’t think it’s from a new mod unless it was somehow triggered by a specific animation.


I’ve included a picture of my screen that I sent to my best friend last night just for laughs. Yyyyeah, that’s what I’m dealing with here :P


Do you have any Nraas mods installed? Like Master Controller, Overwatch, ErrorTrap?

Those last two mods, prevent your sims from corruption.

It seams that your male sim naked outfit has the SM pener permanent.

Edit the sims naked outfit or delete it (Nraas Master Controller) and the game will create another one with not this accessory.

Edit outfits is something that we all do often in this game. I guess you don't need help for that.

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6 hours ago, Shiori栞 said:

Strapons aren't being equipped. How come? So far this is the only version I have seen where that's a thing. Oh and that bluescreen thing about outfits still pops up when a sim gets naked for a shower or bath, but not when they do the same for Passion. It's kinda like the shower and bath are using some nude outfit Passion isn't compatible with.

There is not any change on Straps in this version. If it was working on any previous one, it should work for this too.

Check if you miss the strap on from your mods folder or it the setting is disabled.

Look in naked outfits if it exist in accessories, If not, it's not installed.


The blue screen (Sims 3 Error System) gives also a Script Error.

What it says? What this screen is about?

The default naked outfit is only one and that's the first in naked outfits stack.

It is exactly the same that passion and shower/bath use.

Edit this outfit and see if there is any corruption on it that prevents strap on and spawns the blue screens.

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6 hours ago, TwilightStorm said:

There is not any change on Straps in this version. If it was working on any previous one, it should work for this too.

Check if you miss the strap on from your mods folder or it the setting is disabled.

Look in naked outfits if it exist in accessories, If not, it's not installed.


The blue screen (Sims 3 Error System) gives also a Script Error.

What it says? What this screen is about?

The default naked outfit is only one and that's the first in naked outfits stack.

It is exactly the same that passion and shower/bath use.

Edit this outfit and see if there is any corruption on it that prevents strap on and spawns the blue screens.

You mean get naked, use Nrass Stylist and try to equip the strapon?


One thing I do know is the option is set to On. As for the bluescreen, that began on versions later than, but I never used From 2.7.0 and up I've seen it. I also know that choosing Disable doesn't disable the script for long, if at all. I don't think any options do.

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4 hours ago, Shiori栞 said:

You mean get naked, use Nrass Stylist and try to equip the strapon?

NO! I mean use Nrass Stylist and see if the strap on exists in accessories.

Do NOT add it.

Passion does that autonomous.

The blue screens started when I first added the pubic hair for females in Outfit Changer.

When a tourist visits Town, Outfit Changer was trying to add the Add/Remove Pubic Hair Interactions to tourists and that was the reason for those blue screens.

I uploaded a new version that fix this.

That's 27.2.2

It's solved in the latest version.


AS I said above

The blue screen (Sims 3 Error System) gives also a Script Error.

What it says?

This will define what this error of yours is.

So please post it.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScriptError Version="6" Type="MiniScriptError" MaxRecursionDepth="0">
  <ExceptionData>simulating object is null
unable to obtain an interaction object

A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x00177 callvirt   in S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.ModLoader:AddSimInteractions (Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim) ([A3D99C00] )
#1: 0x00014 call       in S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.ModLoader:OnSimInstantiatedOrAgedUp (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) ([A8519D68] )
#2: 0x00000            in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.ProcessEventDelegate:Invoke (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (45D7EB40 [A8519D68] )
#3: 0x00007 callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.DelegateListener:ProcessEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (4CF4E240 [A8519D68] )
#4: 0x00054 callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:ProcessEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (43B6A8D0 [A8519D68] )
#5: 0x0000e callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:SendEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) ([A8519D68] )
#6: 0x0000e call       in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:SendEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTypeId,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IActor,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IGameObject) ([311] [00000000] [A3D99C00] )
#7: 0x0014e call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool,bool) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5E14] [vt:96AC5E24] [1] [0] )
#8: 0x00016 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5D7C] [vt:96AC5D8C] [1] )
#9: 0x00012 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5CDC] [vt:96AC5CEC] )
#10: 0x0001b call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:InstantiateOffScreen (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] [vt:96AC5BCC] )
#11: 0x00014 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] [vt:96AC5B7C] )
#12: 0x0000a call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] )
#13: 0x0002f callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role:StartRole () ()
#14: 0x00001 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleTourist:StartRole () ()
#15: 0x001cc callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role:CreateRole (Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleData,Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IRoleGiver) ([4FF5DD90] [97395AA0] [00000000] )
#16: 0x001f4 call       in NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.RoleManagerTaskEx:FillForeignRoleEx (Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role/RoleType,Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleData,System.Collections.Generic.List`1) (4FC582D0 [140790009] [4FF5DD90] [2507872248/0x957b17f8] )
#17: 0x00481 stloc.np.o in NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.RoleManagerTaskEx:Simulate () ()
#18: 0x00022 ldc.i4.0   in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () ()


☝️That formatting though ?

