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Just Business [WIP]

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This mod allows you to enslave NPCs. Enslaved NPCs can be sent to settlements to work there or can be used as companions.











To install simply extract all files into Fallout 4 folder and enable "Just Business.esp" in any plugin manager.

To update just extract all files to Fallout 4 folder and allow newer files to replace old ones.

If you are updating from version 0.3.2 or higher use "Update" option in MCM-menu.

Warning: Clean save is strongly recommended if you are updating from versions lower than 0.3.0.


For version 0.6.7, a clean save is recommended. Upgrade is possible only from version 0.5.8.

Attention: If you decide to update the mod, you need to, before installing the update, to dismiss slaves from any work and from the followers and just settle them in the settlement.

Be sure to wait for the message about the end of the update!




This mod adds new "Hunter mode", in which you can mark victims. While marked, NPCs will become essential and once their health reaches "0" they will enter "bleedout state".  When NPCs is in "bleedout state" player can talk to them and decide their fate (kill, enslave or let go) .


To enter "Hunter mode" you need to press "H" (can be reassigned in MCM). To mark NPC press "R".


Enslaved NPCs can be used as companions (you can have more than one companion slave at once) or sent to any player settlement.


All enslaved NPCs have "submission level"  which represents their escape chance. "Submission" is being increased automatically while slave wears "Shock collar" or works in your settlement. You can see slave's "submission"  in information option in dialogue. There you can also change NPC's name and appearance.


If NPC's "submission" reached 100 you can assign this NPC to be a "Quartermaster".  This allows NPC to have "Pack Brahmin" in which you can store your items.


Companion slaves can take orders in command mode(same as vanilla game companions), you can ask them to relax, show their inventory, use power armor and instantly unequip all their clothes.


In settlements NPCs can be assigned to any settler activities except some, that have slave "submission" level requirement. These activities are: stay on guard post (requires at least 80 "submission"), use trading post (50 "submission") or use trade caravan post (100 "submission").


If you leave slave with "submission" lower than 100, then this slave will have a chance to escape depending on his "submission" value i.e. the lower "submission level", the more chances are that slave will escape. When slave escapes, player will receive "Escaped slave" quest ,which will show runaway slave location.


To prevent slaves from escaping - assign them to pillory in settlement (DLC "ContraptionsWorkshop").




Slave capture by SlaveHunter311




You can toggle:

  • slave tracking
  • unlimited ammo for slaves
  • ability to rename settlers (not slaves)
  • reassign "Hunter mode" button
  • allow teleport to Institute (and not only)
  • allow management of vassal settlements
  • switch the quest "Runaway slave"
  • Enables and assigns a hotkey to "Additional Dialogs Mode"
  • Settings sex scenes with slaves.





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    F4SE, DLC Nuka-World, DLC Vault-Tec Workshop, MCM, Extended Dialogue Interface, Advanced Animation Framework


Edited by ignotum_virum
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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like the mod is no more working because of the last Gameupdate. i can activate Huntingmode, but Mark a target seems not to work anymore and the target dies. no matter how many times i try to mark and beat him/her.


Also the conf-menu semes to be broken the slaves traking is allways on OFF in the settings even when i want to change it tells me it is on but it shows as off in the menu and like i said before the mod seems not to work with the latest gameupdate and the newest F4SE. 


before it worked good so far, can you take a look and maybe update this Mod?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod expet  for one thing...


Any way to get rid of the god awful delay in dialgoue with slaves??? It feels like it takes forever just to put a collar on a downed npc. IS their anymod i can use with this to fix this issue? Becasue without this delay problem in slave dialogue this mod would be perfect.

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On 17/2/2018 at 7:49 AM, seanguy68 said:

Great mod expet  for one thing...


Any way to get rid of the god awful delay in dialgoue with slaves??? It feels like it takes forever just to put a collar on a downed npc. IS their anymod i can use with this to fix this issue? Becasue without this delay problem in slave dialogue this mod would be perfect.

Unfortunately there is a major limitation in creation kit: when dialogues are unvoiced they cannot be skipped. Workaround for this is to give silent voices to aliases but it's not simple, I tried without success, I mean I did it but the creation kit created 250 mb of data just for silent sounds and as you can imagine it's not very feasible for a mod. Flashy from RSE says he did it in his mod, I mean skippable non voiced dialogues, maybe he can help in the future, not now as he is already busy with his mod!

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26 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Unfortunately there is a major limitation in creation kit: when dialogues are unvoiced they cannot be skipped. Workaround for this is to give silent voices to aliases but it's not simple, I tried without success, I mean I did it but the creation kit created 250 mb of data just for silent sounds and as you can imagine it's not very feasible for a mod. Flashy from RSE says he did it in his mod, I mean skippable non voiced dialogues, maybe he can help in the future, not now as he is already busy with his mod!

It is a pain in the butt to get working properly and trust me, it leads to a non-stop string of questions from people asking 'why does this male NPC sound like a female'. I had to hack the dialogue system in a way it wasnt really meant to be used just so I could create skippable non-sound 'voiced' dialogue. Without doing this, RSE's dialogue was set to be about 3.5 gigs but with my hack of the way it works, I got it down to under 20 megs.

