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Beautiful women and how to make them


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I started a new Mod Organizer profile today just to try out the Demonica body. And I must say it is freakin' nice. Extremely well-made. Even straight out of the box it makes a very attractive character.




And after a little (as that's all you actually can do) tweaking in the newest Race Menu she looks a little better yet.






There is a downside, though, and that's a lack of support and a lack of head morphs during customization (you can't do as much with it as you can a vanilla head, although the Krista head is definitely superior in vertices count).


Just a tip for future portraiting, your images are really hot (overbright) and a quite yellow. I'm not sure if it's your ENB or just breezehome. 


Just trying to help a fellow Mod Organizerer.

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I started a new Mod Organizer profile today just to try out the Demonica body. And I must say it is freakin' nice. Extremely well-made. Even straight out of the box it makes a very attractive character.




And after a little (as that's all you actually can do) tweaking in the newest Race Menu she looks a little better yet.






There is a downside, though, and that's a lack of support and a lack of head morphs during customization (you can't do as much with it as you can a vanilla head, although the Krista head is definitely superior in vertices count).


Just a tip for future portraiting, your images are really hot (overbright) and a quite yellow. I'm not sure if it's your ENB or just breezehome. 


Just trying to help a fellow Mod Organizerer.



Yeah, those shots are bright. Breezehome next to the fire pit. And using ELFX with a SweetFX shader makes it go POP. :lol: I could tone it down with Imaginator, though.

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I started a new Mod Organizer profile today just to try out the Demonica body. And I must say it is freakin' nice. Extremely well-made. Even straight out of the box it makes a very attractive character.




And after a little (as that's all you actually can do) tweaking in the newest Race Menu she looks a little better yet.






There is a downside, though, and that's a lack of support and a lack of head morphs during customization (you can't do as much with it as you can a vanilla head, although the Krista head is definitely superior in vertices count).


Just a tip for future portraiting, your images are really hot (overbright) and a quite yellow. I'm not sure if it's your ENB or just breezehome. 


Just trying to help a fellow Mod Organizerer.



Yeah, those shots are bright. Breezehome next to the fire pit. And using ELFX with a SweetFX shader makes it go POP. :lol: I could tone it down with Imaginator, though.


did you not tried shadows mod? its amazing for photos. link : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50855/?

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Much as I like the khajiit, it's the head that I don't like.  :( I've made a few Khajiit characters during my Skyrim playthroughs but I tend to prefer something which has at least a more human face. The Dagi-Raht race mod that used to be available on Nexus was really great though, I loved it very much. Could have essentially the kind of anthro that I have always liked. Still looks anthro, but has human features facially (In my mind, I want my character(s) to at least be able to kiss like humans). These are reeeaaally old screenshots from probably over a year ago of some of my characters:


Default Khajiit:





Dagi-Raht Khajiit:





Wish I had better pictures of them, but I've since lost all these saves.


The Dagi-Raht race in these were created by Nuska, I've got version 2.1.6 still saved on my harddrive if anyone wants it. I'm not sure if she moved the download someplace else or removed it altogether. Personally I think hers is the best looking humanoid khajiit mod... the ones with human skin showing on the breasts and stomach down to the vag looks really silly lol. But that's me.


I think it would be better for the Dagi-Raht race to have a better mixture of Human/Kajiit characteristics. The texture remains too furry and the eye textures (though not sure because i'm basing my opinion on screenshots) remains too elven/ kajiit so it looks very off. I think if it were to be a little more human with some catlike chatacteristics along with a nice skin texture that is a tiny bit furry in the right places (not what i mean) then it would be great. I don't mean the anime style either. it's just there aren't many Halfy races that look very good and i'm pretty sure there aren't very many races like that.


I'm sorry if I worded this wierd, I'm quite tipsy at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so many i want to make :)  but im confouced tread is called and how to mae them. but i dont see a CME or sliders?


There is another thread "share your preset" where people will post CME or RM save for share.  This thread is about how to make characters so people who prefer not to share their character can still help others.  The minimum requirement is posting what mods used to achieve the screenshots but more description of the process are much appreciated.