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2 hours ago, Shiori栞 said:


  Reveal hidden contents



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScriptError Version="6" Type="MiniScriptError" MaxRecursionDepth="0">
  <ExceptionData>simulating object is null
unable to obtain an interaction object

A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x00177 callvirt   in S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.ModLoader:AddSimInteractions (Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim) ([A3D99C00] )
#1: 0x00014 call       in S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.S3_Passion.Outfit.Changer.ModLoader:OnSimInstantiatedOrAgedUp (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) ([A8519D68] )
#2: 0x00000            in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.ProcessEventDelegate:Invoke (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (45D7EB40 [A8519D68] )
#3: 0x00007 callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.DelegateListener:ProcessEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (4CF4E240 [A8519D68] )
#4: 0x00054 callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:ProcessEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) (43B6A8D0 [A8519D68] )
#5: 0x0000e callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:SendEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Event) ([A8519D68] )
#6: 0x0000e call       in Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTracker:SendEvent (Sims3.Gameplay.EventSystem.EventTypeId,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IActor,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IGameObject) ([311] [00000000] [A3D99C00] )
#7: 0x0014e call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool,bool) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5E14] [vt:96AC5E24] [1] [0] )
#8: 0x00016 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5D7C] [vt:96AC5D8C] [1] )
#9: 0x00012 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [vt:96AC5CDC] [vt:96AC5CEC] )
#10: 0x0001b call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:InstantiateOffScreen (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] [vt:96AC5BCC] )
#11: 0x00014 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] [vt:96AC5B7C] )
#12: 0x0000a call       in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot) (97395AA0 [4FE3F920] )
#13: 0x0002f callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role:StartRole () ()
#14: 0x00001 call       in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleTourist:StartRole () ()
#15: 0x001cc callvirt   in Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role:CreateRole (Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleData,Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IRoleGiver) ([4FF5DD90] [97395AA0] [00000000] )
#16: 0x001f4 call       in NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.RoleManagerTaskEx:FillForeignRoleEx (Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.Role/RoleType,Sims3.Gameplay.Roles.RoleData,System.Collections.Generic.List`1) (4FC582D0 [140790009] [4FF5DD90] [2507872248/0x957b17f8] )
#17: 0x00481 stloc.np.o in NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.NRaas.RegisterSpace.Tasks.RoleManagerTaskEx:Simulate () ()
#18: 0x00022 ldc.i4.0   in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () ()




☝️That formatting though ?

The error is exactly what I said. Outfit Changer has tried to add interactions to tourists. In the version the Outfit changer is fixed.

Download the version and replace the Outfit changer only.

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Hi again. I brought up before a lack of animation in the regular, EA standard, shower woohoo, with no giggling, hearts, or comical shaking of the whole shower fixture. I also established that whatever was the full cause, removing Passion fixed it, and replacing it has indeed brought the problem back.


Now, I INCORRECTLY guessed that it was the same for bed woohoo, and TwilightStorm tested and showed a screenshot of bed woohoo, to prove it worked. I was wrong, bed woohoo works fine, but shower still skips past it's animation sequence and just auti-finishes with no effects.


If someone could please give that a test, I'd be grateful. I know Twilight is busy, and puts up with a bunch of crap from people who don't read, but it seems Passion is at least a part of the problem, if not the whole problem.


It takes a long time to test this stuff (loading the game and starting to play is about 10 mins or more! Tedious!), and I get tired of testing and just want to play. Also, I can't safely play Sims unless I'm alone in the house, or late at night (bad for my sleep!). So, I don't get much time to test and would rather just play, But, I'm very sure Passion has something to do with it. I might (probably) also have other problems, because snorkeling animations and mermaid animations are ALSO broke, and that's NOT Passion's fault.

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1 hour ago, TheGuardDuck said:

Hi again. I brought up before a lack of animation in the regular, EA standard, shower woohoo, with no giggling, hearts, or comical shaking of the whole shower fixture. I also established that whatever was the full cause, removing Passion fixed it, and replacing it has indeed brought the problem back.