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10 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

It is a pain in the butt to get working properly and trust me, it leads to a non-stop string of questions from people asking 'why does this male NPC sound like a female'. I had to hack the dialogue system in a way it wasnt really meant to be used just so I could create skippable non-sound 'voiced' dialogue. Without doing this, RSE's dialogue was set to be about 3.5 gigs but with my hack of the way it works, I got it down to under 20 megs.

One day, when you will not be busy giving good mods to ungrateful people :tongue: , I'll take some lessons from you, Flashy :smiley: I mean that is impressive!

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On 2/19/2018 at 8:11 AM, anghelos92 said:

Unfortunately there is a major limitation in creation kit: when dialogues are unvoiced they cannot be skipped. Workaround for this is to give silent voices to aliases but it's not simple, I tried without success, I mean I did it but the creation kit created 250 mb of data just for silent sounds and as you can imagine it's not very feasible for a mod. Flashy from RSE says he did it in his mod, I mean skippable non voiced dialogues, maybe he can help in the future, not now as he is already busy with his mod!


Thanks for the response. I mean i wouldn't mind having a 3.5 gb mod size but i can see the technical issues that would arise from this. Perhaps the XDI framework mod could get around this limitation?

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1 minute ago, seanguy68 said:


Thanks for the response. I mean i wouldn't mind having a 3.5 gb mod size but i can see the technical issues that would arise from this. Perhaps the XDI framework mod could get around this limitation?

You're welcome, yeah I saw that XDI framework, and it seems a really good mod, maybe it could be worth a try, but people reported in other forums that it doesn't resolve the problem of unskippable unvoiced dialogues however, even if it says so in the description page.

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Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you.   Great mod,  I had an odd issue, that I am not sure of.   I had hunter mode on while doing "The Secrete OF Cabot House" quest where I sided with Lorenzo.   I marked Emogene for slavery.   When Lorenzo finished his little speech, she never turned violent, and thus never killed.  Consequently the quest wouldn't complete.  I tried killing her, but she just stood there unfazed. no loss of health, no reaction.   Reloaded my save a couple times with the same result.   Finally, I turned hunter mode off, and everything worked as intended.   To get her as a slave, I resurrected her, and then marked her.  

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I have found a bit of an issue, 2 issue actually:

1. Intermittenlty a mark npc will be knocked down but still be hostile (preventing you from talking to them). I have had this happen with raiders and gunners (Havent tried any other factions)


2. Raiders cant be sent to a settlement, they instantly become hostile to everyone. (I tried several different raiders and they all had the same issue, I have only tried 1 gunner and she did not become hostile and was properly assigned)


Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
Better Locational Damage.esp
Hot Mama NPCs Added Settlers and Minutemen B.esp
Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits B.esp
Quick Save.esp
PA-Quick Animations.esp
CWSS Redux.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp
Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp
Better VATS - 0.75.esp
BLD - Leveled Lists.esp
Pack Attack.esp
Pack Attack - Far Harbor Patch.esp
Just Business.esp
Pack Attack NPC.esp (I thought this one MAY have been part of the issue and tried without it and there was no change.)


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11 hours ago, zia said:

1. Intermittenlty a mark npc will be knocked down but still be hostile (preventing you from talking to them). I have had this happen with raiders and gunners (Havent tried any other factions)

If npc be knocked down during the execution of the animation (stand up or any) - in console run on it "kill" - this reload his ai.

11 hours ago, zia said:

2. Raiders cant be sent to a settlement, they instantly become hostile to everyone. (I tried several different raiders and they all had the same issue, I have only tried 1 gunner and she did not become hostile and was properly assigned)

Nor has never rebuffed with such a mistake.

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Found another issue, how do you complete the run away slave quest? My slave ran off and I found her but I cant get her to follow again or talk. (I can trade with her and order to to go places) The follow command and the talk command just do nothing. 


And she escaped because I use a vertibird and she stayed behind and ran off.

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3 hours ago, zia said:

Found another issue, how do you complete the run away slave quest? My slave ran off and I found her but I cant get her to follow again or talk. (I can trade with her and order to to go places) The follow command and the talk command just do nothing. 


And she escaped because I use a vertibird and she stayed behind and ran off.

Have the exact same issue.  fast traveled from nuka world to good neighbor.  Got the run away slave quest.  Found her standing exactly where I had left her.  She doesn't run away. She won't follow me at all.   Anyone know if there's a way to reset a slave?

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Is there any method other than the shock collar to 'beat' the slave in to submission?  If not, is it possible to add?  F4SS has a low voltage baton for this, PAHE+ (Skyrim) had a whip - from the perspective of a slaver, beatings would happen, to a runaway particularly, to instill submission faster.  Chasing the same slave around, regardless of restraints placed, gets tiresome lol.  Also, is there a particular furniture used in settlements (stocks) that can hold a slave?  I ask because I have built a couple different ones, placed the slave in there, when interacting I can see an option for "follow", so assume that she is not following and locked in - but, when I then fast travel away from the settlement, the slave fast travels with me.


Thanks for the mod, great work so far.

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