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here's my custom "cute" race (work in progress)
race: custom
face texture mods: color: custom
                   normal map: custom (zbrush)
                   s and sk: SG
face mods:         ECE
                   smile in HD
                   Female Facial Animation v1-5
                   SG brows
                   Improved eyes
                   SG hair 268  
body texture mods: color:custom
                                normalmap: custom (zbrush) 
                                s and sk: SG
body mods: highpoly halo's hand\feet 
                    ubb flat
                    custom headmesh


i'm still working on my COTS-like race

list of changes


new face texture based on matureskin

ninghem eyes
edited headmesh(lips area)
new face normalmap

custom brows






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My Character - Violet!


She's a vampire now!












Mods used - 



Sg Textures (normal maps, tintmasks, specular and textures)
Feminine Hands CBBE
Smile in HD - Brighter + Normal Map
SG Hairs
Improved Eyes - for non vampire
FemFeet Redesigned

For Vampire -
Vampire less sunken cheeks
BVFE - Better vampire fangs and eyes
DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance
Female Vampires Have Fangs

Lighting -
True Vision ENB
More dynamic shadows and striping fixed by puuloo

Armor -
Vampire Cuirass with chains - bodyslide



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Hey guys. I have a request to anyone using Enhanced Character Edit (ECE) and Alternate Start - Live Another Life.


I need a character made, which uses the preset from one of the Elven Sisters, from the Elven Sisters Mod on Nexus. You can download the CME Save from the download page http://www.nexusmods...?id=52352&pUp=1 And all i need is for someone with ECE to create a char using the CME save of Lily, and then upload it for me. I will be forever in your debt, if you choose to help me out. I'm using RaceMenu myself, and the ECE would screw up my game completely, which is why i'm requesting this.


All you gotta do is:


Download the CME Save for Lily from the link above.


Create a character using the CME Save (Scroll to Breton, then load the CME.)


Save and Quit, then send me a link for the Savegame file you've made.


I've heard rumors that it's not possible to use a ECE made save game when you don't have ECE. But is there a way to work around this?



I hope someone is willing to help me out, it would be deeply appreciated.


Thank you in advance! 



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My advice, and it will be lost in the sea that is this thread :


Your eyes are the main focus of the face. EVERYTHING you pick, from hair, to nose, to dimples, should be centered on how they focus on the EYES. 


Lower eyes may mean a broader forehead, but also mean a more focused view when looking at the character ( the viewers perspective ). A "NORMAL" persons eyes are about even with the TOP of the BRIDGE of the nose. A " Beautiful " character usually has the eyes dropped lower then this, usually around the center or a little higher then the bridge of the nose. For a more youthful look , drop them TO center of the bridge of the nose. Any lower, and it will start to look " Alien " unless you fiddle with Eye Angel as well.


High, sharp cheekbones may be what Hollywood tells you is a beautiful female, but this is not always the case. Again, it has to do with the eyes. Think of Angelina Jolie : sure she has high sharp cheekbones, but look at the placement and ANGLE of her eyes. She also does not look " Young ", though she is attractive. Lower, larger, wider eyes with less angle and lower, rounder cheeks make a more " youthful " character, while higher cheekbones, more narrow cheeks, and more angle to narrow eyes can make a character look more " exotic ". Normal white people are in the middle ( :P ). 


Try to spend time rounding your chin. Sharp chins with no time spent on them look like shit.


When making females avoid wide Jaw lines. Fine tune them to match the EYES ( again, EYES ), cheeks, cheekbones, etc. For males a mid to slightly larger jaw line will look good.


Don't drop the eyes for men to far, you will end up looking like they have down - syndrome and not youthful at all.


Avoid make up at all costs. I mean this, leave it alone. For female characters, long enough Eye lashes ( AGAIN : EYES! :P ) will make your eyes look dark enough to where you THINK you are wearing makeup. To much makeup will make you look like a slut, not a beautiful female. The idea is to make character that is beautiful WITHOUT needing makeup in the first place. Feel free to add a LITTLE lipstick, but only SLIGHTLY darker then the shade of the lips without. Anything else will end up looking gaudy. 


Avoid pure blond hair. I'm not saying DON'T be fair haired, but don't over do it. The only reason is in Skyrim, the color of your eyebrows matches the color of your hair UNLESS you customize that shit. In real life, eyebrows are ALWAYS darker then your hair color. If you end up making a porcelain skin ( I.E : white ) character with the blondest blond hair you can, guess what? We won't be able to see your brows, and your character will look funny.