Now, I INCORRECTLY guessed that it was the same for bed woohoo, and TwilightStorm tested and showed a screenshot of bed woohoo, to prove it worked. I was wrong, bed woohoo works fine, but shower still skips past it's animation sequence and just auti-finishes with no effects.


If someone could please give that a test, I'd be grateful. I know Twilight is busy, and puts up with a bunch of crap from people who don't read, but it seems Passion is at least a part of the problem, if not the whole problem.


It takes a long time to test this stuff (loading the game and starting to play is about 10 mins or more! Tedious!), and I get tired of testing and just want to play. Also, I can't safely play Sims unless I'm alone in the house, or late at night (bad for my sleep!). So, I don't get much time to test and would rather just play, But, I'm very sure Passion has something to do with it. I might (probably) also have other problems, because snorkeling animations and mermaid animations are ALSO broke, and that's NOT Passion's fault.

Shower woohoo works for me also. I just forgot to post my results when I saw Twilightstorm had already posted his as I was busy at the time.


What bothers me is that you now have broken mermaid and snorkeling animations. Does this also happen with a clean game folder in a New Game with just Passion, animations and the basic Nraas mods Master Controller, OverWatch, ErrorTrap and Woohooer installed?


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Hello Twilightstorm,

saw you implemented the german words into the Outfit Changer.
Thank you for that.
Attached a ZIP containing two german STBL as package files for easy
importing with S3PE.
One fit for your very smart Motive Changer (Thank you for this)
and one for Passion with completed the missing german expressions.
At some places I have changed the language of already translated words too.
I very much hope NOT to get in the way with your german language supporter, who does a really good job.
However, may there is a use for the files.


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2 hours ago, namaradus said:

Shower woohoo works for me also. I just forgot to post my results when I saw Twilightstorm had already posted his as I was busy at the time.


What bothers me is that you now have broken mermaid and snorkeling animations. Does this also happen with a clean game folder in a New Game with just Passion, animations and the basic Nraas mods Master Controller, OverWatch, ErrorTrap and Woohooer installed?


Yeah. It's fukt. Thanks for telling me, I must not be all Passions fault then. I've not tested that yet.


Years ago, things seemed just fine. I was pretty savvy with adding mods, figuring out what caches to clean/save, etc. I had just gotten IP and was eager to build a house boat and explore stuff! But life took turns and I ended up uninstalling and storing the saves and everything that couldn't be re-generated in long term storage.


Last year I dug it out, re-installed, and tried to make a homeless girl lost in paradise who needed to hook to get by. Had a lotta fun learning all the ways you can survive without a house, added a shemale girlfriend, and they never ended up getting to the hooking part (You can LIVE in a gym! Food, shower, toilets, sofas to sleep on, TV to watch... Awesome!). Everything seemed ok to start, and Snorkeling was working fine!


At some point, Snorkeling broke. They just started walking around. After a while, I discovered that if I edited the Town, and saved, everything would work FINE, until I reloaded the save. Then it would run for 5-15 game-minutes (seconds!) then CTD. As long as time stayed paused, it would be fine, but as soon as I started playing, CTD. Now I needed to be careful what I did with my save. And somewhere around then, regular swimming broke. Everyone in the pool or ocean was doing a Jesus impersonation. I have NEVER yet gotten any of my Sims diving!! I didn't rush it because in my role play, they didn't want to yet. Now the game was so unstable I got fed up and uninstalled! I had tried cache cleaning, repairing installations, Much to my later frustration, I realized afterward that I had set up Woohooer wrong in ignorance, and it was keeping my teen girls from getting business from the populous, on the few times I actually tried whoring. I had assumed it was because teen-adult, but no, I was stupid, incorrect user-directed setting.


I should point out that I wasn't THAT stupid. First order of business that time around was updating Nraas mods, and anything else that had scripts. Nraas stuff was actually just it. I had nothing else with scripts except Gr.XTC, Cmars Penises, and some store content. Next order of business was seeing about all those bugs with Isla Paradiso everyone used to complain about, all those years ago. I got a replacement of Isla Paradiso that was modded to have pathing glitches fixed. I did not start my game until it was in place. And also, I added ErrorTrap and Overwatch, two mods I knew about, but never wanted to dig into, but I knew they might be necessary. All of this was in place before I began. Never even heard of Kinky World or Animated Woohoo. Over the span of that playtime, I added nothing but a few outfits, some tuning to stop curfew cops, and a some simbots tuning because i was eventually gonna make a homeless nerdgirl who'd set up a secret lab on a hidden island and build her friends a sexbot to help their business. I cannot be sure that any of these additions corresponded to my game getting worse.