On the topic of brows : Longer thinner brows denote a older ( ish ) more sensual character, while slightly thicker and shorter brows more youthful. Higher brows from the eyes also more youthful, while lower and closer to the eyes means more sensual. 


HAIR : Hair should mostly focus on the overall SHAPE of the face, but also matters in terms of what you want to wear. If your going to wear a nice circlet, stay away from hairs that have long bangs. Is your character a super model? Pick a hair that matches what your wearing AND your theme. Young? Pick a cutie hair that shows off how young she is. Is your character regale? Pick a High hair, something in a top bun, that shows she is a LADY and proper. 


There is nothing worse then seeing someone make a sensual face with a cutie brows and regal hair. All while trying to wear a circlet and having clipping with the forehead and any earrings they may be wearing. 


If anyone gives a shit and or even bothers to read this after the age of this thread, I might be bothered to share some more tips, but this should be good enough. I hope this helps.


Also, I was trying to be, ON TOPIC.


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Make up is fine, but I find it hard as hell to do well. It doesn't "fade" far enough, it's often either too dark near the darkest part or it's so light that you can't see it in the greater area. The more "unnatural" colors seems work better probably because it is more deliberate and noticeable. Also sort of depends on the base face texture. Some of the face textures out there come with some kind of make up already.


Cheek, chin, and mouth are the parts that makes me throw my hands up and go fuck it I just get a preset!

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Guest Miss Fortune

Kinda new character



Pretty Face

Mature Skin edited

SG maps

SG Hair

The Eyes of Beauty

Make-up Oriental Brows

Femfeet Redesigned

Feminine Hands

Smile in HD

rxkx22 and Sanhoshin influences









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Can anyone help explain how to create a follower in CK that will retain their look (ie: modifications to face made with RaceMenu and custom hair)?  I'm trying to create a custom follower to share in the downloads section based on some of the characters I've created.  I followed the tutorial for turning a character into a follower at this link: http://hubpages.com/hub/Hot-to-Turn-Your-Skyrim-Character-into-a-Follower.  However, when I use the SavePCFace command (SPF) to export the character's appearance, it doesn't export all the information.  I tried loading the mod and the character just had a vanilla face and hairstyle, it didn't turn out as I expected.  Is there a more advanced tutorial available somewhere that explains how to create followers that use custom meshes and textures?

I'm trying to get the follower to look like the character I made here:



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Lost track of time when I was messing around with ECE trying to recreate a picture I saw off 9gag. Not quite close but at a glance she could pass as Sofia's younger sister lol



SG Texture Renewal

Apachii Sky Hair

Eyes of Beauty


I like the first hair best



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Tried to reproduce Jill Valentine's face from RE Remake/5 by eye only (don't mind the name, I just opened a quick save to make the screen shots). Hopefully someone more skilled than me could take this and make it better, oh! and don't forget to share if you do ;)
















ECEE Rans enhanced ECE

SG textures

Eyes of beauty

Seductive lips HD

Eye colors with new styles eyelashes

Hair comes from Rorono's Jill outfit




Jill Preset by UrielManX7.rar

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I decided to start a fresh new game and install all the mods from the start so I can actually play the game.

I also decided to give ECE a try. I was kind of intimidated by the idea of "molding" my character.

I've  been using the Ningheim race and just changing the make-up and hair all this time.


I have to admit, I don't think I'll ever use a pre-made race again. I don't even think I'll ever install racemenu again.


I love how easy it is to go into ECE (showracemenu), tweak your character AND save your work! So this is my new, self created, Eleanor!





The important mods are:

ECE, Univision Face (UNP) [i like the roundness of the faces], SevenBase Bombshell, SG Textures (UNP), SG Eyebrows, and SG Hair Pack. I also used Eye's of Beauty and HD Teeth.




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Well, first Jorda was a sweet, innocent girl, proud to have become a member of the Vigilantes



But after Sanguine's influence grew, she wasn't that innocent anymore.





Mods used:




Apachii Sky Hair

SG Texture Renewal

UNPBO 3.2 Body

Freckle Mania High Quality

(and probably some small stuff I missed mentioning)





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