So it was all shelved after I gave up. About a year later, Late Night goes on sale on Steam, grab it, redeem the code on Origin, and decide it's time to try again, now that I actually have BARS for my girls to look for customers. Before this, I had Pets, Ambitions, Generations, Supernatural, and Island Paradise. No WA, no Seasons, no University, Showtime, or Future. This time I wasn't gonna mess with IP, but to get dive lots and a secret island, I got the community map Sunset Island 3. Currently, these animation glitches seem to be the only problems. No save issues (I still make backup saves anyway. Got Nraas Saver and keep 2 extra copies). I even loaded an old save that was bugged up just to see what's up and it didn't crash and they could actually swim now, but snorkeling still broken. Still abandoning it though, as this new map supports more EPs.


As far as I can tell, in this new install and new game, snorkelling and mer-swimming in surface water is the only thing bugged, except now also shower woohoo! I've added Passion now, not touched KW, and dumped XTC, and added some more outfits, now that TSR has stopped paywalling the good stuff. I am about to add some cars from that guy Dailycard, and that's really it. Nothing has seriously changed, besides Late Night now being installed.


I am REALLY not looking forward to loading the game, testing, tweaking mods folder, loading again, testing, tweaking mods folder, etc. But I think I'm gonna try a little, maybe it won't be hard to figure out. And, if it comes from a Sims3pack, then FUK THAT!!! That's gonna be WAAAY too much time trying to fix.


You got ANY idea what can be screwing up animations? Also, I looked over the crash logs when it used to CTD and I don't know how to figure out if any particular mod is indicated there.


I know this is off-topic, so I won't be bringing this up again in the future, but I don't know anywhere else I might find someone who can help figure this out. All my searches find mostly nothing, and the few who do have these animation issues, have no answers. One fellow said he has no mods at all and still has the walking on water thing.

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7 hours ago, TheGuardDuck said:

now that TSR has stopped paywalling the good stuff.


You got ANY idea what can be screwing up animations? Also, I looked over the crash logs when it used to CTD and I don't know how to figure out if any particular mod is indicated there.

How much CC do you have? There is still some bad stuff on TSR if some bad CC got installed or attached to one of the things you downloaded, I remember getting the dreaded Arezzo Counter from a world on the Exchange.

I know bad CC can crash the game and cause mods to malfunction. I haven't heard of any breaking animations but then again I wouldn't be surprised if some did. I would definitely try a clean folder and check your CC with Custard there is a newer version of it on page 10 post 226 http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=390235&c=1&ht=0&page=10&pp=25#startcomment

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16 hours ago, TheGuardDuck said:

You got ANY idea what can be screwing up animations? Also, I looked over the crash logs when it used to CTD and I don't know how to figure out if any particular mod is indicated there.

Crashes To Desktop happen when TS3 licks out of memory.

This can be anything in this game.

Reasons can be, to many package files to open, bad content either vanilla or custom, world files with broken routes, script mods that conflict, broken meshes on outfits or any kind of 3d object, very high graphics on texture files (image resolutions above 2048).


The number of files that can be open from a program, at the same time can not be more than 256 in PC's

( The C run-time libraries have a 512 limit for the number of files that can be open at any one time. Attempting to open more than the maximum number of file descriptors or file streams causes program failure. Half of the maximum is safe.)

That is why it's suggested to combine the packages in to one single package, to reduce their number.


All packages in DCBackup folder are already compressed into DCCache folder to .dbc files (they are packages also) and all the files in DCBackup are use for backup purpose and uninstallation options and they are useless for the game.

The ONLY package that is needed from this folder is ccmerged.package and nothing else.

You can do your own backup by add them into zip or rar file.


Yes, you can find bad content in store objects.

I have already found a broken mesh on a dress that comes from Store EA worlds.

Observe the thumbnails of your outfits and look for weird images.

The packages, that those images come from should be removed.


Worlds with broken routes lead to crashes, when your household is close to a broken route.

The crash error in this case will show you always the same crash memory address and it might happen just by turn the camera to that route even from some distance.

Most Origin world files had broken routes.


Same script mods of different versions can also lead to crash, 

Script or core mods are dll files and they work as programs.

Programs that use the same system resources and same memory pages lead to ACCESS_VIOLATION reading or writing memory addresses    

An access error to memory address  0x0000000c has to do with your graphics card driver. You need to update this driver.


It is obvious that a 4k texture resolution takes double size memory than a 2k resolution and since this game is x86 can allocate only 4 gigabytes no matter how much ram your system has.

The more high resolution texture, the less memory for TS3 to operate. 

This will lead to out of memory crash.

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